Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 205 Half-Steps

"What are you doing? He is not dead yet!" When Xiao Hanyan froze the person attacked by the scorpion into ice, a man from the crocodile world roared at her.

Originally, these people were a little jealous when they looked at Xiao Hanyan, but now Xiao Hanyan has frozen people in a world of crocodile into ice, which has aroused the dissatisfaction of some people.

"Is that so?" At this time, Xiang Chen's voice sounded.

The time to speak to Chen has taken action, and Huayan halberd flashed a light from the person who had been frozen into a piece of ice.


Two muffled sounds, and the ice was divided into two parts. The man in the world of the crocodile and the magic scorpion lying on his chest were split in half.

"Look at his heart and say something else!" The person who had accused Xiao Hanyan before was about to attack, but he heard Xiang Chen's cold voice.

"Ah! ......”

The man subconsciously looked at the big ice that had been cut into two pieces, but this look made him scream.

Because he found that in the heart of the frozen man, a slap found scorpion had eaten his heart with only a layer of skin.

This man's cultivation is not weak, and he doesn't even have the ability to resist the scorpion.

"Do you still say that he is not dead now? Let me tell you, this is the usual attack measurement of the magic scorpion. Unlike ordinary scorpions, they are all in pairs. The big one outside is a male scorpion. It likes the blood of cannibals or monsters and keeps sucking blood outside the heart. The small one is a female scorpion, which likes to eat the heart and has the mission of breeding. After eating the heart, eggs will be laid in it, and those eggs can be quickly hatched by sucking the remaining spiritual power of dead monsters or humans, and it won't take long to have combat effectiveness!" Xiang Chen said lightly.

Hearing Xiang Chen's words, everyone took a cold breath, especially those who had not put Xiang Chen's words in their hearts before, and their legs were a little weak.

If this unlucky man hadn't been attacked by the scorpion in advance, it was likely that their fate would have been the same as him.

"Then what should we do? What on earth do these 36 blessed people want to do? This is to kill us!" Many people have reached the edge of collapse. These Xilie mountains are simply too dangerous. The previous mammoths, at least because they are big enough, can still be seen, and killing people do not seem to be as good as this demon scorpion.

Only Xiang Chen knows that the mammoth clan kills human beings only for the sake of cultivation. It is directly related to the destruction of the mammoth cemetery. They have to plunder, and because the number of mammoths is not large, the damage to people is limited.

But this scorpion is different. Their reproductive ability is amazing, and the breeding method is very special. They need to parasitize eggs into other monsters or human bodies.

In this way, they once tried to challenge mammoths, but unfortunately, the power of mammoths' protection is too domineering, and these scorpions can't get close at all.

So it suffered heavy losses under the attack of mammoths. However, this scorpion family is not stupid. After knowing that the mammoth family was powerful, it immediately defected to the Tianmang family. The Tianman clan is not much weaker than the mammoth clan, and has been fighting with the mammoth clan, so the demon scorpion clan has become the pawn of the Tianman clan and the mammoth clan.

Because there are many opportunities to fight with the scorpion clan, the mammoth clan knows very well about the fighting methods and survival habits of the scorpion clan. Naturally, these things were explained to Xiang Chen without reservation, so Xiang Chen could know the Scorpion clan so well.

Seeing these people's panicked appearance, Xiang Chen frowned and shouted, "Calm down. Why are you panicking? Although this scorpion is weird, it is not invincible. They have not launched the sea of insects tactics yet. As long as they are vigilant, don't let them have a chance to sneak attack. The reason why this person was attacked and died is entirely because he ignored my warning and relaxed his vigilance. Remember that the 36 blessed land is not a lower world. Here Mosquitoes, snakes and ants are all deadly!"

While talking to Chen, the hegemonic spirit on his body was released, and everyone felt that Xiang Chen was much taller at this time.


Xiang Chen, who was talking, suddenly felt a gust of wind coming towards him.

Xiang Chen's mouth rose and was about to go to the room, but the scorpion cooperated so much to send a ladder.

Xiang Chen didn't even look at it at all, and cut out a flame blade in his hand.


A burning fireball suddenly appeared in mid-air.


There were a few strange sounds in the fireball, but they soon disappeared.


The fireball quickly fell to the ground and gradually extinguished, and the charred body of a scorpion appeared.

Xiang Chen stepped forward, gently picked up the halberd and opened the burnt scorpion. Under the big scorpion, the smaller scorpion had been revealed, and half of the small scorpion's body had penetrated into the body of the big scorpion.

Another characteristic of the scorpion, don't think that the big male scorpion is the most terrible. In fact, the relatively small female scorpion is the most terrible. They firmly control the male scorpion and will cut open the body of the male scorpion as a hidden armor at a critical moment, so when you kill this scorpion, don't think it to kill it. Everything will happen to the dead male scorpion. You must kill the female scorpion hidden in it!" Xiang Chen's voice was slightly domineering, which made people unable to even feel suspicious.

At this moment, everyone's mind has quietly changed from fear and fear to happiness. If it weren't for Xiang Chen, their chances of walking out of the Xilie Mountains are much slimmer.

"Well, now let's continue on our way, and everyone should be vigilant!" After saying that, Xiang Chen ignored the crowd and continued to rush on his way.

There was such a wrong in the middle, and everyone's words to Xiang Chen were gone. Not only Xiang Chen, but also Jiang Yingxue, Xiao Hanyan and others have improved their prestige in these hearts.

After all, although Xiao Hanyan didn't say anything, her behavior was enough to prove that she had found the strangeness of the scorpion long ago.

"Ah! ......”

As Xiang Chen and others go deeper and deeper into the territory of the demon scorpion forces, they have suffered more and more sneak attacks. Although most of them have been discovered and solved in advance by Jiang Yingxue, Xiao Hanyan, Lin Teng, Yun Yiyi, Hua Xiaoxiao, Hua Wuyou, Xue Yang, Duan Cang, Ghost Crocodile and others, etc., but still failed to escape. The sneak attack of the scorpion occasionally makes screams.

There is no better way for Xiang Chen. Although these people are already young masters in the world below, their ability to save their lives is still not high.

However, as the number of people is getting smaller and smaller, the number of accidents is gradually decreasing.

Xiang Chen and other young masters can already pay attention to everyone's movements.

During this period, Xiang Chen contributed the most, and the magic scorpion he killed was almost the sum of several other people who killed the magic scorpion. Jiang Yingxue and Xiao Hanyan are in the second echelon. Their skills have a unique advantage in detecting the movement of the scorpion in advance. They can always cut the scorpion into several sections in advance, or directly freeze them into ice.

The third echelon belongs to Lin Teng, Yun Yiyi, Hua Xiaoxiao and Hua Wuyou. Although their efficiency is somewhat different from that of Jiang Yingxue and Xiao Hanyan, Yiyi is definitely the main force in fighting against the scorpion.

Then Xue Yang, Duan Cangkong and the ghost crocodile head. These three people are somewhat aggrieved. Due to their cultivation, they can't use their spiritual power and can only rely on their rich combat experience to fight, which also greatly limits their performance.

Of course, several people dare not complain. After all, they do not belong to Xiang Chen's closest team. It is reasonable for Xiang Chen not to give them spiritual grass. Several people can only practice step by step, hoping to break through to the mysterious world as soon as possible, so that they can earn some face like others.

However, although there is only a small step between Xiaocheng and Dacheng, it is not so easy to really take this small step.

These people feel that it is not easy to break through, but Xiang Chen's feeling is completely different. Although he has only broken through the mysterious realm for a month, he has laid a very solid foundation because he has absorbed too much power of Honghuang dragons and elephants. During this period of time, Xiang Chen suddenly felt a faint sign of breakthrough.

The ice and fire spiritual power in his body has merged with the power of the dragon elephant again, and the power of the ice and fire dragon elephant has approached 20%. Xiang Chen felt that if the power of the ice and fire dragon elephant in his body reached 20%, he was afraid that he would break through.

Now Xiang Chen has become a great success in the mysterious realm, and if he continues to break through, he will enter the Taoist realm.

The Taoist realm is one of the three realms of heaven and the first of the three realms. The Taoist realm, as the name implies, is to find the way of heaven and your own, and combine it, and then you can borrow the power of the way of heaven. Once you find the heavenly realm that fits you, you can hit the realm of Taoism. After the realm of Taoism, it is the real realm of heaven.

When you are in the realm of heaven, you have to go through a disaster, called the road disaster, which is intended to cut off the connection between your own way and the way of heaven, and then go in to understand the escape.

Of course, these will take a long time, because the space of the thirty-six blessed land is also limited, so in this thirty-six blessed land can only be cultivated to the realm of heaven. If you want to enter the realm of liberation, you must go to a higher nine days.

The battle is still continuing, and the ice and fire spiritual power and the power of the Honghuang dragon elephant in Xiang Chen's body are still slowly merging. Finally, after the past seven days, the power of the ice and fire dragon elephant has reached 20%.

However, the comprehensive breakthrough imagined by Xiang Chen did not come. After a tremor, his body's breath was much stronger in an instant, but Xiang Chen knew that there was still a gap from the real Taoist realm.

"Half-step collection!" Xiang Chen clenched his fist and felt that this had improved a lot of strength. He was still inevitably excited. Although it was not a real Taoist world, his combat effectiveness could at least double.

The cultivation has been upgraded to a half-step road, and the speed and strength of Xiang Chen have also improved again, and several attacked scorpions have been cremated.