Mixed Legend

Chapter 112 New Trade City 2

Chapter 112 New Trade City 2

Worry-free and dare not stay at home, because the Beast King will soon send someone to discuss the construction of the new city!

When Wuyou set out, the responsible personnel arranged by King Kladder also went with Wuyou. A total of three officials were sent, but what surprised Wuyou was that all three were women. Maybe it was such an urban construction layout, and some officials who managed customization were suitable for women to do it.

Wuyou also learned about these people along the way. After the introduction, Worry-free also basically understood their respective abilities. Tisley is good at similar human resources management, Fuyou is good at financial management, and Shanwufu is good at urban construction layout management.

Although the official positions of several people are not very large, the ability they are good at is indeed indispensable for urban construction and management.

When they came to the three cities of the border, several people were still a little unaccustomed. After all, the gap between Guancheng here and some cities in China is still too big.

"Marshal, do you want to rearrange the city here? Such a layout is not conducive to the development of business." Shan Wufu said.

"Don't worry about this city. This city is not going to develop. This is the border gate that can't be changed at will. If you can transform a more reasonable defense, it's okay." Wuyou said.

"So what are we doing here this time?" Tisley asked puzzledly. Several of them have always thought that they were sent to the border city to develop the border city with Wuyou. After all, now the border city has opened the trade zone between orcs and humans, which is also reasonable, but now Wuyou tells them that they will not develop here, which makes them a little confused.

"Didn't these kings tell you?" Worry-free asked.

"No, the king just asked us to follow you, and everything is at your disposal." Fuyou replied.

Hearing the words without worry, I was a little speechless. This time, I called you mainly to design a new city, which is built outside the city and in the center of the buffer zone of human beings.

"Marshal, is this not good?" Shan Wufu said in surprise.

asked carefreely, "Is there anything wrong?"

"It turned out to be a buffer zone between humans and orcs. That must be a frequent conflict. Isn't it provocative to build a city there? Will the orcs agree easily in this way? Shan Wufu said that the other two were also worried. It's really unsafe to work in that place, and you may lose your life.

Worry-free smiles. Naturally, worry-free is not the kind of brainless person. How can such a stupid thing be done? "Don't worry, our city not only belongs to our Kingdom of Clad, but also belongs to the orcs. It is the first city jointly developed by our orcs and human beings. I believe it's just this The city is ready, and the war between orcs and humans will continue indefinitely.

What a horrible existence of the orcs are. Hearing Wuyou, the first idea in the hearts of several people is that Wuyou is too young to understand anything. "Marshal, we still hope you can seriously consider it. This matter may not be as simple as you think, and the orcs will not easily cooperate with humans."

"Don't worry, I went to the royal city of the orcs some time ago. Now I'm just talking about some details, and then sign the contract, and both sides will abide by it. This beast king has promised, and they do need human materials, and human beings also need their minerals. Even in war, the king of beasts will not easily destroy the city, and you will know by then. Worry-free explained. If you want to work at ease, the first thing is not to make them feel burdened and pressured.

"Marshal, have you been to the royal city of the orcs?" Tisli, Shanwufu, Fuyou said in surprise at the same time.

"Yes, you don't have to worry. Orcs are actually not so terrible. Their war is also due to lack of food. If we human beings can form trade relations with them, war will not happen in the future." Wuyou gave them a reassurance pill. As Wuyou said, the territory of the orcs is now large enough, vast and uninhabited, and their reproductive ability is not good, so there is no need to continue to expand their territory. War is also for food. If the food problem is solved, they will naturally not start a war again.

A few people nodded, but they still had some worries in their hearts.

Looking at the orcs in and out of the trade zone, several people couldn't help but be a little afraid. The orcs did look a little scary.

Worry-free did not do more comfort. It is useless to explain more about this kind of thing. It can only be accepted slowly after getting used to it. It is unlikely that they have to adapt to it for a while.

After arranging a room for them in the city master's mansion, Wuyou went to find Bertael and asked about the situation in recent days. Finally, he learned that the orc mission had come. It seemed that the beast king was really concerned about this matter. There were a total of five people in the orc mission, of course, and of course, they were experts in all aspects. After Wuyou met a few people, However, it was necessary to treat them well. It was okay to eat human beings for the first time. Several orcs also confiscated them at the first time, and their relationship with Wuyou suddenly pulled in a lot.

The orcs have been settled, and then naturally let Tisli, Shanwufu and Fuyou talk to them. Although Wuyou is not very good at urban construction and urban management, he is still listening. On the one hand, it is to show their respect for the orcs, and on the other hand, it is to embolden Tisili, Shanwufu and Fuyou. For the first time to communicate so closely with the orcs, Tisli, Shanwufu and Fuyou must be very unaccustomed to it. If Wuyou leaves God and knows what will happen. If the matter is not negotiated, Wuyou can't explain it to the Beast King and King Crad.

Fortunately, worry-free worries are superfluous. Although Tisli, Shanwufu and Fuyou are not adapted, they do have the ability to list a series of terms. Various urban manpower deployment, urban construction planning, urban management system, all list detailed discussions and research one by one, and then take them out the available. The plan.

After a few days of discussion, Tisley, Shan Wufu, Fuyou and other people actually adapted to the orc's carelessness, and they were also a little infected. They spoke very loudly. As soon as they were dissatisfied, they shouted loudly and even slapped the table, making them very depressed. Although orcs are arrogant, they are easy to get along with. Once they are recognized, this behavior is also within their tolerance.

Worry-free deeply realized that the construction and development of a city is not so simple. After half a month, Worry-free did not know how many people were transferred to come, and finally a contract was finalized. The contract was very detailed to protect all the program contents and future delivery. Exhibition plan, responsibilities of both sides, construction funds, taxation, etc.

After the agreement was made, it was naturally required to sign the seals of the kings of both sides, which turned out to be negotiated in Clad. Worry-free asked King Clad to sign the seal first, and then in triplicate, one copy of the Kingdom of Clad and one copy of the Beast King Worry-free. Although Worry-free feels that his share is superfluous, he still made more in order to manage the city well in the future, and he can come out and see it at any time.

Wuyou went to the king city of the orcs and went back with the orc delegation. Of course, this time, Wuyou also learned that he bought a lot of human specialties and gave them to the beast king, which made the beast king happy. He has been praising that Wuyou is a good friend of the orc and the first human who considers the survival of the orcs.

Everything went well. In such a happy state, the Beast King had no meaning in the distribution and management of some benefits of the trading city, and directly signed the seal. He also gave a lot of orc specialties, and Worry-free returned with a full load.

The time to move the ground has been set, so the next step is naturally some construction personnel and materials. Because the construction technology of the orcs is relatively backward, some construction matters are worry-free. Of course, all the materials are the responsibility of the orcs. Naturally, the most indispensable thing for the orcs is that these materials readily agree.

To build a city is not just about building it. Worry-free has recruited more than 100,000 construction engineers all over the country and transferred 100,000 soldiers as assistants. Of course, the orcs were not idle. A continuous stream of materials came from within the orcs. Due to the lack of airships and storage, they exchanged a large number of minerals with King Cradle, which ensured the supply of materials.

The builders will still be somewhat uncomfortable with the orcs for the first time, but like Tisli, Shanwufu and Fuyou, they just get along with each other for a few days, they basically talk and laugh. In their spare time, they understand each other's culture and give each other gifts.

Although Worry-free is not always on the scene, it is also a constant care. The Beast King also often sends people to check the progress.

The construction progress of the city is much faster than Wuyou thought. Although the orcs can't say manpower, they have also invested more than 30,000 people to help. Naturally, the speed of more than 200,000 people working together is extremely fast. Almost on the first day, the city owner's mansion and surrounding buildings have been built.

Three months later, a small trading city was born. Of course, this is only the initial city, and it will slowly expand around in the future. Of course, that expansion is a later thing, and it is also after the establishment of the trading city.

After the basic construction, their respective duty personnel and officials are in place. Except for some necessary positions that are held by orcs and human colleagues, some patrol city defense and so on are guarded alternately.

At the city's groundbreaking ceremony, the Beast King and King Clad were present. The appearance of these two figures who have never been out of the royal city and the royal capital at the same time naturally attracted the attention of the whole continent. Whether they are merchants or families, they focus on the trading city at the first time. Of course, many people see business opportunities. It came enthusiastically.

These are naturally hype arranged by worry-free arrangements, and they did not begin to hype on the day when the foundation was laid. They began to hype as early as the city was built, and the day when the foundation was laid became one of the major events in the mainland!

The people present are rich businessmen, representatives of big families, etc.