Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 60 Human and Snake Wars

The name of the Yin-crowned Snake is very loud, and Xiang Chen, a small team, has heard of it. I just didn't expect to meet this amazing encounter here.

However, this yin-crowned snake should only be the lowest level, otherwise Xiang Chen and others probably don't even have the intention to escape.

Of course, even the most high-order red-crowned yin-crowned snake does not want to provoke Xiang Chen. He has changed several directions one after another, intending to take advantage of its unprepared breakthrough.

However, the yin-crowned snake doesn't seem to want to let go of this team of people. The huge body keeps turning and always stops in front of Xiang Chen and others.

"It seems that this guy is sure to have lunch!" Xiang Chen's face was helpless. After most of the night of the toss, he finally escaped from the sleeping forest. Now it's noon, but he met another big snake.

"That's true. This big guy doesn't seem to want to get the way!" The big gun in Lin Teng's hand clenched a little more, and he also felt the hostility of the snake.

"I'll go and pester this beast later, and you will look for an opportunity to take them out of here!" Xiang Chen doesn't have much confidence in dealing with this clown snake. The huge and flexible body of this thing is not easy to deal with at a glance.

"Can you do it alone?" Lin Teng's face was a little dignified, and he knew nothing less about the Yin-crowned snake than Xiang Chen, so he understood the difficulties of the Yin-crowned snake more and more.

"Don't worry, I have my own way!" Xiang Chen felt that it might be difficult to kill the snake, but if he wanted to leave, it was still okay, but there were too many people here now. If he left by himself, the snake would definitely go to trouble others. Therefore, Xiang Chen would rather entangled the snake first and let others leave first, so that he could find an opportunity to leave.

"This is too dangerous. I'm worried about you alone. I want to stay!" Jiang Yingxue pulled Xiang Chen with one hand and refused to leave first.

"Ying Xue, I just let you go first, and then I'll chase you!" Xiang Chen advised.

"That doesn't work either. We have to fight together, live together, and die together. Let Lin Teng protect Yiyi and Xiaoxiao go first!" Jiang Yingxue has made up her mind that she will follow Xiang Chen wherever she is and will never leave half a step.

Jiang Yingxue knew that she had been poisoned by the cold. Although Ling Wei suppressed the poison of the cold for her, she could only suppress it for three months. These three months were probably her last three months, so she was unwilling to leave Xiang Chen for a moment. No matter how dangerous it was, she wanted to stay with Xiang Chen.

"Ying Xue is right. We are in the same group, and there is no reason for you, the captain, to bear everything alone!" Yun Yiyi also made a statement. Yunyi was also very moved by Xiang Chen's decision to let them go first. Although she was really afraid of the snake, she did not want to escape alone.

"Although I'm afraid of this big guy, I don't want to escape. If my brother knows that I have escaped, he will definitely laugh at me!" Although Hua Xiaoxiao's face was still a little scared, there was a stubborn look in his eyes.

"It seems that no one wants to leave. In fact, I don't think it's impossible to defeat this big guy at all. Now we are very united, and this is our strength!" Lin Teng's face relaxed, and a faint smile appeared.

In fact, Lin Teng does not want to leave Xiang Chen alone, but he is also worried about the safety of several girls, so he does not object to Xiang Chen. Now several girls have made a statement, and of course he is also willing to stay and fight with Xiang Chen.

Sometimes this is the case, but the feelings generated in battle are the least likely to be shaken. Xiangchen, Jiang Yingxue, Lin Teng, Yunyiyi and Hua Xiaoxiao. At the beginning, they fought for the position of the captain. When they arrived at this road, they encountered the dilemma of sleeping in the forest. Later, they had a life-and-death battle with the sleeping tree king. In fact, everyone's hearts had already been tied together invisibly.

Now Xiang Chen wants a person to stop the snake and let others leave first. Naturally, these people are also worried about Xiang Chen's safety and refuse to leave. This is the friendship of their comrades-in-arms. They have experienced life and death together, which is the most firm love.

"Okay! Since you are unwilling to leave, let's face this big guy together. It's still the same rule. Lin Teng and I are responsible for the main attack, and you are responsible for looking for opportunities from the side!" Xiang Chendao.

"There is no problem with this. We believe in your two skills!" Seeing that Xiang Chen no longer insisted on leaving, the three women had a smile on their faces.

"Then let's start!" Xiang Chen waved the halberd in his hand and rushed out towards the crowned snake.

The Yin-crowned snake did not act rashly. As a monster, it also has the wisdom of human beings, as if it is devouring how to swallow all the pairs of people Xiang Chen.

At this time, Xiang Chen suddenly took action and wrapped the flame of the halberd and went straight to the red crown on the head of the snake.

The name of the yin-crowned snake is resound, and its characteristics have also been studied by many people. Although no one really wants to provoke this thing, it does not hinder people's interest in their research.

Many people are speculating that the biggest weakness of this negative-crowned snake may be the crown on its head, so Xiang Chenyi's attack is the red crown on the head of the negative-crowned snake.


When the Yin-crowned snake sees Xiang Chen moving, it naturally cannot allow Xiang Chen to attack itself. No matter what the attack power of Xiang Chen is, this is intolerable for the proud Yin-crowned snake. Therefore, when Xiang Chen's body rose into the air and was preparing to attack the vaginal-crowned snake, the vaginal-crowned snake opened its mouth, aimed at Xiang Chen, and sprayed out a mouthful of poison.

The poison gas of the Yin-crowned snake is not an ordinary poison gas. The poison gas contains a very powerful cold power, which is very similar to the cold poison of the blood of the ancient Mingfeng clan, but it is more powerful. But this time, the crown snake looked at Xiang Chen.

Since Xiang Chen took action, he was psychologically prepared. At the moment when the poisonous gas of the snake spewed out, a black flame ignited around him. The poisonous gas of the yin-crowned snake immediately began to twist when it met the black flame, but in an instant, it was completely suppressed by the hot force.


The crown snake was also a little surprised to see that its poison gas had been suppressed. At the same time, the pair of triangular eyes seemed to be more solemn. Originally, it thought it could easily solve these people, but it didn't expect that there would be such a difficult person among them, and this person's tricks made it feel very uncomfortable.

The shade-crowned snake likes the power of cold, but hates the hot breath most, which is also the biggest difference between the-crowned snake and other snake monsters.

Generally, snake monsters will sleep after the temperature drops to a certain level. This temperature is suitable for the cultivation of snake monsters themselves, and the stronger the tolerance of snakes with high cultivation to low temperatures.

However, all of this is for ordinary demon snakes. The shade-crowned snake is an exception. The lower the temperature of this monster, the more active they are. Perhaps this is the main reason why they are called shaded snakes. In terms of tolerance of the power of yin and cold, it should be the crown.

Therefore, due to its own attributes, the crested snake is very tired of all warm things. Even if it comes out to forage, it has to hide in the shady grass. If it hadn't been for Xiang Chen and others who were alert and ran fast, the shady-crowned snake would have found a cool place to do it, which would be more powerful.

Of course, although the yin-crowned snake failed to do it in a cool place, it does not mean that it will easily let go of a chance to eat.


Seeing that the poison gas attack was fruitless, the shade-crowned snake immediately changed its tactics, and a hidden light wrapped the whole snake's body. At the same time, a long tail rolled up towards Xiang Chen.

Snakes are different from other creatures. In addition to being poisonous, their long bodies are also deadly weapons, especially when snakes reach a certain length, which becomes more deadly.

The length of the yin-crowned snake is close to ten feet, and it has a large wooden basin. In addition, it has been forged by the spirit of darkness all year round, and the strength of the body has reached a very terrible point. If Xiang Chen is entangled by this huge body, the result is unimaginable. It is estimated that the broken bones and tendons are light. Therefore, Xiang Chen did not dare to let himself be swept up by this big snake.

When the body of the yin-crowned snake was about to approach, Xiang Chen's body slid hard to the side, which was nearly two feet away. But even so, it is just a matter of avoiding the entanglement of this overcrowed snake.

The Yinguan snake also reacted quickly. Seeing that its attack was fut again, it immediately made adjustments. The long snake tail adjusted and swept directly towards Xiangchen's waist.


Xiang Chen just stood firm. It was too late to avoid it again, so he had to pick it up. I heard a muffled sound, and then Xiang Chen's body was pumped out horizontally.


At this moment, Xiang Chen did not dare to be negligent. The halberd in his hand dragged to the ground, and then a long ditch appeared on the ground. Xiang Chen's body also supported by this friction.


Xiang Chen, who stopped, did not delay. He jumped and rushed up again.

This time Xiang Chen has experience and knows that this big snake not only has the poison of cold, but also has amazing power. So he was also very careful, and his body kept swimming around the big snake, looking for opportunities to take action.

At the same time, Lin Teng also took action, and the Tianmu God* in his hand rushed towards the dark-crowned snake wrapped in this thick green light. In a way, Lin Teng's attribute does not like the dark-crowned snake. It likes the dark spirit, which represents death, but Lin Teng's body exudes strong wood spiritual power everywhere, and his wood spiritual power is very pure, and many of them are not infected by the dark qi as the wooden spiritual power of Tongtian Road. The pure wooden spiritual power is full of vitality, that is to say, Lin Teng's power is more like representing the new power.

Of course, compared with Xiangchen's flame attribute, this negative-crowned snake obviously hates Xiangchen's flame attribute. In addition, there is another reason why this Yin-crowned snake doesn't like Xiang Chen's flame, which is that Xiang Chen's flame is not only hot, but also has a suction effect. Every time the Yin-crowned snake releases the power of cold, it will be absorbed by Xiang Chen's flame, which also makes the Yin-crowned snake very angry and puzzled. The place.