Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 41 Real Duel

In the face of Fang Hong's attack, Xiang Chen did not dare to neglect at all. Around him, a small flame zone was formed, surrounding him and Jiang Yingxue in the middle.

Now Xiang Chen's accomplishments in the Yanling formula are very high, and he controls the cultivated flame very accurately. He laid a layer of flame protection in front of Jiang Yingxue, but Jiang Yingxue did not feel any discomfort, as if this layer of flame had no temperature at all.

However, people outside the flame protection did not think so. Feeling the oncoming heat wave, Fang Hong's body was a little stunned. Perhaps because of his blood, he doesn't like this hot feeling very much. And the cold wind around his body became more violent.


The cold wind controlled by Fang Hong meets the black flame barrier controlled by Xiang Chen. Since the two opposing forces instantly formed a huge collision, centered on Xiang Chen and Fang Hong, a small mushroom cloud rose in an instant, and a powerful shock wave filled this small empty place almost instantly.

After the shock wave, few people can stand in the third group of Tongtian Road screening. Even if they are still standing, they are all on the edge, and everyone's faces are very pale.

Obviously, the devastating shock wave just now caused them a lot of damage.

"It's so strong!" At this moment, conscious people felt a tremor in their hearts.

Under this shock wave, they can still stand and stay conscious. These people are all masters, but they ask themselves that they can't make such a big movement.

Xiang Chen's sleeves fluttered, and the black flame was still beating, but there was a trace of blood on the corners of his mouth, and the sleeves of his robe were also a little damaged. Obviously, the impact on Xiang Chen was not easy.

Jiang Yingxue stood behind Xiang Chen. She was not hurt under Xiang Chen's protection, but the beautiful little face did not have a trace of blood. Obviously, the scene just now shocked her, and she also faintly felt the solemnity in Xiang Chen's heart.

Of course, it's not just Xiang Chen and Jiang Yingxue who feel relaxed. Fang Hong's face is whiter than before. Originally a white face, it is now very pale, but the color of his lips has become close to black.

"Sure enough, it is the bloodline of the Mingfeng clan, and it is also the bloodline of the Mingfeng clan with a very high degree of blood awakening!" Xiang Chen's voice became deeper.

In ancient times, the Mingfeng clan was a very powerful bloodline and one of the most feared bloodlines of the Yan clan led by the overlord. Therefore, in the era when the overlord dominated the world, it was the first to choose the Mingfeng clan to attack. The Yan clan fought very hard and suffered great losses. Even the unfavorable overlord was injured. No At that time, the Yan clan was still very powerful and finally won the battle. Judging from today's situation, most of the original description of the war should have been true. Xiang Chen did feel the power of restraint from Fang Hong.

"Kid, are you only to this extent? If so, I will destroy you with this blow!" Fang Hong's face became more and more strange, and his voice became more and more hoarse. He spoke as if he were metal friction, but he looked a little desperate.

"Ying Xue, stand back, this boy is very difficult to deal with. His wind power is strong cold poison. Be careful not to let this cold poison invade the body!" Xiang Chen's face became more and more solemn, and he told Jiang Yingxue behind him.

"Hmm!" Jiang Yingxue promised to retreat. He knew Xiang Chen's thoughts, so although he was worried about Xiang Chen, he still obediently retreated to the edge of the open space.


Xiang Chen was a little relieved. To be honest, although he was not afraid of Hong above, he still had a certain amount of pressure. If Jiang Yingxue was around, he was really afraid that he would accidentally hurt her. After all, neither the flame he controlled or the cold wind used by Fang Hong could withstand Jiang Yingxue now.

"Kid, the more I look at you now, the more I like it. You die!" After Fang Hong finished speaking, a light flashed in his hand, and a pair of weapons appeared in his hand.

This pair of weapons can be seen clearly by Xiang Chen, which is a pair of hooks. It is said to be a hook, but it looks more like a pair of sickle, but it has a more handguard than a sickle, and there is a long tip at the top.

Xiang Chen didn't have time to think much, because the other party had rushed to the front.

At this time, Xiang Chen's hand waved the Huayan halberd and greeted him directly.


There was no sound of metal collision. When Fang Hong's double hook collided with Xiang Chen's Huayan halberd, two muffled sounded one after another.

These two muffled sounds were like a signal, and the double hooks in Fang Hong's hand began to be difficult. I don't know what material these hooks are made of. Fang Hong will carry a strong cold power every time he swings. If he is an ordinary person, he is afraid that he will be hurt by the poison of cold in these two hooks.

Of course, Xiang Chen is not willing to show weakness. There is a thick flame outside the halberd, and Xiang Chen will generate a hot energy every time he waves it. This hot energy makes a series of muffled sounds again as soon as it comes into contact with the cold power emitted by the two hooks in Fang Hong's hand.


"Are these two monsters?" Seeing the battle between Fang Hong and Xiang Chen, the faces of those who had not yet fallen were full of incredible.

The battle between these two people is like a storm, and the transformation of attack and defense is very fast. Moreover, every collision will emit a powerful shock wave. These people have been forced to the periphery of the open land. In such a large open space, only Xiang Chen and Fang Hong are left.

"The dark hook kills!" Fang Hong's voice became more gloomy. While talking, the double hooks in his hand suddenly turned into two whirlwinds and strangled Xiang Chen.

"The bully dominates the world!" Xiang Chen did not dare to be careless at all, and the first force in the halberd formula took action again.

The whole set of overlord halberd tips has a total of nine potentials. Since the first trend, the moves have been very domineering, which is exactly the same as the name of overlord. Ling Shi Xiangchen, the first move, has been used very skillfully, and its power has improved a lot compared with the secret collection of the Yan clan.

At the moment when Fang Hong's move of "the dark hook kills", Xiang Chen suddenly sensed the danger signal. It seems that this pair of hooks in Fang Hong's hand has a strong amplification effect on Fang Hong's own Mingfeng bloodline.


While the flame formed by the halberd in Xiang Chen's hand met the whirlwind formed by the double hook in Fang Hong's hand, the whole space emitted a strong fluctuation.

These two fluctuations seem to have these two strong wills, which are entangled and constantly confrontational.


When the two wills fought against each other, a muffled sound suddenly came from those who were forced to watch the battle.

It turned out that someone couldn't withstand the oppression of these two wills and fell into a coma. Although these people who are forced to watch the battle are not weak, they are not as strong as everyone. Some people have suffered in the previous battle, so in the face of these two sudden oppressions, they naturally have little resistance and directly fell to the ground and fainted.


When the two wills confronted each other to a certain extent, there was a huge noise in the position of Xiang Chen and Fang Hong, and a huge mushroom cloud rose in an instant.

At the moment when the mushroom cloud rose, Xiang Chen's body flew backwards like a broken kite. While flying out, a mouthful of blood spewed out, forming a blood mist in front of him.

This collision is not a lot of damage to Xiang Chen. Of course, the most difficult thing is the cold poison carried by Fang Hong's double hook. Even Xiang Chen can't completely ignore it, so he should always beware of cold poison when fighting with Fang Hong, which makes him somewhat tied.

However, Fang Hong didn't take advantage of it. His body flew backwards at the moment when Xiang Chen flew backwards.

For Fang Hong, his engagement with Xiang Chen also hurt him. His cold poison has certain restrictions on Xiang Chen, but the heat on Xiang Chen's body also made him very uncomfortable.

In nature, restraint is often mutual, and it depends on who is stronger. The power of Xiang Chen and Fang Hong can be said to be completely opposite, so it is more and more obvious in terms of mutual restraint.

While Fang Hong flew backwards, his eyes were full of disbelief. His cultivation is much higher than Xiangchen's, and he has touched the threshold of tower construction. Moreover, the awakening degree of his own bloodline is also very high.

It is also the ancient bloodline of awakening. In addition to its own strength and weakness, it depends on the degree of awakening of the bloodline. Generally speaking, when you begin to awaken the ancient bloodline, the degree of awakening is the lowest. With continuous cultivation, the awakening degree of the bloodline will gradually increase.

Fang Hong was 12 years old when he first awakened his ancient bloodline, but now he is almost 20 years old. After such a long period of practice, his bloodline awakening degree is very high. In addition, his own talent is amazing. In fact, his bloodline awakening degree is even higher than that of the older generation. However, when facing Xiang Chen today, he felt that he had not taken advantage of it at all. Xiang Chen looks younger than him. If Xiang Chen awakened the ancient bloodline when he was a few years old, Fang Hong would never believe it.

At the beginning, Fang Hong was still full of confidence, but after this round of collision, although Fang Hong still did not realize that he would lose, it was not easy to beat Xiang Chen.

"There are indeed two strokes that have hurt me, so that I can't let you go. Not only you, but also your family can't let go. After I kill you, I will inform my family that I can never allow an ancient bloodline that threatens our existence!" Fang Hong's eyes became colder and colder, and at the same time, his double hooks were transformed again, and a huge whirlwind surrounded his body in the middle.