Mixed Legend

Chapter 7 Familiarity with Magic

Chapter 7 Familiar with Magic

After giving things to Wuyou, Kim Sarah did not let Wuyou stay more. She directly gave the tuition for the second academic year and left her mother carelessly. In the second academic year, she was mainly familiar with magic, and then most of the students will organize personnel to practice after they are familiar with it. Of course, all of this is strong. Accompanied by a tough teacher, you can only apply for independent experience after level 30. The college is eight years. From the lowest-level magic application to complex magic arrays, it will be involved. Of course, whether knowledge can be applied or not depends on personal understanding.

After arriving at the college, Wuyou found that his dormitory had not changed, but that the graduated old student dormitory became a freshman dormitory. Wuyou's dormitory no longer belongs to the freshman dormitory. The old student's registration is no longer at the gate of the college, but directly teaches the head teacher in the class. Wuyou will come to the classroom and teach Limiya the tuition fee as soon as he arrives at the college. After paying the tuition fee, Wuyou will be in the dormitory.

As soon as he pushed the door, Wuyou saw Jona Isa and was stunned for a moment. Did you come here so early?" Wuyou said casually. Yeah, I haven't been waiting for you for a long time. Jona Isabel showed an expression that I had been waiting for you for a long time. Are you going to change your dormitory this year? We have all grown up, and it is inconvenient for us to live together every day. How sorry it would be if you accidentally saw a place you shouldn't have seen. Wuyou looked at Jona Isa's developed chest and said. What's the point of being embarrassed? I didn't even feel embarrassed when I peeked at your shower. Jona Isa directly told an inside story that surprised Wuyou. Don't do this in the future. Everyone has privacy. If you peek like this, it will cause a psychological shadow on me. Worry-free can only be depressed. If you don't look at it, don't look at it. Your body is not good-looking. I've touched it. I often touch it secretly when you sleep. Jona Isa obviously doesn't eat worry-free rhetoric. ......”

She kept instilling the precocious little witch with the four youth ideas of the new era all afternoon, but she failed to persuade her to move away. Worry-free has also lost confidence. Anyway, it's not yourself who suffers. It's better to sleep together for eight years!

The next day, Wuyou came to the classroom early as usual. Unlike usual, today was not the first to come here, but several people. Seeing Wuyou sit down, a little MM in the next group ran to the opposite table of Wuyou and sat down facing Wuyou. Wuyou looked at her puzzledly. Of course, he knew this person. After a year of class, the remaining 49 people in the class were not familiar with Wuyou, but there was still no problem in naming them. .

Worry-free looked at the girl named Tris doubtfully without saying anything. When Tris saw Wuyou's doubts, she was not silent and said directly to Wuyou, "Can I be transferred to the same group as you?" I can't make the decision. You should discuss it with our team leader and then talk to the teacher. Although Wuyou didn't understand why Tris transferred to her group, she honestly replied to her. I'm just asking for your opinion first, and then I'll talk to them. Tris obviously blushed after saying this. No matter how stupid he was when he saw this expression, he knew it. This guy fell in love with himself. I couldn't help but be a little flustered. Although the other party is a child, it also has a double sense of achievement. Thinking that I lived 23 years in my last life, I didn't find a girl who likes me. Although she also knows that Jonah and Colina also like themselves, Wuyou has always summarized their love for themselves as a sense of dependence from their own opinions. No need to ask for my opinion. I have no problem." Suddenly, I was in a good mood and looked at Tris a little cute.

Tris saw that Wuyou had no problem, and she was also happy to talk to Wuyou about how she spent her holiday at home and did those things. Worry-free is in a good mood and it is not rare to have a good chat with a child. The two were chatting vigorously. Jona Isa came and saw someone sitting in her seat chatting so happily with Wuyou, especially when Wuyou talked and laughed at her. Jealous, he went straight to Tris and said, "Why do you do my position and why do you chat with my man?" Tris was also angry when she saw Jona Isa saying this, "Why can't I chat with Wuyou?" Hearing this, Wuyou also knew that things were going to happen. Sure enough, they were all children. Hurry up to make a comer, and directly came a sentence that was often used in my last life and was not happy to try, "The teacher is coming!" Tris quickly ran to her seat to sit down, and Jona Isabel also did it quickly. After sitting down, she looked up at the door and found that no teacher knew that she had been deceived. At the same time, he stared at Wuyou and said helplessly, "It's not for your good."

After a long time, the teacher really came. Today's first class was held by the teacher of the Department of Gold. As soon as the teacher came in, he said to the whole class's college, "You go to the training ground with me." Then he turned his head and walked out of the door without much explanation. Everyone didn't ask much. They went out directly one by one. When they got to the training ground and lined up, Mr. Abigay said the content of this class: "Today, it's mainly to teach everyone to use their magic that they are familiar with. To practice magic skillfully, they must first be familiar with each department. The release interval of level magic, because the surrounding elements in the human body are limited, after casting a magic, you have to wait for a period of time to recover before casting it again. The average interval between magic reaching the second-level primary magic is ten seconds. Of course, as the magic level is higher, the range that can be mobilized is wider, and the more magic is stored in the body, and the casting interval will continue to decrease. The elements required by different magics are different. For example, the primary magic golden light suddenly appears and the second-level magic golden spirit disease sky. Although they are all gold magic, there is also a gap between the elements to be condensed, so there is no need to interval after releasing the golden light and then use the golden spirit disease sky. If you want to cast two golden spiritji kong or golden light suddenly appear, there must be an interval. Therefore, those who can do two series of magic or more have a great advantage in magic. Today is to learn to control the interval between magic and complete magic under running or more difficult movements. When fighting, the enemy will not let you stand and cast magic. Under all kinds of bad circumstances and various actions, you must learn to cast magic quickly and effectively to ensure your survival in the enemy. Next, the students of the gold department will come out. Students of other departments will watch and act as opponents later. Wuyou also went out, and Wuyou 7 series has practiced. With Abigay, he demonstrated once, and then let the students exercise by themselves. During this period, other students were also asked to cooperate with the exercise. Wuyou understands that there will be many advantages in future battles when he can practice his seven-series magic. For example, now he can basically cast magic without intervals. The teachers of the college are still different from the element surveyor. The teachers are all amazed to see that Wuyou can practice the magic of the seventh series, instead of the surveyor only looking at the affinity.

Most of the courses of teachers in various departments are similar. As time goes by, students become more and more familiar with them. They don't even have to silently count the intervals and know the intervals by feeling.

"Today we are going to have a team training. Then there will also be various groups for confrontation training. Limya said to the students below. It took nearly two months for everyone to be familiar with their own magic. Now most colleges can cast primary magic directly without even singing. Worry-free has also fully exercised during this period, and the cooperation of his own magic has also been used to the extreme. Worry-free has now reached the second level of magic, and the second-level magic can also be cast, which can be cast almost without intervals. No wonder there are so few people who can practice the seven series of magic. A seven-series magic warrior can even be charged. Use it as four or five team members.

"Teacher, can I change the group?" As soon as Ms. Tris finished speaking, she raised her own question. Which group do you want to switch to?" I want to switch to Jona Isa's group, okay?" Tris looked at Wuyou and said in a group. Teacher, our team members are already very familiar with each other and don't want anyone to leave our group. Jona Isa hurriedly answered. Well, there's nothing we can do. Do you have any comments on your group? Limiya looked at Tris and asked. No." Tris looked at her group and then replied. Don't change the group. We don't want you to leave. Other members of Tris's group also quickly persuaded her. Seeing that everyone was reluctant to give up herself, Tris was also soft-hearted. Then I won't change it, teacher." Limiya didn't say much and nodded directly.

In the following days, everyone is running into their own group. All kinds of magic cooperation and various positions are also very exquisite. In various environments, and how to deal with more enemies than their own groups, various cooperation methods are also emerging one after another. Of course, all this is the credit of several teachers.

"On May 10, 10009, that is, three days later, the college will hold a magic match. There will be an individual match and a group match. You will participate in the 9-year-old match. If you win the first place, the individual or group will receive a 100 gold coin scholarship provided by the college, and you will also Send it to the inner city to fight against other colleges. If you get the first place in the city, you will also get a 1,000 gold coin reward from the city owner's mansion. These days, there will be a holiday, and the groups will run in by themselves. Limire said to her students on the podium. After listening to Limire's words, Wuyou's eyes suddenly shined. In the nine-year-old competition, it was obviously money for Wuyou. 100 gold coins are a considerable number for Wuyou's current family. Worry-free during training, their group has few opponents. Mainly because worry-free has seven series of magic, and with other group members, magic is almost continuous. And after this period of time, the members of the cultivation group have reached the second level of magic. Worry-free has reached the height of the second and fifth level. With worry-free physical strength, and the seven-series magic warrior will greatly reduce the damage to each magic, and can completely withstand more than 20 primary magic. Because the affinity of elements is not high, most of the power of immune magic cannot be achieved.

"Let's gather in the old place and study what kind of cooperation we need for this magic match." As soon as Limire walked out of the classroom, Jonah and Isabel couldn't wait to say to her own team members.

At noon, everyone went straight to the woods behind the college without even having lunch and came to an empty place in the woods. There was a big stone, that is, the base of Wuyou and his friends. They usually gathered here to discuss some things in the group. The big stone was so big that 10 people sat on it. It was crowded, and everyone besieged the city as usual.

"In this magic competition, we must get the first place and get the bonus. This is the first time I have made money by myself. This opportunity must not be missed." Jona Isabel said directly when she saw that everyone was doing well, and everyone also nodded. We are not worry-free opponents in the individual competition, so we won't compete with him. In this magic match, we can't fight in close combat, we can only use magic, so I'm not a worry-free opponent. Let's discuss the cooperation method of the group stage. Joanna Isabel continued. There is no rebuttal to what Jona Isha said. The more elements there are in the magic match, the more favorable it is. This is mainly to test students' magic applications. Worry-free can be said to be invincible in the individual competition.