Chaotic Thief

Chapter 276 The Treasure Under the Shrine

"Oh, it won't startle my mother, will it?" Yang Wenguang was shocked.

"It doesn't matter. I'm afraid your mother has gone to the world of killing gods now." Tian Xuanzi sighed.

"Is it for me?" Yang Wenguang was overjoyed.

"That's right. Your mother has to come to the door for you at her own age. Oh, it's pitiful." Di Lingzi looked at him and said.

"Two grandfathers, there's nothing I can do. It's not that you don't know about me and Yaoer?" Yang Wenguang whispered.

"That's why we didn't stop it, otherwise we wouldn't let your mother go out!" The spirit of the earth.

"Thank you two grandfathers!" Yang Wenguang's face suddenly became happy.

At this time, the movement of the ground gradually decreased, and no more dazzling light appeared. Tian Xuanzi came to the cave and looked down nervously.

"I'll go down and have a look!" Di Lingzi shouted softly and had drilled down the hole. The two looked at his figure and suddenly disappeared.

After a while, the spirit of the land finally returned to the ground with doubts on his face.

"Grandpa Dilingzi, where are they?" Yang Wenguang asked.

"It's gone." The spirit of the earth.

"What's going on?" Tian Xuanzi was shocked.

"I went down to look for a long time, but I couldn't see them at all. Finally, I saw a crack slanting to the ground hundreds of miles away. When I went up, it was also empty." The spirit of the earth.

"Are they familiar with the dagger in this time?" Tian Xuanzi said doubtfully, but his own time was too short. In the past, he had been connected for several months when he first met the dagger.

"It should be like this. Except for the strange weight of this short sword, it is not dangerous, and there is no tragedy below. It must have been taken away by them." The spirit of the earth.

"It doesn't work so that the two of them will continue to make trouble here..." Yang Wenguang finally let go.

However, in this spiritual world, over a barren mountain bandit nest, two boys suddenly appeared in the air. Both of them were wearing yellow strange armor, one white and one black, and the black face was cold, while the white face held a dagger in his hand and gently rotated and played in their hands.

"Yuanshi, your sword is probably the treasure of the universe, but I don't know why no one knows." The black-faced boy smiled.

"Zhou Chong, you are not bad. Isn't it more magical to have the cold pearls sent to you by Master, and other idle people can't even get close to them?" The white-faced boy said.

The two boys fought with each other in the air. This time, the momentum became louder, and finally a group of people rushed out below. This group of people were also full of treasures, and the weapons in their hands did not seem to be ordinary things. They stared at the two boys in the air like facing a big enemy.

Then the group separated from the middle and saw a rude man holding two purple-gold hammers in his hands and came out fiercely.



In the starry sky of the universe, Chen Ying quietly approached the killing star. On an unmanned star, she crazily began to absorb the free killing intention of the planet.

Although these murderous intentions are loose, they are much stronger than in the nameless world. Chen Ying settled down here with satisfaction. With the gradual increase of murderous intent, she finally condensed into a supreme sword body.

At this time, the supreme sword body floated lightly over the star, turning all the murderous intentions in this space, that is, absorbing the air, and then continuing to fly high into the sky, where it absorbs happily.

All at once, the supreme sword body turned into by Chen Ying flew higher and higher, and the speed of absorbing the killing intention of the heavenly star became faster and faster. Gradually, it began to turn into dozens of small whirlpools on the sword body, so the free killing intention rushed over more fiercely and into the sword body desperately.

"It's so fast!" Chen Ying frowned and only felt helpless for a while. It took him to absorb all the murderous intentions on a tiny star. Although there were still several stars around the sky-killing star, it was either inhabited or too close to the sky-killing star, for fear of being accidentally sensed by Li Chunqing.

"Never mind!" Chen Yinghengxin flew directly to the sky for the idea in her heart, and now she no longer hides her figure, so she swaggered over.

It's not that he is greedy, but this supreme sword body is related to the power of his destruction of the stars. At this time, only the power of Xuanhuang is enough, but the killing intention of the stars is too weak. The spell used in this way is not very useful. As long as the supreme sword body is condensed to the strongest place, the murderous attack Combined with the Xuanhuang Qi, it can improve the power of the destruction of the stars.

The sky-killing star is the world of killing gods. Chen Ying broke through the world film alone and no one stopped him, so that he easily entered the stars.

Standing far above the sky, sensing the strength of the energy below, Chen Ying found that there were only a few strong horizontal energy reactions in the center of the whole killing world, and the energy in other places was just very weak.

"Is there only one power in the world of killing gods?" Chen Ying said secretly in her heart.

Huh? What is this?" Suddenly, after Chen Ying felt that it was taken back, she felt at the bottom of the center of the killing world in the sky. There was a place where there seemed to be infinitely strong murderous intent. This place still seemed to have life, beating there by one after another.

And the killing palace is so accurately located on the ground, and several powerful energies in the palace are scattered, surrounding the underground existence.

"Four chaotic realms, didn't Li Chunqing say that there was a cultivation at the peak of the early Yuan Dynasty? It should not be here!" Chen Ying's heart jumped and immediately got into the Taoist tripod, turned into a grain of dust and drifted down freely. Occasionally, she encountered a strong wind and was blown up from afar. In this way, it blew back and blew towards the Shrine of Killing.

This killing palace is extremely wide, like a big city, occupying almost a plain. There are also disciples in blood clothes in the palace who work hard, but what they practice is a kind of boxing. After this boxing method is used, the whole body will naturally fly out of infinite murder and cover them tightly. .

The dust turned into by the Dao Shending was blown over these disciples by a few traces of breeze, and finally slowly fell outside a shrine in the center.

This shrine looks like a high crown, which is closely connected with the earth, and there is no access.

The dust on the ground began to float on the ground again, and this time it was like entering the water. After a few twists, it had drilled into the ground.

After Chen Ying manipulated the Dao Shending and sank into the ground, she saw that the divine palace above had been extending deep, as if it had grown from the depths of the earth. No matter where he began to dive, he could not see the ground of the shrine.

Deep into the depths, he has sensed that there seems to be a living existence in the shrine, but Chen Ying does not dare to move, because on the walls of the shrine, there are countless subtle energy patterns that seem to be connected to somewhere in the starry sky. As long as he touches it, he will immediately transmit it.

"Li Chunqing, it must be Li Chunqing!" Chen Ying affirmed that she said in her heart that the Shrine of Killing also knew the wonderful things here. She guarded it early and didn't know what it was, which could attract them so much attention.

Chen Ying searched around the depths of the earth for a long time, and then dived into the depths of the earth. It was not until she saw the sea of fire in the heart of the earth that she finally saw the bottom of the shrine, but it was also complete, and there was no hole to drill into.

"Alas!" The bottom of the shrine that Chen Ying looked at was also full of countless subtle energy patterns. Knowing that the trip had been a complete failure, she sighed deeply on the sea of fire and began to rise to the ground.

This time, the goal was clear, and the rising speed was also fast enough. She jumped back to the ground. Chen Ying immediately felt that a few energies were pressed down, knowing that she must have been discovered by the four chaotic masters in the Shrine of Killing.