Chaotic Thief

Chapter 283 Black Bar

"Chief, it is said that you blew up a split of Hong Yuner in the 13 regions?" The man asked cautiously.

"Yes, that bitch ignorantly wants to stop me with a split, purely looking for death!" Oba Road.

When the man heard Oba say it himself, he finally affirmed; "It should be like this. I heard that they have been to the first area in the Communist League these days. Maybe they have defected to Hongyuner. This time, maybe they just want to give you directly..."

"Well, come as soon as you come. Let's see if it's his Pangu calendar or my Noah's Ark!" Oba Road.

"The commander can't be careful. That set of Pangu armor is said to reach the peak of the Yuan Dynasty. This may have been certified by Hong Yuner, so they dare to come out to deal with you so boldly." The man said anxiously.

"I will be careful. Don't be idle there. You must try your best to investigate whether there are any weaknesses in Qing Pangu. If you find it, let me know as soon as possible." Oba frowned.

Slowly closing the light screen, Oba closed his eyes and meditated on Noah's Ark for a while, then put on the DNFNM-99 final armor and stepped out of Noah's Ark and fell towards the huge stars below. +


Oba stepped on the star land and felt that there was also an ordinary ground under him, but with the fierce fall from the sky just now, there was not even a trace of dust on the ground.

leaned down and saw a tiny stone at his feet. Oba reached out his right hand and grabbed it. He pinched the stone with two fingers and was about to take it up. There was no accident. The stone was as if it was born on the ground and did not move.

click! Omar's outstret right hand rotated in an instant and has been transformed into three sharp claws. The front of the claws have been combined together, and the back end rotates rapidly between the wrists in a spiral.

Silently, no matter how fast the claws are, there is no trace of marks on the ground. Aoba roared hoarsely on the ground, but it is still useless.

Fury! Crazy! Oba stood up from the ground and took a big stride to gallop on the stars. Although he only ran forward step by step, his speed was getting faster and faster. Gradually, he became like a phantom, dragging a long dark shadow behind him.

The hugeness of this birthday has indeed never been seen. Oba raised his speed to the maximum, and finally disappeared on the ground. Only a rapid step sound could be heard from the distance.

The more he ran forward, the starry sky seemed to be getting lower and lower, and he felt more and more hindered when he ran. Later, the starry sky did not reach the darkness not far ahead, and Oba, who was struggling step by step on the ground, seemed to be stuck there, so that the power of his armor could no longer take a step forward.

helplessly, Oba had to give up moving forward and began to retreat desperately. Little by little, step by step, gradually withdrew a few steps, then relaxed a little, casually retreated more than a dozen steps, and finally relieved.

"Invincible team, search with all your strength!" Oba knew that he could not explore all of this place alone. Only the invincible team, the huge team, could do it. After an order, the huge and tiny triangle in the air immediately jumped down, landed on the surface of the stars, and began to search carefully.

At this time, Chen Ying felt that the confinement power all over her body finally began to shrink slowly, and her body could move slightly. She immediately began to sneak up and didn't relax until she could no longer feel the lockdown power.

In the center of this star, it is no longer that kind of earth boulder, and there is no energy reaction. There is only a drowsy feeling, just like the feeling between half a dream and half awake. Chen Ying does not know what this is. She can only be sure that the more she dives, the more her brain will be.

Chen Ying slowly dived down and prepared the Dao Shen Ding in his hand. Despite the dizziness of his mind, he forced himself to sneak down until the end. When he felt that he would fall asleep again, he finally stopped and manipulated the Dao Ding to try his best to absorb everything here.

But strange things happened. No matter how absorbed the Dao Shending, these inexplicable turbid materials could not enter the tripod at all. As soon as they entered, they were immediately spit out by the Dao Shending, as if this thing could not be refined.

When Chen Ying was not puzzled, she suddenly pounced and saw the yellow light around her break through a gap, and a small black dot suddenly fell from it.

"The beginning of the Yuan Dynasty? How did you get out?" Chen Ying doubted that the Xuanhuang Qi of this week was a strong protection evolved from the combination of Xuanyin Huangpao and Dao Shending. Now it was gently broken by Yuanshi, and she didn't feel anything.

"I was playing with this sword inside, but I just split it casually and made a cut. Didn't you break anything?" Yuan Shi was nervous.

"It doesn't matter. This sword is really a good sword!" Chen Ying said solemnly.

"Master, why are we staying here? Are we trapped by the enemy?" Yuanshi asked.

"It's still that Oba." Chen Yingdao.

"That nigger? It's really bullying too much." Yuan Shi chopped casually, and the dagger passed under him fiercely. Chen Ying saw an invisible force as if it flew out of the dagger, cutting out a deep blank underneath.

Huh? You continue to kill!" Chen Yingxin said happily.

"Yes!" When Yuan Shi saw Chen Ying's appearance, he knew that he was afraid that he was going to make contributions. He immediately began to chop down, but it was very difficult to chop down here. It was very difficult to chop down. He let him use all his strength and just cut 70 or 80 knives, and began to gasp.

"I'll do it!" Chen Ying took the dagger and took the opportunity to cut down, but this time it was like cutting in the air. Although it was extremely easy, there was no result.

Chen Ying didn't believe it, and then cut dozens of times, but she was still wandering in place. She couldn't directly cut the blank like the previous Yuanshi cut.

These blanks seem to split the infinite turbid matter in the center of the earth, revealing the original cleanliness. These 70 or 80 knives have cut out the size of a hut below.

"Master, let the apprentice come!" Yuan Shi saw Chen Ying's appearance and grabbed the dagger excitedly. He gasped and continued to cut down. When he was tired, he stopped to rest for a while. In the blank space that had been cut out, the two felt refreshed, and all the energy in their bodies seemed to be replenished all the time, and there was no danger of energy loss at all.

Although Yuan Shi was a little tired, he was very happy, because he was even more experienced than Chen Ying. He was busy below.

After cutting for a few months, Yuanshi's body polished these days and began to gradually become stronger. Each time the action of cutting has also increased a lot compared with getting up first, but the effect is less and less. Just like now, although the strength of each sword is much greater, it only cuts out a trace of subtle Traces.

Chen Ying knows that she is afraid that she has reached the limit of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. No matter how hard she tries, she will do useless work in vain, Ding! At this time, after Yuan Shi cut crazily, there was a crisp impact sound that had never been heard before.

"Master, what is this thing?" Yuan Shi looked at a small thing that suddenly emerged from the turbid substance in surprise. This thing was black and seemed to be extremely tough. Except for a crisp sound, the short sword did not move.


Just when the two were surprised, another hiss came from above. Chen Ying condensed his mind and finally found that at the beginning of the center of the earth, the miniature triangles flying out of Noah's Ark had drilled in, but most of the triangles were finally trapped in the deep turbid matter in the depths of the center of the earth. I can't move. Only a small part of it happened to drill down from here, and finally drilled into the blank area cut out by Yuanshi.

Although these triangles are only a small part, Chen Ying knows that if they are known by Aoba, there will be infinite attacks flying down immediately.

"Da Daohua One!" Chen Ying grabbed Yuanshi and threw it into the Dao Shending. She also got in, and then disappeared in front of the black strip.