
Chapter 14 Damn Corridor

He Shaoqing and Kuo Feifan looked solemn and opened the bathroom door tightly. Outside the door, there was no hair. The blue light of the mobile phone reflected their faces into a strange blue and looked ghostly.

He Shaoqing muttered, "My mobile phone seems to be about to run out of power."

He looked around vigilantly and took a few tentatively, as if he didn't find any abnormality. Then he said to He Shaoqing, "Let's go quickly. We must go downstairs as soon as possible and leave this place."

He Shaoqing behind him raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder and whispered, "Hey, can you let me go to the toilet before running?"

"What?" Kuang Feifan almost couldn't believe his ears: "What time is it now? Do you want to go to the bathroom?"

He Shaoqing smiled awkwardly and said, "I've been patient for a long time, and now I'm really peeing. Do you think it's good for me to pee in my pants?"

Just now they have noticed that there is a hut at the end of the stairs leading to the attic. The door has long disappeared. It is clear and empty. Only a small rusty pipe is exposed on the ground. Originally, it should have been the place to install the toilet, which is naturally a toilet in this building.

Kuang Feifan gritted his teeth and said, "You don't plan to go to the toilet to solve it, do you?"

He Shaoqing shrugged his shoulders: "It used to be a bathtub, but there is that thing in it. I'm a little cold. I'm very fast."

It's useless to say more. Moreover, he followed He Shaoqing helplessly to the door of the toilet. Naturally, he was not interested in watching the boy go to the toilet and stood at the door. He accidentally found that there seemed to be a hidden door on the sealed partition under the stairs next to him. He hesitated for a moment. He reached out and opened the small door. It was dark inside and took a closer picture with his mobile phone. Look, I found that there were two piers in it. Although the piers were so rotten that there were only a few strips of cloth left, the wooden pole was still very strong.

So far, except for the amulet, there are no good guys like the two. It seems that this is a good choice, which is better than nothing. Kuo Feifan stretched out his hand and took the cloth, took it, turned his back to the toilet and raised his voice and said, "Hey, young man, I found a guy."

Suddenly, there was an exclamation from the toilet. It was He Shaoqing's voice. Moreover, he hurriedly turned his head and looked over. Only then did he find that He Shaoqing was raising his legs and stepping on the half of the pipe in a panic, and there was a semi-circular thing at the mouth of the pipe that seemed to emerge.

"What's wrong?" Moreover, Feifan rushed over while asking.

"The devil was in the pipe and was about to come up. Damn, he actually peeked at me going to the toilet..." He Shaoqing stepped on it and said with fire.

Moreover, Feifan raised his hand and threw the cloth at He Shaoqing: "Then."

He Shaoqing didn't look back. Listening to the wind identify the position, he reached out to catch the pier pole, and then asked in surprise, "The pier cloth?"

"No guy, let's make up." Moreover, Feifan picked up the pier and poked it at the mouth of the pipe. He Shaoqing also changed to the pier cloth pole in his hand to poke and poke it together.

The semicircular thing was the head of the little mummified corpse. It seemed that he had to try to climb up, but because the wooden pole in the hands of the two people at the mouth of the pipe fell on his head like a storm, he could not go up at all. Coupled with the diameter of the pipe, he could not raise his head, so he could only be smashed by them, and occasionally there was a half sound. A sound similar to whining.

The two were farting and almost forgot to pay attention to the situation around him. He Shaoqing felt a gust of wind behind his head. Suddenly, he felt that the wind had reached the back of his head. In a hurry, he had to twist his waist sideways and try to avoid it. Unfortunately, it was still a step late. He only felt that There was a tearing pain on his shoulder, and he couldn't help shouting.

Moreover, Feifan turned his head and was stunned to find that the big head of the strange baby was biting He Shaoqing's right shoulder. He hurriedly raised the wooden stick in his hand and poked his head at the big head.

With a "bu", the wooden stick suddenly poked into one of the eyes of the big head and pierced it directly through the back of the head. There was no imaginary juice splashing everywhere, and the softness seemed to fall into a ball of cotton, and there was no reason to feel cold all over.

The strange baby's hair made a "squeak" and loosened the mouth biting He Shaoqing's shoulder, but it was still stringed on the wooden stick in Kuang Fei's hand. He stared at Kuang Feifan with another white eyeball without black pupils, and the corners of his mouth cracked slightly, as if he showed a cruel smile. Seeing that he loosened his mouth, he swung his stick and threw it aside fiercely, like a cotton ball. The head was thrown out of the stick by him and rolled to the ground.

"You can't stay any longer, run." Moreover, as soon as Feifan pulled He Shaoqing, the two turned around and got out of the toilet like a frightened rabbit. Now it's just a strange baby's head. If they add hands and feet, and then the little mummified corpse emerges, I guess they won't be able to deal with it.

Just as they ran out not far away, other parts of the big-headed monster baby slowly came out of the wall, and the small mummified corpse hidden in the pipe gradually emerged.

Kuang Feifan and He Shaoqing ran across the corner, and the girl ran forward desperately. According to normal conditions, they could quickly run to the stairs on the first floor. In addition, the mirror along the way had been smashed by Kuo Feifan, and there seemed to be nothing to stop them. Unfortunately, the idea was good, but the reality was cruel.

After running for a while, He Shaoqing and Kuo Feifen stopped almost at the same time and subconsciously looked at each other, seeing the element of panic in each other's eyes.

What appeared in front of them turned out to be the corner of the corridor that had just turned around. Although the corridor is not long, because of the dim light, with the light of their mobile phones, they can only see the situation clearly, and they can't see it further away. In the dark corridor, they have run out of the corner and run and see the corner again. No matter how bold they are, it is inevitable to encounter this situation. Panic.

But they did not stop to study. After looking at each other, the two immediately turned around and ran behind them. Unexpectedly, after running a distance, they saw the corner of the corridor again.

"What's going on?" He Shaoqing had a feeling of hanging in his heart.

"Try again." It's extraordinary.

The two turned their heads and continued to run, but it was not long before they saw the corner again.

This time, the two stopped and looked at the corridor in a daze. He Shaoqing asked, "Damn corridor, do you think what we encounter now is the little devil's psychedelic again?"

"Psychedelic?" What's more, he was stunned.

He Shaoqing shrugged his shoulders: "I got up casually."

Wang Feifan frowned: "Is it an illusion?"

He Shaoqing walked to the corner step by step, knocked on the corner with the pier in his hand, and tested it: "Is it really that turn?"

Wang Feifan looked at him, his heart moved, and his face showed a thoughtful look.

He Shaoqing glanced at him: "Is it weird? Your expression tells me, what do you think of?

Wang Feifan pondered for a moment: "I may have a way."


Moreover, Feifan pointed to the corridor behind him: "I thought about it. Just now, we basically ran from the middle of the corridor. I was thinking that if it weren't a hallucination, we might have inadvertently walked back somewhere. I think if we walk along the wall, we may be able to detect what's wrong.

He Shaoqing nodded indifferently: "Try it. Anyway, there's nothing I can do now."

It's not too late. The two simply threw away the cloth pole in their hands and leaned their backs on the wall on the left side of the corridor. In addition, they touched the wall and moved forward step by step along the wall. He Shaoqing was behind, just in case, put one hand on the extraordinary shoulder and raised his mobile phone to illuminate it with the other.

I don't know when the wall is full of cold drops of water, and my hands get wet in a short time. In some places, there are patches of mold spots. Even if I don't care about dirt, I still feel a little uncomfortable when I think of mold spots. While walking, I pay attention to the wall with the light on the mobile phone screen and try to avoid large mold spots.

Unexpectedly, after a while, He Shaoqing's mobile phone flashed twice and turned off with a burst of music.

"Damn, give me your mobile phone." He Shaoqing said depressedly.

Beifan was helpless. He withdrew his hand touching the wall and took out his mobile phone and handed it to He Shaoqing. He Shaoqing pressed the mobile phone and whispered, "Continue."

Huh, he put his hand on the wall again. This time, he didn't pay attention to the situation on the wall, but when he pressed it, he suddenly found that his hand was pressed on the other hand, a cold and slightly rough hand.

At the same time, He Shaoqing lit up the situation ahead with his mobile phone in his hand, suddenly widened his eyes and blurted out, "Damn it..."