Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 109 Gathering Bowl

Although it was only for a moment, Xiang Chen and others still used their wisdom and tacit cooperation to create a gap in the barrier separating water and fire.

This vacancy has existed for a short time, but it is enough for Xiang Chen and others to pass.

Entering that barrier is a brand-new and hot world. Through a barrier, although the water temperature is high, I don't want it to be so amazing in the barrier.

Xiangchen and Yanhao are fine. They are very adaptable to the power of heat. Jiang Yingxue has been to the secret collection of the Yan clan once, and they are not unfamiliar with this hot environment. However, Lin Teng, Yun Yiyi and Hua Xiaoxiao entered this environment for the first time. They were not adapted to this heat, especially Hua Xiaoxiao. Under the baking of this hot airflow, their faces turned red, like a blooming red flower.

Fortunately, these people's reaction was not slow. Lin Teng put a layer of vines on everyone as soon as he entered this space, which contains rich wood spiritual power and can isolate heat to a certain extent.

Jiang Yingxue was not idle, and the water soaked on the vine coat one by one. Her bubble is not an ordinary bubble, but a pure essence of water. For the effect of isolating the power of heat, it is also on the vine coat made by Lin Teng.

Of course, Xiang Chen was not idle. He saw him wave his hand, and a silver-white light passed by everyone in an instant. Everyone felt a cool chill, and then touched a layer of crystal frost on the vine coat.

"How do you feel now?" Xiang Chen couldn't help smiling and asking when he looked at his slightly bloated companions who were "armed" layer by layer.

"It's much cooler now. This place is really not a place for people to stay!" Hua Xiaoxiao felt the coolness transmitted by several layers of coat, and her expression became much better.

"We also feel much better!"

Lin Teng and Yun Yiyi look at each other and are quite satisfied with their current state.

"That's good. Let's go to the treasure place!" Entering this magma river, Xiang Chen Yuejia was sure that this was the place where the overlord showed himself the treasure.


As soon as Xiang Chen's words were finished, Yanyou couldn't wait. After shouting excitedly twice, he went straight into the magma river.

Compared with the magma river in the secret collection of the Yan people, the quality of this magma river has improved a lot. Both the viscosity and the temperature of the magma have been greatly improved, which are good for the Yan mandarin.

"Okay, don't just take a bath. We still need to search for treasure. This is your specialty!" Xiang Chen turned to the joyful Yanyou Road playing in the magma river.

"I know, I haven't played in the magma river for a long time. Can't you let me play a while longer?" The complaining voice of Yan Loach echoed in Xiang Chen's mind.

However, although complaining, Yanyou still went to work honestly.

This magma river is no better than the Yan people's land. This place is just a treasure temporarily found by the overlord, and the temperature here can't be approached by ordinary people at all, not to mention there is a barrier outside.

Maybe for this reason, the overlord did not lay any mechanism ambush or anything in the magma river.

Of course, Xiang Chen feels that the overlord has not set up an ambush or mechanism again. There may be another reason, that is, he doesn't care about the treasures stored here at all.

This is the first treasure place Xiang Chen got. Since it is the first one, the overlord will also consider the strength of the treasure hunter. According to Xiang Chen's view, the overlord left this treasure for future generations to cultivate a talent and become the overlord's right-hand man. Since it is necessary to cultivate talents step by step, the level of treasures placed here will certainly not be too high, but it must be necessary for Xiangchen at this stage.

Xiang Chen was right. When the overlord left this secret, he really wanted to cultivate an excellent descendant to leave a way for the Yan clan, but he did not expect that this descendant would appear tens of thousands of years later.

"It seems to be the front. The spiritual fluctuation there is very complicated and strong. It should be the place to hide treasures!" After turning his head in one direction, Yandao said to Chen.

"Let's go over there!" Xiang Chen was also excited when he heard Yan Oo's words, and he was also full of expectations for what the overlord left.

Although the overlord will not leave anything too advanced, it is for the overlord. Once a hegemon in the three realms, even the things he left behind were at the lowest level and could not be seen by Xiang Chen in this low-level world.

Lin Teng and others are also a little excited. For them, it is not easy to enter this secret, or even very dangerous. If Xiang Chen hadn't taken out a long sword at the last moment, they would have become the food in the mouth of the ghost beast.

"Let's hurry up. This place is really uncomfortable!" Hua Xiaoxiao is even more urgent. First of all, she has a unique interest in babies, and she really doesn't like the environment here. Although Xiang Chen, Jiang Yingxue and Lin Teng have created three layers of protection, the eyes are full of slowly flowing high-temperature magma, which is not very comfortable.


Soon, Xiang Chen and others came to the location designated by Yanloach. This is an island in the middle of the magma river. The diameter of this island is about 20 feet, but the island is not land.

Only on the periphery of the island, there is a layer of clear hard stone, but in the middle of this hard stone, it is still full of magma.

"Yan Oo, are you sure it's here? There is magma everywhere. What's the treasure there? Hua Xiaoxiao looked at this island that looked like a big pool and complained.

"Ha ha, Xiaoxiao, have you forgotten how we got in?" Xiang Chen reminded him slightly.

"You mean there will be a barrier under this magma?" Hua Xiaoxiao is actually not stupid, but he doesn't like to use his brain. He was reminded by Xiang Chen and immediately thought of the key.

"You're right. I just explored that there is indeed a layer of independent space below, and the thing that causes this space should be this kind of strange stone." Xiang Chen pointed to the place where he stood.

"Oh? Doesn't that mean that the stone itself is a treasure? Hua Xiaoxiao thought the stone was very beautiful at the beginning. After listening to Xiang Chen's words, her eyes immediately glowed.

If this stone is really a treasure, then their harvest will be great. This island has a radius of 20 feet, all of which are surrounded by this kind of stone. The value of this treasure is definitely not small.

"Well, even if it's a baby, you have to be able to take it away. Can we move such a big thing?" Yun Yiyi looked at Hua Xiaoxiao's appearance and couldn't help laughing.

"What are we going to do now? Are we still setting up the formation as before?" Jiang Yingxue looked at the magma pool like a big bowl and frowned.

"This may not be so troublesome. There is a lot of fire power here, but it is not as difficult to deal with as the barrier outside. Just leave it to me and Yanhove!" Xiang Chen smiled slightly, and the barriers where water and fire intersect have been broken. Of course, this little difficulty can also be solved.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Teng doesn't think things will go so smoothly.

"The dragon and I absorbed the fire spirit here, and the magma on it will turn into a rock. Then dig a hole in the rock, and we can go down to look for treasure!" Xiang Chen's plan is perfect.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy!" Lin Teng's biggest characteristic is caution. He seems to have a special feeling about the island in front of him.

"Even if it doesn't work, let's try it!" Xiang Chen also knew that no method could work 100%, but if he didn't try, he would have no chance.

"All right!" Lin Teng didn't say anything, but took a step back and made room for Xiang Chen and Yan Oo.

Others are the same. They have nothing to do about this place full of fire and spiritual power. They all took a step back to facilitate Xiang Chen and Yan.

"Xiaolong, let's get started!" Xiang Chen took a look at the Yan mandarin and said solemnly.

"I like to absorb the spiritual power of fire the most. The spiritual power of fire in this place is much purer than the magma river outside. These are all tonics for me!" Speaking of absorbing the spiritual power of fire, Yanyou is still very excited, which are the keys to its strength and promotion.

"Let's start!" Xiang Chen didn't say much. He flew over the magma and stood in the air.

At the moment when Xiang Chen's body was set, the fire spirit in the magma also quickly integrated into Xiang Chen's body.

At the same time, the Yano also began to launch. The sharp corner on its head rose in an instant, and the huge suction instantly enveloped the island about 50 meters in diameter.

Xiang Chen and Yan Mo jointly act, which is still very effective. In a while, the fire spirit in this large magma pool has been reduced a lot.

Jiang Yingxue, Yun Yiyi, Hua Xiaoxiao, and even Lin Teng's faces all smiled, because according to this situation, the fire spirit in this large magma pool will soon be absorbed by Xiang Chen and Yanhao.


However, the happiness of these people did not last long. When the fire spiritual power in the large magma pool was thin to a certain extent, there was a sudden spiritual fluctuation in the magma river, and then the fire spiritual power contained in the magma river quickly gathered towards the large magma pool as if it had been attracted something.

At the same time, the fire spirit that had become thin in the magma pool has become full again.

After about half an hour, the concentration of fire spirit in the magma pool returned to its previous appearance.

"How can this be!" Hua Xiaoxiao jumped high, and her voice was full of surprise. The speed of this magma pool gathering spiritual power was too fast, which was much more amazing than the absorption speed of Yanyou and Xiang Chen.

"Sure enough!" Compared with Hua Xiaoxiao, Lin Teng is much calmer. It seems that there is not much surprise about the current situation, but just a bitter smile on his face.

"Why do I feel like you knew this would happen before? What's going on!" Jiang Yingxue and Yun Yiyi were curious about Lin Teng's reaction.

"I just speculated before, and I can't be sure, but seeing this situation, I can be eight points sure that this magma pool is not an ordinary pool formed by nature. It should be a legendary high-level spiritual weapon, called the gathering bowl, and looking at this, it should be a gathering bowl specially used to gather the spiritual power of fire. !" Lin Teng explained.