Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 216 Chaos

" Shen Hualong!" Seeing Shen Hualong's figure again, Xiang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

has been extremely vigilant against Shen Hualong Xiangchen. There seems to be something in this guy, which makes him a little confused.

When Shen Hualong saw Xiang Chen, his expression was the same. He didn't seem to expect that Xiang Chen could live until now. Because he knew the strength of the half-step spiritual beast python, his expression began to become solemn after seeing Xiang Chen.

Shen Hualong was also arranged to wait in this open space, and the number of these two teams was only more than 100. Xiang Chen's team now has less than 100 people, and he has lost too much in the battle with the Scorpions.

The number of Shen Hualong's team is less than that of Xiang Chen's team, and most of their manpower has been lost in the bloody battle between the Python clan and the Magic Thunder Condor.

The arrival of Shen Hualong seemed to open a signal, and soon many teams came one after another.

The whole wait has lasted for more than ten days, and the number of teams coming to this open space has increased to dozens, with a total of less than 3,000.

You should know that there are thousands of people in the world below. There are nearly 1,000 teams here alone, and the number of people is close to 100,000, but there are only a few thousand people who can really come out of the mountains of Xilie. Most people lost in the mountains of Xilie.

Of course, among these thousands of people, I don't know how many people can really enter the Thirty-Six Blessed Land smoothly. Xiang Chen feels that there should not be too much, because he smells the smell of the war again.

"Well, being able to get here shows that your strength is really good, but this is just the beginning. You must go through a new round of tests to truly become a person who can be accepted in 36 blessed places!" Sure enough, as Xiang Chen thought, the person who appeared on behalf of Thirty-Six Blessings said the test again as soon as he opened his mouth.

No one talked to me. Everyone has been a little numb to this test. Anyway, it has entered the 36 blessed land, and all the retreats have been blocked. We can only keep moving forward and moving forward.

After the test of the mountains of Xilie, everyone's hearts have become much more resolute. Perhaps this is also the ultimate purpose of the test set by the people of 36 blessed lands.

"In that direction, there is a high platform, which can only accommodate 200 people. Only those who stand there at the end are really qualified to be the people of 36 blessed land, while others have only two ways, either die or stay in this Xilie mountains to accompany monsters all year round!" The person representing the thirty-six blessed land clucked his teeth and showed an almost cruel smile.

"Two hundred people!" The eyes of all the people who entered the thirty-six blessed land from below were full of shock.

They have now been reduced from nearly 100,000 to less than 3,000, but less than 3,000 people have not yet been able to enter the 36 blessed land. Only 200 people who won in the end are eligible, and many people are full of anger.

"Are you playing with us? I'm going to kill you!" As soon as the voice of the person representing the thirty-six blessed land fell, a big man rushed up. This guy had a mace in his hand and was wearing animal skin, as if he were a savage.


As soon as the man appeared, he jumped high and the mace in his hand fell on the representative of the thirty-six blessed land.

Then the two teams came to support.

Xiang Chen's strength is obviously much stronger. The person who has broken through to the great success of Tongxuanjing alone is more than the other party.

Under such a disparity in strength, the team was quickly dispersed, and all the masters of Tongxuanjing were hunted.

However, although the attacking team was dispersed, the speed of Xiang Chen and others was also dragged down, but they acted as a whole, and when they rushed out of the Xilie Mountains, they had formed a tacit understanding with each other, and the speed of being pulled down quickly caught up again.

In addition, after this trouble, Xiang Chen also found a strange phenomenon, that is, all the people killed were sucked into the sand and gravel on the ground at the moment of falling to the ground.

This phenomenon is definitely not a natural phenomenon, because it is impossible for the ground to suck human blood into it so quickly. There must be some secrets underground.

There was a bad feeling in Xiang Chen's heart.

But now is not the time for him to delve into the secrets under the ground, so all his mind began to shift to this melee.

The speed of Xiang Chen's team is still very fast, and it didn't take long for them to regain their advantages.

At this time, there are other teams that come to make trouble. The goal of those teams that come to trouble is very clear, that is, to besiege whoever leads the way.

This also makes Xiang Chen feel a headache. Although he is not afraid of entanglement, many of his team will lose here if he does not occupy the high platform first.

In Xiang Chen's heart, these people are all their own background and may be able to use them. He is a little reluctant to lose all of them here.

However, although Xiang Chen has tried his best to maintain this team, many people have lost their lives in this cruel battle.

In the face of these losses, Xiang Chen can only sigh silently. However, after this competition, Xiang Chen's image in the hearts of these people has improved again, and some people have even decided that a leader who can take care of his subordinates is always respectable.

The melee continued. Xiang Chen found that the high platform looked close, but the real distance was very far away. He had been running for an hour, but the distance from the high platform did not seem to be close at all.

However, at this time, the people in the open space have become much thinner. In this hour, the team of less than 3,000 people has lost half of it.

Relatively speaking, the team led by Xiang Chen lost the least, about one-third of its manpower.

Just as Xiang Chen took the team forward, he suddenly felt a bad wind coming.


Xiang Chen has always been vigilant. When he felt the evil wind coming, the halberd had been cut out, and there was a loud noise in the air immediately.

At the same time as the loud noise appeared, a piece of smoke and dust immediately appeared. After the smoke and dust, Xiang Chen saw a familiar face. The person who attacked him was Shen Hualong.

Shen Hualong held the anti-dragon gun in his hand and stared at Xiang Chen. Now the anti-dragon gun in his hand has completely changed, and the body of the gun exudes powerful spiritual fluctuations, which is actually comparable to the Huayan halberd.

You should know that after the Huayan halberd was partially sealed by Xiangyuan, it has reached the level of a nine-star magic weapon.

"I didn't expect that the halberd in your hand had reached the level of a nine-star magic weapon, but it won't be long before my anti-dragon gun will surpass the category of magic weapons, and it will be your death!" After one blow, Shen Hualong already knew that his current strength could not help Xiang Chen at all. If he continued to be entangled, he might hurt both sides, so after leaving a sentence, he ran to the high platform in the distance.