Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 10 It's better to start first

The feeling of blood connection, at this moment, Xiang Chen and Xiang hero father and son suddenly experienced a lot of things. This feeling is very special. Even if two people close their eyes at this moment, they can clearly feel each other's existence.

"Dad, don't be distracted, hurry up and stimulate the inflammatory formula!" Xiang Chen felt that his father's mind was a little shaken at this moment and hurriedly reminded him.

"Ye" Being reminded by Xiang Chenyi, Xiang Hero also knew that he was distracted and hurriedly restrained his mind and began to urge the Yan spirit formula.


The movement towards the hero is much larger than that of the previous movement towards the southern sky. The body is surrounded by thick flames, and you can't see anything inside. Xiang Chen's situation is the same, and the flame on his body has become deeper, from the original crimson to dark red, and the temperature of the flame has also risen a lot.

About two hours later, the flame wrapped around Xiang Chen and Xiang hero slowly dispersed, revealing his original figure.


A series of crisp sounds, then suddenly tightened the hero's body, and a white smoke came out of his head, and then a tower shadow suddenly appeared on the hero's body. At the beginning, the tower shadow was not obvious. Over time, the tower shadow also began to become solid.

"Building Tower!" Xiang Chen's eyes widened, and two words clearly appeared in his heart.

There are many different stages of cultivation. The first realm from low to high is the gathering realm, followed by the spiritual realm, the condensation realm and the realm of creation. After the creation realm, it is the pagoda realm. The pagoda realm is a watershed on the way to practice. Only after the pagoda realm can you be regarded as a real master. If you cross the tower-building barrier to the hero, you can definitely be regarded as a master in Lancheng. Of course, Xiang Chen is very excited.

The tower shadow outside the hero is virtual and real. When it is clearly visible, it gradually stabilizes.

"Dad, you succeeded and finally broke through to the tower building!" Xiang Chen is really happy for his father.

"Yes, it's a breakthrough. This time, thanks to you, I feel the power in my blood, a very powerful power. With my current cultivation of the virtual tower, I don't think even Shen Chunheng, who is against the Shen family, will not necessarily lose. If your grandfather also breaks through, we will definitely win two-to-one!" Happy to the hero.

"Dad, you can't be careless. Maybe Shen Chunheng has arrived at the real tower, so we can't be careless. In addition, there is the Wu family. We must be foolproof!" Although Xiang Chen also felt that Shen Chunheng was unlikely to break through to the real tower, he was not as optimistic as the hero.

"I naturally know this, so I want to visit the Jiang family after stabilizing the state, hoping to pull Jiang Huan over, so that we will have a greater chance of winning!" Xiang Hero didn't think about it, but he was not good at expressing it.

"You are a little sure!" Xiang Chen also lit up. If he can really form an alliance with the Jiang family, even if Wu and the Shen family join hands, there may be no chance of winning.

"It's hard to say, Jiang Huan is very cautious. He has always been without rabbits and eagles. I don't think he will easily get involved until he can confirm that we can win!" Xiang shook his head helplessly, and he still knew something about Jiang Huan's character.

"So it seems that the Jiang family may not form an alliance with us, but you still have to go to the Jiang family, and I want to go with you!" Xiang Chen thought for a moment and said.

"Okay, you live in Xiang's family, and you should also have some contact with these people!" Nod his head to the hero. He has seen Xiang Chen's method. If he goes with him, maybe he can really move Jiang Huan.

"Let's go out first!" Xiang Chen didn't say much and left the secret room with Xiang Hero.

Xiang's home was completely quiet, at least on the surface. Of course, under this quiet side, it was not calm. Xiang Nantian broke through to the virtual tower on the day after the bloodline was awakened. From then on, Xiang had two masters of the virtual tower, but Xiang's family did not say anything about it.

On the third day after the breakthrough of Xiang Nantian, Xiang Hero came to Jiang's house with Xiang Chen.

"Brother Xiang, I didn't expect you to come so fast, but it surprised me!" Jiang Huan took Xiang and Xiang Chen to the living room and said.

"I was in a hurry and didn't say hello, but I was a little rude!" He said politely to the hero.

"Brother Xiang is polite. Our two families have always been friends. I welcome him whenever he comes!" Jiang Huan spoke without leakage, and at first glance, he was an old deep-fried dough stick.

"In fact, Uncle Jiang, we came to apologize to you this time. The last time I had some problems with my family and neglected Uncle Jiang. After that, my father felt very sorry, so I came here today to apologize to you!" Xiang Chen doesn't want to listen to the painless dialogue between the two people. He came here with a purpose.

"This is Xiang's nephew. He is really a hero. He has already been cultivated at such a young age. I envy your father for having such a good son!" Jiang Huan saw Xiang Chen's eyes flashed a fine light, but it soon disappeared and returned to its original appearance.

"Acle Jiang really praises his little nephew. I can't do this. It's far worse than my father!" Xiang Chen smiled slightly.

"Oh? As soon as Brother Xiang came in, I felt different from before. Did he break through to the tower building?" After listening to Xiang Chen's words, Jiang Huan turned his eyes to the hero, but found that he could not see through the other party at all.

"It's just a chance to break through to the virtual tower. It's not a big deal!" I don't care about the hero.

"Isn't it a big deal in the virtual tower?" Jiang Huan just took a sip of water and didn't spit it out. He broke through to the virtual tower and said it was a small thing. It's not a big deal. Jiang Huan really wants to ask the hero what can be regarded as a big deal.

"Actually, my father is right. Compared with the current situation of the Xiang family and the Jiang family, breaking through the virtual tower is indeed a small thing. It's not a big deal!" Xiang Chen picked up the corner of his eyes.

"What did my nephew say? What happened to Xiang's family's situation? What's wrong with my Jiang family? Jiang Huan said puzzled.

"It seems that Uncle Jiang didn't notice it. Maybe I thought too much!" Xiang Chen was a little embarrassed.

"If you have anything to say to your nephew, I just want to hear it!" As soon as Jiang Huan heard that Xiang Chen stopped talking, he immediately pulled back the topic.

"How does Uncle Jiang feel about the current relationship between our four families?" Xiang Chen asked.

"Although the four families are sparse and close, they are still harmonious. There should be no big problem!" A trace of cunning flashed in Jiang Huan's eyes, but he still refused to spit.

"Ha ha, that's right. Now we have two masters of the virtual tower at home. Even if there is a change, they should not find us!" Xiang Chen was not in a hurry at all, but fought out his own strength.

"What? Two virtual tower masters, are you too?" Jiang Huan was really surprised this time and looked at Xiang Chen like a monster.

"Ex uncle Jiang laughed. How can I break through to the virtual tower so quickly? I'm talking about my grandfather. He and my father have broken through the virtual tower one after another!" Xiang Chen hurried out to correct it. He didn't want to be too flamboyant. Although he was about to cultivate to the peak of the realm of creation, there was still a certain distance to break through to the virtual tower realm.

"It seems that the strength of the Xiang family has really increased a lot. I don't know if you come to my Jiang family, but do you want me to rely on the Xiang family?" Jiang Huan's face was a little ugly. He didn't know what the purpose of the other party was to show his strength with him.

"Uncle Jiang misunderstood. Our Xiang family is not the Shen family. Of course, we don't want anyone to be attached to us. What's more, the Jiang family has always had in-laws with the Xiang family, so we can't do this. This time is just to remind Uncle Jiang to be careful of others attacking the Jiang family!" Xiang Chen looked sincere, but it seemed that he was really good for the Jiang family.

"Oh? Will anyone do anything against the Jiang family? Why didn't I notice it?" Jiang Huan's face was a little gloomy. He found that he had been restrained by Xiang Chen since he said the first sentence, which made him feel very unhappy.

"Ha ha, I don't know how Uncle Jiang feels when he went to my home this time?" Xiang Chen asked.

"If you have anything to say, just say it!" Jiang Huan suddenly felt too tired to talk to Xiang Chen, so he simply made it clear.

" Uncle Jiang, didn't you find any difference between the Shen family and the Wu family this time?" A smile appeared on Xiang Chen's face. If this guy continued to pretend, he didn't know how to open his mouth.

"You want to say that the Shen family and the Wu family have united, right?" Jiang Huan completely gave up beating around the bush with Xiang Chen and came straight to the point.

"What I saw is more than that. Didn't you find that the Wu family seems to be very afraid of Shen Canghai, or almost obey Shen Canghai's words? If I guess correctly, the Wu family has been attached to the Shen family and has completely become a subordinate family of the Shen family!" Xiang Chen is obviously deeper and more pessimistic than Jiang Huan.

"This is unlikely!" Jiang Huan's eyebrows have frowned into a Sichuan character. It's not that he hasn't thought about this problem, but he always feels unlikely.

"What if Shen Chunheng of the Shen family breaks through to the virtual tower or further real tower?" Xiang Chen raised his eyes and stared at Jiang Huandao.

"This..." Jiang Huan suddenly refuted. There were rumors that Shen Chunheng began to break through the tower construction a few years ago. If he really broke through, he is definitely a master of the virtual tower now, and even further the real tower is not impossible.

"So that's why I came to remind Uncle Jiang to be careful of the Shen family!" After a long time, Xiang Chen finally began to get to the point.

"Hmm? This seems to be wrong. How are you sure that the Shen family will deal with the Jiang family next? Jiang Huan is still unconvinced.

"Auncle Jiang, I'm afraid you don't deal much with the Shen family. Moreover, the Shen family should not have expressed to the Jiang family that they want to accept it as a subordinate family. Why is that? I think he must have discussed with the Wu family. Once the time is ripe, he will remove the Jiang family and divide the Jiang family's territory!" Xiang Chen analyzed.

"What you said is reasonable, but I still don't understand why the Shen family must attack the Jiang family first, not your Xiang family!" Jiang Huan was not convinced.

"If it had been in the past, the Shen family would indeed take action against Xiangjia first, but after learning that Xiangjia had two masters of the virtual tower, would they have taken action against Xiangjia first?" When Xiang Chen looked at Jiang Huan again, his eyes became a little strange.

"Damn, I ignored this point. No wonder your boy told me that you had two masters of virtual tower to your home as soon as he came up. It turned out that you were waiting for me here. Well, I admit that your Xiang family's strength is indeed stronger than that of the Jiang family at present. If the Shen family and the Wu family want to take action, they will probably target the Jiang family first, but can your Xiang family stay out of the matter? If the Jiang family is destroyed, I don't think Xiang's family will feel good either!" Jiang Huan said with a cold face.

"Age Jiang is right, so our father and son will come to Jiang's house today to discuss countermeasures!" Xiang Chen finally said his purpose.

"We still discuss countermeasures, do you have anything to discuss like this? Tell me, what's the way to deal with it!" Jiang Huan is not a pretentious person, especially at the moment when it is related to the survival of the family.

"My solution is very simple, that is, the Jiang family forms an alliance with the Xiang family, and we will preempt to capture the Shen family!" Xiang Chen's eyes showed a fierce look.