Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 196 Mammoth Cemetery

Xiang Chen holds the Huayan halberd in his hand. He has always suspected that although the power of the Huayan halberd is not good, it seems to be a little inconsistent with the title of Overlord Soldier.

Although Huayan halberd is extremely hard, its power is only similar to the nine-star high spiritual weapon, far from reaching the level of a divine soldier.

After hesitating for a moment, Xiang Chen said, "Senior spirit beast, who sealed this halberd? I have also communicated with another spirit beast predecessor. He only said that the spirit of this halberd is gone, but he did not mention the seal!"

The overlord's magic soldier in those years, I'm afraid it's not easy to seal it. This person must be a great power.

The mini dragon elephant thought about it and finally said to Xiang Chen, "This sealing method on the halberd should come from the overlord himself. I think he should die because he is afraid that this halberd will cause trouble for the Yan clan, so he sealed it. I have followed the Overlord for a period of time, and I also know a little about this seal. Although it can't be cracked all, it can also crack 30%, so that this halberd has the power of the nine-star magic weapon.

"Nine-star magic weapon!" Xiang Chen's face showed a very expectant expression, but he did not immediately let the mini dragon elephant break the seal, but asked, "Senior spirit beast, the spiritual tomb of your mammoth family should also be laid by great power. Can it be cracked with just one magic weapon?"

Xiong Chen felt that it was not that simple to crack the spiritual tomb of the mammoth family, and it was difficult to do it with a sword weapon alone.

The mini mammoth seemed to know that Xiang Chen would ask this, and said without thinking, "Of course, the ordinary nine-star magic weapon is not good, but this halberd can use the absolute air after having the power of the magic weapon. This absolute space can have the attack effect of tearing space!"

After listening to the explanation of the mini mammoth, Xiang Chen finally understood that the last move in the secret of the halberd, the absolute air in the five masterpieces of the overlord still has such power, but unfortunately he knows little about this air.

"Since you have got the halberd, you should naturally have practiced the secret of the halberd!" Sure enough, after telling Xiang Chen the secret of Juekong, the mini mammoth asked again.

Xiang Chen smiled and did not hide it: "Senior spirit beast, to be honest, I have indeed practiced this domineering halberd, and I have also practiced the five-jue trick of the overlord, but in the five-juegemony king, I have only practiced the death, the soul, the god and the way. As for the sky, I have only slightly understanding, but I have not yet practiced it. Refined."

The mini mammoth suddenly wrinkled between its eyes, as if it was not surprised by Xiang Chen's statement, but the situation was not optimistic.

After a long time, the mini mammoth said, "I can give you some guidance here, which may help you understand the mystery of the sky as soon as possible!"

At this time, the mini mammoth has only one fight. Now the situation on the side of the mammoth tomb is indeed very serious and may be destroyed at any time. The mammoth's tomb is not an ordinary place. It is a small independent space, and now this small space is very unstable. The mammoth family esteems the spiritual tomb of their ancestors. In addition, there is also the power accumulated by their ancestors in this spiritual tomb. Adult mammoths must be in the spiritual tomb of their ancestors. Only after the baptism of their ancestors can they gain more powerful power.

Although mini mammoths are not very sure about Xiang Chen, at this time, they have no choice but to fight.

Xiang Chen did not refuse. In the face of a mammoth whose strength far exceeds his, he has to be very cautious. Although he has a hegemonic relationship, after all, it has been a long time. Who knows whether this mini mammoth really cares about that experience.

So, Xiang Chen simply agreed first: "Spirit Beast, since you said so, I'll try it. Please unseal this halberd!"

Xiang Chen thought very well that whether he succeeded or not this time, there should be no harm to him. At least after unlocking the seal, the power of this halberd will be greatly increased. In addition, he may have a deeper understanding of the absolute space in the five hegemons, and may even cultivate this move into a small one.

The mini mammoth nodded and said to Xiang Chen, "Well, I will thank you first on behalf of my mammoth family. In addition, you don't always be the senior of the spirit beast. The senior of the spirit beast is short. My name in the mammoth is Xiang Yuan. You can call me Elder Xiang Yuan!"

Xiang Chen was overjoyed and said, "Then please ask Elder Xiangyuan to help me untie the seal of this fire halberd!"

Spirit beasts are generally very proud. Now this mini mammoth actually told Xiang Chen its name. Obviously, it no longer treats Xiang Chen as an outsider.

"Okay, come with me first!" Xiang Yuan didn't say much and took Xiang Chen to a valley.

When it came to the valley, the elephant fell to the ground. When Xiang Chen saw Xiang Yuan's behavior, he also fell to the ground.

After Xiangyuan was at his location, he did not stand up and walked up the mountain along a winding mountain road.

Xiang Chen didn't understand what Xiangyuan wanted to do. He wanted to go up the mountain and fly faster, but Xiangyuan had to go up step by step.

However, Xiang Chen did not ask much, because he felt that after the elephant Yuan came to the valley, his breath became majestic and solemn.

Soon, Xiang Chen followed Xiangyuan to the halfway up the mountain. There is a cave halfway up the mountain, which is very large, and it is estimated that the largest mammoth can also cross three heads side by side.


When he came to the cave, Xiang Chen suddenly felt a strong spiritual fluctuation.

"Let's go in!" After saying that, Xiang Yuan led Xiang Chen into the cave.

The space in the cave is much larger than the mouth of the cave. There is a light wall at the end of the cave. From time to time, there is a light flow on this light wall, like a water curtain wall. Beyond the light wall, there are also some bones of mammoths.

At this moment, Xiang Chen finally understood why Xiang Yuan walked up the mountain. It turned out that this was the spiritual tomb of the mammoth family.

However, Xiang Chen did not expect that the mammoth family valued the spiritual tomb of their ancestors so much, which is even more important than that of human beings to the tomb of their ancestors.

"This light wall is the entrance to the spiritual tomb of my mammoth family. Because this entrance has been closed for many years, we can't open it now. Many people can only use this cave as a place to bury bones. This is also the second spiritual tomb of my mammoth clan, but our greatest wish is to take the bones of our ancestors. Get a safe place. Now we have found the place. Now we just need to break this light curtain!" Xiangyuan pointed his nose to the bones of the mammoth on the ground and the flickering light curtain.

"I understand. It seems that the recent situation of the mammoth family is indeed a little bad. You can rest assured, I will do my best!" Xiang Chen said it simply, but it was a pun. He only said that he would do his best, but he did not say that he would definitely break the wall of light, because he did not have confidence, but he was afraid of offending Xiangyuan because of it, so he said so. Even if he could not break the wall of light at that time, Xiang Yuan knew that he had tried his best, and I'm afraid he would not embarrass him.

"I have an elephant grass here, which is the treasure of my mammoth family. Your cultivation is still low now. Take this elephant grass first, which should support you to upgrade your cultivation to the great success of Tongxuanjing, and you can also mobilize your spiritual power here at that time!" Suddenly, a three-inch-long green grass appeared on Xiangyuan's nose.

Xi'tchen was not polite and directly took over the elephant grass. As soon as he got this elephant grass, Xiang Chen felt a very pure spiritual power.

Fee the pure spiritual power in the elephant grass, and Xiang Chen couldn't help admiring: "Good thing!"

"Okay, I'm going to concentrate on cracking the seal on the halberd. You should concentrate on improving your cultivation!" Xiangyuan didn't talk much and began to concentrate on cracking the seal on the halberd.

Xiing Chen sat down cross-legged, and the three-inch-long elephant grass was swallowed into his stomach.

The pure spiritual power contained in the elephant grass was quickly released, and Xiang Chen felt that the meridians of his whole body were impacted by powerful power, and the severe pain swept his whole body in an instant.


After a long time, a violent spiritual fluctuation was released from Xiang Chen's body.

After entering Tongxuanjing, the black and white twin towers in Chendantian have always maintained a balance, and his cultivation will also be improved. Now the number of black and white dragons and white dragons in the black and white twin towers have become more solid, and the number has increased to nine.


Xiang Chen's spiritual power fluctuation is getting stronger and stronger, and his black and white twin towers in Dantian are also shining.


Xiang Chen, who had been sitting around, suddenly heard a crisp sound from his body, and then the powerful power instantly filled the meridians of his whole body.

"Ah! ......”

Xiang Chen felt comfortable and couldn't help moaning.


A dark flame suddenly appeared in Xiang Chen's hand.

"Finally, you can use your spiritual power!" Xiang Chen felt refreshed.


When Xiang Chen was excited, he felt a strong fluctuation. At this time, he took a rest. In front of Xiangyuan, the breath of the halberd changed greatly. Not only the breath, but Xiang Chen even felt a trace of overwhelmingness.

"Well, 30% of the seal has finally been untied. Although it consumes a lot, it's still worth it!" Xiangyuan's voice is a little weak, and obviously the consumption of cracking 30% of the seal of the halberd is also very large.

"Now I'm going to take a break. You should first understand the five championships in the secret of the halberd. I hope time will be there!" Xiangyuandao.

After listening to Xiang Yuan's words, Xiao Ning asked in shock, "Is this spiritual tomb going to be unsupportable?"

Xiogyuan's voice was full of solemnity and said, "Just now, when I was cracking the seal of the halberd, I suddenly felt that the space of the spiritual tomb was extremely unstable. I think it may not last for a month!"

"One month?" Xiang Chen was also a little surprised. Unexpectedly, the spiritual tomb of the mammoth clan was so critical.