Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 234 Clues

"Senior Beiling doesn't have to be so pessimistic. I think we can always think of a way!" Xiang Chen didn't expect that Bei Ling was ready to burn with the blood demon king. In his heart, he admired this mysterious inscription spirit even more.

Artifacts are different from spiritual weapons and magic weapons. They have their own wisdom. Although intelligence can make artifacts more powerful than spiritual weapons and magic weapons, it also makes them generate self-consciousness and thinking. With self-thinking, no one wants to be destroyed, and so do artifacts. They want to exist forever.

However, in the face of the threat of the Blood Demon King, the tablet spirit of the Wind and Thunder Monument did not hesitate to destroy itself and kill the Blood Demon King. This spirit of sacrifice is not available to everyone, and even if there is, not everyone has the courage to do so. However, from the tone of the wind and thunder tablet spirit, Xiang Chen can feel that once the blood demon king is no longer controlled by him, he will not hesitate to choose to self-explode in exchange for the serious injury of the blood demon king's soul.

The spirit of an artifact can make such a sacrifice, which makes Xiang Chen feel deeply. Even human beings living in this world may not be as determined as the monument in the face of such a choice.

"You don't have to comfort me. My mission is to suppress or even erase this blood demon king. Once I can't complete the destruction, it will be an inevitable result!" Beiling seems to have made up his mind and will not listen to Xiang Chen's advice at all.

"I understand the thoughts of the predecessor of Beiling. Don't worry, I will definitely find the five-pole spiritual beads within the specified time!" Xiang Chen assured.

"I hope so. Well, you have got the true biography of King Thunder, and I also need to devote myself to suppressing this bloody demon king!" After Beiling finished speaking, Xiang Chen felt the countless beams around him tremble.


With a wave of strong thunder, Xiang Chen slowly opened his eyes.

The wind and thunder monument still stayed there quietly, but there was already a thunder secret in Xiang Chen's mind.

Xiang Chen looked at the wind and thunder monument, stood up slowly and walked in the direction of Boyang Hall.

Soon, Xiang Chen came to Boyang Hall.

"Beryang Taoist priest!"

Entering the Boyang Hall, he went forward and gave a deep salute to the Boyang Taoist priest sitting at the top of the hall.

"Oh? Why did you come down from Boyang Peak? How to understand the wind and thunder monument? Feng Boyang obviously did not expect Xiang Chen to come to the Boyang Hall at this time and immediately asked nervously.

"I don't have to stay on Boyang Peak, and no one needs to go to Boyang Peak to understand the thunder monument in the next five years!" Xiang Chen's face became a little solemn.

"Oh? What the hell is going on? Is there something wrong with this thunder monument? Feng Boyang also became nervous. Although there are only three people who have been able to understand the Fenglei Monument since ancient times, this Fenglei Monument is still the pillar of Zhiyang Fudi. If there is something wrong with the Fenglei Monument, I'm afraid that Zhiyang Fudi will also be in trouble.

"Something happened to the wind and thunder monument, and it's very tricky!" Xiang Chen did not intend to hide anything. This blessed land has now become a *, so Xiang Chen feels that it is better to tell these people about the crisis.

"What exactly is the situation?" Feng Boyang said nervously.

"This matter is a little complicated. Let me put it simply, the wind and thunder monument was originally the treasure of the seven kings in the three realms. At the beginning, the seven kings fought with a mysterious force. In the end, four of the seven kings fell directly, and one of the remaining three kings fell into a deep sleep. This wind and thunder monument is something left by the fallen Thunder King. However, there is another universe in this wind and thunder tablet. In the stone tablet, it suppresses the soul of the blood demon king who came to invade our world!" Xiang Chen introduced it word by word.

"What? Unexpectedly, that doesn't mean that there is a volcano hidden in Zhiyang Fudi that can be eight times at any time!" Feng Boyang became even more nervous. Zhiyang Fudi has been founded for so many years and has always been here, but he did not expect that there was still a blood demon king's soul hidden in Zhiyang Fudi in the writer's hometown.

"Master Boyang, don't be nervous first. There is indeed a soul of the king of the blood demon clan in the wind and thunder tablet, but it is still suppressed by the spirit of the wind and thunder monument, and it will not rush out to make trouble for a while!" Reminded Chen.

"Even so, our Zhiyang Fudi is very dangerous. Is there any way to resolve this crisis and completely eliminate the king of the blood demon clan?" Feng Boyang can't make up his mind now and doesn't know what to do.

"There is a method, but it is not easy to do. As long as I can find the infinite spirit beads, the monument spirit of the wind and thunder tablet can completely erase the soul of the blood demon clan with the help of the power of the five elements of the world, but these five-pole spirit beads are not easy to get!" Xiang Chendao.

"I'm going to find Brother Chunyang and ask him to send someone to look for the five-pole spiritual beads!" Feng Boyang said that he was about to go out.

"Master Boyang, don't worry, I still have something to say!" Seeing that Feng Boyang was about to leave, Xiang Chen hurriedly stopped him.

"What's the matter, just say it!" Feng Boyang's face was full of urgency.

"Master Boyang, don't worry first. The monument of the wind and thunder monument said that he can persist for five years at most, so we still have some time. At present, the most important thing is to block the top of the Boyang peak where the wind and thunder monument is located and don't let others approach it anymore!" Xiang Chen said.

"No problem with this. I will arrange people to watch it day and night. In addition, I want to tell Brother Chunyang to see if I can set up a formation on my Boyang Peak, so that I can better avoid people from approaching the wind and thunder monument." After saying that, Feng Boyang walked out of the Boyang Hall and ordered his disciples to stare at the top of Boyang Peak at all times, and must not let anyone approach the peak of Boyang Peak.

However, Feng Boyang himself hurried to the Zhengyang Hall with Xiang Chen.

In the Zhengyang Hall, Wang Chunyang sat cross-legged and was refreshed. He found that Xiang Chen and Feng Boyang came in and opened his eyes slightly.

"Xianchen, why did you come here? It's only been ten days. Why don't you continue to understand the mystery of the thunder monument?" Wang Chunyang was somewhat surprised to see that Xiang Chen also came with Feng Boyang.

"Master Boyang, I have understood the mystery of the Fenglei Monument, and I don't need to continue to understand it. This time, I came with Boyang Master to say something to Master Chunyang!" Xiang Chen did not drag his way and said bluntly.

"Oh? What on earth made you two so hot? Even Brother Boyang, can't you calm down?" Wang Chunyang was a little surprised. He had noticed that there was something wrong with Xiang Chen and Feng Boyang.

"Brother Chunyang, this is really a big deal. Let Xiang Chen tell you!" Feng Boyang Road.

"Okay, Xiang Chen, then it's up to you!" Wang Chunyang looked at the two again and said.

"Pure Yang Tianshi, this is the situation..." Xiang Chen told the story from beginning to end.

"There is such a thing. It seems that the place where the wind and thunder monument is located should indeed be blocked, but this five-pole spiritual pearl does not seem to be easy to find. I have never heard of anyone who has won such a treasure as the five-pole spiritual pearl for so many years." Wang Chunyang said after meditating for a while.

"It's hard to find, otherwise the soul of this blood demon king will come out, and I'm afraid that it will turn into a sea of blood here!" When the blood demon clan goes there, it must be stained with blood, which is also the horror of the blood demon clan. They are quite friendly to the blood demon clan themselves, but against the non-blood demon clan, they become extremely fierce, so Xiang Chen has made up his mind to find the infinite spiritual beads no matter what happens.

"This is natural. The blood demon clan is fierce and cunning. Since we know that there is a king of the blood demon clan in the wind and thunder monument, we must find a way to destroy it." Wang Chunyang.

"Bing said that the five-pole spiritual beads are the most spiritual place of gold, wood, water, fire and earth in the thirty-six blessed land, but I don't know where the five elements are the most spiritual place?" Xiang Chen frowned tightly.

"Thirty-six blessed places are vast, but there are really a few places where the five elements have the most spiritual power. There is a heavenly demon forest in the eastern demon realm, where the wood spiritual power should be the most pure and abundant place in the 36 blessed land. In addition, the endless deep sea in the north should be the most watery place. The white grassland should be the most spiritual place. There is a Zijin Mountain in the west, where there are more ores and abundant gold spiritual power. There is also a sea of red fire, where the fire spirit is very abundant. As Wang Chunyang, who has lived in 36 blessed land for many years, he can still count the characteristics of Zhiyang blessed land.

"Oh? There are so many magical places in the thirty-six blessed land. Maybe these five-pole spiritual pearls can really be found from these places. After listening to Wang Chunyang's words, Xiang Chen's eyes also lit up. Although these places may not really have five-pole spiritual beads, they are always better than crashing around like headless flies.

"Although there may be infinite spiritual beads in these places, none of these places are not full of crises. There are many spiritual beasts in the realm of Wanyao, which are very powerful, some of which even surpass the strong in the 36 blessings. The Zijin Mountains are also very dangerous. There is a very domineering creature, golden ants. They eat almost everything, and the number is huge. No matter how strong they are, they can't kill them. In addition, these golden ants usually eat metal, so their bodies are very strong and it is very difficult to kill them. The endless deep sea is full of crises, and the underwater world has more powerful spiritual beasts. The white grassland is relatively better, but because the earth god there is life-threatening even if he is a master of the heavenly realm. The sea of red fire is the same. There are flames everywhere, and the flames there are not even as good as Jiuyang real fire!" Wang Chunyang is obviously not as optimistic as Xiang Chen. This spiritual place is full of crises.