Mixed Legend

Chapter 114 First Large Auction 1

Chapter 114 First Large Auction 1

The main palace of Bianguan City landed directly. Since the establishment of the trading city, it has attracted another silence. Except for some necessary patrols and officials, the whole city master's mansion can no longer see soldiers coming in and out to report the matter.

In the hall of Wuyou's residence, Wuyou's family sat in. As soon as they saw Wuyou come in, Jonah said, "Wuyou said, you are too careless about your family. You haven't been home for a long time, and you have to let us come to see you every time."

Listening to Jona Isa's tone, Wuyou couldn't help laughing, "It's not too busy, and it's not the same for you to come here!" Has the interior of your airship been remodeled? It hasn't been remodeled. I'll ask someone to transform it for you later!"

"It has been changed early, or it will be crowded with so many people." The eighth princess answered first.

"Do you want to stay too long this time?" Wuyou said.

"Do you just want us to go back early? Did you hook up with some woman here? Jona Isa has always been the most awake and will think about everything in that direction. The rest of the people who were said this also suddenly showed an honest expression.

Wuyou sweated a lot when he heard the words, "What's the matter? I just want to ask how long you stay so that I can arrange the time."

"Wuyou, I'm my son. He is definitely not that kind of person. Don't worry." Wuyou's mother said. Wuyou mother naturally hopes that there will be conflicts within the family.

"Yes, young master Wuyou has been very good since he was a child. I believe that Wuyou will not do such a thing." Aunt Nali quickly echoed.

"Mom, Aunt Nali, you have spoken for Wuyou. You don't know anything about the situation when you hooked up with Limiya before. If it hadn't been for his own recruitment, we might have been kept in the dark now." Jonah Isabel listened and mentioned the old story again.

"I said you can't turn over this page." He said helplessly.

"Who told you to have a stain? I'm learning a lesson. If you want to marry, you must at least let us know and let us all have a look." Although Jonah said so, she didn't want Wuyou to really bring one to examine them.

"Don't worry, I'm that kind of person. I'm very satisfied now. Five wives, something I didn't dare to think about before." Wuyou's words are honest. In Wuyou's last life, it was monogamy, and I really never got married two wives. At most, I just fantasized about whether I could have a mistress.

"Okay, don't make any noise. I believe that Wuyou will not do that kind of thing. At that time, I dated Wuyou. I took the initiative to ask Wuyou to hide this relationship, but I was worried that you could not accept it. If I had known such a misunderstanding now, I should not have let Wuyou hide you at the beginning. Limiya said.

Jonah has nothing to say as soon as she hears it. Although she has been talking about Limiya and Worry-free things, she has indeed been taken care of by Limiya these days and has already accepted the reality that Limiya, a teacher, has become her sister.

"You came just right this time. Just stay a few more days. In a few days, the first large-scale auction will be held in the trading city, which will be hosted by the official. At that time, you can also go and see if you can buy some things you can use." Hurry to change the topic!

"Aren't you always keeping us from entering the trading city? Why don't you let us in this time before we open our mouth? Colina asked puzzledly. One person makes sense, and others naturally agree.

It's really annoying to have too many wives, especially in a few cases of unity. "In the past, the construction of the trading city was not perfect. I don't trust you to go, but now it's basically perfect, and it's also on track!"

"In fact, we also want to come to see the fun this time. I heard that many noble and rich businessmen have been invited, and even businessmen from other continents will come to participate." The eighth princess said. Naturally, the eighth princess is well-informed. Who called her father the king?

After lunch, the people set out and sat on the worry-free airship. Jona and Isha stared at the trendy crowd below. This place is really more lively than Wangdu. Alyssa has always been quiet and can't help sighing.

Wuyou smiled secretly. It goes without saying that this is the only city in the whole continent where orcs trade with humans. It's strange that it's not popular. In order to maintain the order of the trading city in security transactions, the orcs and the Kingdom of Clad have invested more than 200,000 soldiers. The order maintenance personnel are a huge number, let alone merchants who come to trade in advance. It will be more lively in a few days, and the new production house has been built and will be put into use in a few days!"

Worry-free crossed like this, which caused another sensation, but the bodyguard was also clever and explained it clearly at the first time.

The worry-free airship landed in a mansion in the trading city. This is not the main residence of the trading city. This is the home of the worry-free trading city. Naturally, it is also with the permission of the Beast King and King Crad. Of course, the ownership is not worry-free, but when the owner assigns a temporary residence, Wuyou will have to hand it over when he leaves the trading city.

So far, no house in the whole trading city belongs to individuals, and some rich businessmen also temporarily rent a house for use, either in the previous term or for the short term. Some of the more economical ones will just stay in hotels!

Of course, the rent of the house is not low, but I can't stand the large number of rich people. Many people are still in a situation where they can't rent a house, so worry-free is also urgently expanding the scale of the city!

The environment here is naturally not as good as Wangdu. After all, this buffer zone between humans and orcs in the land belongs to that kind of barren land. The trading city is also a new city. Although it has developed well, some green scenery and so on are not in place at the first place. Jona and Isa and the others couldn't stand it after staying for a few days.

"Haven't the auction started yet? It's just too boring to stay here. Except for the busy businessmen, there are some very ugly orcs everywhere, and there is no scenery or anything interesting to see. Jona Isa couldn't help complaining.

"You can't stand it after only staying for a few days, but I have been here for more than a year! It will start the day after tomorrow, and I have reserved a room for you. I'll pick you up then." Wuyou said.

Wuyou became the lord of the city, and naturally has the right to keep one or two rooms. Wuyou became the city owner of the trading city. King Klad and the Beast King have given Wuyou a large amount of gold coins. This time, I also want to take this opportunity to shoot some useful things for Jona Isabel.

It is a worry-free idea to hold such a large-scale auction. Although the trade city is very popular now, worry-free still feels that many human businessmen dare not come to this kind of local trade. Through this auction to publicize, there are more precious things. Product safety auction will also improve the image. Eliminate the fear of businessmen who are still hesitating.

The first auction house co-founded by the orcs and humans. The auction began on the same day, just like the first day when the foundation of Trade City was laid, orcs and humans came together to maintain order. A few steps away can see a patrol soldier wearing the characteristics of a trading city, and safety is absolutely worth ensuring. Of course, although there are many soldiers, they can't stop those peerless masters. At this auction, the Beast King and the King of Krand each drew three prefecture-level strongmen to suppress the battle. Of course, the six strong men did not show up, just stayed inside the auction venue, just in case.

Wuyou also brought the family into the room reserved for the venue early!

The whole auction venue has nine floors, which is arranged like a arena. Of course, there is a platform in the middle where the auction items are displayed, and the auction items that can be displayed here are excellent.

The first five floors are all dense seats, and the upper four floors are boxes. The whole venue can support 200,000 people to participate in the shooting.

Since it was the first auction, all the members who entered the market did not charge, just tested the funds and identity and then let them enter.

Naturally, more than 200,000 people want to participate in the auction, and some merchants who can't enter are not in vain because there are many counters on the periphery to buy some treasures consignment by others.

At the beginning of the auction, the host said loudly after some introduction, "First of all, please invite the owner of Trade City to speak on the stage."

Wuyou was also well prepared and went straight to the central platform. "Thank you for coming from afar. We come from all over the world. It is also a kind of fate to meet here. The Trade City is a new city that has just been in the city. This city is a city of special significance. It is the beginning of friendship between orcs and human beings. Witness that it will bring peace to the whole continent, and the war will leave us! Trade City is a credit that is doing today. Whether it is orcs, human beings here hope that you can make a few friends whether you want treasures or not. The friendship between orcs and humans will begin here and last forever!"

After Wuyou finished speaking, the whole venue remembered a burst of warm applause. What he was doing was businessmen and celebrities who had gained a lot of benefits in the trading city. Naturally, he recognized Wuyou's words very much.

After saying that, Wuyou didn't stop on the stage. After saying that, he left and came to Jona Isabel's room.

"It's worthy of my husband. I love you so much." As soon as Wuyou entered the door, Jona Isa threw herself into Wuyou's arms. Worry-free is a mess.

"What's going on?" Worry-free asked.

"You were very handsome when you spoke on the stage just now. This is the first time I think you are so handsome." Jona Isabel said that several other people nodded with consent. Wuyou's mother and Aunt Nali looked at Wuyou with a happy face! Naturally, they are very proud to have such achievements.

"How can it be so exaggerated!" Wuyou said.

"If I were in front of so many people, I would definitely not be able to say a word." Colina said.

"Me too!" Others also nodded and said.

Next, several people who made significant contributions to the trading city came to speak on stage.

Three orcs and three humans. Tisley, good dance Fu, Fuyou is naturally one of them.