Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 266 Water Essence and Water Pearl

Xiang Chen was also very excited to successfully seize the devouring heaven of the swallowing beast. However, time is the most important thing for him, so he did not stay on the surface of the water. After his injuries recovered, he came to the water where he had met the swallowing beast before.

With the first experience, Xiang Chen and Fire Essence, Earth Essence, Gold Essence, Fire Dragon and Nether Tiger dive much faster this time. Soon it reached the position of two thousand feet again.

When he got here, Xiang Chen's figure was a little stunned, and the previous appearance of the swallowing beast was still vivid.

"There seems to be something there!" Just as Xiang Chen planned to continue to dive, the eyes of the Nether Tiger and the Fire Dragon Jiao were lit up. Not far away, two flashing things were approaching.

shua shua......

Without waiting to say anything to Chen, the two guys rushed directly to the two glowing things, but in front of the glowing objects in an instant. Without saying anything, the two guys directly put the two light masses in their mouths and flew back to Xiang Chen's side.

"Hey, this time I got rich, the demon elixir of the fairy beast and the monster essence. With these two things, it is estimated that it will not take long for us to advance!" The expressions of the fire dragon dragon and the ghost tiger are full of excitement. Who would have thought that after such a big explosion, the demon elixir and monster essence of the heavenly beast could still be preserved.

"You are so blessed. In this case, you'd better go back to the spiritual bowl and wait until you digest and absorb these things!" Xiang Chen has a lot of feelings for the fire dragon dragon and the ghost tiger, just like his brother, so Xiang Chen was also happy that these two guys got benefits.

"Okay, let's go in!" After talking with the Nether Tiger, the fire dragon dragon directly turned into two clusters of glory and entered the spirit bowl.

"These two guys are really special. The gathering bowl is so small that they are so happy every time they enter!" The fire spirit has been imprisoned for too long, and the mentality of the ghost tiger and the fire dragon dragon is incomprehensible in any way.

"The two of them are different from you. They are eager to improve their strength, so they will not miss any opportunity to practice!" Xiang Chen smiled and said to the fire spirit.

The fire spirit didn't say anything more, because by this time, it had followed Xiang Chen to dive deeper.

Xiang Chen did not say anything. At this time, his body was extremely oppressed. Even if there was Jiuyang's body formula, it had made him feel uncomfortable. However, this discomfort soon disappeared, because the jade in his chest began to power again.

Moreover, this time, unlike in the past, Yu's power was continuously instilled into Xiang Chen's body, and his physique and soul power were nourished by this power and quickly became stronger.

This makes Xiang Chen feel surprised. Since entering his heart, this jade hurdle has rarely been powerful. Only when his life is threatened will he save his life. However, the current situation seems to be different from usual. This Yuzhu keeps releasing strength and actually wants to take the initiative to integrate with Xiang Chen's body.

The integration of Yuxuan's power with Xiang Chen's body is a long process. During this period, Xiang Chen's body was still diving down to a distance of about ten thousand feet, and Xiang Chen's feet finally stepped on the ground.

This endless deep sea is very deep, which is really far beyond Xiang Chen's estimation. Moreover, the seabed of the endless deep sea is full of hard stones, and there is no silt or sea sand at all.

Xiang Chen's eyesight is greatly limited here, and his eyes can't see more than a hundred feet. You should know that Xiang Chen's cultivation is already a real heavenly realm. Such cultivation can only see a hundred feet at the bottom of the seabed of the endless deep sea, which shows the danger of this endless deep sea.

At the moment when Xiang Chen's feet touched the ground, Yuhuang on his chest suddenly emitted a strong momentum, and then this momentum quickly integrated into Xiang Chen's body. Xiang Chen could no longer feel the existence of Yuzhu at this time, which shows that Yuzhu has completely turned into strength and integrated into his body.

With the integration of Yuxuan's power, Xiang Chen felt that the pressure around him had also decreased a lot. At least he could move freely on the seabed of this endless deep sea.

Fire essence, gold essence and earth essence have their own methods. By the way, the little guy can also move freely.

"Now help me feel the most spiritual place!" Fire essence, gold essence and earth essence were not greatly affected. Xiang Chen was also relieved and began to let them feel the place with the strongest water spirit.

"Master, we found it, about a thousand feet away from here!" The fire spirit pointed in one direction with its shrinking wings.

"Okay, let's go there now!" Xiang Chen did not delay and quickly rushed to the place with the strongest water spirit with fire essence, earth essence and gold essence.

The distance of 1,000 feet was just a blink of an eye for Xiang Chen, and soon he arrived at the position mentioned by the fire spirit.

When he arrived at the designated position, Xiang Chen was stunned. The water spirit here has condensed into crystals, like a crystal hill standing in the endless deep sea.

On the rock of this crystal mountain, there is a big round ball, which is similar to the fire spirit bead and emits a slight blue light. On top of this ball, there is a small beast lying on its stomach. The little beast is very strange, like a little turtle carrying a small snake on its back.

"This should be the water essence and the water spirit beads, gold essence and earth essence, you two go and talk to this water essence to see if it is willing to join us!" Xiang Chen left a heart and did not let the fire spirit go. If the opposite side is really a water spirit, then there must be a certain conflict with the fire spirit, so he found the earth essence and gold essence with relatively small conflicts, hoping to get a better effect.

Facts have proved that Xiang Chen's decision is very correct. After a moving negotiation between the earth essence, the gold essence and the water essence, the water essence was finally moved, and at the same time, a divine soul essence was integrated into Xiang Chen's soul.

Xiang Chen was also surprised by this. In addition to the income of fire essence, gold essence and earth essence encountered resistance. He didn't expect that he met water essence so smoothly today.

Later, Xiang Chen knew that the water spirit was about to survive the disaster. His condition was to let Xiang Chen help it successfully survive the disaster.

Xiang Chen doesn't care about this. Even if the water spirit does not put forward this condition, he will also help the water spirit tide over the test of the disaster.

Successfully subdued the water essence, and Xiang Chen began to recognize the water spirit beads. It is not as easy to recognize the water spirit beads. However, Xiangchen's strength is no longer what it used to be. When his strength was poor, he could subdue the three spiritual beads of fire, earth and gold, not to mention now.

After about a burst of incense, a soft light emitted from the water beads, which had been completely conquered by Xiang Chen, and then the light flashed into Xiang Chen's small space.


Successfully got the water essence and water spirit beads. Xiang Chen did not stay in the endless deep sea. His figure quickly surfaced, and four little guys appeared, including fire essence, water essence, gold essence and earth essence.

"Master, I can feel that my catastrophe will come in three months. You have to help me tide over this catastrophe!" As soon as he came out of the water, the expression of the water spirit became tense.

"You don't need to say, I will also do this. Now we must leave this endless deep sea, and the power of crossing the disaster here will increase a lot!" Xiang Chen said to the water essence.

The heavenly disaster of water essence will more or less carry some water spiritual power in it. The most indispensable thing in this endless deep sea is the water spiritual power. With the help of water spiritual power, it is estimated that the power of the thunder will increase a lot.

"Master, where are we going now?" The fire spirit flew to Xiang Chen's side and asked.

"From here, we have to rush to the forest of demons. From a certain point of view, it is no longer our world, but to find the wooden spiritual beads, we can only go to that place. On the way to that place, there is a grassland, where there is a lot of wood spiritual power, which should be able to reduce the power of the water essence, so we have to rush there and let the water spirits successfully survive there!" Xiang Chen has already figured out that the three-month journey from here is just to the unknown grassland, which is also suitable for water spirits to survive the disaster.