Chaotic Thief

Chapter 223 discharge

Gently holding the armor in his hand, Chen Ying looked at the baby carefully. The helmet that had just been broken by the shadow villain had already re-condensulated and was surrounded by the black gas, as if it was being repaired.

Huang Long followed Chen Ying and looked at the little man next to him; "Master, I want to swallow this thing."

When Chen Ying heard Huang Long's words, she was still slightly reluctant to give up. Just now, the little man easily bombarded the armor helmet, which was obviously not ordinary. After weighing it in his heart for a moment, he finally made up his mind to catch the villain and send it to Huang Long's mouth.

"I'll give you everything, and I'll give you whatever you want. I just want to improve your power and reach the peak as soon as possible!"

"The master is so kind to me..." Huang Long rubbed Chen Ying's body with joy, opened his mouth, swallowed the little man at once, followed by the yellowness on the dragon's body and began to refine.

Today, a total of eight treasures have been integrated into Huanglong's body. This forced refining of the killing sword is also a spiritual treasure, and this powerful villain does not seem to be a simple thing. Eight pieces in one, waiting for another treasure can successfully condense this acquired spiritual treasure.

"What should I do with this baby?" Chen Ying was holding the black armor, and when she was hesitating, she felt something very familiar in the black armor.

Chen Ying tasted for a moment, and suddenly her head shook, and her body followed into the domineering mood. She saw the black armor in her hand. She suddenly took off from her hand and put it on him.

This time, like ten thousand inverted thorns pierced into his body, tightly hooked his flesh, and countless tiny silk energy extending from the black armor into his body from these inverted thorns, condensed his body in it. After a moment, it successfully condensed and rolled up from his body and rushed into the black armor. Among them.

Chen Ying quietly sensed the action of the black armor and knew that it was just that the black armor was integrating with herself, so that she could use this set of black armor in the future.

Black armor is not a spiritual treasure. There is no intelligence inside, but there is a mass of ideas in the form of magic.

After the black armor was completely condensed by Chen Ying, this idea finally entered his sea of knowledge from the place in the helmet.

Chen Ying carefully sensed the meaning contained in this idea, and finally knew that the black armor was actually the supreme armor created by the Taoist priest himself. In his mind, there was also an invincible boxing boxing to cooperate with this supreme armor, and the power could tear apart the chaotic environment.

"This invincible hegemony fist..." Chen Ying saw that the invincible hegemony box hidden in the supreme armor was similar to the domineering fist imparted by his mother's scriptures before, but the mother's scripture only had only one move, and the invincible hegemony boxing boxing was nine moves. Each move needs to be maintained by the domineering mood, and the more powerful the domineering mood required.

Chen Ying carefully simulated nine moves of invincible boxing in her mind. As soon as she entered the domineering mood, these nine moves seemed to be played by a middle-aged man in her mind.

This big man is the person who evolved from the previous mother's scriptures. He seems to have infinite power all over his body. A group of hegemonic mood gallops outside his body, which makes people afraid at first glance and dare not act at will.

"Li Wuya?" Chen Ying frowned and actually sensed that he began to escape to the top. Originally, with a trace of yellow gas in Li Wuya's chest, Chen Ying had always sensed that he was flying away in the sea of fire in the center of the earth. His speed was so fast and he never stopped, but now he began to escape directly to the ground.

"What the hell!" Chen Ying was afraid that Li Wuya would cause any trouble to Hong Yuner as soon as he went outside, so she immediately flew up, but she didn't expect that there had already been a fierce drama outside.


In front of the deep pit on the sea of the earth's heart fire, Jia Laoliu originally saw the red light in the war demon disk and knew that the war demon had completed the task. When he was in a good mood, after a long time, the war demon still did not return, and the whole war demon disk also collapsed into many pieces and was completely destroyed.

"What the hell is going on!" Jia Laoliu looked down from the deep pit and suddenly felt red in front of him, followed by a tingling pain all over the way up and down, and he lost consciousness in a blink of an eye.

Li Wuya flew into the deep pit, and the upward flame armor suddenly disappeared in his body, revealing the original rag cloth.

He secretly cursed the damn boy below in his heart and raised his legs and walked briskly to the end of the cave.

At the end of the cave, Hong Yuner was hiding there, and she was not worried about her exposure. She watched Li Wuya come this way.


Li Wuya shot a little red light from his hand, and a passage suddenly flashed at the end of the hole. The passage was oblique downward, and the steep slope was made of hard stones on both sides.

This channel is crisscrossed, as if leading to various places, and Li Wuya ran straight down with a sneer. There was no trace of the chaotic energy in the channel, but Li Wuya did not fly vertically, but ran down honestly, often staring carefully at the top of his head along the way.

Since Li Wuya entered the channel, Hong Yuner appeared and went to the deep pit to have a look. She was still wondering where Chen Ying had gone.

"Beauty, I'm coming!" A moment later, I saw a yellow dragon flying under the deep pit. Chen Ying was sitting on Huang Long's body and looking at her with a smile.

"This is..." Hong Yuner looked at Huang Long under him in shock and asked.

"Nanther alone, didn't you see Li Wuya just now?" Chen Ying looked into the hole.

"That man has gone in from there." Hong Yuner came to Chen Ying and began to explore the Xuanhuanglong scales on Huanglong's body.

"It's not too late. That guy is probably going down to look for the baby. Let's go in quickly." As soon as Chen Ying pulled the red cloud, the two of them sat on the yellow dragon and flew into the passage at the end of the cave. Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered, infinite gravity suddenly appeared in the passage, which oppressed the two and Huang Long heavily on the ground and lay there without moving.

"What's the matter? I clearly saw that he ran down easily!" Hong Yuner struggled with all her strength, but the more she struggled, the more she felt that the power pressed on her body was getting heavier and heavier. Gradually, her bones all over her body were clucking.

"Did you run in?" Chen Ying figured this out in an instant. Li Wuya is not a person in the chaos. It is impossible not to be attacked by the prohibition of this channel. Now the only explanation is this!

Chen Ying slowly relaxed her body and slowly reduced the strength of her whole body. Although she was almost crushed at the beginning, the pressure also shrank later. Until the end, Chen Ying finally lay there lazily, and the pressure all over her body disappeared without a trace.

"How did you do it!" When Hong Yuner was panicking, she suddenly saw Chen Ying stand up easily and beat gently in place.

"Slowly stop resisting. This ban is very interesting!" Chen Ying looked at Hong Yuner's buttocks on the ground and patted them gently.

"The elasticity is also good!" Chen Yingdao.

"Wait!" Hong Yuner slowly relaxed according to Chen Ying's words, and finally stood up from the ground in a sweat.

"Does it feel good?" Hong Yun'er stared at Chen Ying.

"It's okay..." Chen Ying licked her lips and looked at her.