Mixed Legend

Chapter 132 Heavy Loss

Chapter 132 Heavy Loss

The Warcraft group did not stay much. Groups of beasts came enthusiastically towards the boundary, and then began to attack hard. The boundary was suddenly beaten and trembled, with waves of ripples. Worry-free followed the elites of other orcs and suddenly raised their throats, followed by the ups and downs of the boundary.

Worry-free did not dare to wait any longer and began to prepare magic directly. The ten-level magic suddenly spread down, and some relatively low-level monsters were strangled on the spot. Of course, it was just some relatively low-level monsters. Some prefecture-level monsters were only slightly blocked and were not greatly affected by a little injury. Attack It has not been weakened much.

Although Wuyou also knows that this effect is even bad, it is better than nothing. Strive for one more minute and you will have more hope.

After the Worry-free display of Warcraft, he recovered a little and did not forget to provide the orc elites who were still in a sterling. Although these elites have also experienced hundreds of battles, they can be said to be a little panicked when they encountered such a scene. Hurry up and attack, as long as people don't leave the boundary. How long will it take if they don't attack now? Orcs will not attack from a long distance like Wuyou, but at least there are long weapons. A little more attacks are a little, although the effect is very small.

The orcs also took out their own long weapons and began to attack the warcraft group outside the boundary. Of course, no one dared to leave the boundary. Some of the orcs whose weapons were caught even directly released their weapons and took out new weapons to attack.

Kinsa III had not yet begun to attack at this time, but stared at the interior of the deep forest of the beast king. Naturally, Wuyou also knew the worries of Kinsa III. The big collective attack must have been led by the Beast King. Otherwise, with the unsociable character of Warcraft, he could never gather together like this.

Seeing that the leader of Warcraft did not appear in the distance, Kinsa III did not delay and began to attack the Warcraft group outside the boundary with magic. Suddenly, a whole piece of Warcraft began to fall. Kinsa III is worthy of being a god-level strongman, and the prefecture-level Warcraft is also a must-kill, and it is also a group killing. Looking at the fallen Warcraft, some of the skulls of the warcraft have been shaken open, revealing the magic core inside.

Some orcs were suddenly moved when they saw these prefecture-level magic nuclei and wanted to go out to get the magic nuclei. The prefecture-level magic core is a rare thing. Needless to say, there are few prefecture-level monsters in the outside world. General prefecture-level monsters are particularly cunning. Even if you have the strength to kill it, you may not be able to find it, which directly leads to the preciousness of the prefecture-level magic core.

"Don't leave the boundary. I can't protect you." Kinsa III drank that, after all, it belongs to the same race, and Kinsa III did not want to die in vain.

Although Wuyou is also greedy, he does not plan to go out to get the magic core. At this time, Worry-free also knows that it is not the right time. What if there are many treasures if they die? Although the prefecture-level magic core is precious, as long as it has strength, it is not as much as it needs. If the strength reaches the strength of Kinsa III I'm afraid that there will be a lack of magic core.

The higher the level of the magic core, the greater the probability of the occurrence of the magic core, especially the ground-level warcraft. Generally, two or three of them will only condense the magic core.

Jinsa III's attack did not stop. Although the pace of the attack was not very fast, it was a must-kill magic every time, and the Warcraft group could not attack, making a vacuum in front of the boundary.

At this time, a white light suddenly flashed from the distance of the deep forest of the beast king, and Wuyou cursed secretly. This is really not the right time. This white light is naturally known, that is, the wind demon lion king who fought with Jinsa III in the deep forest of the king of beasts not long ago. At this time, he obviously did not come to see the fun. .

"I didn't expect that you, an old man, are also here. Your orcs will send some miscellaneous soldiers to look for treasure every 10,000 years, which will make you come back. Shenlin, the Beast King, is not the place where you can come and leave wherever you want. The Wind Magic Lion King spoke first.

"Your opponent is me." Kinsa III saw that the wind demon lion king wanted to attack the boundary, and also turned into a white light to attack the wind demon lion king.

After losing the suppression of Kinsa III, a whole piece of monsters began to pour in again and began to attack the boundary.

Worry-free quickly used magic again, and some of the stopped orcs also moved.

Worry-free Warcraft continues to spread continuously, and the Warcraft group has also caused some troubles. However, with the passage of time, the boundary still fluctuates more and more. Wuyou knows that it will not work like this, but Wuyou's personal strength is limited.

Some orcs looked at Wuyou's continuous magic, and couldn't help admiring it. Although the orcs were not good at magic, they also knew the cost of using magic. In this way, they continuously performed magic. Suddenly, they no longer complained about the choice of the beast king, but admired it. The selection method of the Beast King.

In fact, Wuyou is also secretly crying out. If it hadn't been for the magic belt supporting it, Wuyou wouldn't have fallen down long ago. Such a large overdraft of energy would have a considerable load on the body.

Wuyou called Qingqing out. At this time, it is no longer the time to hide it. Qingqing is also a worry-free contract beast, and it is not a big secret.

As soon as Qingqing came out, he was also surprised to see the dense warcraft outside the boundary, "What's the matter with worry-free? So there will be so many monsters?"

"Now is not the time to tell you this. Attack Warcraft first. You can't let Warcraft break through the boundary first, otherwise we will be finished." Wuyou said.

"Oh, I know." Although Qingqing is naughty, she is not stupid. She knows that this is the time to work hard.

"Don't leave the boundary, just attack with magic." Worry-free and uneasy order.

Qingqing nodded and began to prepare for magic.

Worry-free and dare not stay longer, extract energy from the magic belt again. Start preparing for magic!

It is worthy of being a prefecture-level dragon clan. Although a high-level magic can't kill a prefecture-level warcraft, the monsters below level 10 are still directly knocked down, and the prefecture-level monsters are also seriously injured. Coupled with worry-free magic, it actually stopped the attack of the warcraft group for a while.

Seeing this scene, those orcs who were still busy attacking with long weapons couldn't help looking towards Wuyou and saw that there was one more woman beside Wuyou. Although they were puzzled, they hoped to be ignited again and attack harder. The orc elites were also very careful. Some weapons were caught, and also It is to directly give up weapons and attack with new weapons.

In the sky, the attack of the Wind Magic Lion King and Kinsa III became more and more fierce, and some energy fluctuations began to hit the boundary, causing the slightly stopped fluctuation of the outer layer to fluctuate violently again. Of course, it is not only affected by Wuyou and the orcs, but also by the Warcraft group. Although it has not caused any casualties, it is impossible to attack at will as usual.

Wuyou secretly scolded the wind magic lion king for coming at a bad time. Such an impact was first broken by their fight before it was broken by the warcraft group.

Worry-free looked at the wind demon lion king and Kinsa III in the sky. Kinsa III obviously did not fight like last time, but wanted to protect the boundary. He was very passive, but this time he fell down slightly!

With the passage of time, the battle is also becoming more and more fierce. Although Qingqing joined to stop the Warcraft attack for such a while, Qingqing's energy is almost exhausted. Although Qingqing is a strong man at the prefecture level, it will not take too long to perform such high-intensity magic. As soon as Qingqing's attack stopped, the Warcraft group suddenly became active again!

Seeing that Qingqing listened, Wuyou scolded his carelessness and quickly handed the belt to Qingqing. Now the magic belt is obviously more helpful to Qingqing than to Wuyou, and Qingqing's attack strength is naturally not comparable to Wuyou.

Wuyou took out the magic core from the storage ring and began to absorb it. Although the replenishment is not as fast as the magic belt, it has recovered many times faster than meditation.

Two hours later, the boundary of the first layer was still broken. Although they tried their best to protect it, the attack of the Warcraft group was too fierce, coupled with the influence of the battle between the lion king and Kinsa III in the sky.

In two hours, people's hearts can't help sinking down. If the second layer and the third layer and the first layer have the same time, then the probability of them surviving is really negligible.

While the first layer of boundary was forced, several orc elites who had no time to retreat to the second layer of boundary were suddenly torn apart by the Warcraft group, and the scene was horrible.

Looking at the living corpses of their compatriots, the remaining orc elites are blood-red, and some people directly enter a state of rage. The rage state is a life-burning skill that activates energy. Of course, the attack power will be greatly improved. Unfortunately, the orcs who enter a violent state will even be disturbed and directly attack like death. In this way, several people rushed out of the boundary. Although the attack power was greatly improved, it only traumatized a few warcrafts and was crushed.

Seeing that the orcs were about to enter a state of rage, Wuyou hurriedly reminded them, "Brothers, it's not time to fight hard yet. We have to ninja first, otherwise we will only take advantage of these warcraft groups for nothing."

After being drunk by Wuyou, some orcs also woke up. Although their eyes were still blood-red, at least they did not kill them impulsively.

The second layer of boundary is not much stronger than the first layer of boundary. Two hours later, it was still broken by the Warcraft group. This time, everyone did not cause any casualties. Just four hours later, the two boundary boundaries have been broken, and Wuyou's heart is even darker, and now Worry-free and Qing Qing is already very tired, and his attack power is not as good as before.

Looking at the follow-up Warcraft group, Worry-free sent a sense of powerlessness from the bottom of his heart. Wuyou is very much like using the seal of beasts, but in the end, he still put up with it. Although the power of the seal of the beast is good, it is obviously not helpful on this occasion. Although all the seals can be called out, Wuyou can't control it. He can only rush out and believe that it will be destroyed in a short time. Moreover, once the animal seal is used, it will no longer belong to itself. As the treasure of the orc, it will definitely be asked to return. Although it will give some compensation to worry-free, the value is far less than that of the animal seal.

The fight over the sky continues, and the battle is getting farther and farther away from the boundary under the deliberate arrangement of Kinsa III.

The farther away from the boundary the battle between Kinsa III and the Lion King, the lower the impact on the boundary, and the defense of the boundary will naturally be more lasting.

Due to the fatigue of worry-free and Qingqing, the attack power is not as good as before, and the danger to the Warcraft group is also getting smaller and smaller, not to mention the orc elites. After four hours of attack, it is already the end of the crossbow.

The last layer of boundary is also precarious, but fortunately, there is less influence in the sky. On the contrary, the boundary has persisted for two hours and has not been broken, and only the boundary laid by the divine strong has such an effect. If Wuyoubu, at this time, people will not know that they have died hundreds of times.

The sky gradually lit up, and the dark hope in everyone's hearts lit up again. On that day, Wuyou also came in in the morning, indicating that it was not far from the time for the boundary to open again.


Roll for collection, red ticket!!

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