Master of the Mixed World

Chapter 268 Return to Yangfu Land


Although Xiang Chen had tried his best to urge the black flame, he still failed to burn all the attacked vines at the first time, and many vines attacked Xiang Chen through the flames.

Fortunately, Xiangchen's Jiuyang hegemony was strong enough, and the attack of these vines did not cause any damage to it.

The vines did not cause damage to Xiang Chen, but gave Xiang Chen a chance. The black flame instantly wrapped the attacking vines, and the vines turned into a blazing fire and burned.


It seemed to feel Xiang Chen's difficulty. This mountain-like giant tree trembled, and then countless vines swept towards him.

"This won't work, fire essence and gold essence. You can also help attract the attention of this tree. I'll go to the middle of the trunk to see if there are wooden beads!" After several attacks and defenses, Xiang Chen's expression became serious. The mountain-like giant tree in front of him must contain a lot of wooden spiritual power. If he has been exhausted, he is afraid that his spiritual power will not conquer the huge tree. The only way is to find the wooden spiritual beads as soon as possible and then leave happily.


With Xiang Chen's speech, the fire spirit and the golden spirit released their strength one after another.

Fire spiritual power and golden spiritual power are both the nemesis of wood spiritual power. As soon as the fire spirit and gold essence exerted power, it immediately aroused the vigilance of this huge tree, and countless vines began to attack them.


Although there are still many vines attacking Xiangchen, Xiangchen is given a chance due to the attraction of fire essence and gold essence.

At this time, the fire cloud under Xiang Chen's feet kept flashing and rushed out of the enclosure of vines in an instant.

rushed out of the vines and rushed straight to the crown of the giant tree. At such a close distance, Xiangchen could already feel the place with the strongest spiritual power of the tree, just under the crown.


The giant tree also seemed to sense Xiang Chen's intention, and in an instant, countless huge leaves smashed down at Xiang Chen.


Xiang Chen, who was in mid-air, suddenly turned into a sea of fire. After those leaves entered the sea of fire, they immediately became inept.

This is the latest move that Xiang Chen has learned, instilling the devouring road into his own flame. Devouring the road is similar to his black flame. However, Xiang Chen's original black flame is far smaller than the devouring power of the road. Combining the two now is more powerful than before.

The black flame has become the carrier of the devouring road, and the devouring avenue enhances the devouring power of the black flame, which can be said to complement each other.


In the package of black flame, Xiang Chen felt the huge leaves pouring into the flame, with a special force. After a long time, Xiang Chen finally found the clue. Each of these huge leaves has a trace of the power of wood heaven.

Gradually, countless silk threads appeared in Xiang Chen's eyes again, which were the silk threads of the law of wood. As long as you continue to feel along these silk threads, you can find the traces of the wooden heavenly path.

With this idea, Xiang Chen was not in a hurry to find the wood pole spiritual beads. The scope of the black flame continued to expand, and he tried to let more giant leaves enter the influence of the black flame.


After about three days, there was a strong fluctuation on Xiang Chen's body. In three days, Xiang Chen has performed the complete wooden heavenly road and is now working hard to build his own wooden road.

Building the avenue is very complicated. Fortunately, Xiangchen already has experience in building the avenue. In a day, his wooden avenue has been basically built, and now it is almost connected to the heavenly road.


After dozens of attempts, Xiang Chen finally connected his Muzhi Avenue with Muzhi Tiandao.

At the moment when Muzhi Avenue was connected with Muzhi Tiandao, Xiangchen felt that the pressure brought by the wood spiritual power around him was much less.


has built his own wooden road, and Xiang Chen no longer delayed, and quickly ran under the crown of the giant tree. With the wooden avenue, Xiang Chen can clearly feel the movement of the giant tree, and he can prepare the strategy in advance between the reaction of the giant tree.

In this way, Xiang Chen's travel speed rose in a straight line and soon reached the bottom of the huge crown.

This huge tree crown seems to be a hill. Here, Xiang Chen has become more careful.


Not long after Xiang Chen's figure reached the canopy, he heard a small sound. Looking carefully, Xiang Chen couldn't help smiling.

Although the tree is big enough, it still has not produced intelligence. Everything it does is just an instinctive reaction of plants. It is because of this that Xiang Chen found the most secret place under the canopy.

It turns out that under this canopy, there is a huge tree hole, which is covered with vines and leaves, which can't be found at all. However, the giant tree felt the threat of Xiang Chen and instinctively covered the hole of the tree.

This cover-up exposes it.


Xiong Chen's body ignited a burst of black flames in an instant, and these black flames spread to the periphery of the secret tree hole in an instant.

The leaves and vines that existed to cover the tree hole burned in an instant. Xiang Chen's body quickly approached the tree hole under the cover of black flames. At this time, the vines in the tree hole had been burned open.

Xiang Chen's figure flashed and got into the hole. As soon as he entered the tree hole, Xiang Chen found that the space here was very spacious. In the middle of the whole space, there was a big cyan round ball suspended. This thing was not strange to Xiang Chen. It was one of the infinite spiritual beads.

Xiang Chen's body ran towards Muji Lingzhu in an instant.

But at this time, Xiang Chen faintly saw a green shadow rushing towards him.


Facing the green shadow, Xiang Chen subconsciously waved his fist, followed by a muffled sound.

"Who are you and why are you here!" A voice came into Xiang Chen's ear.

Looking along the sound, a green figure is virtual. This green figure is somewhat similar to the fire dragon, but it is much smaller, but more than two feet long, it is a green dragon.

"Don't ask me who I am. You should be the spirit of wood!" Xiang Chen looked at the green dragon and said.

"Yes, I am the spirit of wood power. Can you tell me what I did here now?" The essence of wood spiritual power.

"I came here for one thing, but now it has become two pieces, one is to take away the wood spirit beads, and the other is to take you away!" Xiang Chendao.

"Impossible, I won't leave here, and you can't take this wooden spiritual pearl away!" The voice of the little green dragon became solemn.

"It doesn't matter what you said. If you don't follow me obediently, I'll hit you until you follow me!" Xiang Chen smiled slightly.

"Damn it, do you think I'm easy to bully? Since you want to fight with me, don't blame me for being rude!" As soon as the little green dragon finished speaking, countless vines suddenly appeared at Xiang Chen's feet and wanted to trap him.


Of course, Xiang Chen would not sit back and wait for death. A black flame appeared on his body in an instant, and the approaching vines instantly withered and were swallowed up by the black flame.

"Don't think that I'm afraid of you with this black flame. I'll tell you that I won't go with you. If you force me, I will destroy this wooden spirit pearl and myself and let you come for nothing." Green Dragon Road.

"That won't work. Fire essence and gold essence are about to end your battle. Come to me. Earth spirit, water spirit, come out, too!" When Xiang Chen spoke, his body moved first. While his figure moved, a bright silver arc gushed out in an instant, wrapping the whole essence of wood spiritual power in it.

"Senior Zhangling, you first trap this wooden spiritual spirit and cut off all its connections with the outside world. I will receive this wooden spiritual pearl first!" Xiang Chen's words have reached the front of Muji Lingzhu and wrapped the Muji Lingzhu tightly in it with his own black flame.


Muji Lingzhu trembled and wanted to resist, but Xiangchen's black flame was too domineering. In the end, Muji Lingzhu could only obediently recognize the Lord and became Xiang Chen's thing.

"The spirit of wood spirit, now this wood spirit pearl is already mine. You can't destroy it. Would you really rather destroy yourself than follow me?" Xiang Chen doesn't want to be entangled with the essence of wood spiritual power anymore. If this spirit of wood spiritual power insists on following him, then he doesn't mind directly erasing the intelligence of the wood spiritual power with the power of the other four spiritual powers.

"Mu Lingli, you'd better not do anything stupid. In fact, it's good to follow the master. At least when the disaster comes, he can help us resist it!" Around Xiangchen, water essence and earth essence have appeared, and the five elements of aquatic wood, so the water essence has a sense of affection and fear for the spirit of wood spirit, and can't bear to see the spirit of wood spirit destroy its own future.

"How can you two be willing to follow a human!" Seeing the water essence and earth essence, the essence of wood spiritual power was somewhat unexpected.

"Not only the two of them, but also us!" At the time of the culture of wood spirit, fire and gold have arrived.

"Well, now I have four spirits. Now you have two ways. One is to follow me. Second, I will borrow the power of the other four spirits to erase your intelligence. At worst, I will cultivate another intelligence!" Xiang Chen was also cruel, and he didn't have more time to entangled with the spirit of wood.

"Oh... well, I'd like to go with you!" The power of wood has separated a wisp of soul essence and integrated into Xiang Chen's soul.

"That's right. Now that the five spiritual powers have been acquired, my small world can also be completely formed." The five-pole spiritual beads and the spirit of the five elements were all together, and Xiang Chen was also slightly relieved.

In the next time, Xiang Chen did not stay in the forest of ten thousand demons. Now nearly four years have passed for the five years given by the Fenglei tablet spirit, so he must rush back to Yangfudi as soon as possible and use the power of the five-polar spirit beads to help the Fengleibei spirit and erase the soul of the bloody demon king he suppressed.

In the next time, Xiang Chen was basically on his way, and in the process of rushing, Mu Jing's heavenly disaster also arrived. It took two days to survive the disaster with Mu Jing. However, Xiang Chen's harvest is also huge. In the midst of the thunder of the wooden spirit, Xiang Chen once again perfected his road of wood and built the road of life, which also improved Xiang Chen's strength in a straight line. It is estimated that even if he meets a master like Wang Chunyang, he has the power to fight.

All the way, seven months after leaving the Wanyao Forest, Xiang Chen returned to Zhiyang Fudi. This time is much shorter than the year he originally estimated, and the main reason is that his strength has increased too much.