Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 252 White Grassland


Xiang Chen quickly introduced the ingested meaning of Shaoyang Zhenhuo into the meridians and began a new round of quenching.

Shaoyang's real fire gives Xiang Chen a different feeling, sometimes domineering, sometimes introverted, and more volatile.

Such a real fire is the most difficult to deal with, because it is difficult for you to capture its laws.

Of course, for Xiang Chen, these are nothing, and he has never thought of capturing any rules. From Chuyang Zhenhuo to Zhengyang Zhenhuo, it was hard to survive with strong perseverance.

Nirvana real fire is a kind of wisdom, but the pain he suffered may not be pure and pure fire at all. Of course, Xiang Chen feels that it is worth bearing that kind of pain until now. At least the current strength of his Jiuyang hegemony is slightly stronger than just using Jiuyang real fire. Today, I ingested Shaoyang real fire without injury, which is the best proof.

Shaoyang Zhenhuo is no less strong than Zhengyang Zhenhuo, and because Shaoyang Zhenhuo has been in this cave for so many years, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, it is about to derive wisdom. From this perspective, the quality of Shaoyang Zhenhuo is actually still above Zhengyang Zhenhuo.


After Xiang Chen introduced Shaoyang Zhenru into his body, a soft sound came from his body. At this time, it is the most painful for Xiang Chen.

This soft sound is a sign of advancement, but Jiuyang's body formula is different from other magic formulas, and you have to endure great pain before you advance.

The first Shaoyang real fire burned in Xiang Chen's body for nearly two hours, which made Xiang Chen very surprised. You know, Zhengyang Zhenhuo burned in his body for nearly eight hours.

This situation made Xiang Chen a little worried. I don't know if this Shaoyang's real fire can support him to raise Jiuyang's hegemony to the seventh.

Although he was a little worried, Xiang Chen did not stop there. After a short rest, he rushed to Shaoyang Zhenhuo again.

This time, Xiang Chen simply moved his hands together and directly extracted two silks of Shaoyang real fire.

The power of Shaoyang's real fire is not difficult for Xiang Chen to bear, so he dared to add another trace.

The power generated by the two silk Shaoyang real fire is not a simple one-class second, and the power has directly increased several times. However, this is what Xiang Chen needs most.


After introducing the two silks of Shaoyang Zhenhuo into his body, Xiang Chen felt that the soft sound from his body became rapid. The more rapid this soft sound is, the greater the effect of pure yang real fire.


These two Shaoyang real fires continued to burn in Xiang Chen's body for six hours, which was still acceptable for Xiang Chen.

After the power of the two threads of Shaoyang Zhenhuo was exhausted, Xiang Chen rushed to Shaoyang Zhenhuo again...

In this way, Xiang Chen repeatedly ingested Shaoyang Zhenhuo practice. After continuing for half a month, Shaoyang Zhenhuo had been ingested by him one-tenth.

One tenth is not a small number. At the time when Zhengyang was really popular, Xiang Chen had only taken less than 1% and had already advanced successfully. But today, I have ingested as much as ten.

Fortunately, after ingesting one-tenth of the real fire of Shaoyang, Xiao Ning's Jiuyang hegemony reacted, and a strong spiritual wave came from his body.


At the same time, the soft sound from Chen's body also became very rapid and clear!


Xiang Chen has been standing still, waiting for the Jiuyang hegemonic formula to make a breakthrough. This is two hours. Two hours later, a smile appeared on Xiang Chen's face.

"The seventh weight of Jiuyang's body formula, so powerful!" Xiang Chen clenched his fist, and now his body feels very comfortable, his whole body is full of strength, and he even has an impulse to fight with the master of Tiandaojing.

According to past experience, after the breakthrough of Jiuyang's hegemony, Xiang Chen did not leave at the first time, but continued to refine his body with Shaoyang's real fire.

This quenching took another half a month, and it was not until Shaoyang Zhenhuo had almost no effect before he decided to leave.

This time refining the body, Xiang Chen only cultivated the Jiuyang overlord's body formula to the seventh Xiaocheng, and there is still a gap from Dacheng. It is estimated that it is the cause of the true fire of Nirvana. His body's tolerance is much stronger than before. Even Shaoyang Zhenhuo has a very limited effect on the quenching of the body.

Nearly one-fifth of Shaoyang real fire has been consumed, more than any kind of pure yang real fire. Of course, this also includes the fire hidden in Xiang Chen's spirit bowl.

Now there are four kinds of fire in the spirit bowl, and the spiritual power in it is endless, which is definitely a huge help for Xiang Chen.

Of course, Xiang Chen did not have time to be happy. He also had to seize the time to go to the white grassland to find the earthy spirit beads in the five poles.


Xiang Chen's speed has been improved to the extreme, and ordinary people can't capture him at all.

After another month on his way, Xiang Chen finally came to a vast plateau. This plateau is different from other plateaus, and there are no tall trees on it. Even barren weeds are rare, only pieces of charred black traces that can't be seen on this plateau.

"It's so weird here!" The white grassland is like the red sea of fire, and no one will come at ordinary times. The environment here is too harsh, but the local spiritual power is very rich. However, it is precisely because of the rich local spiritual power that the oppression brought by people here is particularly strong. Even Xiang Chen came here, he felt much heavier.

"Master, this seems to be similar to my sea of fire. Maybe there will be the earthly spiritual beads you mentioned!" At this time, the fire spirit has come out of the gathering bowl. When it reaches a place where there is no one, it doesn't want to continue to hide in such a small place. Although the fire spirit is not a real phoenix, it is also a life evolved from the blood of the phoenix. The yearning for the sky and freedom is incomprehensible to human beings.

"The earth's spiritual power here is indeed very abundant, so abundant that it repels other spiritual powers. There are no monsters here at all. As for whether there are earth's spiritual beads or not, I can only look for them!" When Xiang Chen saw this vast plateau, he couldn't help frowning. Among other things, he wanted to search the whole wave here, and he couldn't do it in three months.

"Let me feel it first and see where the most spiritual place is!" Without waiting for Xiang Chen's order, the fire spirit began to feel it.

Among the five elements, fire makes soil. According to the principle of mutual birth and mutual restraint, the fire spirit is also very sensitive to the spiritual power of the earth.

"It seems that this place is really big enough. I think it will take more than a month for us to reach the most spiritual place in the white grassland!" The fire spirit did sense the place with the most spiritual power of fire, but it was very far away from Xiang Chen. Even at the speed of Xiang Chen, it would take a month to arrive.

"How can it be so far?" Xiang Chen frowned more tightly. The monument of the Fenglei tablet only gave him five years. If it had been more than half a year since then, now only one five-pole spiritual bead has been found. If he is lucky, he can still find one from the white grassland. From the white grassland to other places, the journey is relatively far away. It takes half a year to get from the White Grassland to the Zijin Mountains, and it's even farther to the other two places.


Although he felt that the journey was relatively far away, Xiang Chen had no better way but to run in the direction of the fire spirit.

On this white grassland, Xiang Chen's speed is not too fast, and he has to always beware of the garriling gods on the white grassland.

It has penetrated about a thousand miles into the white grassland. At this time, Xiang Chen felt that the Turing force around him was like a mountain. If it hadn't been for his amazing strength, I'm afraid it would be very difficult to act now.


When Xiang Chen was on his way, he suddenly felt a fluctuation, and then there was a touch of uneasiness in Xiang Chen's heart. At the same time, Xiang Chen's figure accelerated and rushed out more than 200 feet away in an instant.


As soon as Xiang Chen rushed out, he heard a crisp sound, and then he saw a golden arc coming out from under the white grassland. And the position that came out was exactly the position he had stood before.

"It's so dangerous!" Avoiding the disaster, Xiang Chen took a cold breath, and a trace of happiness appeared in his heart. Fortunately, he was alert all the time, otherwise he would definitely be hit by the golden arc.

There is no need to guess at all. Xiang Chen also knows that the beginning of this golden arc is the legendary god of soil.

The earth god is a thunderbolt produced after the Turing force is dense to a certain extent. Compared with ordinary lightning, this kind of thunder is more powerful and difficult to deal with.

Although Xiang Chen has practiced the Jiuyang hegemonic formula, he will not be injured by the thunder, but the pain is inevitable.


With this lesson, Xiang Chen is even more afraid to stop in one place for a long time.

Although this garriling god is not intelligent, it can sense different spiritual fluctuations. All life that come to the white grassland will be attacked by this garriling god, and Xiangchen will naturally be no exception.

Fortunately, when Xiang Chen entered the white grassland, he had planned all the terrain and route here, so he would not panic because of avoiding the garrison gods.

A month later, Xiang Chen's figure appeared in the highest position on the white grassland. The terrain here is nearly a thousand feet higher than Xiang Chen's just deep position. The local spiritual power here is so abundant that Xiang Chen even finds it difficult to fly.

In this month, Xiang Chen has grown a lot again. Under the strong spiritual pressure of the white grassland, his Jiuyang hegemonic formula has also made some progress. Although he still has not reached the standard of the seventh level of Dacheng, it is not far from each other.

"Master, I feel that the most spiritual place in the whole white grassland is this mountain, but I don't know if I can find the earth spirit pearl here!" The fire spirit incited the wings, and he also felt the pressure brought by the fire spirit, but it was a little stronger than Xiang Chenlai.