Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 105 Ice and Fire Dragon

"Why is it not that easy?" Hua Xiaoxiao was a little puzzled after listening to Xiang Chen's words.

"Because this light beast will not give us a chance!" There is no need to explain to Chenduo, because the light beast has completely rescued the released balls at this time.

Xiang Chen's arrangement did achieve certain results unexpectedly, and the ghost beast did not crack it at the first time. However, after all, this ghost beast is the thirty-two monsters in the monster spectrum, and this ranking is higher than the Linlong beast. At the beginning, in that unknown valley, the people who besieged the dragon beast were more than 30 masters who entered the tower building. More than 30 masters of tower building can't help the Linlong Beast. Xiang Chen and others are only five people now. Even with the Yan Loach, which has greatly increased their strength, it is difficult to win the ghost beast in front of them, which is more advanced than the Linlong Beast.

If the light beast hadn't tamped the water in advance, Xiang Chen and others would have left without hesitation, but now they can only deal with it.


The light beast does not intend to continue to let Xiang Chen and others make trouble again. The light enemy just now has caused great losses. I'm afraid that the "round lantern" on the tentacles will have to be cultivated for a long time to recover to its previous ability, but this will not have much impact on the strength of the huge light beast.

As the strange sound reappeared, a large whirlpool suddenly appeared in front of the ghost beast, with the unique bubbles it released.

The whirlpool is fast and urgent, and it is still expanding, and soon involved Xiang Chen and others.

Xiang Chen and others have not thought of escaping, but the whirlpool expands too fast, and with strong suction, everyone has no chance to escape at all. They can only try to stabilize their bodies and maintain balance as much as possible.


As Xiang Chen and others were swallowed up by the whirlpool, a muffled sound quickly came out of the whirlpool!

This whirlpool is not an ordinary whirlpool, and there are many strange bubbles created by you guang shou.

This time, Xiang Chen and others finally learned the power of this bubble. It turns out that this thing will explode.

Explosion is a trick that people or monsters major in fire attributes are good at. In short, it compresses spiritual power in a small range, and then suddenly detonates, forming a huge destructive force. Fire attributes are relatively active, so this explosive attack comes from the practitioners of fire attributes.

But today's strange bubble of the ghost beast has completely subverted people's understanding.

The ghost beast is a monster that is good at controlling the spiritual power of water attributes. Although the bubbles it releases are special, the spiritual power contained in it is still pure water attribute spiritual power. However, after the spiritual power of this water attribute is detonated, the destructive power formed is no less than the destructive power generated by the fire attribute explosion.

Everyone needs to mobilized all their forces to resist. Even so, after the whirlpool stopped, everyone was blown up.

"Everyone is all right!" Xiang Chen was the first to wake up from the explosive bubble. At this time, the black robe on his body had been blown up several big holes, and his face was slightly pale. Obviously, this impact consumed him a lot.

Speaking of which, Xiang Chen is still relatively good. Lin Teng, Yun Yiyi and Xiao Xiao are more embarrassed. In order to increase the defense of big people, Lin Teng put on a layer of vine " armor" for everyone at the moment before being involved.

But even with this layer of "armor", everyone is still uncomfortable. Yun Yiyi's hair has been messed up, and there are many holes in the white sleeves, and the snow-white jade arms are looming.

It's not just Yun Yiyi, but also a small flower. Several obvious holes can be seen on the long skirt and sleeves. However, Jiang Yingxue became the only person to be affected after this round of collision.

Jiang Yingxue herself is good at controlling water spirit. Those strange bubbles will always detonate in front of her for a period of time, and Jiang Yingxue also took advantage of this time to escape the scope of the explosion.


After a round of dizzy bombing, before Xiang Chen and others could stand still, the ghost beast once again exerted its power. This time, it did not continue to control the water spirit around it, but rushed to Xiangchen and others with a big mouth.

The big mouth of the ghost beast is open enough to swallow everyone into the abdomen. However, Xiang Chen and others are relatively scattered, so the target of this ghost beast is not everyone, but only limited to Xiang Chen's position.

After another round of competition, the ghost beast has also changed its original view. Among these people, Xiang Chen should be the strongest in terms of combat effectiveness, because Xiang Chen is not a person, and there is also a wont that can pose a threat to it.

Xiang Chen did not dare to neglect it at all. The fire halberd was in full bloom, and the surrounding water temperature also rose. However, after a few breaths, Jiang Yingxuelin, Lin Teng and others, who were not far from Xiangchen, felt that the surrounding water was very hot, as if they had been boiled.


The light beast has the most sense of water temperature. It feels the change of water temperature and immediately becomes nervous. At the same time, a layer of white light suddenly appeared outside the ghost beast. After this layer of white light appeared, the tension of the ghost beast seemed to ease a little. However, its eyes were even more angry, staring at Xiang Chen with a strong murderous intention.

"Let's take action together!" Lin Teng's words have been taken.

Lin Teng's move was like a signal, and Jiang Yingxue, Yun Yiyi and Hua Xiaoxiao also took action.

For a moment, all kinds of brilliance enveloped the light beast in an instant.

Although the ghost beast was angry, it behaved very calmly. Bubbles spewed out of the big mouth one by one, and all kinds of attacks were intercepted before attacking the body of the ghost beast.

Xiangchen and Yandao also took action in an instant, releasing several flame blades from different directions.


The sound was very strange underwater, but the sound of collision did not stop for a moment.


In the face of everyone's attack, the ghost beast was not waiting to be killed. A long tail as thick as a fish tail instantly rolled up a wild stream. Although this wild stream is not as good as the previous whirlpool, it is also powerful. Lin Teng, Jiang Yingxue and others retreated sharply under this crazy flow.

In fact, the ghost beast doesn't care much about the attacks of these people. Now it takes into account the mysterious black flame of Xiang Chen and Yan Oo.

The power of this flame still makes the ghost beast very afraid. After all, the feeling of being cut off is not good.

With the first lesson, theyou guang beast has always maintained a high vigilance against the flame of Xiangchen and Yanyou.

With the passage of time, Xiang Chen and others have obviously been at a disadvantage, while the Youguang Beast is more and more brave in Vietnam. Obviously, they have gradually adapted to the attack mode of Xiang Chen and others.

"It can't go on like this. We are always limited in the water and can't fight as hard as on the shore. In addition to reflecting snow, everyone else is more adaptable to water spirit!" Over time, Xiang Chen found a problem. Although his black flame can absorb the water spirit in the water, it is still limited by the water spirit. Under the interference of the water spirit, his offensive power will be consumed by one point.

Xiang Chen also saw the situation of others. Except for Jiang Yingxue, who did not show obvious discomfort, others seemed to be very difficult, and the Yanhoach needed to be careful in the water.

"Yes, this light beast is really difficult to deal with in the water. We are like its playthings. Except for the phewage that cut off the tentacles of the light beast, we have not caused any more damage to it!" Hua Xiao's face became very pale. After fighting in such a deep water for so long, she had to be oppressed by the surrounding spiritual power. Hua Xiao's consumption was very large. In addition, she was the weakest among the people, and she was even more unable to deal with it.

"It seems that there is really no other way. Xiaolong, please cooperate with others to pester this light beast first. I'm going to prepare for it. This is my last resort!" Xiang Chen said solemnly to this Yanyou.

"What are you going to do?" Yan Moi still knows something about Xiang Chen's methods. It is because of this that Yan Moi doesn't believe that Xiang Chen has the means to deal with this light beast.

"I don't have time to explain now. Anyway, this is my last resort!" Xiang Chen knew that the situation was very urgent, so he didn't have time to explain more about Yan Loach.

"You'd better not mess around. We can still stick to it. Maybe this guy will collapse before us!" Yan Oo still has a deep affection for Xiang Chen. He doesn't want to do anything irrational to Xiang Chen.

"Don't worry, I won't mess around. I just realized this move recently and it takes time to prepare, so you have to buy me more time!" Xiang Chendao.

"Okay, I'll believe you, but don't be stubborn!" Yan won's words were a little worried, and his tone was more like Xiang Chen's elders.

"Oc's it, I know. It's like you're my eldest brother!" Xiang Chen stared at Yan Yao, but his heart still felt warm. It was the first time since he became an adult that a person who regarded him as a brother piped him like this.

"Hey, how about it? Why don't I be your brother!" The sound of the hot mandarin sounded again.

"If you don't want to live, why don't you pester the light beast!" Xiang Chen took a hostile look at the Yandao.

"What a stingy. According to your human algorithm, I was born more than 100 years earlier than you. It's not too much for you to call me brother!" Yan Tao took a quiet look at Xiang Chen and whispered to Xiang Chen at the moment of turning around.

"You..." Xiang Chen was about to fight back, and the Yan Ha had rushed to the light beast, and he didn't give Xiang Chen any chance.

Xiang Chen shook his head helplessly, but he regained his seriousness in an instant. I saw his hands keep changing and began to prepare.

With the speed of the transformation of the secret print on his hand, Xiang Chen's body has also undergone subtle changes. His left hair is still dark, and his whole left body is faintly covered with black flames. The body on the right is completely different from the left, and the hair is like white snow. Not only that, the eyebrows on the right half of Xiang Chen's face also turned completely white. At this time, Xiang Chen can be said to be completely black and white.

In addition, a very cold breath was released on his right half of his body, instantly forming a layer of ice on his arm.

"Ice and Fire Dragon!" With Xiang Chen's low voice, the last move he said was finally ready to be completed.