Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 83 Valley Full of Violence

Reiki, something that existed from the beginning of the formation of the world, and something necessary for practitioners to grow up.

It is said that at the beginning of the formation of the world, there was only one kind of aura, which was called chaotic aura. After a long period of evolution, Reiki has its own attributes.

Generally speaking, Reiki is divided into two categories, one is yin and the other is yang. On the basis of the spiritual power of yin and yang, the spiritual power of the five elements and some special attributes have evolved.

The five elements of spiritual power are divided into gold, water, wood, fire and earth. The Yanling formula cultivated by Xiang Chen is a practice formula based on fire attribute aura, and the power contained in his own Yan blood is also the evolution of fire attribute aura.

Compared with Xiang Chen, Jiang Yingxue's practice of Ruoshui shocking formula is a pure water attribute aura, and the power contained in the blood of the aquarium is also water attribute.

Yunyi's Yunlan Jingtao method is also based on water attribute aura, but the evolution form is different from Jiang Yingxue.

As for Lin Teng and Hua Xiaoxiao, they both belong to the category of wood spiritual power. Their formula is the different forms of the evolution of wood attribute aura.

In addition to the five elements of aura, there are also some special attributes of aura, such as thunder attribute aura, which can control the thunder attribute, which is very rare. Such people are usually very powerful.

In addition to the thunder attribute, the wind attribute aura is also an extremely rare and special aura.

The distribution of these auras in various places is actually not uniform. For example, where there are many earth properties, it will evolve into mountains, and places where there are many wood properties, it will evolve into jungles. Metal properties are metal ores, water properties are also rivers and oceans, and fire properties are very destructive, and fire properties are abundant. Magma rivers, deserts and so on in the center of the earth.

In a word, there can't be as much aura in every place. If there are as many auras of all attributes in a place, then this place is either a blessed place or a dead place.

The blessed land may grow some special elixir or hide some treasures, and the dead place is because such a place is very unstable, like a *, you don't know when it will explode.

The attribute differences between Reiki are destined to fail to coexist in equal ways. Once the number of Reiki of all attributes is the same, there will inevitably be an explosion.

Such an outbreak is often called a spiritual tide, which can produce great destructive power and even turn a mountain into a canyon.

The valley where Xiang Chen and others came to is such a place. Xiang Chen knows this, and Lin Teng is also clear about this. Therefore, after the two people came to this valley, their moods were heavy and not as relaxed and excited as Hua Xiaoxiao.

"Before entering, I must make it clear to you that this valley is actually very dangerous. In addition to the powerful monsters guarding the Tianbao tree, the spiritual tide that I don't know when it will break out is the most dangerous!" Although everyone is eager to improve their strength, Xiang Chen still talks about the dangers he may encounter after entering the valley, and he will not force others to take risks with him.

"What Xiang Chen said is absolutely right. This valley is marked as a danger mark and annotated!" Lin Teng took out a map, a bright red mark, marking that this is an extremely dangerous place.

"Nedless to say, it's really dangerous here, but this is what we must experience if we want to improve our strength. You can enter, and so can I!" Jiang Yingxue naturally knows what Xiang Chen and Lin Teng mean, but she also has a strong heart. In addition, she doesn't want Xiang Chen to be involved in danger alone.

"We have all come here. Of course, we can't back down. You two men can do what we can do!" After Jiang Yingxue finished speaking, Yun Yiyi and Hua Xiaoxiao did not show weakness.

They all feel that women are weak, but once they have persistence in their hearts, sometimes they are much more determined than men.

Jiang Yingxue, Yun Yiyi and Hua Xiaoxiao are like this. Like Xiang Chen and Lin Teng, they are greatly stimulated by Shi Kun, who was suddenly killed. They are all about their strength to improve and stay away from the feeling of recognition and slaughter.

"If you insist, I won't object, but I want to remind you to be vigilant. If anyone finds something wrong, we will come out of it immediately and never hesitate and miss it!" Xiang Chen was still worried and told him.

"In fact, you don't have to worry too much. Although there is a danger of an outbreak of spiritual tide here, it may not really break out. Don't forget that there is a mixed treasure tree that consumes all spiritual power all the time. I think as long as we pay attention to some monsters guard the Tianbao tree, there should be no big problem. !" Lin Teng's understanding of this area is actually still above Xiang Chen. After all, this map was brought by him. How can he not have studied it?

"Okay, but we still have to be careful!" Xiang Chen is not an uncertain person. He is well aware of the truth of wealth and danger. Since his birth, he has experienced many dangers, and every danger will be accompanied by this opportunity.

Take Xiang Chong as an example. If there is no Xiang Chong, it will take at least two or three months for him to practice until the later stage of the creation. However, after experiencing the incident of Xiang Chong, his cultivation directly entered the later stage of creation. Of course, the price he paid was not small, and he almost lost his life, but the harvest was indeed real.

"You are the most talkative. We all listen to you. If you say run, we will never leave another moment!" Hua Xiaoxiao has been impatient for a long time. She has long wanted to see what the legendary mixed fruit is. Even if there is no mixed fruit, it is good to take a look at the mixed treasure tree.

Xiang Chen shook his head and went straight into the valley without saying anything.

After entering the valley, Xiang Chen immediately felt a faint force of oppression. This feeling is very complicated, and it puts an imbalance in something that causes imbalance in a balanced thing. Xiang Chen himself is a fire attribute. After entering here, he immediately makes the spiritual power of other attributes feel the unbalanced factor. This faint oppression is more like a threat.


Xiang Chen just entered, and Jiang Yingxue and others came in again. This time, it is even more lively. All kinds of auras rub against each other, as if they are negotiating with each other.

Xiang Chen did not plan to stay here for a long time, so when he saw everyone coming in, he began to run deeper into the valley.

In this place, the shorter the stay, the better. Once it destroys the fragile balance here and causes aura*, it is very dangerous.

However, things are not as simple as they thought. Soon after Xiang Chen and others entered the valley, several figures came out of the valley.

"Lao Si, are you really sure that there is a treasure tree here?" At a glance, you can find that this team has two heads, and their cultivation is the peak of the virtual tower. The person in the front asked the people around him with a frown.

"Third brother, don't worry about this. A senior in my family once drew a map of the road to the sky, marking that there is a mixed treasure tree here, but it's very dangerous here, so I asked the third brother to help!" It is called the humane of Lao Si.

"Well, I'm afraid you want to ask Xiang Chong that boy for help, but it's a pity that he is seriously injured now. I'm afraid he can't recover without a month or two, so you came to me!" The man known as the third brother suddenly raised Xiang Chong. It turned out that he and Xiang Chong represented the same territory to participate in the trial of Tongtian Road.

There are five * domains in this world, and some people call them five continents. The competition between the territory is very fierce, and * territory will spare no effort to cultivate fresh blood in order to maintain its dominant position.

A small part of this fresh blood will be selected by 36 blessings. Of course, it is not in vain to choose people from each territory. While taking away those top geniuses, they will also give them a lot of resources to the territory where those geniuses are located.

These resources are very precious and can help cultivate more talents in the territory where those geniuses are located. Of course, a small part of it will also be distributed to the families where the geniuses live.

Such a state has considerable benefits for the thirty-six blessed land, every territory, or those genius families.

Of course, in order to transport more talents to 36 blessed places, there is also continuous competition between several * domains, and all kinds of means are used to recruit talents from large families or special abilities. Xiang Chong belongs to this kind of person selected.

Originally, Xiang Chong was a member of the Xiang family, but because he was recruited, what he now represents is neither northern Xinjiang nor Xiang family.

"Third brother, this can't be blamed. Our ranking is played out, and the strong ability to rush is also recognized by you and me. If it hadn't been for the boss who didn't like to contact people, I would have wanted to find him!" The people known as the fourth also looked bitter. They were originally native geniuses in the territory, but they were robbed of the top position by an outsider. Of course, they felt uncomfortable.

"Yes, Xiang Chong and the arrogant boss are indeed very powerful, and I have to accept it. Who would have thought that our spiritual lord would temporarily attract such a powerful help." After listening to Lao Si's words, the Lao San immediately wither.

"Yes, but that's good. I'm afraid the first government of the territory will belong to us this time!" Speaking of the first house of the territory, Lao Si's face immediately showed a touch of pride.

"There is no need to doubt this at all, you know, there are rumors outside that our landlord came down from above." Lao San looked left and right when he said this, and his voice was also very low, as if he was afraid that others would hear it.

"Yes, there is also such a saying there, but I don't know whether our landlord came to the thirty-six blessed land or from the legendary nine days?" Lao Si was a little confused when he said this. Thirty-six blessings were very willing to be the end for them. They didn't even dare to think about the higher nine days.

"Our landlord is very powerful, and the two people he found are also very strong, but this time it seems that there are also very powerful people in other territories. It is said that Xiang Chen from Lingtian Mansion in northern Xinjiang will defeat Xiang Chong. We must be careful when we see him!" Lao San is a shrewd person at first glance.

"I really don't know why there are so many perverts this time. We already have two there, and Xiang Chen is so powerful!" Speaking of this, Lao Si's face was weak.

"This Xiang Chen seems to be Xiang Chong's own family. It's reasonable to be so powerful!" The third brother can only blame the reason for their strength and bloodline.


Between the dialogue between Lao San and Lao Si, Xiang Chen and others have reached the deeper part of the valley. They are very careful for fear of disturbing the monsters guarding the Tianbao tree here.