Chaotic Thief

Chapter 367 Wang Chao

Naturally, Wudao also knew this, so he no longer forced him. He just knelt on the ground and carefully looked at the master countless years ago, but when he saw a smile on his face, he put an idea into his mind.

"I think the cosmic magic bug holds the power of death, but your real body is the power of life. This symbiosis of all things is the one I created to fight against the magic bug, but my power is still too small, and the future depends on you."

When Bodhi said this, he saw a flower in front of him, and he was actually in the fantasy built by the heart demon, practicing spells for those Taoist people.

After a while, the fictional Bodhi came out to scold him, and then drove him out of the three-star hole. He was not in a hurry, but directly wrapped Yang Hui and took her to a mountain.

Xiao Yurong, who incarnated by Yang Hui, knows nothing at all. She has been closing her eyes and practicing spells, but Wudao is helpless about the symbiosis method handed down by Bodhi. Originally, she wanted to practice it carefully, but she could not succeed, and she could not succeed if she wanted to connect with the ontology.

On this day, Xiao Yurong stopped from practice and was surprised to see that she had changed the environment again. She said that her spell practiced to a barrier. Only by breaking through the past can she find them. If she can't break through, she will stay here forever.

When Xiao Yurong heard this, she didn't think much about it. It was important to concentrate on practicing spells. However, before starting, she used the enlightenment first, but she couldn't see anything.

At this time, Zhu Hongzhi was still trapped in the middle of this inexplicable power. It was still helpless for him to use all means. In the end, he had to forcibly ingest a large amount of innate qi and condense an endless wave of emptiness, which finally opened the ban and reappeared outside with the heart demon.

This dark and endless empty wave is also a powerful killing move in his memory. In that life, he relied on this move, but he was invincible. Now here, he was actually a successful move. As soon as he stepped outside, he heard a very familiar cold hum in his ear. Although this cold hum was a little dissatisfied, there was still Some joy.

"Look at the fantasy!" As soon as the demon got out of trouble, he paid attention to the fantasy he had laid, but when he saw that the enlightenment had changed the place with Xiao Yurong, he knew in his heart that it was going on according to his own ideas.

"It seems that something must have happened just now. Why don't you go and have a look?" The demon looked at Zhu Hongzhi.

Zhu Hongzhi stared at the enlightenment in the fantasy, and then felt it with his mind, but he couldn't find anything. Then his real body rushed directly into the fantasy, and merged with the enlightenment and turned into a person.

With this combination, Zhu Hongzhi immediately knew the cause and effect of the matter, as well as the wonderful method of symbiosis of all things, which is an extremely exquisite spell.

"Heart demon, come and take care of the fantasy. Don't let Yang Hui succeed. I'm going to practice a spell!" Zhu Hongzhi came out again and excitedly asked the heart demon.

The demon himself agreed, and Zhu Hongzhi excitedly drilled into the center of the earth of this big world and began to test how to coexist with the power of this star.

The symbiosis of all things is different from energy absorption. When it is absorbed, it is absorbed into one's own body. The body has not changed much, but symbiosis is used with the stars. It is cultivated to the high depths and can unite with countless stars to fight against the enemy.

In the endless starry sky, there is a huge fleet. Among this fleet, there is a huge giant, but the size of this giant has almost reached more than half of the fleet.

This fleet is under the leadership of giants, searching for a world after world. Whenever he sees a talented young man, he will send out infinite resources and treasures for him to attack the supreme realm in the shortest time, and then when he meets a master who is about to hit the highest level, he will take action. If not The resistance is only collected in the spaceship. If there is resistance, it will be directly slapped away by the giant.

"Msander, the world of science and technology is ahead. Do we also want to break through it?" Seeing a star that was about to meet, a spaceship in the front of the fleet began to ask like a giant in the middle.

"There are no suitable seeds in the world of science and technology, kill them all!" Wang Chao was one of the giants. With this order, all the fleets began to disperse and bombarded the world of science and technology.

It's just that the world of science and technology itself has super technology. As soon as it encounters a powerful attack, it immediately puts countless layers of protective nets on the stars, blocking all the attacks.

When Wang Chao saw this situation, he just flew forward gently and came to the world of science and technology. Then he patted his hand and saw countless black lights from the giant's palm. The ball rotated, and the end of the black light hit the big world of science and technology fiercely, followed silently. The world of science and technology has been this nothing. The poor black light was smashed and completely disappeared into the universe.

Wuchao was very satisfied with his peace and Duan. He knew that there was no way to win in a short time by the power of Pangu's armor alone, so he used this move. This move was a trick he learned in a deep sleep, using destruction energy to destroy everything, and then collecting the energy produced in the process of destruction. When you gather together, you can carry out the next bombardment.

The whole fleet has long been used to the strength of its commander. Along the way, no matter what the big world, as long as they rush to resist, they will be smashed in an instant, and those Gaohe who are willing to surrender have been collected in this fleet before. They don't have to do anything. They just need to improve their strength as soon as possible. If there is If you dare to delay at will, you will be killed directly.

Wang Chao's reputation has been stabilized in a short period of time. He has also grown from a young man with some childishness to today's existence of destroying a star at will and regard countless lives as toys.

"To the first area!" After Wang Chao gave a loud order, he withdrew from Pangu's armor and flew into a spaceship.

The interior space of this spacecraft seems to be infinite, and there are dense people sitting there, flashing a strong energy all over them.

Wang Chao looked at these people and didn't know what was going on. Whenever he met such people, he had a desire to keep them and try his best to improve their strength.

It was because of this that he tried his best to collect all kinds of spiritual herbs and medicine on them, but he found that there was no regret in his heart, as if only doing it was the straight end of those things.

Wang Chao walked beside these people and saw a faint layer of holy light suddenly blooming all over his body. Although this layer of holy light is weak, it seems that it can break through the infinite darkness and even pass through this spaceship and shoot this faint light directly into the sky of the universe.

Then there seemed to be an undercurrent of interest in the universe, swinging Wang Chao's fleet left and right. Although Wang Chao tried his best to be stable, he still twisted back and forth there.

This person himself is a master of Yuanshijing. This time, with Wang Chao's full efforts, he began to hit the strongest realm in a short time, and now, he has really succeeded in being hit by him.

The holy light only existed for a moment, and then began to shrink back. The master opened his eyes and looked at Wang Chao with a smile. As soon as he stretched out his big hand, he grabbed him directly.

When Wang Chao saw this big hand grabbing, it was like the collapse of the starry sky, and even his mind began to be affected, as if as long as he turned his eyes, it would disappear with the starry sky.

The master was satisfied and saw that he had succeeded in attacking the realm and was about to kill the enemy leader. Unexpectedly, many people beside him were looking at him with regret.

He usually practices alone and doesn't know much about other things. Seeing that he has reached the strongest level today, those people actually have such expressions. He can't help but feel a little angry in his heart, but it shows that it is difficult to express.