Mixed Legend

Chapter 10 First Experience

Chapter 10 First Experience

Wuyou did not speak any more. Of course, Wuyou understands that human beings' ability to improve their strength through killing will more or less have an impact on their own market, but the world is the law of the jungle. Although Wuyou doesn't want to kill, he doesn't want to be slaughtered by others. Killing can improve strength, but some unreact people will gradually become manic and impulsive, and sometimes even small things will fight and even lose their minds. This is why human beings in this world are generally very strong and speak completely with strength.

In this way, the two of them thought about their own thoughts. We sat until late at night before we went back to rest.

The next day, everyone came to Wuyou's house to gather, and then took Shaannis, Amy and Linda, the girls who did not come to the inner city, to wander around. Limire didn't want to go, but Jonah and Isa were so enthusiastic that they took the teacher together. Wuyou also didn't want to go. She just wanted to spend more time with her mother at home. Of course, Jona Isa and Colina talked to her mother and followed her helplessly. Looking at those girls and touching them, they have no intention of buying at all, which makes Wuyou feel very depressed. If you don't buy it, you still have to watch it.

I didn't return to the college until evening and had dinner in the college restaurant. Of course, this meal was promised by Joanna Isa, but more teachers participated. But everyone also had a good time eating. After dinner, everyone will have a rest in the dormitory.

Wuyou lies in ** as soon as he arrives at the dormitory. Although he is not tired after a day, he also wants to lie down. Jona Isa looked at Wuyou lying on ** and jumped up directly. For Jonah's appearance, Wuyou has been used to it for a long time. She sleeps one-third of a bed every time, and she sleeps quite dishonestly. She often rolls up the quilt, which makes Wuyou grab the quilt and can even complete it by herself.

"Didden aristocrats, we are going out to practice soon. Are you happy?" Jona Isa looked at Wuyou's words and casually found a topic to say. That's it." Wuyou also replied casually. Can you concentrate on answering the question? What does that mean? What the hell is going on?" Jona Isa said dissatisfiedly. It's okay." Worry-free said. Jona Isa kicked Worry-free and didn't bother to talk about it. Jona Isabel did not speak carefree and was happy and went straight into a state of meditation.

The next day, as usual, everyone came to the classroom early. The first teacher to come in today is no longer the gold teacher, but the teacher in charge of the class. Limire stood in front of the podium and said to the students below: "Tomorrow, the college will organize your first experience, so today is not Being able to take classes normally as usual is mainly to distribute weapons to students and events needed for experience. The students below were all very happy. After waiting for so long, they finally waited for this day. It's time to verify your learning results. First of all, arrange a leading teacher for each group. The first group is led by me and the earth teacher Emmaxi; the second group is led by the light teacher Belana and the wood teacher Elrad; the third group is led by the dark teacher Carol; the fourth group is led by the gold teacher Abby Gai; the fifth group is led by the fire teacher George. Everyone remembers their leading teacher, and is not allowed to leave the teacher's sight during the training. All actions should be followed by the teacher's arrangement, understand? Limiya continued. Got it!" The students said in unison. Everyone below came out to get a small sword. After saying that, Limiya took out the one in the storage ring and divided it to the students who came out to receive it.

After receiving the steel sword, Limire continued to say to the crowd: "Everyone should prepare a water bag and bring as much water as possible. You can also prepare some dry food. You should also prepare some food seasonings and fire folds. If you have storage rings and belts, you'd better bring some pots and clothes. Everyone will prepare for the next time, and then meet at the training ground on time at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. After saying that, Limiya sat down and asked the students to prepare to ask again if they didn't understand.

Wuyou's mother just gave Wuyou a storage belt, which can prepare more things. There is not water and food everywhere in the deep forest of Warcraft. Wuyou bought a new set of bedding and a large tent. Although these may not be necessary for people here, the concept of worry-free may be different from them, so it doesn't matter if it's useless to buy them and put them alone. Generally, when magic warriors go out to practice, they rest while meditating and recover quickly. They don't need bedding and tents at all.

For good, my mother has given herself a storage belt, or it would be a big burden to carry these things, let alone fight. There is not only one person with a storage ring and storage belt. Jonah, Colina, Mengying, Tate, Bernard and David all have one. Although the storage space is not as big as worry-free, there is no need to carry some luggage. Shannis, Amy and Linda put their luggage and so on Jonah and several girls with storage rings. The members of such a whole group do not need to bear any burden. Of course, there are not many groups like Wuyou. There are only two or three storage props in one group, and some don't even have one. Of course, such a team needs to simplify everything.

This night, everyone was basically so excited that they couldn't sleep, and there was nothing to sleep. They had been thinking about what Limiya was worried about. Wuyou was also a little worried about whether the members of their team would change their temperament after the killing. I'm even worried about whether I will be affected.

When the time came, everyone gathered on the training ground, and their leading teachers stood in front of each group. First of all, under the leadership of teachers, take the college's carriage to the town of Eras, that is, the hometown of Amy and Linda, and then rest there and enter the deep forest of Fangte Warcraft. Of course, the experience is on the periphery and will not enter the interior. Even the senior students are like this. It is said that Fangte Warcraft has a 7-headed snake in the core of the deep forest, and each head will have a series of magic, which is a world-level warcraft. Therefore, all adventurers dare not enter the core of the deep forest of Fangte Warcraft too much.

The carriage drove very fast, several times faster than in the city. When it was also in the evening when they arrived in the town of Eras, Mr. Limiah and Mr. Emmasisi decided to take a night' rest in the town first, and then take the students into the deep forest of Warcraft. Of course, they won't have any complaints. At this time, Amy said happily, "Teacher, let's go to my house. My house is quite large and can accommodate so many of us." Linda also nodded and said, "Yes, teacher. Amy's house is big. Limire didn't insist as much here as in the inner city, but just looked at Emmasis to ask for her opinion. Of course, Emmais would not have any objection. She nodded and said, "It's up to you. I can go anywhere." When Limire saw that Mr. Emmas had no objection, she turned to Amy and said, "Then I'm sorry to trouble you, Amy." Amy said happily, "No trouble, no trouble. Mr. Limiya, Mr. Emmais and you will come with me.

Emsie's family is alone at home, and her mother opened a tailor shop specializing in making leather armor and other armor for sale. Most of the adventurers who enter and exit the deep forest of Fangte Warcraft will first go to the town of Eras for rest and replenishment, so the business is not bad. Amy's mother was also very happy to see Amy's classmates and teachers coming home and quickly led everyone into the backyard. The backyard was indeed quite large, two or three times bigger than the quadrangle courtyard of Wuyou's family. There was no problem living in more than a dozen. Her mother closed the door and went to cook. Amy arranged a room for everyone. Of course, the bedding was not enough. Fortunately, other people who bought the bedding without worry and other storage props also bought it, so there was no case that the bedding was not used. Linda originally wanted to go back, but she had to enter the deep forest of Warcraft early the next morning, so she didn't go back and stayed directly at Amy's house.

The dinner was very sumptuous, and Amy's mother was very enthusiastic and always picked up dishes for everyone. And he also talked a lot about the deep forest of Warcraft.

After dinner, they went back to rest. Several girls were refused to stay to help Emisi's mother clean up, and even Emisi was called back to rest.

The next day, Amy's mother made some porridge early, and everyone went on their way after eating. Before leaving, Amy's mother told everyone to come back, and Worry-free agreed happily.

The periphery of the deep forest of Warcraft is not dangerous, and advanced Warcraft will not come to the periphery, which is the same as a millionaire will not go to the slums. The outer explorers are very good, with groups and individuals. Many people come to fight some magic cores and sell money, and by the way, they absorb some vital elements to improve their strength.

Wuyou's children have not attracted much attention. After all, the college often organizes students to practice here, and the rest of the adventurers have no bad intentions. Generally, the leading teachers of the college are not something they can provoke.

Worry-free people also encountered some low-level warcrafts along the way. Unfortunately, there are few, most of them are single magic rabbits. Everyone basically can't afford to fall to the ground after a round of magic. After stabbed the Warcraft to death with a steel sword, they absorbed the life essence together. Of course, there were too few life essence left by the death of the first-level Warcraft, and several people absorbed them together in an instant.

Wuyou has no feeling about killing Warcraft, just treating them as monsters, just like killing monsters in Wuyou's previous life. This kind of killing is only a more realistic game. Although it is also very exciting, it does not have much psychological burden.

As for the girls who are not used to such killing until their current position, they can be bombarded with magic, but they still can't do it with a steel sword to stab the body of the Warcraft. After all, bloodthirsty is still difficult for these nine-year-old children to accept. Not to mention these children, Worry-free lived 23 years old in his last life and didn't even dare to kill a chicken.

Of course, the work of taking the magic core has fallen on Wuyou. Only Wuyou dares to break the head of Warcraft. Although I'm not used to it, I'm still within the tolerance range. In the morning, they also killed more than 20 magic rabbits in a row. The magic rabbit is the most peripheral warcraft in the deep forest of Warcraft and the most common warcraft.

Limire watched the people absorb the essence of Warcraft's life and said to the worry-free people, stop for a rest, have lunch, and then continue to go deep. Limia and Ms. Emma have not taken action yet, but are on guard against other adventurers.

Lia asked Wuyou to deal with the few magic rabbits that had just been killed, and asked the rest to pick up some dry wood nearby. Limia herself took out an iron shelf from the storage ring and set it up in place.

Although the magic rabbit is three or four times bigger than the largest rabbit that Wuyou has seen before, it is not troublesome to deal with it. It cuts the rabbit's lower abdomen with a steel sword and takes out all the internal organs and throws away. Wuyou is too lazy to pluck the hair and peel off the skin directly.

Wait-free to deal with several magic rabbits and clean them. Limiya and the others had already set up the stove and lit the fire. After taking the rabbit meat in Wuyou's hand, he began to barbecue.

Lumia's barbecue skills are quite good. She also taught Wuyou a lesson, and she made all kinds of seasonings and the fragrance overflowed in a short time.

The first time I ate the warcraft meat I killed, it was also very delicious. Although there are four devil rabbits, everyone obviously feels that they are not full. Limiya smiled and said, "Next time to kill Warcraft, pick up more and put it in the storage ring."

Worry-free is also the first time in the world to eat such a barbecue, and it is also a big appetite. Compared with the barbecues eaten in Wuyou's previous life, it is simply not a grade. In fact, not only does Limya have such a craft, but most adventurers study food except killing warcraft.