Chaotic Thief

Chapter 371 The True King of Law

Wuji put away the light-clearing mirror and nodded to the red cloud; "Fairy, follow me to visit an old friend first, and then go to the banquet."

Hong Yuner agreed. She had known that there were some powerful practitioners who established the heavenly palace world in her own world. Not only did she want to dominate this world, but she did not know that she wanted to control the whole universe. Originally, she wanted to explore by herself, but now she has a few more helpers, and she is also very happy.

The two rose into the clouds, and the red cloud's jade mouth opened slightly. A red light covered the whole red cloud below. As soon as the movement was sucked, the mountain turned into a small mountain and flew to the palm of the red cloud. The original appearance is still shown below.

Red Cloud said, "This is my newly refined obsession fantasy. Once I enter this situation, life and death can be controlled by me.

The cold sweat of the Wuji Taoist suddenly fell; "It's so dangerous. Fortunately, the fairy was merciful."

Hong Yuner said, "Don't be surprised. Disciples are not bloodthirsty people. If they are not extremely evil, they will not easily do it, not to mention the ancestors who enter.

The Wuji Taoist suddenly shook his head and smiled bitterly.

The two flew all the way to the north, with two sleeves blowing wind, and long beards fluttering. They looked like immortals, but the red clouds were still cost-shaped, following the Wuji Taoist people like a blood cloud.

After a journey of about 30,000 to 50,000 miles, you can see a big river on the next side. The river is smooth and waveless, and the shadows on both sides are flashing and surrounded by smoke and clouds.

The Wuji Taoist made Hongyuner stop in mid-air, stared down for a long time, and then shouted at the bottom with a smile; "My old friend came to visit, but the master didn't know how to welcome each other. What's the etiquette..." Although the voice was not loud, it seemed to be continuous. It had been transmitted to the bottom of the river. The mortals on both sides only heard gusts of wind in their ears. The sound flashed, but I didn't know that it was the ancestor who was shouting.

Wuge said to Hong Yuner, "Please set up a quiet place. The old turtle is too much to show off. As soon as it spread out to provoke their vigilance, it was not very good.

Hong Yuner pointed with her hand and appeared an elegant building in the sky. The name of the building is Biluoxuan, which is transformed by the illusion.

The Wuji Taoist waved his hand to the fairy-shaped old turtle below, and walked into the small building with Hongyun.

For a moment, the proud old turtle, after a while on the surface of the water, turned its body into a golden light and shot into Biluoxuan. As soon as it fell, the old turtle's face turned white and only felt that its foot sank down. The board had turned into a few bright white pillars and tripped its feet tightly.

The old turtle pedaled vigorously, but there was no response. These bright white pillars became tighter and tighter, as if they were born, pressing his feet fiercely underneath.

The old turtle pricked for a moment, and then grew up and turned into a giant. Two thick hands grabbed the top wooden beam of Biluoxuan, but as soon as they bought it, they knew something was wrong. Looking up, they saw that the original wooden beams above his head evolved a hundred miles of overlapping black clouds in the blink of an eye, and the black clouds were densely lightning couldn't help running. Teng, occasionally staggered, lightning flashing, thunder endlessly.

The old turtle shouted in horror. Just looking at the situation, he knew that it was not a mortal thunder. It was exactly the same as the punishment thunder in the palace that day. This punishment thunder was also called the killing immortal thunder, specializing in killing the major demons.

The old turtle quickly turned into its original shape and put its dark and bright turtle shell high above its head. The turtle's head had already shrank in, only carried the supreme thought* method in the middle, and looked at the immortal thunder that was about to be knocked down on the top.

The black clouds gathered thicker and thicker, and the thunder gradually became louder. A flash of lightning passed silently, and then clicked! A thunderbolt hit straight down, Dang! The turtle shell is in the middle of the ground.

The old turtle only felt as if he had been hit by a big mountain. His whole body trembled, and his eyes were full of stars. He knew that if he did this again, he would be dizzy.

The turtle* put his head out and looked left and right, lowered his head, and bit the pillar that wrapped his feet. It bites in the mouth and makes a banging and banging sound.

At this time, the black clouds above shook, and five electric lights, mixed with five black thunder, hit again.

The old turtle was furious. Wuji, you are going to kill me."

At this moment, the old turtle only heard a burst of laughter, followed by a change in the scenery, but found that he was still sitting on the chair, with a few fragrant teas on the table. The silk tea couldn't help floating up, and he felt a little happy all over his nose.

The Wuji Taoist man smiled and said to the old turtle, "Brother Turtle, don't worry. It was just a fairy joking with you just now."

The old turtle ignored the infinite Taoist and stood up and bowed to Hong Yuner, "I'm rude, may I ask the name of the fairy"

Hong Yuner said with a smile, "The slave Hongyuner has met the real king." Before he finished speaking, he laughed again, and the old turtle's face turned red in an instant.

Hong Yuner squinted at the Wuji Taoist, and her pride couldn't help floating on her face.

The old turtle looked up and asked Hongyuner angrily, "How can you be so vicious? How could I provoke you when we first met today?"

Hong Yuner snorted coldly; "If you just respect me, do you think I still want to do something with you? Do you think you don't know?"

The old turtle's face turned blue, and while he was wondering, the infinite Taoist laughed and said, "The red cloud fairy is born to understand people's hearts. Brother Turtle still has to defend, it's a joke. Let's stop here."

Hong Yuner knew the meaning of the infinite Taoist and waved to the old turtle repeatedly, and a disturbance was resolved.

After three teas, the Wuji Taoist talked about the real king of the law, and patted the old turtle's fart in time, which made the old turtle proud again, and Hong Yuner couldn't help laughing and trembling beside him.

Infernal Taoism; "Tomorrow is the birthday of the Queen Mother of Yaochi. At that time, the Emperor of Heaven will have fun with the immortals in the banquet, and the gatekeepers in all directions will also accompany him, leaving only the fairy boy on duty. The whole heavenly palace can be said to be like an empty city. It's the time for you and my brother to act.

The old turtle pondered for a while and turned to the infinite humanity; "Can you think about it? If this doesn't happen, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Wuji Taoist; "What can the consequences be like? I have been the ancestor of the Heavenly Palace since decades ago. I just gave up the throne of Emperor of Heaven to Zhou Qing, a villain because I don't like to have too much contact with those trivial things. How did he treat me? For a small fairy, he sent me far away to be the earthly immortal ancestor, just to be happy for that bitch? Why didn't he think, how did he sit on it? Don't mention me, let's talk about you. That year, the demons and rabbits messed up the world, and no one destroyed the gods and Buddhas, but Zhou Qing instructed you to do it as a fairy who doesn't eat the money and food in heaven. Why? It's not that I want you to lose both. Brother Turtle, you are too honest to listen to his assignment and hurt the demon rabbit twice. I heard that Brother Turtle seems to have been plotted that time. I don't know if it's true or not?

The old turtle looked at Hong Yuner and saw that she was also expressionless and just sat next to the Wuji Taoist and staring at herself; "It's true. The dead rabbit was really domineering at that time. A mixed plain cloud sword made it hateful. Between the thorns, it actually attracted the spirit of heaven and earth to transform the sword spirit and attack in the air, making People trembled all over, and the feeling was not in it. It was unspeakable that if it hadn't been for the Xuanhuang top refined by the tortoise shell, I would have suffered a big loss.

The Wuji Taoist filled the teacup in front of the old turtle and asked; "Brother Turtle said in detail that I couldn't watch the battle face to face because of practicing the clear light mirror. I just want to come in the future."

The old turtle shook his head and said, "I still can't figure out whether there is a secret or not. It's just that I felt sore all over at that time, and I don't know why. The Wuji Taoist shouted; "How is it not a plot? Zhou Qing is best at this kind of distraction. It unfolds silently, but it can make the opponent restless and his whole body is sore and weak. This kind of small skill is really the most hateful."

The old turtle narrowed his eyes, and a griting sound gradually came from his mouth; "Is it really him? How can this man be so indewd as the Lord of Heaven?"

Hong Yuner said at this time, "There are a few people in the world who are not vulgar. Zhou Qing just sits in a different seat, and it doesn't mean that other people's character is also superior."

The old turtle laughed when he heard this; "It's still a fairy. I always say that this infinite old man is also the best among the bad people. He is always unconvinced. Today, there is a fairy. Let's see how he opposes it."

Hong Yuner smiled and said, "The ancestor is ambitious and broad-minded. There is nothing popular about it. You old turtle has a problem with your character."