hot secretary bad president

Chapter 76 Eating ice cream will cause allergies

Chen Kai saw Du Xiaoxin peeling shrimps, as if he saw Du Xiaoxin when he was a child. He felt uncomfortable. Why did he miss so many years?

Five shrimps that have been shelled and occupied with dipping sauce are placed on the plate like petals by Du Xiaoxin, which is very exquisite. Then, Du Xiaoxin wiped his hands with wet wipes and put the plate in front of Chen Kai. "Brother Xi, eat quickly." She hasn't called this name for a long time, but just now, she felt as if she had returned to the past. She couldn't help calling him brother Xi, because he will always be her brother Xi.

Chen Kai was moved for a while, and his hand trembled slightly. The language was still so gentle. He picked up his chopsticks and prepared to pick up the shrimp on the plate. "Thank you, Xiaoxin."

Du Xiaoxin reported with a sweet smile.

However, Du Xiaoxin completely ignored it, or didn't notice Mo Tianheng's cold and hazy face at all. Things like lifting the table are not impossible. It's just that Mo Tianheng disdains to do such a thing.

Just as Chen Kai picked up the shrimp on the plate and was ready to send them to his mouth, Mo Tianheng suddenly stood up. Come on, since we can gather here today, let's forget the previous unhappiness and have a drink together.

Chen Kai was very surprised by Mo Tianheng's sudden good behavior. Even Du Xiaoxin didn't know what Mo Tianheng was thinking or what he was going crazy about.

Chen Kai didn't want to pay attention to Mo Tianheng, but when he thought about it, it was good for Mo Tianheng to do this. He put the clamped shrimp back on the plate, put the chopsticks on the side, picked up the sake poured on the table, and got up and clinked the glass with the cup in Mo Tianheng's hand. "Okay. Let's do it!"

"Dang" a crisp clink.

Mo Tianheng's action is only a little bigger. It's really just a little bit! The sake in the glass splashed out impartially, just sprinkled in the peeled shrimp plate. Suddenly, the whole shrimp was evenly sprinkled with a layer of sake, which was a mess!

It paused for two or three seconds at that moment. The two men looked at each other tacitly.

Mo Tianheng raised the corners of his lips slightly and said indifferently, "It seems that I'm so excited today that even the wine in the glass is excited!"

"That's normal. Who are you? Wine is naturally what kind of wine is! But it doesn't matter. It may be better not to drink this kind of wine, isn't it?" Chen Kai took over with anger and a smile. But his eyes stared at the plate of peeled shrimp on the table, which was Du Xiaoxin's intention.

Du Xiaoxin stared at Mo Tianheng with hatred and knew that he was intentional. What he did was so obvious that even a fool could see it. Chen Kai, I'll peel it for you again..." After saying that, she picked up a shrimp and began to peel it.

"No! You have always peeled it for me, and this time I will peel it for you. After saying that, Chen Kai brought the prawns to him and began to peel them carefully.

Chen Kai's eyes to comfort Du Xiaoxin just now are the so-called "brows and eyes" for Mo Tianheng.

Mo Tianheng was very unhappy to see the two people ignoring his existence. When he saw Du Xiaoxin looking at Chen Kai peeling shrimp with a serious and happy look, he became even more unhappy.

Mo Tianheng took his plate in front of Du Xiaoxin. Du Xiaoxin knew what Mo Tianheng meant, but deliberately asked, "What are you doing?"

"Of course you want to eat shrimp!" Mo Tianheng replied.

"If you want to eat, peel it yourself!" Du Xiaoxin curled her lips and said.

"I won't." After a pause, Mo Tianheng said affirmatively, "But I want to eat it."

Du Xiaoxin couldn't laugh or cry after listening to it, "I can't learn!"

"I don't want it. My hand is here to sign, not to peel this." Mo Tianheng answered in a reasonable tone.

Du Xiaoxin was speechless by Mo Tianheng's words. His meaning was simply an insinuation, which means that Chen Kai peeled shrimp by himself, which was one level lower than him.

Du Xiaoxin saw that there was one of his favorite food in the corner of the table, but he had never dared to move the spoon, that is, ice cream.

Finally, Du Xiaoxin couldn't help picking up the spoon and stretching it towards the ice cream, but was knocked down with chopsticks halfway.

Du Xiaoxin looked up and saw that the person who knocked off his spoon was not someone else, but Chen Kai.

Even Mo Tianheng was surprised. Looking at the situation doubtfully, Du Xiaoxin probably guessed the reason why Chen Kai stopped him.

"I only eat a little." Du Xiaoxin begged.

"No, you absolutely can't eat it at all." Chen Kai's tone is very strong, and there is no doubt about his prestige.

Du Xiaoxin was stunned. She looked at Chen Kai in a stunned way. Chen Kai had never spoken to her in such a harsh tone.

"Since she likes to eat, why don't you let her eat it?" At this time, Mo Tianheng couldn't help interrupting.

Chen Kai looked at Mo Tianheng and said a few words, "Because she will be allergic."

Allergy? Mo Tianheng doesn't believe it. He really hasn't heard that ice cream is allergic. He looked at Du Xiaoxin and saw Du Xiaoxin bow his head as if a child had done something wrong. He knew that what Chen Kai said was true.

Du Xiaoxin just didn't expect that Chen Kai still remember this. Every summer, Du Xiaoxin watched others eat ice cream, but her parents never let her eat it. One day, Chen Kai bought ice cream. It happened that her parents went to his house to play. There were only her and him at home. She looked at the ice cream in his hand and swallowed, and he gave her the rest of the ice cream in his hand. Unexpectedly, she suddenly looked like she had difficulty breathing and suffocating for a while, which scared him to panicked. She hurriedly ran to his own house to call an adult. Fortunately, she was rescued in time, otherwise she would have died that time.

"Do you remember?" Du Xiaoxin couldn't help asking.

Chen Kai nodded. Everything used to be here and here. He pointed to his finger first and then to his heart.

Du Xiaoxin was moved for a while and smiled.

Mo Tianheng's heart sank and he didn't say anything.

Not long after, the door was pushed open and a person came in. This person was not someone else, but Hu Meier.

Mo Tianheng saw Hu Meier coming, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. He glanced at Chen Kai and saw that Chen Kai's face was extremely ugly, and his smile became stronger.

Hu Meier was surprised by Du Xiaoxin and Chen Kai in front of her, "You are also here!" She was stunned for a moment, and she sighed in her heart. She said it was strange how Mo Tianheng would call her and ask her to come here.