Chaotic Thief

Chapter 243 Nanfeng Buchi

The destruction of this move was made when the mother's body's spiritual wisdom was swallowed up by the burial magic tablet. Chen Ying only saw it that time, but now she suddenly realized the essence of this move unconsciously. With this point, Xuanhuang and blood red intertwined in one place burst out pure black in an instant. The color light mass, but as soon as the light mass evolved, it no longer slanted out without control.


When Chen Ying was condensing herself, she suddenly felt that many large pieces of rocks were falling from her head. Then she woke up and looked forward and saw that she had come to the foot of a mountain. At this originally extremely magnificent peak, there was only half left at this time, and the opening was smooth and shiny, just like being touched. The sharp sword is cut off.

What just interrupted me from my perception was the original upper half of the mountain peak, which had turned into a lot of stone dust and fell messy all over the earth in front of me.

Chen Ying smiled bitterly. The destruction of the stars just now was just a feeling. Before she had time to improve and enhance, she only auditioned a move in a hurry, and there was such a power to move mountains. If it is perfect, how strong can it be?


"Master, please stay..."

At this moment, Chen Ying suddenly came to the distance and a teenager was running to him excitedly, shouting his master one after another.

Not long before, the teenager came to him and saw him wearing a ripped short coat, and his body looked extremely strong.

"What are you doing?" Chen Ying asked puzzledly.

"Disciple Nanfeng Buchi has met the master!" The teenager knelt down fiercely at him.

"I don't remember an apprentice like you..." Chen Ying said.

"The disciple saw the master's extraordinary weather and all kinds of extraordinary visions in the town, so he followed you all the way here. I want to ask you to accept me as an apprentice." Nanfeng Buchi's face was firm and firm.

"Go back. I haven't thought about receiving an apprentice yet." Chen Ying shook her head.

"Disciples have loved to practice Taoism since childhood, but they have never been predestined to meet senior masters with profound Taoism, and they are also too lazy to practice that rude and barbaric physical skills. It is estimated that they have lived like this in their life. Who knows that they can meet Master today. I hope Master can see me in my sincere heart. Think about it and accept me." Nanfengbuchi panicked as soon as he saw Chen Ying shaking his head.

"If you only see me practicing Taoism, you will worship me as a teacher. If you see him again on the other day, why don't you worship others again?" Chen Ying looked carefully at the teenager under her, and her eyes were just silent.

When Nanfeng Buchi heard Chen Ying's words, he was surprised when he was neutral; "If disciple Nanfeng Buchi worships his predecessors as his teacher today, he will naturally follow him forever. How can he do such a shameless thing? Please accept me!"

Chen Ying thought about it in her heart. Although she is not a master in her current state, she can probably accept apprentices. Seeing that Nanfeng is tena, she is not like a slippery person. Maybe she can really teach a good apprentice in the future.

"Senior, just accept the disciples!" Nanfeng Bujian saw Chen Ying hesitate and hurriedly kowtowed heavily on the ground.

"I am not a person in this world. In the near future, I will definitely leave here. I will accept you as an apprentice first and leave some time for you. When I leave, if you still know how to work hard, I will officially put you in the door. If it doesn't suit me, Let's get to break up." Chen Ying said indifferently.

"Thank you, Master. The apprentice will not disappoint him and will definitely practice hard." Seeing that Chen Ying finally agreed, Nanfeng jumped up from the ground and came to Chen Ying.

This teenager is only 11 or 12 years old. Although his body is extremely thick, his body is not enough to reach Chen Ying's waist slightly.

"Master, what's the name of our sect?" Nanfeng asked happily.

"School?" As soon as Chen Ying heard the name, she was stunned. She thought of the sects she had seen. The ladders from top to bottom were clear. Should she also stand high like that to make everyone look up?

"Buch, our sect doesn't have any rules, whether you are murder or looting, even if you want to seduce other people's wives, as long as you can do a little!" Chen Ying looked at nothingness, and Nan Fengbu was slightly stunned beside him.

"What to do?" Nanfeng Bujian saw that Chen Ying fell into that look again. He was afraid that he would make some terrible means, so he hurriedly asked.

"Before you act, you must think about whether this person has such a great hatred with you. If so, naturally nothing happens. If not, don't be afraid of our rules." Chen Ying said softly.

"Remember, if someone beats me and scolds me, I have to think about it to see if I have done anything wrong to him." The south wind is solemn.

"Well, if you find out what's wrong with you, try to make up for it. If not, kill it." Chen Yingdao.

"Kill them all?" Nanfengbu said doubtfully.

"Yes, since it's disrespectful to you, you have to die!" Chen Yingdao.

"Disciples like this rule." Nanfengbu's face was full of joy, looking at Chen Ying in front of him becoming more and more intimate.

"Today, here, I founded Taoism, and did not respect all kinds of avenues elsewhere. I only guarded the paths in my Taoism!" As soon as Chen Ying pulled the south wind, her body flew up in the air. The road slowly flowed outside her body and flew step by step onto the forward broken peak and fell to the center.

Chen Ying brought Nanfeng Bu Chi up, but passed on a method of practicing qi. This skill is extremely simple. When it is refined to the deepest part, it can only feel a little movement in the earth.

Nanfeng Buchi only took some wonderful skills, and immediately jumped happily there, and couldn't help rushing along the plane under his feet.

"You should practice here for a while, and I'll find you later." Chen Ying looked at Nanfeng Buchi and did not interrupt him. He just said softly behind his back and then left here.

"Hahaha, I finally have a master!" As soon as Nanfeng Buchi saw Chen Ying missing, he was still slightly panicked, but in a blink of an eye, he became happy again. After playing there for a moment, he began to put away his mind and concentrate on practicing according to the method handed down by Chen Ying.

Chen Ying stood quietly in mid-air and saw the teenager below as if she had seen her former self. His personality was indeed very similar to him.

Chen Ying did not say his name, and the teenager seemed to have forgotten. In this way, he foolishly worshipped him as his teacher and boldly practiced the skills taught to him by Chen Ying, just like Chen Ying used to do with his mother's scriptures, as if he had picked up a treasure in his heart.

It's just that Chen Ying is different from her mother's scriptures today. Although her ability is much worse, he is not malicious to this teenager.

For several days in a row, Chen Ying would come to the top of the mountain every day and watch the south wind walk to practice below. As the days passed, the south wind finally felt the atmosphere guided by the skill, but this kind of self-reportation was extremely weak, and there was no strong point.

However, Nanfengbu has no doubt at all. He is still practicing with confidence. No matter whether it is powerful or not, no matter what help it can help his cultivation, he is practicing with heart, but whenever he is hungry, he will climb down the peaks and go to the surrounding mountains and forests to catch a few small beasts to catch hunger.

In this martial arts world, there may be some wonders born here. People born here are much stronger than other big worlds, so whenever Nanfeng easily catches a small cub in the mountain, kills it a few times and escapes easily before danger comes, Chen Ying will give birth to some admiration.

Chen Ying is naturally more and more satisfied with him. He has long believed that after the things here are done, he will really teach him his own top skills, so that he can also trust the teenager in him.