Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 81 Strong

Xiang Chen's appearance made Xiang Chong feel heavy. I can't even think that he can hold on without hurt under such a powerful attack. Although it looks a little embarrassed, Xiang Chong can detect that Xiang Chen's breath is not only not weaker than before, but also seems to be stronger.

If you are attacked at that level, you can still become stronger, which is something that Xiang Chong can't figure out anyway.

"How did you escape from that attack!" Xiang Chong's expression softened a little. He didn't believe that Xiang Chen could catch the attack directly. He must have used some means to escape temporarily. But that kind of life-saving method can generally only be used once.

"Escape, why do you want to escape? Your attack is nothing more than that. It can't hurt me at all, and it has also helped me a lot. Why should I escape?" Xiang Chen raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"This is impossible. My attack is the best. This is a trick I specially researched to deal with you. You can't force it!" Xiang Chong didn't believe what Xiang Chen said at all. He believed that there was something on Xiang Chen to help him escape the disaster.

The same is true. If he only relies on the power of Xiang Chen, he will definitely die from the blow just now. However, Xiang Chen also has other life-saving things, such as Huayan halberd, which is a treasure that can absorb the power of flames.

In addition, in addition to the fire halberd, there is also a hot mandar in Xiang Chen's sleeve. The hot mandarin is born from the will of the flame, and the flame is also the biggest tonic for him.

The most important thing is that Xiang Chen still has the treasure of the Yan clan, that fire token. In the legend of the Yan clan, the fire token can be the first to make all the world fires. Xiang Chen borrowed the role of the fire token to save his life.

In fact, it was really dangerous at that moment, and Xiang Chen even smelled the smell of death. At the critical moment, Xiang Chen no longer dares to reserve anything. The halberd has been stimulated to the extreme and constantly absorbs the surrounding flame energy. The fire order was also taken out to Chen to control and absorb the nearby flames with a strong will.

Similarly, Xiang Chen is not idle, and its own black flame is also crazily devoured. In this way, the number of flames that can be detonated by the storm has actually been greatly reduced. In addition, Xiang Chen also found that after absorbing the flame released by Xiang Chong, whether it was the fire order or the halberd, the power seemed to have improved a lot.

So after the huge explosion dissipated, Xiang Chen did not appear at the first time, but chose to stay in place to let himself absorb more of the violent power of the halberd, the fire order, and even the yan mandarin.

It was not until Xiang Chong prepared for the emperor's finger that Xiang Chen almost absorbed the power generated by the explosion.

Xiang Chong did not brag. Xiang Chen also deeply understands that the flame power he mastered was indeed the most orthodox power of the Yan clan. For him, Xiang Chong's flame was simply too nourishing, so that after absorbing the power, Xiang Chen's cultivation improved two small realms in a row, from the early stage of creation to the middle period. It went straight into the later stage.

Of course, Xiang Chen also knows that the reason why his cultivation has soared is not only the credit of rushing to the flame, but also the flame power that should be released from the Chiyan knife. The Chiyan knife is a spiritual weapon worn by successive Yan patriarchs, and the cultivation of successive Yan patriarchs is very horrible, so this The power contained in the red flame knife should be said to be second only to the fire halberd and the fire order in the flame power of the Yan clan.

For the Huayan halberd, Xiang Chen did not know what happened at the beginning. He always felt that the most important thing was missing in the Huayan halberd, so that there was so much power in the air, but it could not be fully stimulated.

As for the fire order, not to mention it, it seems that people have been tamped with it. Although it is powerful, it absolutely does not have the power of the treasure of the clan.

But today, these two things have also changed a lot. First of all, the power contained in the Huayan halberd is stronger, and the flames have also begun to change, making it easier and easier for Xiang Chen to use. The same is true of the fire order. It seems that something was touched by the red flame, and now the power has greatly increased, and the control of the flame has increased many times compared with before.

All this is a harvest for Xiang Chen, but the bigger harvest is the hot oach. When Xiang Chen met Yanyou, Yanyou was still a cub. Even if he grew up with Xiang Chen later, there was still a lot to go before he became an adult. But after today's World War I, Yan Yao actually entered the stage of adult monsters. The growth of Yan loach requires a lot of flame energy. Today, Xiang Chen's duel provides him with a lot of flame energy, especially the energy contained in Xiang Chong's red flame knife, which is even more frighteningly pure. With the support of these flame energy, Yan loach can enter the stage of adult monsters. If you go further, you can evolve.

Of course, it will take a long process for the phew to evolve into a dragon dragon. The first thing to do is the dragonization.

Now there is an ancient bag on the head injury of the phroach, which looks like a unicorn. However, if this bulge wants to really evolve into the horn of dragon dragons, it still needs to accumulate huge energy.

The evolution of the pheasant to the fire dragon dragon dragon begins from the beginning. First, the head grows horns, then the body grows four claws from the front to the back, and then the smooth body will produce scales, and finally the pointed tail turns into a thick tail.

Each step of these transformations requires huge energy and more time. However, the current Yano is already very excited. If it continues to stay in the magma river and want to fully become an adult, it will have to wait at least another hundred years, but after Xiang Chen, it only took a few months. Although it has also experienced some dangers here, compared with this huge benefit, those so-called dangers are still have to .


Suddenly, there was a sound of water splashing behind Xiang Chen, and then these people swam far and close in the direction of Xiang Chen.

"You blocked my Yanhuang finger just now!" Xiang Chong's face became very ugly, and his miscalculation of Xiang Chen put him in a very unfavorable situation.

"What do you think? What collided with you just now is obviously the power of flames. Is there anyone else who controls this power besides you and me? Xiang Chen did not deny that at the next moment when Xiang Chong issued the fire emperor's finger, he did take over Xiang Chong's attack with the same move and injured Xiang Chong.

From a certain point of view, Xiang Chong is indeed the direct bloodline of the Yan clan. The flame power he cultivated is also very orthodox, but orthodox is not necessarily invincible. The black flame cultivated by Xiang Chen is warmer and more destructive than the red flame, and it also has the effect of absorbing spiritual power, which is unmatched by the red flame.

Although Xiang Chong's cultivation is high and the flame power is also sufficient, the quality of Xiang Chen's flame is obviously higher, so Xiang Chen can have an absolute advantage in this collision between the two people again.

This is unacceptable to Chong. His eyes are already full of madness, and the red flame on his body is also rising. At this time, Xiang Chong has no other choice. Now there is only desperate tricks in front of him.

"Inflammation!" Xiang Chong said two words with difficulty, which fully showed his determination to defeat Xiang Chen, and even die together with Xiang Chen.

Huayan is a taboo technique for the bloodline of the Yan clan. It will never be easily used until it is in a desperate situation. Such consumption, even if it wins, will also collapse and fall into a coma.

"Are you finally going to work hard?" Seeing Xiang Chong's taboo technique of using the blood of the Yan clan, Xiang Chen's face also became solemn.

At the same time, the seal of his hands began to change constantly. At the same time, around Xiang Chen's body, a dark flame completely wrapped him in the middle.


Soon, the flame that rushed into Xiang Chen had rushed in front of Xiang Chen, and the red sea of fire wanted to surround Xiang Chen.

Xiang Chen did not show weakness, and the dark flame kept coming out, facing the red flame released by Xiang Chong.

Xiang Chen once used the taboo tricks of Huayan to deal with Shen Chunheng, but it was the first time that he was attacked by such tricks as Huayan. The magical flame of Xiang Chong was much more powerful than Xiang Chen's flame at the beginning, so that even Xiang Chen, who had a fire attribute, felt strong pressure when he was surrounded by the deep sea of fire.

The rising flame made Xiang Chen feel that he was going to be burned.

After holding on for about half an hour, Xiang Chen finally became a little impatient, and his body gradually began to transform.

He can also get inflammation, but he won't use it easily, but in the face of this move, he has no more way.

The temperature of the flame turned into by the rush is still rising, and the stone land in the sea of fire is about to dissolve. In this case, if Xiang Chen doesn't work hard, I'm afraid he will soon turn into ashes.

With this judgment, Xiang Chen also began to urge the holy formula with all his strength. For a moment, the red and black flames were entangled together.

The whole Biyuntan has turned into a sea of fire. As for Jiang Yingxue, Lin Teng and others, they have already dived into the bottom of the water again.

Even so, they are not very uncomfortable. Due to the baking of two flames, the water temperature of the whole Biyun altar rises again, and they are cooking dumplings in a pot at the bottom of the water.

Fortunately, after two hours, the high temperature began to fade, and Jiang Yingxue and others eagerly got out of the water.

Their cultivation is not weak, and they are immune to water and fire. You can also breathe in the water without breathing for a long time, but this does not mean how comfortable it will be to stay in the water. As soon as the high temperature faded, several people couldn't help drilling out of the bottom of the water.

When it came out, several people were stunned. There is also the original appearance of Biyuntan. There are traces of burning by flames everywhere.

On the charred land, two figures stood opposite each other, and it was Xiang Chen and Xiang Chong.

Xiang Chen's face is very pale. It can be seen that the consumption is very large, but he is good. What's worse is Xiang Chong. At this time, Xiang Chong could only barely stand. His body was teetering. There was a blood stain beside Xiang Chong, which should be the blood he vomited from injury.

"Chong, do you have a sense of death now?" Xiang Chen was a little excited and stared at Xiang Chong.

"Cough..." Xiang Chong could only make a cough and couldn't speak at all.


At this time, a strong spiritual wave suddenly appeared in the void, followed by this figure. The man was a wide long run, his hair was raised high, his face was slightly wrinkled, and he had an eight-character beard on his mouth. He didn't look good, but the smell from his body made Xiang Chen tremble.

"I like this child very much. On the contrary, I don't like you very much. If you hurt him today, I will kill you to avenge him!" As soon as the man appeared, he made his position, and then raised his hand slightly, and a light shone on Xiang Chen's chest.


The Huayan halberd in Xiang Chen's hand went out at a low level, and then his body flew backwards like a broken kite.


Xiang Chen, who flew out, fell directly into the Biyun Lake, but soon Xiang Chen's head appeared in the Biyun Pool again.

"Huh? With such a big consumption, you can still take my blow without dying. Life is quite hard, so I'll give it to you again!" After saying that, this person wants to do it again.

"Shi Kun, anyway, you are also old, don't you know the rules of Tongtian Road? Unexpectedly, he took action against the younger generation. If you want to do it, I'll play with you!" When Shi Kungang was about to take action again, a slightly angry voice came out.

"It turned out to be you. I just fell in love with this boy and didn't want him to be hurt. Since you came forward, I won't pursue it. See you again!" Shi Kun was obviously a little afraid of the sound that had just appeared. He said something irrelevant and rushed away.

And then the sound disappeared at any time and never appeared again.

After a long time, Xiang Chen and others landed, but no one spoke, and everyone's expression was very solemn.

Shi Kun didn't know where he came from. He was so powerful that he couldn't resist. And the later voice, although no one appeared, Xiang Chen and others knew that this man was stronger than Shi Kun before, otherwise Shi Kun could not have left so easily.

Several people have a common idea for these two people, that is: "This is the real strong man!"