Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 44 Three Months

"Lord, won't there be any problem doing this? The family alliance is not easy to talk about. The Fang family is a first-class family, and its status in the family alliance is very high!" Yungu was very puzzled by Ling Wei's decision.

The family alliance protects the family very closely, especially when there is a conflict with officials. According to reason, Ling Wei, as the owner of Lingtian Mansion in northern Xinjiang, will not let the family alliance do anything to a family. This is definitely not feasible, but today Ling Wei demands so and seems to be confident. Full of appearance, so confused.

"Do you think I'm crazy? The Family Alliance will definitely not take action after listening to me, right?" Ling Wei was not in a hurry and looked at Yungu Road.

"My lord's decision is indeed a lot of puzzled!" Yungu did not avoid it and said it directly.

"Do you think that our official family and the family alliance are not very dealable in the first place, and how can the family alliance go to the other family according to my ideas?" Ling Wei asked.

"Yes, this is exactly what my subordinates don't understand. In addition, this family is very powerful and its own strength is also very strong. Is it necessary for us to embarras them?" Yungu didn't understand.

"It's normal that you don't understand this, because your family doesn't know enough about the blood of the Mingfeng clan. Do you think that the war between the Yan clan and the Mingfeng clan was just a personal feud between the two clans? Ling Wei said lightly.

"Is there anything else hidden? Isn't the war caused by mutual restraint and incompatibility between the two ethnic groups? Yungu was even more surprised. All historical records record that the Yan clan became incompatible because of the discord with the Mingfeng clan.

"If the mutual restraint, the mutual restraint between the Yan clan and the Ruoshui clan was more serious, but at that time, the Yan clan and the Ruo aquarium could get along very well with each other. Even the daughters of the ancestors of the two Ruo aquarium deeply loved the ancestors of the Yan clan at that time. If the aquarium were not strong enough, then the ice clan, one of the former masters of the world The conflict with the Yan people is more serious, but all this has not caused a war. Don't you think it's strange that there is only a war between the Mingfeng clan and the Yan clan? In addition, at that time, there were other ancient tribes in this world compared with the Yan and Mingfeng. Why were they indifferent to the actions of the Yan people, and even gave so much assistance to the Yan people in Mingli? Ling Wei said with a sneer on his face.

"This..." Yungu was a little stuffy.

He also knew what Ling Wei said. In this world, the Yan people were the rulers at that time, and naturally there were many records about the Yan people. However, most of these records are not very beneficial to the Yan people, such as the war between the Yan people and the Mingfeng people. The record is obviously more inclined to the Pluto clan. However, in addition to some major records, there are some other stories, which are very different from the records. In addition, even in these major historical records, there are many contradictions. For example, when describing the original war, it is said that the Yan people did not defeat the Mingfeng clan through their own power, but the vast majority of the ancient clans secretly supported it.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with these records, but if you think about it carefully, it is not like that. Why did the Yan clan get the support of so many allies at that time, and why did the Mingfeng clan be isolated? What did the Mingfeng clan do to make many ancient people support the Yan clan, and the other small part chose neutral, but no ancient people supported the Mingfeng clan?

When Yungu looked at these materials, like others, he only saw the recorded events, but did not think about the rationality of these events. Today, Ling Wei dialed a little, and he seemed to feel something.

"Let me tell you, because what the Mingfeng people did at that time threatened the blood inheritance of all ancient ethnic groups!" Ling Wei said amazingly.

"How can it be that although the Mingfeng clan is prosperous, it has not yet threatened the safety of all ancient ethnic groups!" Yun Gu looked at Ling Wei in disbelief.

"For the needs of speech, the matter of the Mingfeng clan was deliberately diluted, but it is still recorded. In order to pursue the power of extreme yin, the ancestors of the Mingfeng clan needed the blood of countless ancient bloodlines to supply their own cultivation, which aroused the disgust of many ancient clans. If that's all, it's all. The ancestors of the Mingfeng clan even tried to open the passage of the underworld, so that the power of the underworld of extreme yin filled the world, thanks to Yan. The clan and several ancient families that flourished at that time found the intention of the Mingfeng clan, and finally the Yan clan came forward to erase the Mingfeng clan from this continent. If it hadn't been for that war, I'm afraid that our world would have become a part of the underworld, and we wouldn't have survived in this world at all. Ling Wei said as if he were telling a story.

"Then why..." Yun Gu was about to ask again, but was stopped by Ling Wei.

"As long as you know this, don't ask more about anything else. You just need to pass on my words to the Family Alliance!" Ling Wei seems to have something difficult to say and doesn't want to reveal too much.

"I obey!" Yun Gu didn't ask any more questions. Although he still had many questions in his heart, Ling Wei didn't allow him to ask, and he didn't dare to say one more word.

"Ye, you go!" Ling Wei nodded and seemed to be satisfied with Yun Gu's obedient words.

"Did you hear what I just said?" After Yungu left, Ling Wei focused his eyes on Xiang Chen.

"I heard it, if it's not the words of the landlord, I really don't know this!" Xiang Chen's expression was also a little solemn. He had doubted everything Ling Wei said, but he did not explore it more deeply.

"You are the bloodline of the Yan people. I hope you can continue to write about the glory of the Yan people in those years!" Ling Wei's words changed, and he suddenly became very valued by Xiang Chen.

"I will try my best, but Lord, why are you? ..." Xiang Chen wanted to ask Ling Wei why he did this to him, but he was stopped by Ling Wei.

"Many things will be known when you are strong enough, but before that, you'd better learn to hide yourself. I still think you are a little too conspicuous now!" Ling Wei reminded.

"Some things I have to do, even if it's dangerous, I have to do it!" Xiang Chen never regrets what he has done before.

"Your personality is a little like the overlord of those years. Maybe this can revitalize the Yan clan again. Excessive forbearance may kill your will. I don't ask you to do anything. Do whatever you want!" Ling Wei said this like Xiang Chen's parents.

"Lord, you just said that you can suppress the cold poison on Ying Xue's body. I don't know if you can..." Xiang Chen seemed to remember something and hurriedly said.

"I also have some connections with the Jiang family. I can help her suppress this cold poison, but whether you can find Ruoshui Linglong depends on your creation." Ling Weidao.

"I will try my best to find it!" Xiang Chen's seriousness is full of firmness.

"Put her on the chair!" Ling Wei pointed to the chair next to him.

"Okay!" Xiang Chen didn't say much. In fact, he didn't completely trust Ling Wei. After all, he met him for the first time. Although Ling Wei gave him a very friendly feeling, he did not dare to trust Ling Wei completely.


After Xiang Chen put Jiang Yingxue on the chair, Ling Wei had walked to Jiang Yingxue's side.

Ling Wei raised his hand gently, followed by a strange spiritual fluctuation.

Xiang Chen looked at Ling Wei unexpectedly. He could clearly feel a pure masculine spiritual power, which was somewhat similar to the spiritual power he cultivated by Xiang Jiayan's spiritual formula, but it was not exactly the same.

"Is this the power of pure yang?" Xiang Chen stared and felt like a dream.

Pure yang, like the flame of the Yan clan, also belongs to the blood power of the ancient clan. However, this power of Xuanyang is much milder than Xiang Chen's flame.

If the power of Xiangchen's flame is a blazing fire, then the power of Xuanyang is the warm sunshine.



After about half an hour, Jiang Yingxue suddenly spewed a mouthful of black blood, and then coughed violently.

"Master Ling, Ying Xue..." Xiang Chen looked at Jiang Yingxue, and his eyes were full of worry.

"The poison in her is deeper than expected, but fortunately it has been suppressed now. But because she is poisoned too deeply, with my cultivation, I can only suppress it for three months, so you must find Ruoshui Linglong within three months!" There was a little apology in Ling Wei's eyes, but more helpless. But he had no other choice. If he didn't help Jiang Yingxue suppress the poison of cold, he was afraid that Jiang Yingxue would die in less than three days.

Three months? Anyway, three months is three months. Even if I fight for my life within three months, I still have to find Ruoshui Linglong!" Xiang Chen was shocked when he heard the three-month deadline, but when he saw Ling Wei's appearance, Xiang Chen also knew that Ling Wei had tried his best and could only accept the reality of three months.

"This is a piece of warm jade. You can wear it on her, which has the effect of restraining the poison of cold." Ling Wei hesitated for a moment, and finally seemed to be cruel and took out a small jade pendant from his arms.

"This...thank you, Lord!" Xiang Chen looked at Ling Wei, the owner of the house, and his eyes were full of excitement.

This jade pendant is very precious at a glance, but Ling Wei gave it to him casually. This is really rare. More importantly, Xiang Chen and Ling Wei have never met before. Today is the first time they met. Xiang Chen can't figure out why Ling Wei did this, but now Jiang Yingxue really needs this most, so Xiang Chen can't refuse Ling Wei's kindness at all.

"Don't thank me. I can only do so much. Please help her down and rest first. After the screening over there, I will take you to the northern Xinjiang to meet the lord of the territory. You will enter Tongtian Road there and accept the test of Tongtian Road!" Ling Wei's face showed a slight fatigue.

"I know, see you again, Lord!" Xiang Chen bowed deeply to Ling Wei, the lord of the city. Ling Wei helped Jiang Yingxue, so Xiang Chen was still grateful to him.