hot secretary bad president

Chapter 152 Two women get along well with each other?

At this time, the phone rang in the room.

Liu Nana looked at Li Hu. Li Hu shrugged his shoulders and said that it was not his phone number. Liu Nana thought that it should be Du Xiaoxin's, so she walked over. It was a strange number. She didn't answer, but the mobile phone kept ringing.

"Pup, maybe something!" Li Hu suggested.

Liu Nana thought for a moment and felt that what Li Hu said was reasonable, so she answered the phone. It was okay not to answer the phone. As soon as she answered, there was a problem.

"I'm Mo Tianheng, waiting for me at home. I'm on my way now." Mo Tianheng's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Hearing this sound, Liu Nana was so scared that she couldn't speak. Seeing Liu Nana with a frightened face, Li Hu asked in a low voice, "Who is it?"

Liu Nana reacted and replied in a low voice, "It's the president's phone call."

"President!?" Li Hu was also surprised.

When Liu Nana was about to reply, she heard that Mo Tianheng had hung up the phone.

"The president said that he was on his way here and asked Du Xiaoxin to wait for her." Liu Nana looked at Li Hu with a worried face and said. What do you think we should do?"

"Call Du Xiaoxin quickly. It's not a problem that she is not here. The problem is that she is with Chen Kai now. If the president knows, he will be angry." Li Hu said worriedly.

After listening to Li Hu's words, Liu Nana realized this matter. She had just not thought of it. Everyone knows how rigid the relationship between Mo Tianheng and Chen Kai is. If she really knows that Du Xiaoxin is with Chen Kai, I'm afraid that the relationship between the two will become more rigid.

"What should I do?" Liu Nana suddenly panicked and didn't know what to do.

"Call Du Xiaoxin first and ask her to come back. If you don't ask her where she is, we will go directly to find her and let Chen Kai leave. When the president sees that Du Xiaoxin is with you, it's nothing." Li Hu said his thoughts.

Liuna thought this method was very good when she heard it. I hurriedly called Chen Kai.

Chen Kai's phone rang again. Chen Kai saw that it was Liu Nana again, and the corners of his mouth rose. It seems that this friend is very concerned about Du Xiaoxin. With such a friend, he is happy for Du Xiaoxin.

"Liu Nana's phone number." Chen Kai handed the phone to Du Xiaoxin and said.

Du Xiaoxin took the mobile phone doubtfully and connected the phone, and asked doubtfully, "Liu Nana, what's wrong?"

"Du Xiaoxin, where you are now, is it far from home? Can you come back? Liu Nana asked anxiously.

Du Xiaoxin took the phone and turned his head aside and replied awkwardly, "I don't have any money with me. Why do you want me to go home? What about the light bulb?

Liu Nana heard Du Xiaoxin say that and asked quickly, "So where are you now?"

Du Xiaoxin replied, "I'm in a sweat steam room on the side of the pedestrian street. The name seems to be Newth sauna."

"News sauna, I know where it is." After saying that, before Du Xiaoxin could speak, Liu Nana hung up the phone directly.

Li Nana said to Li Hu, "Let's go. They are in the sauna and sweat steaming hall in News."

In the News sauna.

Chen Kai asked Du Xiaoxin, "Would you like to feel the feeling of ice and fire?"

"What do you mean?" Du Xiaoxin looked at Chen Kai without understanding.

"There are two extreme rooms here, one is minus 30 degrees and the other is 75 degrees high." Chen Kai explained.

"Ah!?" Du Xiaoxin opened his mouth and shouted in surprise. As soon as she entered the door, she felt that this steaming restaurant was different from what she had been to before. It turned out that this one was the best in the city, and of course the price was naturally the most expensive one. She has never been to such a high-end steaming restaurant.

"Let's go, stop it!" After saying that, Chen Kai took Du Xiaoxin to 30 degrees below zero.

I just didn't take a few steps but was stopped by Hu Meier.

"It's better for men and women to separate." Hu Meier looked at Du Xiaoxin and said.

Du Xiaoxin looked at Chen Kai and Hu Meier and said, "I'll go with Hu Meier!" It's better for women to be together.

Chen Kai nodded slightly and watched Hu Meier pull Du Xiaoxin forward. He looked at the backs of the two and laughed unconsciously. From the back, how did they look like good friends for many years?

"Which side shall we go first?" Du Xiaoxin couldn't help asking when she looked at Hu Meier pulling her forward and didn't know where to go.

Hu Meier replied faintly, "Just follow me."

The place Hu Meier took Du Xiaoxin to is not the coldest room nor the hottest room, but the recuperation room, which is full of traditional Chinese medicine, which makes the body absorb drugs through sweat steaming.

"What a big smell of traditional Chinese medicine!" Du Xiaoxin sighed as soon as he entered the room.

"Nonsense." Hu Meier gave Du Xiaoxin a white look and replied.

Du Xiaoxin was very surprised that Hu Meier chose this place. She asked curiously, "Are you sick?"

"You're sick!" When Hu Meier heard what Du Xiaoxin said, she replied angrily.

"Then how did you come to this place? I remember that you don't seem to like taking medicine very much, not to mention that the smell of medicine is so strong. How can you come to this place if you are not sick? Du Xiaoxin was still confused, but soon she had an idea. She just thought about it and felt that the idea was too unreliable and would never be.

"You care about me, I like it." This is Hu Meier's answer.

Hearing Hu Meier's answer, Du Xiaoxin raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "Are you for my feet?"

Hu Meier seemed to have been told something on her mind. She was stunned for a moment and replied with a smile the next second, "You are really thick-skinned. Will I do it for you?"

"But you did that." After a pause, without waiting for Hu Meier to take over the words, Du Xiaoxin continued, "Thank you in advance."

"You..." Hu Meier was speechless.

After a long silence, Hu Meier glanced at Du Xiaoxin's injured leg with an indifferent look, and then asked faintly, "Why did you hurt your leg? Is it serious?"

When Du Xiaoxin heard these two questions, he smiled at the corners of his mouth. I also think you will be happy to see me hurt. It doesn't seem to be.

"What are you talking about?" Hu Meier suddenly became angry when she heard Du Xiaoxin say that about her.

"Actually, you still like Chen Kai, right?" Du Xiaoxin asked bluntly. She thought that the definition given by her own eyes should not be wrong, because Hu Meier's eyes when she looked at Chen Kai and Mo Tianheng were completely different.