Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 100 Reuse the old technique

After a night of rest, Xiang Chen and others have recovered very well. In particular, Hua Xiaoxiao was even more excited after meeting her brother Hua Wuyou.

After a night, Hua Wuyou has fully absorbed the power of the mixed fruit. His qualifications and talents have also been greatly improved, but the bloodline that Hua Wuyou has been looking forward to has not awakened immediately.

In addition to the spiritual power required, the awakening of the bloodline is more important than an opportunity. Even in the ancient family inherited from the bloodline, not everyone can awaken the bloodline.

For this, Hua Wuyou can only shake his head and sigh. However, Fortunately, his talent and cultivation have improved a lot, and in another group, he should not be worse than others. In addition, Hua Wuyou is not completely unable to feel the power of blood. After he got out of the customs, he could faintly feel that there was a huge and special power hidden in his body, which should be the power of blood. Therefore, although Hua Wuyou was a little disappointed, he did not have much lost expression.

"Brother, how are you feeling?" Hua Xiaoxiao looked at her brother with some concern.

"The change is still great, but the power of blood has not yet awakened. I think I need more opportunities!" Flower worry-free.

"If it's just the power of blood, maybe I have some ways to help you wake up faster!" At this time, he talked to Chen.

He had some experience when he was at home. At that time, he used the power of his own bloodline to make the father who also has the blood of the Yan clan awaken the blood of the Yan clan to the hero and grandfather Xiang Nantian.

"What can I do?" The little brother and sister were a little curious.

"I'm afraid this will be a little bitter. I need to put a little blood into Wuyou's body and use the awakened blood power to awaken the power of Wuyou's blood!" Explain to Chen.

"Is this harmful to Xiao Xiao?" From childhood to age, Hua Wuyou has always loved Hua Xiaoxiao. Although he is very eager for the power of his blood, if this is too harmful to Hua Xiaoxiao, he doesn't want to try it.

"There will definitely be some damage, but it's not too big. In addition, this can only increase some opportunities to awaken the bloodline in your body, but it does not guarantee that it can awaken your blood power!" Xiang Chen didn't say anything to death. After all, he hasn't tested others. If he succeeds on himself, it doesn't mean that he can also succeed in others.

"I think it's feasible!" Hua Wuyou didn't say anything. Obviously, he was hesitating. He was Hua Xiaoxiao's own brother and didn't want Hua Xiaoxiao to suffer any harm. However, Hua Xiaoxiao is very happy. In the Hua family, what she cares about most is this brother. She also knows that her brother's desire for that power.

"Wouldn't you do great harm to the little one?" Hua Wu hesitated again.

"Brother, don't worry. Xiang Chen said that it wouldn't hurt too much, and he would never do it. I have so much blood, so it won't be a problem to take out some!" Hua Xiaoxiao now has absolute trust in Xiang Chen. Xiang Chen said it was okay, and she was relieved about everything.

"Brother Wuyou, you can rest assured that what I have tested on myself will consume a little, but it will recover soon!" Xiang Chen said seriously.

"Well, I'll thank Captain Xiang Chen first, and you little one!" Hua Wuyou's heart is still very moved by Hua Xiaoxiao.

"Okay, prepare first and listen to my command later!" Xiangchen and the two men sat down cross-legged and adjusted their breath respectively.

"You two should run the formula at the same time, and it's better to achieve synchronization!" This is not the first time for Xiang Chen to do this, and he is also familiar with it.


With Xiang Chen's words, Hua Xiaoxiao and Hua Wuyou's formula worked at the same time, and many flowers gradually appeared around the two people.

"Little, cut your arm and force out a drop of blood!" Xiang Chen's expression was serious and ordered.

Hua Xiaoxiao didn't say anything. Her fingertips gently scratched, and an opening appeared on her arm. However, under the small control of Hua, the opening did not bleed immediately. After about a few minutes, a drop of bright red blood finally appeared on the wound.

This blood is not ordinary blood, but the essence of the blood. Although there is only one drop, it contains huge power.

After forcing out this drop of blood, Hua Xiaoxiao's face also turned pale, which obviously consumed a certain amount.

"Brother Wuyou, it's your turn to cut your arm away!" While Hua Xiao's little blood appeared, Xiang Chen's voice also appeared in Hua Wuyou's ear.

"Good!" Hua Wuyou said hello, and the same tip of one hand melted a cut on his arm.

"Go, melt me!"

At the same time, the seal on Xiang Chen's hand changed, and the drop of bright red blood immediately flew to the wound on Hua Wuyou's arm with Xiang Chen's guidance.

"Go in!" This blood went to Hua Wu's wound, but it did not go in. There will be a certain rejection between different bloods, even the closest brothers and sisters, but this is not a problem for Xiang Chen. Seeing that the seal on his hand changed again, the bright red blood gradually integrated into Hua Wuyou's body.


At the moment when the small drop of blood was hit into Hua Wuyou's body, Hua Wuyou's body suddenly trembled, as if it was suffering a huge impact.

The tremor lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour before stopping. At this time, Hua Wuyou's breath has changed greatly.

Outside him, countless flowers were born and bloomed in an instant. In addition, a faint blood pressure was also released. Hua Wuyou was originally a handsome prince, but because of the practice of the hundred flower dance formula, people always felt that he was a little sissy. However, after the pressure of the blood appeared, Hua Wuyou's own sissy has completely disappeared, and all that remains is handsome.

"Captain Xiang Chen, thank you, little..." Hua Wuyou gradually opened his eyes, and something in his eyes was already rolling.

At this time, Hua Wuyou was obviously a little excited. At this moment, he fantasized for a long time, but he didn't expect that today he realized his long-cherished wish, the power of blood, and the power of ancient blood, which he also had today.

"Brother Wu, your current blood power has also awakened, but you still need to continue to practice to make the blood power more pure. This time, there is a lot of small consumption. I hope you can make her feel at ease in the flower family in the future!" Seeing Hua Wuyou's awakening bloodline, Xiang Chen is actually a little worried. There are too many brothers fighting for power in the world, and it's the same between brothers and sisters. Now Hua Wu has awakened the power of blood, which will undoubtedly make his ambition bigger. In this way, in the face of Hua Xiaoxiao, who also has blood power, he is likely to worry that Hua Xiaoxiao will steal his limelight.

"Captain Xiang Chen, don't worry about this. Xiao Xiao is my own sister. I can have today, thanks to her. If she wants to take over as the head of the Hua family, I will definitely give in!" Hua Wuyou obviously also saw Xiang Chen's worries.

"That's not necessary. A small personality is not suitable for being a family owner. I just hope that you don't target the little one after becoming a family owner!" Xiang Chen's words clearly have the meaning of warning.

"I promise here that there will be no day. If I spend carefree, I will be punished by God!" Hua Wuwu promised.

"That's good, brother Wuyou, please familiarize yourself with the new power. It happens that the little one also needs to take a break. We will leave early tomorrow morning!" After getting Hua Wuyou's guarantee, Xiang Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief. His personal experience has made him have always had so many grudges about the family struggle.

"You seem to be worried about the little one!" Jiang Yingxue also heard the conversation between Xiang Chen and Hua Wuyou.

"It's nothing, just a little afraid of the family fight!" Explain to Chen.

"Ha ha, is that really the case? Why do I feel that you also seem to be interested in this little girl? Jiang Yingxue lowered her voice.

"You girl, you are starting to talk nonsense again!" Xiang Chen stared.

Seeing Xiang Chen's eyes, Jiang Yingxue smiled and said nothing, with a clear look in her heart.


Xiang Chen's conversation with Jiang Yingxue was not loud, but others heard it, especially Hua Wuyou. However, his understanding is different from everyone else. In his opinion, Xiang Chen is probably looking at his sister's little one. Xiang Chen's strength is amazing. Even now that he has awakened the blood power of the Baihua clan, he still dares not look directly at it. Therefore, in his heart, Hua Wuyou also secretly made up his mind to please his sister in the future. Xiang Chen's future is certainly not comparable to him, so maybe the Hua family will also embark on a stronger road because of his sister in the future.

"What are you doing?" Just as Hua Wu thought, Hua Xiaoxiao opened her eyes. After forcing out a drop of blood, Xiang Chen closed her six senses and entered a state of cultivation. Now her vitality has recovered, but it will take longer to replenish the lost blood.

"Nothing, we are looking for your mother-in-law!" Jiang Yingxue came over and said quietly.

Looking for a mother-in-law's house? Ouch! What are you talking about? He is still young. What kind of mother-in-law are you looking for!" Hua Xiaoxiao's face suddenly turned red and looked shy, but while lowering her head, her eyes unconsciously glanced at Xiang Chen.

"Ha ha, why do you look like you are in such a hurry to marry yourself?" Yun Yiyi also came to make fun of it.

Xiang Chen really doesn't know what to say to these two women. One of them is a friend's boon, and the other is his nominal wife. Neither of them is easy to mess with, so Xiang Chen immediately turned around and went outside to cool down after hearing what they said.

"What's wrong with him?" Hua Xiaoxiao couldn't help asking when she saw Xiang Chen go out.

"Don't worry about him. I guess he's too hot. It's cool outside!" Jiang Yingxue said.

"Haha... He himself is a fire, and he will feel too hot!" The small laughter sounded like a silver bell

Then Jiang Yingxue and Yun Yiyi also laughed...

Xiang Chen heard the laughter of three women outside for a wave of helplessness.