Jun, I'm here to assassinate you

Chapter 31 Injury

Early, Yang Dali ran outside the Cheng Qian Palace to inquire about the emperor's injury. There were many people in the palace, and people came in every day, and people left every day, so suddenly there was a eunuch with a good face, and no one would care, so Yang Dali easily found the emperor's injury from the maid of honor.

"Power... How is he? Does it matter? Is there any danger?"

Tang Saier stood outside the quiet palace and saw Yang Dali coming from afar, so she hurried over. A small face was tightly wrinkled together, full of anxiety.

"Oh, Saier, in fact, you still like him very much, don't you? Otherwise, why would you care so much about his injury?

Yang Dali shook his head with a sigh and took Tang Saier back to the quiet palace.

"I don't want to hide it from you. Now in this palace, you and I are dependent on each other. I don't want to lie to you. I'm really worried about him. From that night to now, I can't sleep. I've been thinking about him and his injury. I'm even thinking that if I really hurt his life, I can still I can't live."

Tang Saier had a pale face and looked at Yang Dali haggardly, and her eyes were full of guilt.

"What's wrong with you? Since you like him so much, why do you hurt him?

Yang Dali shook his head and said.

"I...I...I don't know why I can hurt him..."

Tang Saier seemed to be told the central story by Yang Dali, and her eyes suddenly turned red and her body trembled slightly.

"Sier, why don't you find an opportunity to inform the helmsman and ask him to take you out of the palace? I don't think you can do anything to him. Why do you force yourself?"

Yang Dali said.

"Power, does it matter if he is injured? Did you find out anything?

Don Saier asked urgently.

"I heard that his injury was not very serious and did not hurt his muscles and bones, but the Empress Dowager has been guarding him for the past two days and not allowing him to go out for fear that something would happen to him."

Yang Dali looked at Tang Saier helplessly and said slowly.

"That's good... That's good... So I'm relieved."

Tang Saier breathed a sigh of relief and gently stroked her heart and said.

"Look at yourself? You want to hurt him and worry about him. I really don't understand what you women are thinking?

Yang Dali said angrily.

"All right, let's go first."

Tang Saier put down the big things in her heart, and her whole body became extremely relaxed. She happily pulled up Yang Dali and walked into the house.

The night came soon. Just as Tang Saier and Yang Dali were sitting in a daze on the chair in a daze, a slight footsteps sounded outside the door.

A eunuch gently pushed open the door of the Qingyou Palace and waved his hand gently. The two eunuchs behind walked in with the food box and gently put the food box on the table.

"Princess Zhao, this is what the emperor ordered the slaves to send to you. The emperor said that if you have any instructions in the future, please ask Eunuch Yang to come to Cheng Qiangong to find the little one. The little one is Deng Cai. You can just call me little Deng Zi."

Several eunuchs put the wine and vegetables on the table, turned around and left.

"Wait, won't the emperor come tonight?"

Don Seer asked urgently.

"If you go back to the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager is very worried about the emperor's injury these days and accompanies the emperor every day, so the emperor can't find time to see you, that is, today she has time to ask me to bring some wine and dishes to the Empress."

Little Deng Zi said respectfully.

"It's a good job."

Don Cyr said disappointedly.

Deng Cai bowed slightly to Tang Saier, turned around and left with the other eunuchs.

Don Saier stared at the wine and vegetables on the table, and her eyes began to turn slightly red again.

"I didn't expect that I hurt him, but he still remembered me and ordered someone to bring me wine and vegetables."

Tang Saier's eyes were filled with tears and choked.

"Hey, what can you teach me? In fact, Su Mubai is not bad. I can see that you like him, and he also likes you. I'm just worried about what's going on with my little sister, and I don't have a chance to ask him. Next time he comes back, I will definitely ask him. If he kills my little sister, I will fight with him on the spot. If he doesn't harm my little sister, I will let him go.

Yang Dali sighed and shook his head while eating wine and vegetables.

"Will he come again... I stabbed him, and he must be extremely disappointed in me. I don't think he will come to see me in the future... In fact, I'm very contradictory now. I really want to see him, but I'm afraid to see him. Just because I don't know what to do when I see him, I don't know how to face him. Once I think of him, I will kill my parents. I can't help but want revenge, but I can't take revenge.

Don Seer said painfully.

"When I can't see him, I miss him very much and want to see him very much, but once I really see him, I hate him to the bone. Sometimes I really want to die like this, at least I don't have to worry about it anymore."

Don Seer said with a sigh.

"Well, why do you think so much? Isn't it good to let nature take its course? In fact, I sit here with you every day in a daze these days. I have thought a lot of things. I also look at revenge very lightly. What I am most concerned about now is the life and death of my little sister. I have been thinking clearly these days. What can I do after revenge? The safety of my little sister is the most important thing. If my little sister narrowly escapes death, I am willing to let her go. Hatred has lived a new life with her.

Yang Dali sighed and said slowly.

"Can you really put down your hatred?"

Tang Saier slowly raised his head and asked.

"People can't come back to life after death, and living people are more worthy of our care."

Yang Dali said with firm eyes.

"However, I think that because of him, my family was ruined. Because of him, I lost my parents at the age of three, so I can't help hating him. I'm with the enemy who killed my parents. If my parents know under the nine springs, they will die without close their eyes. I really can't face him."

Don Seer said painfully.

"If you are in so pain, then leave. Since you can't kill him, but you can't be with him, leave him. Stay away from him, don't see him again, and never think about these things again, and you will never suffer again."

Yang Dali looked at Tang Saier and said thoughtfully.

"Can I... really leave..."

Tang Saier raised her head, looked at Yang Dali firmly, with red eyes, and said slowly.

"When I find my little sister, we will contact the helmsman, and then I will leave with you and my little sister. Let's find a place where no one knows us and start a new life. In the future, the three of us will live well together."

Yang Dali gently took Tang Saier's hand and said loudly.


Tang Saier looked at Yang Dali firmly, held Yang Dali's hand tightly, and nodded heavily.