Chaotic Thief

Chapter 159 Sea of Blood

"Brothers, go back to the camp first. I still have some small things to do. Let's get together another day!" Chen Ying and this team of soldiers were on their way back to the camp when they suddenly frowned and turned pale.

"Lord Chen, you can do whatever you want. Let's go back and inform the general first, so that the general can also be happy." This team of soldiers were very good at looking at people's eyes. Seeing that Chen Ying's face was not right, they stopped asking more questions, so they separated from him and rushed to the barracks first.

When Chen Ying saw that there was no one left and right, she flashed yellow all over and came to a shadow on the back of the mountain.

"Kid, it's time for you to help me..."

A faint call sounded from the bottom of Chen Ying's heart.

Since Chen Ying was on her way with the team of soldiers just now, she felt that there was some abnormality in the blood in her body, so she hurriedly hid here.

These blood are the methods used by the giant monster to control Chen Ying. How can there be no difference?

Chen Ying tried her best to use the spirit of the road to brush the blood all over her body, but there was nothing she could do. These blood threads were as if they were deeply imprinted in his body. No matter how the spirit of the road was brushed, it seemed to be gently scratched.

"It seems that you are going to die..."

Another seemingly call came from his body, and then the blood in Chen Ying's body began to grow, slowly connecting and turning into a blood-colored film that tightly surrounded everything in his body.

"Mother Sutra!"

Chen Ying quickly entered a hurried idea and wanted to use the mother's scripture to deduce how to break the bloody film, but she might as if she had been discovered by the giant monster. She rushed to the place where the mother scriptures existed and completely covered it up.

The monster seemed to be extremely careful. Seeing that a strange thing in Chen Ying's body was no longer delayed, he directly surrounded the gourd and the small tripod in the abdomen. No matter how the tripod sucked, there was nothing he could do with these blood.

Chen Ying fell in place at this time. From the outside, he just closed his eyes and seemed to be practicing, but if someone felt his body, he would find that there was an infinite sea of blood rolling in his body, and everything was submerged in the sea of blood.

"Dead...or alive..."

The voice of the monster came from the bottom of Chen Ying's heart, with a deep mockery in his tone.

"If I have to listen to your orders forever to live in the future, then my choice is...die!" After this thought flashed in Chen Ying's mind, he heard the giant laugh, and then the infinite sea of blood completely submerged him in it, and Chen Ying's thoughts began to be disconnected...



In the barracks of Zhennan Army.

General Zhennan was excitedly looking at a group of soldiers kneeling in front of him, with deep joy in his eyes.

"Do you really have to see Chen Ying?"

"Yes, General! However, Lord Chen suddenly seemed to have something to do on the way and asked us to come back first. One of the soldiers shouted.

"What's the matter? Do you know where he is now? General Zhennan asked doubtfully.

"I don't know, but Lord Chen's face seems to be a little anxious. There must be something troublesome!"

"You guys will go down first. Remember your work!" General Zhennan said slowly, stepped into the void and disappeared into the camp.

When he came to the barracks, General Zhennan felt the presence of several people on the way back, but did not notice the existence of Chen Ying. After flying into the low air and patrolling several times on this road, he finally saw some abnormalities in the shadow of a mountain.

Seeing that there was infinite blood out of thin air, and the blood light loomed in the dark, as if there was a supreme demon born from it.


General Zhennan stepped through the void and stood outside the blood light. Only then did he see a figure sitting in it.

"Chen Ying!"

When General Zhennan approached, he saw that it was actually Chen Ying sitting inside, but he didn't know what had happened to him now. He was sitting there motionless, and he couldn't feel his soul idea.

After shouting, Chen Ying still did not respond. General Zhennan came forward and grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back and forth a few times, still motionless, just like a dead man!

"Is this the heart demon into the body?"

General Zhennan had this idea in an instant, but after his mind was immersed in Chen Ying's body, he could not see any signs of the existence of the heart demon. He could only see a sea of blood churning in his body, and there were countless yellow light fighting against this sea of blood.

General Zhennan also knew that Chen Ying's body energy was yellow, so he quickly cast a spell to introduce his energy into his body to help him disperse the sea of blood.

But as soon as his energy entered Chen Ying's body, he was hit by the yellow light and the sea of blood, and was quickly submerged in it.

"Damn! Chen Ying, it's me!" General Zhennan was anxious beside Chen Ying, but there was nothing he could do. He was not fighting outside the body. He could directly kill the enemy. The energy in his body was fighting. If Chen Ying could sense it, the cooperation could also be successful. However, Chen Ying seemed to have no sense at this time. His greatness was There, all the energy that entered his body was regarded as an aggressor and wiped out all.

General Zhennan had to stay in front of Chen Ying and pay close attention to every change in his body. Although Chen Ying's aura can't brush the sea of blood, it can effectively prevent the sea of blood from continuing to shrink.

It's just that Chen Ying has no consciousness. The original endless road in her body has been decreasing and decreasing slightly. Even if she can escape for a few days and nights, she can't escape the end of being consumed.

"No, it's really bad luck if it goes on like this!" General Zhennan's eyes were full of anxiety and thought about it. Finally, he grabbed Chen Ying and stepped up into the void and rushed to the palace.

"Open the Ruyi array quickly, and I want to use it!" General Zhennan came to a secret place in the palace and shouted to several of the old men.

"General, now is a busy time for the war. If your majesty learns..." When the old men heard his words, they suddenly became worried.

"It doesn't matter. I'm going back to visit Your Majesty. Listen to me and don't reveal my whereabouts. If there is any violation, the military law will deal with it!" General Zhennan looked at these old men with a fierce face.

"We naturally know the importance of this matter, general, don't worry!" These old people nodded slowly, then cast their spells, melted a few energies into the Ruyi magic circle, and then left some top-grade spiritual stones, which finally fully activated the Ruyi magic array.

General Zhennan turned around and looked at the enemy's heavy land and saw a white light rising from the sky. Finally, he sighed and stepped into the battle with Chen Ying.



Central Imperial Dynasty, in the Taiyuan Hall deep in the palace.

The emperor stood quietly in front of the window and sighed softly; "Is this God's will..."

General Zhennan stood behind and said in a low voice, "Chen Ying is finally in a huge crisis this time. If she wants to delay it again, I'm afraid she will have another life!"

The emperor shook his head and said, "It's just a pity that even if you bring him to me, you can't save anything. It's too late."

As if in response to his words, a bronze stove in the Taiyuan Hall burst!

"Your Majesty..." After the stove burst, the emperor was still speechless, but his face was white. General Zhennan staggered behind him but almost fell to the ground.

"You can't see the prohibition on this child's body. Do you know that Taoist ancestors broke through the world film ten thousand years ago and did an earth-shaking event before entering the universe?" The emperor's face was rosy, as if he began to immerse himself in the memory that had already disappeared in the years.

"I don't know at the end, please explain..."

General Zhennan's face at this time was like a few years old suddenly, and his heart was also full of infinite sadness. The general soldiers in Zhennan army once accompanied him to fight in the world and spent countless spring and autumn together. Even if there was damage, it was only a handful. Unexpectedly, in this short moment , completely destroyed and wiped away.