Chaotic Thief

Chapter 161 Supreme Sword Body

"Ergou, what's the matter with you coming to me today?" The middle-aged man looked at the injured man on the back of the second dog and had a conclusion in his heart, but he was still asking him with a smile.

The second dog put the young man on his back on the ground and took his today's harvest from a hunter beside him and put it in the corner of the house.

"Uncle, this is the second dog filial piety to you, and this young man we just rescued in the mountain. He was dragged away by a black bear. When we saw it, we saw that he was still alive, but he was seriously injured all over, so we came to ask you to treat him."

"Yes, you have to help others. I'm very satisfied that you can do this!" The middle-aged man smiled and looked at the hunters in front of him.

"It's just some ordinary injuries, so you don't have to worry." The middle-aged man took out an elixir from his arms and smashed it between his fingers. With a flick of his fingers, he had sprinkled the end of the medicine on the wound of the young man's whole body.

As soon as these drugs touched the wound, they rose a bright light from the flesh and blood. In front of them, the medicine had been completely inhaled into the wound. Countless scars on the young man's body had begun to shrink quickly. In a short period of time, they actually formed marks and the wound healed.

These hunters, including the two dogs, were jubilant, as if they had seen something strange, marveling at the magical methods of middle-aged people.

"Hmm?" The middle-aged man had some doubts. He raised his hand and gently stroked the young man on the ground, but he felt extremely tough and could not pierce his skin.

"It's so strong!" Middle-aged people began to be shocked.

Although the attack just now is not a magical attack, it can completely cut through the stone and iron sword, but such an attack is helpless for this young man's skin.

"Ergou, tell me how you found this young man!" The middle-aged man said in a low voice.

When the second dog saw the expression on his face, he did not dare to neglect it. He saw the previous eye view and talked about it again.

"Not bad! You have done a very good job. Here are some power-enhing elixirs. Each of you can swallow it into your stomach to increase some strength! Ergou, tell your father that I will return to the sect first and say goodbye to him face to face. The middle-aged man took out six small elixir from his arms and put them in the hands of the two dogs. He grabbed the young man on the ground and came to the courtyard, jumped, sprayed white clouds all over his body, and rushed to the sky and flew far away.

When the group of hunters on the ground saw the middle-aged people flying away, they were all staring, and they couldn't say a word there, and the second dog's face was even happier.

The middle-aged man soared and came to the vast mountains. After flying tens of thousands of miles, he finally entered a sect. Sword shadows could be seen flashing everywhere in this sect, and thousands of swords shuttled back and forth in the air, but no one accompanied him.

In the center of the sect, there is a giant sword inserted directly on the ground. I don't know how deep the tip of the sword is inserted, but the hilt leads far into the clouds.

The middle-aged man carried the young man who was still in a coma, entered a cave in front of the mountain, and said respectfully to the white-haired old man inside; "Master, my disciple found a qualified young man at home, and asked the master to check it."

"Oh? Did you find it so soon?" The white-haired old man was surprised and bent down at the young man on the ground, with the shadow of a sword shining in his eyes.

"The qualification is very ordinary..."

The white-haired old man shook his head slightly and reached out to explore his body carefully. The color under this groping finally changed greatly.


A slight sword gas shot from the white-haired old man's fingertips and gently stroked the young man's body, but did not pierce it. Only a few sparks on his skin turned out.

"What kind of super physical skills has this man practiced?" The white-haired old man asked.

"Master, the disciple has checked it. There is no energy reaction in this human body, and there is no trace of the existence of skills." The middle-aged man replied excitedly.

"Is it really a natural god?" The white-haired old man cheered up and shot several sword spirit in a row, but he still couldn't pierce the young man's skin. The white-haired old man became more and more excited, and the sword spirit was becoming more and more powerful. Finally, after a magnificent sword spirit, he finally pierced the young man's skin, but this sword spirit was also offset.

"Apprentice, you have made a great contribution this time. Here, this is the lone wolf stone promised to you by the teacher. If you take it carefully, you will definitely make the realm of kendo better!" The white-haired old man grabbed his hand, and a star meteorite with blue light flew out of itself and fell into the hands of middle-aged people.

"Thank you, Master!" The middle-aged man grasped the meteorite tightly with his hands, knelt on the ground and hit it three times, and was sent out of the hole by the white-haired old man.

Looking at the young man on the ground and feeling the beating heart in his body, the old man was relieved.

"Young man, this is your creation, and also my creation. I'm looking forward to what your achievements can achieve in the future... Hahaha"

The old man laughed, grabbed the void, fixed the young man on the ground, and flew into a space gap with a gentle pat, and he also stepped into it.

This is a dark space. A huge star meteorite floats in the void. The meteorite is lightless, simple and unpretentious, but there seems to be a sound sword coming out of it. In this quiet space, it is extremely loud.

The old man sent this young man with a natural god to the meteorite and made a formula into his mind. The young man seemed to have a reaction, twisting on the meteorite, and finally stopped.

"The supreme sword! I am going to create a myth today. I want you to know that the myth of this school is not in your hands, but in the hands of my sword Lingyun!" The old man looked at the sky and shouted, and his voice came far away to the end of the darkness.

"It hurts..." The young man on the meteorite finally woke up, frowned and groped in front of his chest, as if there was still pain.

"Young people, don't waste a good time and do your best to pass on your skills!"

The old man shouted, but the young man trembled on the meteorite, as if he did not dare to move, and focused on practicing according to a strange exhalation method that suddenly appeared in his mind.

As this method began to operate, the meteorite under him seemed to have changed a little. Unexpectedly, it began to shine slightly in the place connected to him.

The white-haired old man blinked his eyes and finally clearly saw the shining place, and countless small particles slowly sank into the young man's body.

"Sure enough, there is no response!" The white-haired old man's heart is even more settled, and he is more and more at ease.

The cultivation method of this supreme sword body is to use the super body to melt the sky and kill meteorite. Only after integrating this meteorite can the practitioner's body be refined into a humanoid sword on this basis. Once this divine sword is refined, it will be shadowless and powerful and terrible. Kill the person, even if your realm is far more than me, as long as you hit me with a sword, you will definitely die.

Previously, the old man also looked for some super-strong bodies, but these people suddenly burst and died when they first began to fuse the particles of the sky-killing stars. Only this time, the young man did not respond at all after the particles slowly entered the body.

"Young people, no matter who you used to be, you just need to remember that from now on, you are my personal disciple of Jian Lingyun. I will give you a new name. From now on, you will be called... Jianying"

"Jianying, this is my name... Master, the disciple is hungry and wants to eat meat..." The sword shadow on the meteorite suddenly covered his stomach, and his face was **.

"No, today's practice has just begun. There is no reason to stop. You concentrate on practicing first. When the time comes, I will naturally let you eat!" The white-haired old man Jian Lingyun smiled gently and stepped out of the gap in the space.

"Do you want to concentrate on practicing? It's just that this practice can't fill your stomach. Why do you still practice..." Jianying rubbed his stomach on the sky-killing meteorite and sighed a few times, and looked behind him from time to time for fear that the person who said he was his master would suddenly appear again.