hot secretary bad president

Chapter 56 Let Me Be Your Fireworks

"How do you know him so well? Also, do you think he came during the day? With who are you here? Chen Kai felt a little uncomfortable after hearing this. He seems to have a premonition.

The waiter replied, "He also came with a girl when he came during the day today, as if he was the drunk girl just now. I remember that the girl ordered a plate of large intestine. The man looked disgusting and asked if the large intestine was the pig's viscera. I almost didn't laugh at that time. I'm doing it here. For so many years, I have never heard a customer say such funny words, so I remember him.

Chen Kai's face is getting pale. Now he is completely sure that the person who went to participate in the couple's mobile phone with Du Xiaoxin this morning is not someone else, but Mo Tianheng.

Hu Meier heard the waiter's words and remembered the phone call she received from her good friend Xu Hanyun in the morning. It seemed that Mo Tianheng actually came to such a place with Du Xiaoxin. It seems that he is really different from Du Xiaoxin, and the person who just took Du Xiaoxin away. I'm afraid it's also Mo Tianheng. What on earth does he want to What? Does he fall in love with Du Xiaoxin? It's impossible. His vision is so high that it's impossible to like Du Xiaoxin. She doesn't deny that Du Xiaoxin is a little beautiful, but there are too many plain women, and it's not that he hasn't seen them.

Chen Kai didn't say anything and went straight out of the store.

Hu Meier saw Chen Kai go out of the door and quickly chased him out and followed him.

Chen Kai was in a very bad mood. He turned around and stared at Hu Meier who followed him angrily, "Why are you following me?"

"I'm a little worried about you." Hu Meier answered seriously.

"Did you drive here?" Chen Kai suddenly asked a question.

Hu Meier nodded, "Where are you going? I'll take you back."

Chen Kai nodded.

The two walked slowly to Hu Meier's parking place side by side.

Mo Tianheng walked with Du Xiaoxin on his back for a while, and Mo Tianheng was so tired that he gasped. This morning, he was exhausted by participating in the couple's mobile phone activity. He hadn't had a good rest yet. Naturally, he couldn't stand it. He found a bench in the center of Pinghui Street and put Du Xiaoxin down and sat down himself. He leaned Du Xiaoxin's head on his lap and slept on the couch.

A gust of wind blew, and Du Xiaoxin's hair was a little messy. Mo Tianheng gently smoothed her hair little by little. It was the first time to see Du Xiaoxin so closely. She looked really good.

At this time, Du Xiaoxin turned over and shocked Mo Tianheng. He took back the hand gently touched on her face. Only after seeing that she hadn't moved for a long time did I know that she was scared herself. Stupid, how can there be a woman sleeping on the street without paying attention to image?

No one answered Mo Tianheng, only a gust of wind answered him.

I don't know how long it took, Mo Tianheng felt that his legs were not only about to numb but also very hot. He quickly rubbed them gently and continued to persist. He couldn't bear to wake up Du Xiaoxin. Someone was selling small fans before, and he also bought one. Now he is fanning Du Xiaoxin and wiping Du Xiaoxin's sweat from time to time. Passing by are envious when they see it.

Suddenly, a deafening voice sounded, which woke up Du Xiaoxin.

When Du Xiaoxin opened her eyes and saw that the person printed in her eyes was not someone else but Mo Tianheng, she quickly closed her eyes again. She thought she was having a nightmare, but when she opened her eyes again, she saw that the person in front of her was still Mo Tianheng, and she knew that she was not dreaming. Everything is true.

"Why are you here?" Du Xiaoxin jumped up from the bench in fear.

"What do you think?" Mo Tianheng asked with a calm face.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

It turned out that this deafening sound was not another sound, but a fireworks.

"Me?" Du Xiaoxin suddenly lost her mind when she looked at the beautiful fireworks. She was busy watching the fireworks. She looked happily and looked at the people around her. It turned out to be Mo Tianheng. She was a little disappointed, but what did he say just now? What do you think? Did you do anything yourself? She tried her best to recall everything and finally remembered it little by little, but she only remembered that she was dragged to the street by him, and then she didn't know what happened.

"Did you help me come here?" Du Xiaoxin asked Mo Tianheng curiously.

I didn't think that Mo Tianheng made a boo gesture to Du Xiaoxin, "Looking at this fireworks quietly, it's just fleeting, so remember its most beautiful time, because after that, it will be forgotten."

"It will not be forgotten, because it is in people's hearts, and when we think of good memories, it will emerge with memories." Du Xiaoxin looked at the fireworks and answered faintly.

Mo Tianheng took a look at Du Xiaoxin, smiled at the corners of his mouth, and then looked at the fireworks blooming in the sky.

"In the future, I will be your fireworks and forget your meteor." Suddenly, Mo Tianheng looked at the fireworks in the sky and said to Du Xiaoxin. Unexpectedly, Du Xiaoxin fell asleep again after saying that sentence. What a fool. What do you look like now after drinking so much wine?

Mo Tianheng was walked to the place where he parked by Du Xiaoxin.

I wanted to send Du Xiaoxin home, but Du Xiaoxin was the only one at home. Today, Liu Nana didn't go there, and he suddenly felt uncomfortable when he thought of such a small place, so he chose to take her back to his home.

Mo Tianheng's family.

Mo Tianheng returned home with Du Xiaoxin in his arms. Li Hu looked at the president holding Du Xiaoxin and couldn't help but ** on his face. He had to sigh the power of love. Do you know, when did the president hold someone? Even ordinary people want to shake hands with him. What he hates most is other people's physical contact with him. What's going on now? He is actually holding a person by himself. If this news spreads, I'm afraid it will definitely make headlines tomorrow.

"President, I'll arrange a room for Secretary Du immediately." Li Hu immediately followed and said to Mo Tianheng.

Mo Tianheng took a look at Li Hu and said lightly, "No need. Just sleep in my room." After saying that, he went to the second floor with Du Xiaoxin in his arms.

This word made Li Huling stay behind for a full minute. He also thought that his ear had heard it wrong, but this was really true, because he saw Mo Tianheng go up to the second floor and walk towards his room. Then he came to his senses and chased after him. You know, the president has always only allowed the cleaner to go in, and the cleaner only cleans the president's room and does nothing else.

went up to the second floor, Li Hu saw Mo Tianheng walking into his room with Du Xiaoxin in his arms. Li Hu then gave up, otherwise he would not believe his ears. It's just that the president has changed a lot for Du Xiaoxin!

Put Du Xiaoxin in **, and Mo Tianheng looked at the sleeping Du Xiaoxin with joy. After tweaked the quilt for her, he quietly withdrew from the room.

"Call me tomorrow morning and later. I won't exercise early." Mo Tianheng explained to Li Hu.

Li Hu nodded.