
Chapter 1 Bloody Ten Forks

"Well..." Bu Feifan gradually woke up. He felt that his head was like being pricked by countless steel needles, and the pain was one after another, and his head seemed to crack. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a roof full of cobwebs and mildew spots. He actually lay on his back on the ground. He tried his best to Turning his eyes on both sides, he could barely see a window. The moonlight shone into the house through the window, scattering a blue and white frost on the ground. Half of the broken curtains by the window cast a tattered shadow on the ground, and there was no wind automatically.

When he remembered, he only felt that his whole body was weak and he was too lazy to move. In desperation, he closed his eyes again and tried his best to relax himself. Finally, he began to recall some fragments, which were a figure, a red figure.

"Damn, what the hell." Moreover, Feifan opened his eyes and couldn't help cursing.

The power seemed to recover little by little, and Feifan tried to sit up slowly. Through the moonlight shining through the window, he finally saw the environment in his house, the dusty, empty, the mottled wall, and a bright red ten fork on the wall.

Seeing the red ten forks, his extraordinary eyes suddenly stared. He gritted his teeth and stood up and walked to the wall where the ten forks were painted. A faint smell of blood floated into his nostrils without much examination. Moreover, Feifan could be sure that the ten fork was painted with blood.

It is certain that there were no ten forks on the wall before he fainted, so who painted this? Is it the red figure that encountered something before he fainted? He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, suppressed the uneasiness rising in his heart, and decided to leave the room immediately.

But the next discovery made the situation extraordinary fall into an incomparable shock. Except for the iron window under the moonlight, there were only mottled walls covered with various mold spots on all sides. Where's the door? Kuang Fei was smart all over and subconsciously looked around. When he glanced through the window, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

The extraordinary eyebrows were locked, walked step by step to the window, and looked out of the window facing the moonlight. In an instant, he realized something was wrong. Except for a bright moon hanging in the middle of the dark cyan sky, there was nothing outside the window. The pale moonlight sprinkled on his body, as cold as ice and cold to the bone.

"Hee hee, isn't it beautiful?" A woman's voice suddenly sounded, and it sounded pleasant, but it contained no emotion at all. There were faint echoes in the empty room, making the sound more ethereal and weird.

Moreover, Feifan subconsciously looked for a sound and looked to the right. Except for a bare wall, no one existed, but the sound did come from that direction. Moreover, he calmed down and carefully searched for suspicious places. Suddenly, his whole body shook like an electric shock, just on the right wall, except Outside several peeled walls, there are also several mildew spots caused by dampness, and one of them is actually like a face with long flying hair and pointed jaws, like a very female face.

There was an extraordinary reaction. The blue-black cheeks composed of mildew spots began to twist and deform, slowly bulge outward, and her face fluctuated like waves, and her eyebrows, eye sockets, nose bridge and lips slowly emerged on her face. When her head came out of the wall, she The facial features on her face have been completely formed, and she opened her eyes and stared at the extraordinary situation. A pair of pupilless eyes were full of hatred, insidiousness and anger...

Moreover, Feifan couldn't help taking a few steps back, and his heart beat uncontrollably. He gasped heavily. If it hadn't been for the name of others, his mind would indeed be different from ordinary people. I'm afraid he had lost his mind because of great fear, but even so, and Feifan couldn't help shouting loudly: "You... you are... What?"

The human figure that kept squeezing out on the wall was like a butterfly retreating from the chrysalis. After a while, more than half of her body came out. She grinned and looked at the extraordinary situation with a grim smile. Suddenly, she leaned out her body and looked up hard and found a sad scream in her mouth. The harsh cry made the hair of her whole body straight upright. He went down Consciously raised his hand to cover his ears, retreated a few steps, and his body clung to the cold wall behind him.

With the human figure roaring up to the sky, her whole body was pulled out of the wall in an instant. With a smoke-like twist and wriggling, she was extremely frightened to find that a long-haired woman in a red dress appeared in front of her. She turned her back to herself, her head was slightly lowered, and she could not see her appearance, only wisps of long black hair. The wind is flying.

Wang Feifan felt that this woman seemed to be familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a moment. He couldn't help blurting out a word: "You..."

"Hee..." The woman's shoulders shrugged gently, making a strange and indescribable laughter. Her head slowly raised, and suddenly, with a sound of bone joint twisting, her head turned 180 degrees, facing the extraordinary situation, through the long hair scattered in front of her, the extraordinary To a pale face, gray lips, and the pupilless white eyes exposed between the hair.

At that moment, he widened his eyes in horror, and the previous events finally gushed out like a tide from the depths of his memory. He subconsciously exclaimed, "It's you again..."

"Hum..." The woman in the red dress's lips did not move, but made a series of gloomy laughter. Suddenly, her back was extraordinary, and her body suddenly rose, and a gust of gloomy wind quickly floated towards him. What's more, she watched her head not move, but her body twisted in mid-air. Her arms were raised, and her arms were as strange as mud. Twisting around, he grabbed the door of the extraordinary situation like a leather and bone-like claw.

No matter how bold he was and how strong his nerves were, at this moment, his mind was blank. He instinctively closed his eyes tightly and subconsciously raised his hand to hold the "Mani Stone" pendant hanging around his neck. In the blink of an eye, the red-dressed woman's hands touched the extraordinary neck, an indescribable ice. The cold suddenly made his skin react, and a violent sense of suffocation came straight up.

At this time, Kuo Feifan felt that the pendant in his hand exuded a warm warmth. At the same time, the woman in the red skirt shrank back in an instant as if she had been burned by fire. She made a sharp hisscream in pain, and her whole body turned into a cold wind and disappeared into the room.

Moreover, he gasped and collapsed weakly along the wall. His heart beat violently. He tried his best to calm down. Suddenly, he remembered something and couldn't help exclaiming, "Oh, He Shaoqing!"

He hurriedly took out his mobile phone and began to dial the phone number. Soon, he put down his mobile phone. Obviously, there was a signal on the mobile phone, but it was not only He Shaoqing's phone, even other numbers, no matter what, it was just a busy voice.

He leaned his head against the wall weakly and muttered to himself, "Why, why is this?" He glanced at his mobile phone. In fact, it showed that the time was 12 o'clock at midnight, but he realized that something was wrong, because it was already 12 o'clock when he took it out just now. After calling for half a day, the time had not passed. He smiled bitterly and couldn't help recalling what had happened before.

In fact, all this happened only because of a man who grabbed the bag.

He is 25 years old and graduated from law school. He joined the Judicial Appraisal Center a year ago and worked in the electronic physical evidence inspection and appraisal department. Three months ago, he was sent to study. As soon as he came back, he was pulled out by his best friend He Shaoqing to drink and chat. There are two reasons: First, to celebrate He Shaoqing's successful transfer to the five serious cases of the Municipal Bureau; Second, It is to congratulate you on your graduation from the end of your study period.

I haven't seen each other for more than three months. The two of them drank and chatted. Unconsciously, time passed quickly. In a blink of an eye, they drank until more than 11 o'clock. Because the next day, they had to go to the center to report, so they took the first decision not to drink. He Shaoqing didn't think so.

"No, I'm chatting. Are you leaving?" He Shaoqing was dissatisfied.

He looked at him helplessly: " boss, I have to go to work tomorrow. I don't want to stay in the bar all night."

He Shaoqing's eyes turned: "Let's just go to your house for a drink."

What's more, Feifan had no choice but to nod and agree with He Shaoqing.

The two walked out of the bar with their shoulders on their backs. The street was very quiet, with moonless and starless night sky, and street lights emitting soft light. Occasionally, taxis drove by on the road. Moreover, they looked at He Shaoqing with questioning eyes. He Shaoqing shook his head with a smile: "What kind of ride? Go back and take a walk."

In the empty street, a woman's exclamation suddenly sounded: "Help, someone*..."

Kang Feifan and He Shaoqing, a forensic evidence and a detective, naturally could not ask questions when they heard this kind of thing. The two quickly ran along the sound. At the corner of the intersection, a middle-aged woman with a panicked face was standing there at a loss, shouting "*" and looking around. It seemed that she wanted to chase but did not dare to chase. The two ran to him, and He Shaoqing asked first, "Sister, what happened?"

"Someone...someone robbed my bag..." The middle-aged woman pointed to the front and shouted in horror.

"What does it look like?" He Shaoqing hurriedly asked.

"Male, very young, more than 20 years old, didn't see his face clearly, wearing a gray jacket... Others didn't pay attention..." The middle-aged woman's voice was crying.

"Don't be afraid, let's chase, you call the police..." Kuang Feifan advised.

"The mobile phone... the mobile phone is in the bag." Middle-aged women are very anxious.

Kuang Feifan took out his mobile phone and said to the middle-aged woman while dialing the number of the alarm center, "You wait for the police here, and we'll chase them."

The street they chased was not a big road. Except for them, they couldn't even see a ghost. What's more, their eyes were sharp. At a glance, they saw a courtyard gate at the end of the road. A gray jacket figure had just climbed through the iron fence gate and jumped into the hospital.

Kuo Feifan and He Shaoqing looked at each other without thinking much about it. They rushed over and climbed through the door with their hands and feet.

As soon as their feet landed, a gust of wind blew through their bodies out of thin air. Suddenly, the wind passed through their bodies and their bodies were cold. A cold air from the bottom to the top of the spine ditch burst up. The two couldn't help but have a cold war all over their bodies.

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