Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 229 The Fifth Layer of Jiuyang Overlord

In Zhengyang Tianchi, Xiang Chen is still diving. Now he has dived 60 feet, getting closer and closer to the position of Zhengyang Zhenhuo.

However, with Xiang Chen's dive, the danger is getting bigger and bigger. Each kind of Jiuyang Zhenhuo is very powerful, and this Zhengyang Tianhuo is the most powerful among them. More importantly, this positive sun fire has been formed for a long time, but unlike the Jiuyang real fire in the world below, it still looks young.

Xiang Chen did not intend to give up, and a breath dived ten feet. The Zhengyang Tianchi, which is hundreds of feet deep, has now dived 70 feet.

Seeing Xiang Chen sinking again, Ding Yin, Zhou Tai and Su Yun did not follow. Sixty feet was their limit. In their opinion, Xiang Chen's behavior is completely ignorant and dying.

However, their ideas were soon subverted. Xiang Chen's body dived to 70 feet, and a lot of light appeared on his body. The light was mainly silver, and there were some blue light spots in the middle. Under the cover of this layer of light, Xiang Chen actually stood at a depth of 70 feet in the Zhengyang Tianchi and began another round of practice. This hit Ding Yin, Zhou Tai and Su Yun's hearts. They also wanted to learn from Xiang Chen and dive again, but when they approached the position of 70 feet, the strong pressure forced them to retreat and could only return to the position of 60 feet to practice again.

The depth of 60 feet of Zhengyang Tianchi is already the limit for them. Even at this depth of 60 feet, they can't wait for a long time. Although the power of pure yang is a good thing, it will cause great damage to the body. This is what people say is too much. In order to resist the damage of the power of pure yang, they must always mobilize their own spiritual power to resist it, just like the looming sword light outside Ding Yin, the gray light outside Zhou Tai's body, and the faint silver mask outside Su Yun's body, all of which are all protected against the power of pure yang. This layer of protection needs to consume their spiritual power at all times.

In contrast, Xiang Chen is different. His body itself has been quenched by pure yang real fire, and his resistance is much better than Ding Yin, Zhou Tai and Su Yun. The layer of light outside him is also an instinctive reaction of Jiuyang's overlord body to resist the damage of pure yang power. Although it also consumes a lot of spiritual power, it is better than Ding Yin. Zhou Tai and Su Yun are much more labor-saving.

At the 70-foot position, Xiang Chen did not dive rashly, but tried his best to adapt to the surrounding environment.

After about a day, Xiang Chen finally felt that the red pool around him was not under so much pressure. His physical strength increased again, and the automatic defensive light of Jiuyang's hegemony also weakened a lot.

At this time, Ding Yin, Zhou Tai and Su Yun couldn't hold on, and their bodies began to float to a depth of 50 feet, which was relatively less stressful.

For the movements of these people, Xiang Chen just took a look and said nothing more. Then he didn't look back and continued to rush to the depth of Zhengyang Tianchi.

This time, Ding Yin, Zhou Tai and Su Yun had no surprises about Xiang Chen's dive. In their hearts, they completely defined Xiang Chen as a monster, because human beings could not get so close to Zhengyang Zhenhuo at all, and even Chunyang Tianshi may not dare to approach Zhengyang Zhenhuo. Of course, this is just the idea of three people, and their hearts are more helpless about the strength shown by Xiang Chen.

Soon, Xiang Chen's figure dived to the depth of 80 feet of Zhengyang Tianchi. The power of pure yang here is ten times the depth of 70 feet, and at the same time, Xiang Chen has really learned the power of Zhengyang's true fire.

At a depth of 80 feet, Xiang Chen did not dare to dive any more, because the impact range of Zhengyang Tianhuo was the remaining 20 feet. Xiang Chen was also a little surprised by this. He didn't expect that the impact range of Zhengyang Tianhuo was double that of Mingyang Zhenhuo, and it was not comparable to Chuyang Zhenhuo.

Xiang Chen stopped at a depth of 80 feet in Zhengyang Tianchi and quickly adapted to the pressure here.

The Zhengyang Tianchi is hundreds of feet deep, and the remaining 20 feet are the most difficult. Xiang Chen must risk being cremated by Zhengyang Zhenhuo, dive around Zhengyang Tianhuo, and then ingest Zhengyang Tianhuo to refine his body.

Another day passed, and Xiang Chen felt that his state had been adjusted to the best and began to continue diving.

In Zhengyang Tianchi, the diving depth is more than 80 feet. With each step, the pressure will increase a lot. Xiang Chen did not rush forward and tried to approach Zhengyang Zhenhuo little by little.

He also repeated this section of the road and walked for nearly half a day before entering the ten-foot range of Zhengyang's true fire.

Here, Xiang Chen feels that his body will melt at any time. If he hadn't practiced the Jiuyang hegemony formula, he would have had a certain resistance effect on this Zhengyang real fire. I'm afraid that there are no bones left now.

The last ten feet is the key. Xiang Chen began to adapt to the pressure here again, and at the same time began to extract the spiritual power in the spirit bowl to supplement his consumption.

In fact, the reason why Xiang Chen dares to dive so boldly to this depth also has a lot to do with the spirit bowl. He can adjust the huge fire spirit power in the spirit bowl at any time to supplement his consumption.

Stayed for a long time at a distance ten feet away from Zhengyang Zhenhuo, and there is no fiery ** wrapping ahead. That is the core area of Zhengyang Zhenhuo, and everything will turn into flames.

In the center of all the flames, Xiang Chen saw a golden fireball like the sun. This fireball is about the size of a basketball and is very beautiful.

However, Xiang Chen knew that this beauty was fatal.

After confirming the position of Zhengyang Zhenhuo, Xiang Chen's body instantly shot out and went straight to the fireball formed by Zhengyang Zhenhuo.

As he got closer and closer to the Zhengyang fire, Xiang Chen felt that his body had begun to melt.

However, he didn't care at all. He moved his hands together and used the technique of drawing silk to successfully absorb a trace of positive fire.

With this trace of Zhengyang Tianhuo, Xiang Chen did not dare to stay at all and retreated 20 feet away in an instant. Leaving the scope of the influence of Zhengyang Tianhuo, Xiang Chen noticed that his skin had been scorched, but he didn't care. Because under the skin, a vibrant vitality was quickly restoring the burnt skin.


Xiang Chen sat in the red pool and began to try his best to recover the consumption of Zhengyang real fire. Although his speed is very fast, the consumption is still huge.

It took about an hour to replenish the consumed spiritual power, and the skin on his body completely recovered as before.

The recovery ability of Jiuyang's body formula is really unspeakable, which is also an important reason why Xiang Chen has to practice this set of suffering spiritual formulas anyway.


There was another fluctuation in Xiang Chen's body, and he had begun to use the pure yang fire he had ingested to refine his body.

The power of this pure yang fire was very domineering, and Xiang Chen introduced it into his body and felt that he began to burn.

This feeling is completely different from Chuyang Zhenhuo and Mingyang Zhenhuo. Xiang Chen felt that his body was melted little by little.

At this time, it was also Xiang Chen's most desperate time. Every time he used Jiuyang Zhenhuo to quench his body, it was a gamble to see whether he consumed the power of Jiuyang Zhenhuo first, or Jiuyang Zhenhuo cremated him first.


The first time to quench the body with pure yang and real fire is the most dangerous, but Xiang Chen has no other choice. When quenching the body with Zhengyang real fire, a soft sound keeps coming from his body, and every soft sound will bring him a lot of pain. Of course, this pain is far from being burned by Zhengyang.


After about eight hours, the positive fire on Xiang Chen's body was finally extinguished, but his body was also roasted to be charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and the meat smelled fragrant.

The first silk of Zhengyang real fire actually burned for an hour, which made Xiang Chen very surprised. Mingyang real fire is only six hours, which shows that Zhengyang real fire is slightly more powerful than Mingyang real fire.

It took Xiang Chen eight hours to quench his body, and it took almost eight hours to recover his body. A day and a half has passed.

Fortunately, Xiang Chen has had a similar experience. The later it is, the shorter the quenching time will be.

Xiang Chen's figure rushed out again and rushed to the position where Zhengyang Zhenhuo was.

The second refining time was slightly shorter than the first time, but it was beyond Xiang Chen's imagination. Fortunately, he was not in a hurry.

In the continuous intake of Zhengyang real fire quenching body, Xiang Chen spent five days, and now his time to completely digest a trace of Zhengyang Tianhuo has been compressed to six hours.

Of course, Xiang Chen can't take long now. He is still crazily ingesting Zhengyang Zhenhuo to refine his body.

Until half a month later, he began to ingest two positive fires at the same time.

This speed was much faster than before. About 15 days later, there was a strange movement in Chen's body, and then the momentum on his body rose rapidly.


When this momentum climbed to a certain extent, Xiang Chen felt that something in his body had been broken.

Power, powerful power. At the moment when Xiang Chen felt that something in his body was broken, his strength began to rise rapidly, and his skin became more moist, and his muscles were slightly raised, forming beautiful lines, which seemed so harmonious.

"Finally broke through, the fifth layer of Jiuyang's hegemony, so powerful!" Xiang Chen clenched his fists and felt that his whole body was full of strength.

Although Jiuyang's hegemonic formula has broken through, Xiang Chen did not go out. The refining effect of Zhengyang's real fire on his body has still not disappeared. He still plans to stay in this Zhengyang Tianchi for a longer period of time.

Xiang Chen was not worried, but the Zhengyang Hall opened the pot. For more than a month, Ding Yin, Zhou Tai and Su Yun had already come out of the Zhengyang Tianchi. Several people have received a lot of benefits, but their faces seemed to have been hit. Wang Chunyang and others asked and found out that Xiang Chen's performance in Zhengyang Tianchi was so amazing.

At the beginning, everyone was quite happy, but they didn't see Xiang Chen come out. They were anxious. It was not easy for one person to come by. If it was damaged in the Zhengyang Tianchi, the loss of Zhiyang Fudi would be great.