Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 139 Chuyang Zhenhuo, a comprehensive breakthrough

"It's really surprising that there is a pure yang fire in this place!" Out of the range of white flame, the excitement on Xiang Chen's face still did not fade.

According to the record in the Jiuyang hegemony formula, there are nine kinds of pure yang fire, which is the source of all fires in the world.

These nine pure yang fires are called real fires by the world. They are Chuyang Zhenhuo, Shaoyang Zhenhuo, Qingyang Zhenhuo, Sun Zhenhuo, Yuanyang Zhenhuo, Shengyang Zhenhuo, Guyang Zhenhuo, Mingyang Zhenhuo and Xuanyang Zhenhuo.

The nine kinds of real fires have their own strengths and divisions, which are the most difficult thing to find. When Xiang Chen practiced the Jiuyang hegemony formula, he never thought that he could find a Jiuyang real fire.

The Jiuyang body formula should be a popular method of refining in ancient times. In the era of ancient bloodline prevalence, some people who do not have bloodline advantages can only find another way if they want to gain a foothold. This Jiuyang body formula should be one of them.

It is very difficult and dangerous to practice Jiuyang's body formula. The main reason is that this Jiuyang hegemonic formula needs to refine the body with nine different pure yang fires.

There are three stages of Jiuyang's hegemonic formula, with a total of nine layers. The first layer does not need the fire of Jiuyang, and it is relatively easy to practice, but after breaking through to the second layer, it needs the fire of pure yang. That is to say, without the pure yang fire to refine the body, this Jiuyang domineering formula will stop at the second level.

If you want to cultivate the Jiuyang hegemony to the third level, you need to refine your body with a Jiuyang fire.

The fist-sized silver flame in the white flame should be the legendary fire of the first sun. The fire of the first sun is the weakest fire of the nine sun, but it is the root of all flames and the ancestor of all flames. It can evolve all kinds of flames and make all flames melt.

The area of the white flame must be affected by the real fire of the early sun to produce such an amazing melting ability.

Put away his messy thoughts and began to concentrate on practicing. There is enough fire and spiritual power here. He doesn't have to worry about consumption, and the flames here are special. Except for his bloodline of the Yan clan, it is estimated that no one or monsters can come here.

A day passed quickly, and Xiang Chen's consumption has been completely replenished. However, he was not in a hurry to get close to Chuyang Zhenhuo. Although the fire of the early sun is only the size of a fist, its example is enough to burn a big city to ashes.

If Xiang Chen comes into contact with this first sun real fire, he will be turned into particles without any suspense.

In addition, Xiang Chen now also needs time to cultivate the second layer of Jiuyang's hegemony to the big city. Only in this way can he have a one-thousand chance to successfully obtain the true fire of Chuyang to refine his body.

According to the record in Jiuyang's body formula, it is extremely dangerous to ingest the fire of pure yang to refine the body. Especially for the first refining, the body is not able to withstand the flame, and it is likely to be directly cremated by the pure yang fire. Of course, in ancient times, people's wisdom was still very powerful, and at that time, wars between ethnic groups were frequent, and people did not have time to create a useless exercise.

Therefore, various methods of collecting pure yang fire are also recorded in this Jiuyang hegemony formula. Of course, even with this method, it is still very dangerous to ingest pure yang fire.

Abandoned the distracting thoughts, Xiang Chen began to continue to practice the Jiuyang hegemonic formula. It is not easy to cultivate the second layer of Jiuyang's body formula to great success, and you need to endure the pain that ordinary people can't stand. This is also a common feature of all body exercises. Therefore, for tens of thousands of years, there have not been many body exercises left. As for the few people who practice body exercises, all of which require great pain because of practicing body exercises.


Over time, a soft sound began to sound on Xiang Chen's body. Moreover, with each soft sound, the painful look on Xiang Chen's face aggravated a little.

These noises became slower and slower until three hours later.

From beginning to end, Xiang Chen has been gritting his teeth and persisting. When practicing the first layer of Jiuyang's body formula, there will be 36 soft sounds in the body, and if you want to cultivate the second layer to great success, you need 360 soft noises.

The pain caused by each soft sound is double that of the previous one, that is, Xiang Chen is determined. If it were someone else, he would not be able to practice it for a long time.

"Finally completed the second layer of cultivation with Jiuyang's body formula!" Although he suffered great pain, Xiang Chen was still very happy. After practicing the second layer of Jiuyang's body formula to Dacheng, his body became much stronger. Even Xiang Chen felt that his height had even increased by one point.

"Now we can finally start practicing the method of ingesting the fire of pure yang!" Xiang Chen opened the simple animal skin again.

I don't know what monster this skin is, and the degree of fire resistance is higher than that of spiritual weapons. In this golden flame area, it is not affected at all.

"So that's it!" Xiang Chen put away the skin of the beast and showed a clear look in his eyes.

The method recorded on the animal skin to absorb the fire of pure yang is called the silk drawing method, which is to draw a trace of the fire of pure yang to refine the body in a very fast way.

There are flames everywhere. Although it is not as powerful as pure yang fire, it can also let Xiang Chen practice the technique of drawing silk in the car.


Xiang Chen's right hand stretched out in an instant, his thumb and forefinger quickly closed, and then withdrew from the burning flame at a very fast speed.

"This silk drawing method is really amazing. It can easily catch the flame, but my technique is not mature enough and not delicate enough!" Xiang Chen looked at the flame in his hand, with the thickness of his little finger, and the record in the drawing method was clearly the pure yang fire from which the thickness of the hair was drawn. Obviously, the difference between the little finger and the hair is still very big.

Of course, Xiang Chen is not in a hurry. There are enough flames here that he can try again and again.

"It still doesn't work. Come again!" Soon, Xiang Chen had stood in the golden flame and practiced the drawing method for an hour. Now the fire he extracted has been like a thin willow, but it still does not meet the requirements of fine hair.

Two hours later, the flame held in Xiang Chen's hand was a little thinner.


Xiang Chen casually threw the collected flame aside, closed his eyes and began to slowly feel it.

Fire, tangible and non-quality, changeable and unruly. It can burn everything or turn into a magma river to flow quietly underground.

This is the characteristic of fire, whether it is manic or quiet, with a touch of arrogance and unruly...

Fire, one of the origins of the five elements, provides light and heat for the growth of all things and forms a world together with the five elements.

Xiang Chen's mind kept surging with the characteristics of fire, and for a moment he seemed to have a kind of enlightenment. In fact, fire is not as people can see. It still hides deeper things, although Xiang Chen can't tell what those deeper things are now.


At this moment, Xiang Chen, who closed his two eyes, suddenly emitted a strong spiritual wave, and the whole person seemed to be integrated with the surrounding flames.


At this time, Xiang Chen took action again, which is still the method of drawing silk recorded in the ancient animal skin. This time, Xiang Chen's movement is not fast, and one arm is like a beating flame.

"Finally succeeded!" A smile appeared on Xiang Chen's face. After such a long period of repeated attempts, I finally succeeded in ingesting a thin thread of hair.

This fiery keeps beating in Xiang Chen's hand, as if there is life.

In the next time, Xiang Chen tried several more times and finally practiced this technique.


Taking a long breath, Xiang Chen tried to calm himself down, and then walked towards the position of Chuyang Zhenhuo.

Now Xiang Chen has some resistance to this white flame, and the Jiuyang hegemonic formula has been cultivated to the second layer. Jiuyang's body formula is still very mysterious. It seems to be naturally adaptable to the flame, so when Xiang Chen enters the range of the white flame again, although the consumption is still very fast, it is much longer than the time he can stay before.


Finally, he came next to Chuyang Zhenhuo, and the spiritual power of Xiang Chen's fire began to be violently consumed again.

However, Xiang Chen didn't care. He closed his eyes and began to look for the opportunity to take action.


With a few breaths, Xiang Chen has already taken action. His right hand leaned out from a very clever angle and quickly took it back. While taking it back, he already had a silver wire in his hand, which was a pure yang fire taken from the fist-sized Chuyang real fire.


Successfully ingested a trace of Chuyang real fire, and Xiang Chen did not dare to stay for a long time. A few arrow steps retreated the range of the golden flame.

When it reached the scope of the golden flame, Xiang Chen immediately crossed his knees and did it. There was no time to restore the consumed or spiritual power. He immediately attracted this trace of Chuyang real fire and began to quench his body.


Although there is only a trace of the fire of the early sun, the power is still very powerful. Xiang Chen attracted the fire of the early sun, and immediately made a sound like fried meat on an iron plate.

Burning pain...

This is the first time that Xiang Chen has awakened the bloodline of the Yan clan and felt burning pain.

This pain instantly permeated the whole body, and Xiang Chen's body was surrounded by a layer of silver light. Under the silver light, the muscles on Xiang Chen's face were constantly twisted because of pain.

A quarter of an hour passed, Xiang Chen's skin had basically been burned, and the flesh and blood began to burn.

The great pain made Xiang almost faint, but Xiang Chen knew that he must not faint at this time. If he fainted, he would definitely not be left by this trace of Chuyang's real fire.

Half an hour has passed, and Xiang Chen's whole body has been burned into coke. However, he persisted, and the power of the first sun and real fire was finally consumed at the last moment.

At this moment, Xiang Chen's body began to recover quickly, and those places that had been burned by the first sun also began to recover quickly. The skin and flesh that grows again become more delicate and moist, but the strength is several times stronger than before.

"It's so strong!" Xiang Chen felt the improvement of his body's strength, and his heart surged with excitement.

In addition to the improvement of physical strength and strength, there are also opinions that excite Xiang Chen, that is, the bottleneck of his virtual tower has loosened a little, and there are some signs of breakthroughs.