hot secretary bad president

Chapter 5 Receive a banquet invitation to get to know Meier for the first time

"I don't know what the president is looking for?" Du Xiaoxin said coldly.

"Didn't I tell you my name? Do you have amnesia? I can't even remember this!" Mo Tianheng said angrily for some reason.

Is this person a psycho?

"Excuse me, Mr. Mo Tianheng, what can I do for you?" Du Xiaoxin asked.

"It's okay. I just want to make sure that this phone number is from your office, but next time you call me, remove the word sir."

"What?" Du Xiaoxin couldn't help sneering. It seemed that this person was really sick and bored!

"Since the president has nothing else to do, I'm going to be busy."

"This should be right for me, and I actually robbed all my words. Also, I can only hang up your phone in the future. You absolutely can't hang up my phone, okay? Mo Tianheng's serious voice came from the other end of the phone.

Du Xiaoxin was stunned for half a minute and did not react.

"Mo Tianheng, why did you do this to me? Why did you choose me to be your agent girlfriend? I think there are many girls in the company. Why do you come to me as a person who has some festivals with you? Du Xiaoxin couldn't help asking questions that she had never figured out.

"It's going to rain and people want to eat. There is no need for a reason. I choose you, just like that." Mo Tianheng said lightly.

At this time, Hu Meier walked into Du Xiaoxin's office with a stack of documents without even knocking on the door.

"You can't talk about personal matters on the company's phone during working hours. You should know this!" Hu Meier looked at the microphone in Du Xiaoxin's hand and said.


Before Du Xiaoxin could explain the situation clearly, Hu Meier strode to the office table and grabbed Du Xiaoxin's microphone with one hand and hung up the phone fiercely.

Du Xiaoxin was stunned by Hu Meier's series of behaviors, but she was still very grateful to Hu Meier. If Hu Meier hadn't hung up the phone in time, she wouldn't have known when she would have talked to the strange-tempered president.

"What? Unconvinced?" Hu Meier raised her beautiful eyebrows and said, "You are new here. Forget it this time. If you want to figure out the survival of our company, that is, you have to work whole things when you work. If you see me again that you don't work hard, then I won't be polite, regardless of whether you are the president or not!"

Wait, what? Recommendation? Mo Tianheng?

"What do you mean?" Du Xiaoxin looked at Hu Meier and asked curiously.

"You know, the president has never had any secretary, and all the people in the company are carefully selected, and you are an exception. If you want a diploma, you are just an undergraduate and an ordinary school. Experience, you have just graduated, and you need talent, I can't see it at all, so you are a person who wants nothing. As for why the president recruited you into the company, it is unknown. But looking at you, dressed so shabby, it is absolutely impossible to be a relative of the president. So, what is your relationship with the president? Hu Meier looked at Xiaoxin and asked unconvincedly.

Hu Meier has fallen in love with Mo Tianheng since she entered this company. With her family background and appearance, there are many people chasing her, but she always feels that those people are not worthy of her. She has been trying to care about him and pay silently beside Mo Tianheng, but he is unmoved. After asking, he knows that he has a fiancee, which was booked in his family when he was a child, but for so many years, she has never seen him.

"I have nothing to do with him, that is, the relationship between my superiors and subordinates." Du Xiaoxin replied.

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Du Xiaoxin, is there something wrong with your ears? I didn't tell you just now that you can never hang up on me, only I can hang up on you! You..." It was not someone else who pushed the door aggressively, but the president Mo Tianheng.

Hu Meier was surprised to see a fierce Mo Tianheng, "President!"

"It's you, why are you here?" Mo Tianheng looked at Hu Meier coldly and asked.

"I'm here to get the information to Du Xiaoxin, and she just came. I'm here to see if I need help. By the way, I welcome my new colleagues." After saying that, he looked at Du Xiaoxin, "Isn't it?"

Du Xiaoxin was speechless. She really had never seen such a lying woman. It's just that she doesn't want to have a rigid relationship with her colleagues. Besides, this woman also misunderstood her relationship with the president, so she did this to her.

Du Xiaoxin nodded, "Yes."

"Hu Meier, go out!" Mo Tianheng's eyes have been staring at Du Xiaoxin, and he didn't look at Hu Meier at all. Even now he is looking at Du Xiaoxin's words.

"Yes, president!" Even if Hu Meier is unwilling, the president's words are orders. How can she not obey?

Hu Meier looked at Mo Tianheng with sad eyes, stared at Du Xiaoxin by the way, and then twisted her water snake waist out of the office.

"Why did you hang up on me?"

"Because Hu Meier has something to do with me, it's natural to do it if she has a job." Du Xiaoxin doesn't want to say anything about Hu Meier hanging up the phone.

Mo Tianheng slapped fiercely on the desk, "What? Have a job? Is my phone important or work important?

"Don't look at people sideways, do you know it's rude!" Mo Tianheng suppressed his inner anger.

He didn't know what was going on. The only thing he knew was that when he saw this woman, his mind was full of this woman's figure. He either stared angrily or squint at him, which made him feel that this woman was beside him all the time. Originally, he transferred this woman to the company to prepare to make trouble her and make things difficult for her. Thinking of returning to her residence at night, I couldn't even sleep well and couldn't sleep. I got up in the middle of the night to read a book, but the book was full of her angry appearance and crazy. I really felt that I was going crazy, so I arrived at the company early in the morning, just to see her at the first time, but Yes, the damn woman looked at him coldly, according to him thousands of miles away.

"Mo Tianheng, why are you always looking for me when you have nothing to do? I'm at work now. Don't you have a job, president? Du Xiaoxin asked puzzledly.

"Why?" Mo Tianheng seemed to mutter to himself, "What else can I do, just because I want to..."

"What are you thinking about?" Du Xiaoxin picked it up curiously.

"You are my girlfriend now. It's normal for me to come to you and call you." Mo Tianheng said as a matter of course.

"Girlfriend?" Du Xiaoxin sneered, "It's better to be clear. It's an agent girlfriend. Two words are missing, and the difference is big."

"I'm here to tell you that there is a banquet in the evening. Dress me up. The address is at the La Merda Hotel. If you dare not appear, hum, you will die!" Mo Tianheng said fiercely with a fierce look.

"Okay, I know." Du Xiaoxin nodded helplessly.

Mo Tianheng turned around and walked out. After turning around, he showed a bad smile. It's good. Just go.