God of War

Chapter 130 Unblocking

When Xiaobai couldn't break the rope away no matter how hard he tried, Xiaobai was a little desperate and thought that he could no longer be with Xuanyuan. But when the first lightning hit Xiaobai, Xiaobai was surprised to find that he had nothing to do. Instead, he domineeringly absorbed all the energy contained in the lightning into his body and instantly transmitted it into his sea of knowledge!

The memory that has been sealed in his brain since Xiaobai was born has surged like a flood. Xiaobai finally understood why he could absorb the energy in the lightning.

In fact, in the process of improving Xiaobai's strength, the memory sealed in his brain is opened to him little by little. This time, half of the seal has been untied!

Whether it is a soul beast or a heavenly beast, or the most special existence such as Xiaobai - the heavenly soul beast, its original power can be divided into seven kinds: gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder and lightning. For example, the wind wolf belongs to the wind; the golden lion king belongs to gold; the bear demon belongs to the earth; and the original power of the mountain is mainly earth, supplemented by wind. The more powerful the Warcraft is, the more kinds of its original power contains. Xiaobai has seven attributes!

attributes are born, and the acquired efforts can only practice the innate attributes to the extreme, and it is impossible to practice an attribute out of thin air. Unless the body changes due to swallowing the treasures of heaven and earth.

Except for Xiaobai, there is no warcraft with more than three innate attributes!

However, the more attributes it contains, the slower the cultivation speed will be, and this cultivation speed will slow down geometrically with the increase of the number of its own attributes. However, the same-level Warcraft with two attributes is several times more powerful than the single-attribute Warcraft, and the three-attribute Warcraft can challenge the level. This also slightly makes up for its lack of cultivation speed.

The little white seven attributes are complete. Even if they practice in heaven, their speed is not as fast as those ordinary single-attribute monsters. However, Xiaobai secretly signed a blood deed with Xuanyuan. As long as Xuanyuan's realm is improved, Xiaobai's realm will improve accordingly. But there is a drawback - Xiaobai himself can't improve his realm because of cultivation! And it was this drawback that almost made Xiaobai really be devoured by the lightning group this time.

When the first lightning hit Xiaobai, the memory sealed in Xiaobai's brain was almost half unsealed.

Before the first lightning disappeared, he also did a great reclamation business and finally left some deeds. But when the second lightning hit Xiaobai, he was not so lucky. He entered Xiaobai's body and disappeared, and the energy contained in it was completely absorbed by Xiaobai.

But Xiaobai's situation is not good, very bad. A large number of memories suddenly poured into my mind, and the little white brain was as painful as if it was going to be exploded.

The pain doesn't make sense. There are only two ways to get painless. One is to pass, that is, the head is burst by memory, giving a path to memory. And the other is to endure pain and digest this massive memory little by little!

There is no doubt that Xiaobai chose the second method.

If Xiaobai chooses like this at ordinary times, there may be nothing wrong with it.

But this time it's different!

Lightning after lightning, wanting to ravage Xiaobai's body to his heart's content. Although Xiaobai's body can absorb the energy contained in lightning, Xiaobai's body is so small that it is only a green level, which is equivalent to the peak realm of human martial arts. How can it absorb so many lightning?

At this time, Xiaobai has to endure pain and digest memory, and on the same time, he has to start to absorb lightning energy.

Soon, Xiaobai could not support it under the attack of the two, and finally a trace of blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

Xiaobai's body is very strong. Only after suffering a serious internal injury will Xiaobai vomit blood

But at this time, Xiaobai only absorbed half of the memory, and the lightning also split ten.

It seems that Xiaobai has no possibility of shuan huan huan. And Xiaobai himself is on the verge of giving up, which is really painful.

But just when Xiaobai was about to give up, Xuanyuan Xun said, "I won't leave! I want to be here with Xiaobai! Xiaobai finally got together with me again, so how can I give up it!", which rekindled Xiaobai's hope for life.

Xiaobai finally heard Xuanyuan's voice clearly. The master loves me, and Ah Xun is willing to give up his life for me! Finally, the trace of jealousy for Fengling in Xiaobai's heart dissipated.

Xiaobai fell in love with Xuanyuanxun very early, and four years of thought was completely sublimated into a strong love at the moment he suddenly saw Xuanyuanxun!

But Xiaobai dares not reveal his heart, even if Xuanyuan knows that it can actually speak and turn into a woman.

Xiaobai just sneaked into Xuanyuan's dream and met and lingered with it.

However, at present, Xiaobai finally knows that Xuanyuan Xun actually loves himself deeply and does not hesitate to die for himself!

How can Xiaobai let his beloved die with him?! And if you want Xuanyuan not to do such a stupid thing, only if she survives.

The strong love for Xuanyuan made Xiaobai rekindle hope for life.

And miracles often occur quietly at this time.

Another lightning struck, but Xiaobai carried it down. Although the blood at the corners of his mouth became more and more red, Xiaobai's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Xiaobai knew that his experiment had finally succeeded.

So, how did Xiaobai resist the lightning that could not be resisted?

Xiao Bai came up with a dangerous and dangerous way to unblock the memory of lightning energy again!

When the first lightning struck, half of the sealed memory in Xiaobai's mind had been unblocked, but when the second and third lightning struck, the memory was not unblocked again.

It's not that lightning doesn't want to, but the sealed memory doesn't want to.

Those memories are treasures left by Xiaobai's father, and naturally his divine consciousness is left on it. Xiaobai's father's consciousness knew that if it was unblocked too much at a time, Xiaobai's body would not stand it. That consciousness believes that half of this unblocking is already the security limit that Xiaobai can bear at this time. But after all, it is just a divine consciousness. It is only responsible for the safety of Xiaobai when absorbing memories. How can he know the external danger Xiaobai faces at this time?

Xiao Bai deliberately guided the lightning that had just been cut to attack the memory guarded by the divine consciousness.

I don't know if this lightning has its own consciousness, but it is a little cowardly and dare not.

But since he has entered Xiaobai's body, although Xiaobai can't control the lightning, it is still possible to create a situation where except for attacking the divine consciousness, everything else is a dead end.

So, the lightning met the divine consciousness. Since we meet, the result is taken for granted. The lightning is gone, and there is only a little light and shadow left in the divine consciousness.

God and lightning are in Xiaobai's mind. Xiaobai's injury is more serious, but Xiaobai's heart is ecstatic. Because Xiaobai knows that his method is effective!

The next flash of lightning completely dissipated the divine consciousness and slightly unblocked some memories.

When there were only a dozen lightning left, the sealed memories in Xiaobai's mind were finally unsealed.

Why did the first lightning unblock half of the memory, and then more than 100 lightnings completely unblocked the remaining half of the memory?

You know, the reason why the first lightning can unblock half of the memory is that the divine consciousness allows it to do so.

Without the permission of divine consciousness, how can the energy of lightning easily unblock the memory?

However, now that the memory has been completely unsealed, and there are still more than ten ways of lightning left, how can Xiaobai be safe and sound? And how did Xiaobai absorb such a large amount of memories in such a short time?

PS: Now go to revise the next chapter and send it in about ten minutes!