Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 152 Leave someone under the knife?

The huge mushroom cloud gradually dissipated, and Xiang Chen, Wu Qing and Qinglin were separated by a hundred feet, and they looked very solemn.

At their feet, a huge deep pit appeared, in which there was a faint spring oozing out. This deep pit was just bombarded by the attack of Chen, Wu Qing and Qinglin.

"Two against one, but I seem to have won this collision!" Xiang Chen put this sneer on his face.

In the collision just now, all three tried their best and seemed to have fought a draw, but there was a slight difference between the top and the bottom. Xiang Chen actually has a slight advantage under one enemy and two enemies.

This advantage came from his strong body. Under the huge shock wave, both Wu Qing and Qinglin suffered internal injuries, but Xiang Chen escaped because of his strong body.

The slightest gap between masters will lead to failure. Wu Qing and Lin Qing have now suffered minor injuries, and more importantly, people have now become afraid of Xiang Chen.

The reason why Xiang Chen said this matter was to make Qinglin and Wu Qing feel more confused and unable to grasp his mind.

"Ky, I'll fight with you!" This collision did mean that Xiang Chen had an advantage, but Qinglin was not convinced. He had not yet used the last killing move.

Wu Qing's eyes also became sharp. Although Xiang Chen was very powerful and did suppress him in the attack just now, he was still unconvinced, and with the cooperation of Qinglin, Wu Qing was still very confident in the overall strength of his side.


The breath of Wu Qing and Qinglin began to rise rapidly, and the two powerful fluctuations quickly spread.


When the momentum on Qinglin climbed to a certain extent, there was a soft sound in his body, as if he had turned into a green-ed sword.

"Qingfeng sword skills, the combination of man and sword!" The secret marks of Qinglin's hands changed rapidly, and his breath was once again integrated with the green front suspended in front of him.

Qingfeng sword skill is the last killing move of the Qingjian clan. It is a trick that integrates the secret skill of the imperial sword with the Qingfeng sword secret. This combination of swords can make Qinglin turn into a sword and integrate with the Qingfeng sword.


As soon as the combination of people and swords in Qinglin was stimulated, a strong pressure quickly spread. Xiang Chen felt that the air in front of him became thick in an instant, and it was even a little difficult to breathe.

"Wind God's ruling, Judgment Storm!" While Qinglin urged Qingfeng's sword skills, Wu Qing's last killing move also began.

The trial storm Xiang Chen once saw it. At that time, it was Wu Tian who used this move. Wu Tian's cultivation was also a real tower, but it was much inferior to Wu Qinglai. Wu Qing's trial storm is not only more amazing, but also has a strong pressure in this huge storm, as if it is really the arrival of the wind god.

Under the two powerful pressures, even Xiang Chen can't be at home.


Xiong Chen's body was quickly wrapped in a bear black flame, and the bloodline of the Yan clan was stimulated without reservation.

At the same time, a strong pressure was also released on Xiang Chen, which instantly isolated the two pressures of Wu Qing and Qinglin.

No matter how hard those two pressures work, they can't enter within three feet of Xiangchen.

Although Xiang Chen's defense range is very small, it is very strong. His whole breath is like a boat floating in the wind and waves. Although it shakes, it never capsized.


Seeing his blood momentum, he could not overwhelm Xiang Chen. Wu Qing and Qinglin's attack flew towards Xiang Chen in an instant.

At this time, Qinglin and Wu Qing were no longer the same. The former completely turned into a huge Qingfeng sword, which was shrouded by sword light within three feet of this huge Qingfeng sword. The latter turned into a huge tornado, which was also wrapped in a thin silver light arc.

In the face of the attack of the two people, Xiang Chen did not dare to keep it at all. The Huayan halberd in his hand had completely turned into a black flame. From a distance, it seemed that it was integrated with Xiang Chen's black flame.

"Overlord kills the gods!"

Xiang Chen, who has turned into a black flame man, solemnly spit out two or four words in his mouth.

Then, two flames broke through the void and met the huge Qingfeng sword and thunderstorm transformed by Qinglin and Wu Qing.



The huge sound resounded through the world, and the flame Tianhe emitted to Chen collided with the thunderstorm and the huge Qingfeng sword transformed by Wu Qing and Qinglin.

The whole world moved at this moment, and the huge shock waves were scattered everywhere, and the big stones with a radius of ten feet turned into flying debris under this impact.

However, although this movement is big, Xiang Chen's face has not become relaxed because of this.


Two flames of Tianhe were deadlocked with the huge green sword and lightning storm, and then began to break.

As a result, Xiang Chen's eyes became more solemn.

"The overlord kills the god... The overlord kills the god..."

A trace of fierceness suddenly flashed in Xiang Chen's eyes. Since he could not stop the opponent's attack at once, he used it several times with his own speed advantage.

shua shua......

Xiang Chen cheered and suddenly waved thirteen flames Tianhe, seven of which flew to Wu Qing, which had turned into a thunderstorm, while the other six flames Tianhe flew to Qinglin, which had turned into a green sword.

In Xiang Chen's heart, Wu Qing is slightly stronger than Qinglin in terms of strength and mind, so he also takes special care of Wu Qing.

In addition, the thirteen flames Tianhe have approached the limit of Xiangchen, and these thirteen flames have formed a huge momentum as soon as they waved out.

At this time, Wu Qing, who turned into a thunderstorm, and Qinglin, who turned into a Qingfeng giant sword, became very heavy. Originally, they thought that they could easily solve Xiang Chen by using the technique of blood taboo. But they didn't expect Xiang Chen to be so powerful, the power of the six or seven flames of Tianhe, and they were really not sure about the next. Xiang Chen's attack was fast, urgent and very tricky. In addition, the two of them had just received a flame Tianhe, and their strength was restrained to a certain extent. It was impossible to dodge. Even if the two were very reluctant, they could only face those flames.


Flame Tianhe met the thunderstorm and the Qingfeng Giant Sword again, and a series of huge sounds kept coming out.

With these loud noises, both Xiang Chen and Qinglin and Wu Qing are extremely nervous. This is a collision of power, and they will die if they are not careful.

The first flame of Tianhe...

The second flame Tianhe...

The third...


When it came to the fourth flame Tianhe, the Qingfeng sword transformed into Qinglin had already cracked.


Before the power of the fourth flame Tianhe disappeared, the fifth flame Tianhe also arrived. This time, the shaky Qingfeng sword finally failed to resist the impact of the flame Tianhe and was completely broken.

The Qingfeng's giant sword was broken, but Xiang Chen's sixth to flame Tianhe would not stop. He cut out a total of 13 flame Tianhe, six of which were cut out towards Qinglin.

The five flames of Tianhe have been consumed by the Qinglin's Qingfeng sword, but the remaining sixth one is solidly in the Qinglin.


The Qingfeng sword was broken, and Qinglin's body also reappeared. Now his face is very pale, but he didn't have time to think about it at all. He picked up the Qingfeng sword in his hand and cut it out the last flame sent out to Chen. There was another loud noise in the void, and Qinglin's body was also like this moment. The disconnected kite flew backwards.


While Qinglin's body flew backwards, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and countless blood lines flew out of his body.


With a muffled sound, Qinglin's body fell heavily on the ground and was already unconscious.

While Qinglin fainted, Wu Qing also encountered a similar situation.

Xiang Chen cut out seven flames Tianhe against Wu Qing, which is better than Qinglin. The thunderstorm captured by Wu Qing was not only powerful, but also very powerful. The first three flames of Xiangchen failed to control the lightning storm caused by Wuqing.

It was not until the fourth flame Tianhe hit the lightning storm that the lightning storm stopped slightly. However, this caused a flaw in the thunderstorm.

This flaw may be minimal or even negligible at ordinary times, but every flaw is fatal when the master fights. Because the fifth flame Tianhe sent by Xiang Chen followed closely behind the fourth flame Tianhe, which hit the location of the defect.


There was a tremor from the lightning storm, and Xiangchen's fifth flame Tianhe has made the lightning storm a little unstable.


When Xiang Chen's six flames Tianhe hit the thunderstorm, the storm could no longer maintain its original state. One force spread towards the four directions, and Wu Qing's figure also appeared in an instant.

At this time, Xiang Chen's seventh flame blade against Wu Qing also arrived, and he happened to bump into Wu Qing.


Almost the same as Qinglin's situation, Wu Qing's body was also thrown out and then fell heavily on the ground.

However, Wu Qing was not the only one who fell to the ground this time. Xiang Chen also fell to the ground heavily because of the huge impact.


Xiang Chen fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood. However, he was in a good mood. Although he also suffered internal injuries, the harvest was huge. It was definitely a proud thing to defeat the two masters one after another without using blood ban.


After Xiang Chen landed, he was not idle and quickly extracted the fire spirit in the spirit bowl to supplement his consumption.

With just a few breaths, Xiang Chen can already stand up.

After standing up, Xiang Chen was not idle, but walked to the place where Qinglin and Wu Qing fell.

Although Qinglin and Wu Qing were hurt, Xiang Chen knew that they were not dead. At this time, Xiang Chen would definitely not let them go.

Soon, Xiang Chen came to Qinglin. Qinglin was still in a coma. Xiang Chen only glanced at it, waved the halberd in his hand, and cut off Qinglin's head.

After cutting off Qinglin's head, Xiang Chen's hand flashed, and Qinglin's body disappeared in place. Now Xiang Chen has not had time to search Qinglin's body, so he can only enter the space of Xumijie Stone with his hands.

He collected Qinglin's body and walked to Wu Qing again. Wu Qing has woken up at this time, but the injury is also serious, and it is impossible to escape.

"Don't come here, you can't kill me!" Wu Qing's voice was very weak, and his eyes were full of fear.

Xiang Chen didn't pay attention to Wu Qing at all, and the Huayan halberd in his hand had been put on Wu Qing's neck.

" Stop, keep people under the knife..."

Xiang Chen's Huayan halberd was about to be cut down, but he heard an angry voice in the distance.

"Retain people under the knife?" The corners of Xiang Chen's mouth rose slightly, showing a smile.