Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 207 Decisive Half-Step Spirit Beast

The speed of rushing forward to Chen has accelerated, and the back can only follow closely. Because if they are too far away and do not open the way for them, the probability of these people coming out of the Scorpion Sea is infinitely close to zero.

Although there is bitterness in the heart, everyone can only cheer up and rush out.

At this moment, no one will complain about Xiang Chen, because Xiang Chen is much more pressure than them. Moreover, at this time, Xiang Chen could have floated away with his own people, but he still insisted on advancing and retreating with these people.

The scorpions are getting bigger and bigger, some of which have exceeded three feet. More than three feet long, the magic scorpion is already very strong. In addition, their attack is very special, and it will take more to kill them.

Xiang Chen is still trying his best to open his way, and no matter how big the scorpion is, it is difficult to survive in the flames. Of course, those larger scorpions can hold on longer. At this time, Xiang Chen also has to raise the temperature of the flame.

Fortunately, Xiang Chen still had some reservations when he began to take action, and now he is just right to deal with these scorpions that are more than three feet tall.

The crowd is still going deep, and screams are coming from time to time, but less and less. Up to now, the rest of the war are not ordinary people. Even if there is no breakthrough in the Xuanjing, they all have rich combat and survival experience. These experiences have finally played the greatest role.

Of course, the reason for their survival is also directly related to the people around them who have broken through to the great success of Tongxuanjing. Because the number of people is small, their concerns are much less, and they can have more experience to deal with the swarming magic scorpions. In addition, they have opened up a wide enough road before Xiang Chen. It will take some time for the magic scorpion to rush over. At this point, it is enough time for several masters who have succeeded in the mysterious world to react and attack.


The sea of the scorpion is still converging, as if it is very orderly. The scorpion in front relies on its own body to consume the opponent's attack, intending to drag down the other party down, or directly covering the scorpion behind.

Xiang Chen is also very surprised that these scorpions can have such a strict order. You know, the characteristics of scorpions are cold-blooded and ruthless, and they never live in groups, but these scorpions are completely different. They not only live in groups but also are very united.

In fact, what Xiang Chen thinks is not completely right. Usually, these demon scorpions also fight with each other and kill each other. It will even use the body of the same kind as a hotbed for parasitism of its own young scorpion. The main reason why they are so united and orderly nowadays is their hierarchical affiliation. That is to say, behind these relatively weak scorpions, there are more powerful scorpions, forcing them to obey order.

shua shua......

Xiang Chen waved the halberd again, and several black flames rushed into the group of scorpions.

If you look carefully, there will be a very small storm around the black flame emitted by Xiang Chen, and the scorpions that dare to challenge these small storms have all been dismembered and cut.

This small storm is the space storm that Xiang Chen realized in the mammoth tomb. In the face of the increasingly difficult magic scorpion, Xiang Chen can only work harder and use the space storm.

Of course, these small storms are not powerful, far from breaking the space. Even so, there is no problem in cutting the body of the scorpion.

Xiang Chen took everyone through the group of scorpions all night.

When the sky was dawn, the number of scorpions finally began to decrease. Scorpions like to haunt the night, and some relatively weak scorpions are afraid of the sun, so they take the initiative to withdraw from the group of scorpions at the dawn.

This also seems to be recognized by the scorpion king hidden behind it.

Another important reason is that after a night's journey, Xiang Chen and others have come out of the hinterland of the scorpion.

The decrease in the number of scorpions in the group of scorpions made many people relieved, but Xiang Chen's heart was raised instead, and the whole person became more careful.

Up to now, the highest king of the scorpion group, the half-step spirit beast level, still hasn't appeared. This made Xiang Chen feel somewhat bad. I'm afraid this big guy is hiding somewhere waiting to ambush his group.

Just when Xiang Chen felt bad, he suddenly heard a sound of breaking the air and rushed towards him with a black ball.


Xiang Chen was always on guard. There was no surprise about this sudden attack. The Huayan halberd in his hand waved directly against the brown ball. But as soon as he came into contact with this ball, Xiang Chen immediately felt bad.

This ball is not a hard object, but a ball**.

"It's scorpion poison!" An idea immediately appeared in Xiang Chen's mind.

At the same time, there is a bad feeling in my heart. Since this scorpion poison is used as a weapon for sneak attack by the scorpion, it must be unusual. I'm afraid that if it is contaminated a little, it will kill people. However, this scorpion poison is ** and can't be prevented. If you attack with a weapon, it will be scattered and splashed elsewhere.


At the moment when Xiang Chen felt bad, the flame on the halberd was three points better, and most of the scorpion poison was evaporated in an instant. Another small part fell to the ground, and soon there was a pungent smell.

It turned out that the scorpion poison fell on the ground and directly corroded the stone on the ground into a small hole.

"What a strong toxicity!" Xiang Chen's eyes were full of solemn.


Just as Xiang Chen solved a scorpion poison sneak attack, there was another scream from the team. It turned out that the person who was attacked was not just himself. Other people who were attacked are not so lucky.

"Ying Xue, you can resist it with a water curtain. Miss Xiao, your cold power should also be able to restrain these scorpion poisons!" In desperation, Xiang Chen could only use Jiang Yingxue and Xiao Hanyan to protect the team together.

After this night's fighting, the team led by Xiang Chen has lost a small half. If it goes on like this, there will never be too many people who can really walk out of the Xilie Mountains, so Xiang Chen has to take some measures to ensure the safety of these people.


Just after Xiang Chen's words, many small black balls flew towards the team.

This time, Xiang Chen did not dare to deal with the fire halberd. His hands suddenly appeared with different black and white smoothness, and then waved his hands, and different black and white light balls greeted the scorpion poison.

The black light ball immediately turned into a bear flame when it met the power of scorpion poison, and the scorpion poison was completely vaporized in an instant. When the white light ball encounters scorpion poison, it quickly form an ice cube. The outer layer is crystal clear ice, and the inside is completely black. The ice quickly fell to the ground as soon as it condensed.

Xiao Hanyan's situation is similar to Xiang Chen, but she instantly emitted countless white light balls with a long sword. These light balls met scorpion poison and instantly condensed into ice and fell to the ground.

Jiang Yingxue was more direct. With a direct wave of her hand, a water curtain was formed. After the flying scorpion poison met the water curtain, it was bounced away and fell to the ground.

Although they encountered a sneak attack from scorpion poison, Xiang Chen and others did not stop and were still on their way quickly.


At this time, more than ten feet in front of Xiang Chen's team, there was a slight noise from the ground, and then a big guy got out of it.

This big guy is more than two feet long, and his dark body seems to be made of steel, which is very smooth. The long scorpion tail is almost as long as his body, which is very horrible hanging in mid-air.

While this huge scorpion came out, more than a dozen scorpions smaller than this big guy also came out. Although the body was more than ten feet long than the previous big guy, it was much bigger than Xiang Chen's group of human beings.

Seeing these huge magic scorpions appear, Xiang Chen's heart was also tight.

The largest demon scorpion is undoubtedly the king of the whole demon scorpion group. In the abdomen of the big scorpion, the small scorpion is small, about seven or eight feet, holding the abdomen of the big magic scorpion tightly.

This little scorpion must be the companion of this king of the scorpion, the female scorpion.

Through the breath of these two scorpions, Xiang Chen can infer that the strength of the female scorpion is very close to that of the male scorpion, and even slightly higher.

That is to say, this scorpion is a two half-step spirit beast stage.

It is the first time for Xiang Chen to deal with two half-step spirit beasts at the same time. Previously, he was still on the road to heaven with his half-step* hand. However, at that time, the silver-crowned snake had been disabled, and its strength was still different from that of the real half-step spirit beast.

Of course, today's Xiangchen is no longer Xiangchen, who only had a real tower.

Although he felt that things were a little tricky, Xiang Chen did not flinch, and the Huayan halberd in his hand rushed directly towards the largest magic scorpion.

shua shua......

At the same time, Xiao Hanyan and Jiang Yingxue also came out at the same time and found two scorpions slightly smaller than the king of the scorpion.

The others were not idle. The twelve slightly smaller scorpions were stopped by Xiao Hanyan and Jiang Yingxue, and seven were stopped by Lin Teng, Yunyi, Hua Xiaoxiao, Hua Wuyou, Xue Yang, Duan Cangkong and ghost crocodile heads.

Lin Teng and Yun Yiyi joined hands to circle the three scorpions, while the others also stopped one scorpion.

As for those who have not broken through to the big city of Tongxuanjing, they are not idle. The people in the crocodile world have taken the initiative to go to the periphery. They are all people who have practiced physical spiritual secrets and can work hard to resist the incoming enemies on the periphery.

However, it is also strange to say that as soon as these big guys appeared, the little magic scorpions that had been chasing them crazily suddenly disappeared. It seems that the magic scorpion family also has the rules of the magic scorpion family. They have fear in their hearts for these huge magic scorpions. It's still very big.


When everyone did a good job in defense, Xiang Chen had already made friends with the largest king of the devil scorpion.