Mixed Legend

Chapter 184 Turbulent Pattern

Chapter 184 Turbulent Pattern

Although there is no communication with the outside world in the el continent, all kinds of intelligence will still be continuously transmitted to Wuyou's ears. Now that the undead have launched attacks in all corners of the world, Xijin, who is most concerned about Wuyou, is not spared. After all, it is a mixed continent with weak defense and must have become the first choice of the undead. Object.

Xijin Continent is also harmonious, which may be due to worry-free reasons. The orcs and human beings in Xijin Continent are consistent with the outside world, but no one can do anything for a while. The undead have been facing each other along the coast because the front is too long and there is no backup force for a while.

But Xijin mainland is different. There are five human kingdoms on Xijin mainland. Although these five human kingdoms are not big, they are also members of the human alliance. Naturally, several empires will not watch the human alliance be destroyed. Several empires have not been attacked, but it does not mean that they will not be attacked. After these small countries perish It is their doomsday. Everyone knows the truth of dead lips and teeth, so as long as Xijin mainland persists in this confrontation and waits for the reinforcements of several empires, it can turn into a safe situation.

Of course, the situation like Xijin Continent is naturally good. Many continents have been captured by the undead for the first time, and there has been a fierce war for a while. The array of the undead is extremely large and more powerful than originally expected. No one knows that such a race that usually can't even find a shadow will be so powerful when it breaks out.

Some defeated human beings have to defect like other human kingdoms, and the object of refuge is naturally a huge empire. After all, it is cool under the big tree, and several empires are also full of people for a while. Of course, the core continent is still open to open, but the small countries that have been defected to are arranged in some marginal continents.

The Yunjian Empire took the lead in forming a mobile force, which is also an elite team. It travels between human countries at a high speed. As long as there is danger, it will quickly appear there, which has also solved many difficulties of human kingdoms for a time.

Wuyou is very peaceful in the elf continent, but looking at the continuous capture of various continents, many of them are human continents, and Wuyou can't sit still. After all, they are all human beings. In particular, Xijin Continent is still in danger, and Wuyou also wants to do his part, although its strength is not very strong today.

Wuyou told his family that he wanted to leave the elf continent. Naturally, the whole family was very worried. After all, it was very dangerous everywhere at this time. Only in this holy city of the elf clan, with strong military protection, can there be a peaceful place.

Although the family was worried, they did not stop Wuyou. Naturally, they were left in the elf continent. Now taking them to the Xijin Continent is undoubtedly sent into danger.

Wuyou did not return directly to Xijin, but came to the underground city of the govish. The govish is a very good race. Various equipment and puppets are very developed, especially some magic products are amazing. The purpose of Wuyou is naturally to buy some magic crystal weapons. Worry-free also valued it before. Some, but the goblet doesn't want to sell it to Worry-free with gold coins.

came to the gobler dungeon. Wuyou did not enter the city of the gobler, but came to his own territory with Qingqing. Looking at the closed stone gate, Wuyou knew that the gobion still believed in Chengruo and did not move the worry-free territory because of Wuyou's departure.

Entering the cave, Wuyou immediately let a hundred war pairs start to act. Naturally, it was to dig those advanced magic crystals, and the beast seal also came in handy at this time. The dense summoning beast was called out by Wuyou and began to dig the cave crazily.

For a while, the whole cave was dusty, and Wuyou had to use the magic boundary to make a place to stay. The excavated earth and stones were thrown directly into the sea, and the stone door at the entrance of the cave was closed again, so the outside world did not know what happened here.

Pieces of advanced magic crystals were sent into the boundary, and Wuyou is naturally responsible for putting these magic crystals into the storage ring.

In front of efficient labor, the speed is undoubtedly very amazing. In a few days, the advanced magic crystals here have been mined by Worry-free. Of course, some of them have been directly ignored by Worry-free in the deeper depth. Now there is not so much time to mine so many magic crystals, and Worry-free with 2 large ones. The storage was full of high-level magic crystals and came to the city of golls.

The image of Worry-free was naturally remembered by some guards of the gobler city. The arrival of Worry-free did not stop it, but brought Worry-free to the elder residence in the central area.

"Wuyou young hero, I haven't seen you for a long time. I don't know what's going on when you come to my Dijing City this time?" The elders are quite polite to Wuyou and are not ungrateful.

"Elear, I want to buy a large magic crystal warship." Wuyou said that although the gobini has a magic crystal warship, it cannot be used due to the lack of magic crystals.

The elder pondered for a moment and said, "Wuyou young man, you have more than that. This magic crystal warship will be started with magic crystal, which consumes a lot. I think you still have to think clearly that although the worry-free gob can be created, they dare not use it often, and the consumption is very large."

The elders don't want to be worry-free. After all, although this thing is good and powerful, it is not supported by enough resources. It is still equivalent to scrap iron and can only be better than ordinary airships.

"Don't worry, elders, I don't use it very often. You should also know that the outside world is engaged in a war of the dead. Now is the time to come in handy. And even if there is no energy, it is much better than ordinary airships. It is also a very good choice to escape for life. Wuyou said.

"Well, I can't say that you insist on buying it and not selling it. After all, you are a friend of our gobion clan. You just need to pay 100 kilograms of high-level magic crystals." The elder said.

Wuyou still overestimated the elder. He didn't expect the price to be so low, and Worry-free did not plan to bargain. Originally, Worry-free was worried about whether a high-end magic crystal of a ring could be bought, but now only a high-grade magic crystal is needed to solve it.

Wuyou took out a large high-level magic crystal from the ring and handed it to the elder. This advanced magic crystal definitely weighs more than 100 kilograms. Wuyou didn't bother to weigh it. "E elder, this high-level magic crystal is very rare. I don't think it needs to be decomposed. I can't let you suffer losses. I'll change this whole piece for you."

The elder originally wanted to pick it up with both hands, but he didn't lift it for a long time, so he had to let Wuyou put it on the floor. The elder looked at the lover and kept touching the magic crystal.

"I don't know how long I have lived, and it's the first time I've seen such a large high-level magic crystal. I didn't expect that there would be such a big high-level magic crystal in the world. The elder of the spirit kept sighing. Of course, I didn't forget to tell people to go get the goin warship for worry.

As a result, Wuyou looked at a dark golden airship lying inside, and Wuyou couldn't help pounding. This is a weapon of war. Although Worry-free has never been used, it has also heard from other gos.

Wuyou got the magic crystal warship and did not stay in the gobland city. He directly took Qingqing and left the gobion city. At this time, the elder of the gobion had not woken up from the shock.

When Wuyou came to the ground, he directly started the super-large magic crystal warship. Wuyou directly used a large piece of advanced magic crystal to drive it. The effect is naturally self-evident. The speed is twice that of the previous gobump airship, and the whole body is full of various muzzles. These muzzles are naturally used to fire demons. Crystal energy is driven by magic arrays. It is a large group of warou who manipulate the magic crystal warships. These war dolls are specially given by the elders to thank the advanced magic crystals given by Wuyou. It also saves worry-free trouble.

The magic crystal warship quickly rushed in the direction of the Xijin Continent, bypassing the undead army and came to the interior of the Xijin Continent.

When Wuyou came to the city of Klad, the king of Klad was not in the palace. Wuyou met the king of Klad for the first time that he was not in the palace. After inquiring, he knew that at a critical moment, these kings and important ministers had already supervised the war at the border.

Worry-free did not stay much and flew directly to the border.

When he came to the border, Wuyou was stunned. When he came in, he circled and did not see the army. Now he is still a little shocked at a glance. The characteristics of human beings are obvious, and the worry-free flag only rings in mid-air. On one side, there was an army of orcs. On the edge of the continent, looking at the dense tents below, I couldn't find the position of King Klad for a moment.

Naturally, the Xijin Continent cannot be compared with the Yunjian Empire and the elves. It cannot gather that kind of dense high-level airships. Airships can only be used for the transportation of more important strategic materials and some surprise forces.

The arrival of the worry-free magic crystal warship was naturally discovered for the first time, but it came from within the mainland, so it did not cause much sensation.

Wuyou also took this opportunity to ask about the position of King Crad. Wuyou can be regarded as a celebrity in the Xijin Continent, and naturally he is recognized by these soldiers.

When Wuyou came to a large tent, there were already a lot of people sitting in it, and the king of beasts and the kings of the five kingdoms sat on top.

I was a little surprised to see Worry-free arrival.

Of course, Wuyou is not such a rude person, like a salute to several kings.

Worry-freely told the purpose of his coming.

Several kings looked at Worry-free with great shock.

Because Wuyou said that he should take the initiative to attack the army of the undead. It is required to send some masters to escort.


Roll for collection, red ticket!!

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