
Chapter 58 The First Seven Soul Night

Bai Ru couldn't help but feel moved and finally knew the situation of the "accidental death" of the students in this school.

Wu Zhong took a breath and said, "After I recovered from my illness, I couldn't help but feel afraid of this school. I just want to stay away. I don't know if there is a psychological shadow. I always feel that there are hands waiting to catch me behind my back. After that, even my career quickly entered the trough, and finally I had to hide at home and not go out.

"Didn't you tell these things to others?" Bai Ru asked.

Wu Zhong shook his head: "Several times, I really want to tell others what happened that night, but every time there is an indescribable strange feeling in my heart, as if someone keeps telling me that I can't say it, I can't say it."

Bai Ru nodded gently and did not continue to ask.

Wu Zhong closed his eyes and continued to talk.

He has been trying to keep the secret of that night. During this period, he didn't even want to work. He just did odd jobs. Thanks to his brother's financial support him from time to time, he also proposed to let him live with his brother's family, but he did not agree and still lived alone in his own small room.

Until he went to his brother's house for dinner, he learned that his brother's son and his nephew were admitted to Fuxing Middle School.

It can be imagined that when Wu Zhong learned about this, he couldn't help but be shocked.

At that moment, he really wanted to say it, but unfortunately, after a long time of courage, he finally failed to tell it.

He kept comforting himself. No matter what it was, it was all in the sewer. Moreover, after so long, he had not heard of anything after the school was built. Maybe it was nothing, or it was simply a nightmare he had that night.

However, it backfired. Suddenly one day, my brother appeared in front of his house and told him sadly that his little nephew had an accident and was found dead in the toilet, and his hands were cut off.

After Wu Zhong heard the news, he felt extremely scared and fainted.

His brother was scared at first sight. Unexpectedly, his brother heard the news and reacted more violently than himself and rushed him to the hospital.

After Wu Zhong woke up in the hospital, he couldn't stop crying. No one could persuade him, and even he didn't know why he cried like this.

This situation lasted for a long time until the night, Wu Zhong suddenly stopped crying.

He decided to tell his brother about the night at school.

At this time, his brother had gone home. It was not that he didn't want to take care of Wu Zhong, but that he still had a sad wife in his family. He had no choice but to give Wu Zhong to the hospital to take care of him and go home to comfort his wife.

Wu Zhong secretly ran out of the hospital and went straight to his brother's house overnight.

Unexpectedly, when I arrived at the door of his brother's house, I found that his brother's house was black and seemed to be asleep.

He was very strange. Later, he remembered that today should be the "head seven" of his brother's son according to the date. He guessed that his brother and sister-in-law must be thinking about his son. It is said that on the seventh day after death, the soul will return home to visit. The family usually prepare a meal for the soul of the deceased before the soul comes back. Next, they must avoid it. The best way is to sleep and hide in the quilt even if they can't sleep. If the soul of the deceased sees his family, it will make him remember and affect his vote. Reincarnation.

After Wu Zhong realized this, he couldn't help knocking on the door. He doesn't know if it's appropriate to go in now. Although he really wants to go in and tell them about it immediately, he is awake now and knows that his brother's family is suffering from the pain of losing his son. Speaking about it at this time not only can't help them, but is likely to cause trouble for them.

He hesitated to turn around and leave when the door was suddenly pulled open from the inside, and a face emerged from the crack of the door.

When Wu Zhong heard the door ring, he turned his head and suddenly saw a face. He couldn't help exclaiming. When he saw clearly that the face belonged to his brother, he was relieved.

However, because the lights were not turned on in the house, the dark * set off his brother's face with a white and blue color.

The light in the corridor found that it could not be lit when he came, and now there is no light in the room. If the light outside hadn't come in through the window of the corridor, Wu Zhong couldn't see the situation in the building at all.

However, his brother did not show any emotion. Seeing Wu Zhong, he just nodded and said, "Why are you here?"

This is obviously a question, but it comes out of his mouth without any emotion.

"Brother, I'll come to see you. Are you... all right?" Wu Zhong looked at his brother worriedly.

"It's okay. We're eating. Why don't you come in and have some together?" His brother said, turning around and walking into the room without waiting for his consent.

Wu Zhong saw that the door was not closed, so he had to push the door and walk in.

"Why don't you turn on the light?" Wu Zhong asked casually after entering the door.

"We are eating." His brother said without looking back.

Fortunately, the room was not so dark that he couldn't see anything. Wu Zhong followed his brother all the way to the living room.

There is a dining table in the center of the living room. The table is full of rice and dishes. There are two people sitting at the table besides his brother. When Wu Zhong saw the two people at the table clearly, he only felt that his nerves all over his body suddenly tightened.

At the table, his sister-in-law held a bowl of rice in one hand and a spoon in the other hand, feeding the children next to her with a smile.

Of course, Wu Zhong knows that child, that is, his brother's son, his nephew, Wu Yinglong.

Seeing Wu Zhong appear, his sister-in-law just looked up at him and continued to feed him. However, his nephew Wu Yinglong slowly turned his head and smiled at him.

Wu Zhong was shocked and his brain was blank. He instinctively turned around and ran out of his brother's house, almost rolling and crawling to his home.

He rushed into the door, locked the door with his backhand, and then fell down on **, pulled a bed and was covered all over his body. He closed his eyes tightly and his whole body trembled.

But even if he closes his eyes, Wu Yinglong's appearance still appears in front of him. He is by no means his former naive and lively little nephew, which can't even be regarded as a human being. The little face is lifeless, and there is a grim smile on his white and blue face, especially those eyes. In the dark room, he can still see To, slightly prominent eyes and gray-white eyes.

That's definitely not a living person's eyes, that's a dead man, and his nephew is a dead man.

However, he could clearly see his nephew's mouth squirming, and there seemed to be rice grains at the corners of his mouth.

"He is not a human, he is not a human..." Wu Zhong huddled in the quilt and muttered to himself involuntarily.

I don't know how long it took, Wu Zhong heard a slow knock on the door. Although he was obviously hiding in the quilt, the knock on the door seemed to ring in his ear, which made him almost scream.

He tried to shrink into the quilt, but a sharp knock on the door still came to his ears clearly, like a knock on his heart, making his whole body numb.

It's strange that such a big knock on the door seems to be only him who can hear it in the silent night, and no other neighbors come out to have a look?

Wu Zhong closed his eyes tightly and tried not to pay attention to the sound, but he still heard a knock on the door, mixed with a sharp voice and asked in a mechanical tone, "Is there anyone inside? Is there anyone inside?

Of course, he dares not answer.

But soon, he heard the door that had just been locked be pushed open with a creak, followed by a sound of footsteps and slowly walked into the room, accompanied by a groping sound, as if looking for something. After a while, the footsteps came to his bedroom.

The cold sweat soaked his clothes in an instant, and Wu Zhong dared not take a breath.

The footsteps obviously stopped by the bedroom door, and then knocked on the door again.

"Is there anyone? Is there anyone?" The shrill sound kept asking with the sound of knocking on the door, and the force of knocking on the door seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. Wu Zhong carefully exposed half of his head from the quilt and stared at his bedroom door. In a trance, he seemed to see the door gently shaking and seemed to fall down at any time.

In shock, Wu Zhong suddenly thought that the door of the bedroom was not locked at all. No matter what it was outside, he could easily open the locked door of the house. That is to say, he could also enter the inner room at any time. Unexpectedly, the guy outside was still "polite" knocking on the door?

Obviously, hiding in ** is just sitting and waiting for death, but Wu Zhong has no choice but to continue to shrink back into the quilt, and there is no other way to think about it.

At this moment, he heard the sound of the door being pushed open, followed by footsteps.

Wu Zhong subconsciously held his breath, and his whole body's nerves were stiff together. He could feel something go straight to the bedside, and then he stopped. For a while, there was no other action. The posture seemed to be confronting him.

He secretly covered his mouth with his hand and reluctantly didn't let himself call out. Suddenly, he felt something stabbed him through the quilt, and a sharp voice sounded: "Is there anyone? Is there anyone?"

Wu Zhong only felt that he had been stabbed in the part of his body, and a coldness like a bone marrow spread all over his body. He couldn't help shouting and suddenly lifted the quilt.

There was a child standing by the bed. He couldn't help looking at the child in horror. His appearance was very familiar to Wu Zhong, but now he is quite strange. The child's face was his nephew Wu Yinglong, but the expression on his face should be said to have no expression, only a stiff and numb blue and white face, his mouth The corner rose slightly, which was extremely unnatural, as if it was pulled up, as if it was smiling, but it looked particularly gloomy and abrupt.

"Who are you?" Wu Zhongqing couldn't help shouting in horror.

Wu Yinglong tilted his head and shrilled, "I came to see you."

With that, he raised his left "hand" and shook it. Wu Zhong was so scared that he shouted again. Wu Yinglong's left hand had disappeared, but he was shaking himself with his forearm. He could even see the bloody wrist, and blood gushing out.

Wu Zhong rolled his eyes and fainted.