
Chapter 70 Resentment

Gu Yi was in front and Bai Ru was behind. The two ran forward quickly. Long before the start, Gu Yi had already shaken his hand and shot out three spells, almost flying back and forth to the green fog, and at the same time chanting spells to activate the effect of the charm.

After the two spells were shot into the fog, one of them immediately burst into a flame. Gu Yi's goal was to hit the unknown thing in the center of the fog. It is best to break it. If it can't be broken, it will also cause some obstacles to it.

The third charm formed a gust of wind on the edge of the fog, and the sound of "woo" wind roared in the sewer, constantly blowing away the dead air that was coming into the green fog and forming a barrier on the edge of the green fog, trying to prevent the blue fog from expanding outward.

When the wind rose, thunder suddenly came from the blue fog, and faintly saw silver snake-like lightning flying in the fog, which was another charm that Gu Yi had shot into before was activated.

His move can be regarded as fast and accurate. In a blink of an eye, they have run in front of the green fog. At this time, the green fog did not completely occupy the whole sewer. There is still about one person's wide distance between the wall between them.

The speed of the two ran unabated, almost moving forward quickly against the strong wind, hoping to pass through the whole sewer in front of the blue fog.

Unlike just now, at this time, the two couldn't pay attention to the road surface under their feet. Occasionally, stepping on the rotten bones was slippery. Coupled with the strong wind, it can be said that they were stumbling and rarely embarrassed to run.

When he was about to cross the fog, Gu Yi suddenly felt keenly that the wind seemed to be mixed with several strong winds rushing towards him. The speed made him too late to deal with it, so he had to turn around, hug Bai Ru and squat down, curled up to avoid. As soon as he bent down, several animal carcasses with broken arms and legs From above them, the claws on the disabled limbs were like steel hooks. Several "histing" sounds were heard in Gu Yi's ears, and the clothes on his back were caught several times.

After the strong wind disappeared, Gu Yi and Bai Ru immediately stood up and were about to continue moving forward. Unexpectedly, several rotten bodies that had just jumped to the ground and turned around and rushed to them again.

These rotten bodies moved so fast as if they were alive. Bai Ru did not dare to be careless. She lowered the magic wand in her hand, cut them and beat them, and knocked down several carcasses that pounced on her. Unexpectedly, Gu Yi only felt a strange feeling under her feet. Looking down, she saw a lizard with bones exposed in several parts of her body opening its mouth and biting it. If his ankles hadn't rubbed against his socks when his long tongue stretched out, Gu Yi would have really ignored this guy.

I have never seen such a fierce cold-blooded animal, and Gu Yi's hair can't help but stand up. Although he doesn't want to admit it, snakes and lizards are actually his weakness.

Fortunately, he was not really scared. He was able to fly up and kick the lizard's neck directly into the distance.

"Let's go." Gu Yi found that such agile rotten corpses could not appear too much at a time. I don't know if the ability of things behind them was limited. Taking advantage of this short gap, he took Bai Ru to continue to run forward.

The two helped each other and almost crawled out of the area occupied by the large fog and threw it behind.

Unexpectedly, when I first ran out of the range, there was a huge "kaka" sound in the blue fog behind me, like the sound of a thick branch when it was broken.

With the sound, Gu Yi and Bai Ru suddenly found that the wind as a barrier began to slowly decrease, and the thunder charm ejected by Gu Yi in the blue fog also seemed to be useless, and the faint thunder could not be heard at some time.

Gu Yi was a little surprised. No matter what was inside, it seemed to be difficult to deal with. This idea just crossed his mind. Now is not the time for analysis. They were about to continue to run forward, and the situation in front of them stopped them.

Not far in front of you, there are already a lot of animals standing sparsely. To be precise, the bones of animals. If you rush over, you are bound to go through a scuffle.

Gu Yi was about to clean up part of it first. He only heard the broken sound behind him disappear, replaced by a "hoo" gasp, but the sound was extremely loud, especially the sewer was extremely close, which sounded like a giant gasping behind them.

Gu Yi quickly turned his head and looked back. His expression couldn't help but change. He saw that the cyan fog behind him had condensed and formed, and the rolling fog could not help surging. He barely looked like a personal shape, with a head and arms. The rolling cyan fog kept transforming into a human face all over his body, although it was not the same. But the expression is all extremely painful.

Bai Ru did not look back and stared at the corpses in front of her. The magic wand in her hand was across her chest, taking the opportunity to stimulate the spiritual power injected before in the stick. Suddenly, the runes on the magic wand were activated, emitting a hazy silver light.

Seeing that the dead cyan figure was about to be completed, Gu Yi couldn't help but tremble, reached out and pushed Bai Ru and said, "Go."

Then, two more charms came out of his hand. Two thunder charms shook their hands and turned into two blue lightnings. They sank into the cyan human figure's chest. Immediately, the fog was shaken out of a big hole and could not condense and recover for a while.

Suddenly, there was a sound like tearing arag in the fog. Then, the fog suddenly intensified and rolled, and the transformed cyan human figure actually waved its arm and hit Gu Yi and Bai Ru.

Gu Yi only felt the strong wind surging in the air, and the arm formed by the fog seemed to be real, mixed with huge force and hit them both.

Thanks to him shooting the thunder charm, he and Bai Ru have rushed forward. This time, it was empty, but the impact brought by the ground, forming a huge wave-like wind, which made the two of them stammer forward.

However, this did not prevent the two from dealing with the group of rotten corpses in front of them. While holding her feet, Bai Ru smashed a long snake with almost only bones left. Gu Yi opened the way with five-line spells and threw the thunder charm back for free.

Bai Ru asked Gu Yi loudly while swinging his stick to repel the rotten corpses: "Avoid it first. We can't deal with the guys behind us now."

She also noticed the huge green fog figure behind her and saw the continuous transformation of the human face on the thing. In an instant, her mind was like a flash of lightning, and she understood the origin of the thing behind her.

With the soul full of resentment as the core, countless dead gases gather into the body. Only this "resholding death world" can provide so much simple death, and those faces transformed by the fog are the resentment of several tragically dead students in the school.

What is this? They don't know the exact name, but they can be sure that it is definitely a product derived from black witchcraft. Unlike ghosts and evil spirits, this thing seems to have an unusually strong resistance to spells. In such a hurry, it is really impossible to rely on a few charms and Bai Ru's demons alone. Face-to-face confrontation.

Bai Ru and Gu Yi quickly cleaned up the obstacles in front of them and ran forward quickly. While paying attention to the movement of the cyan human figure behind them, they found that the guy was actually chasing them. Although it was a product of fog, it did not float in the air like fog, but squirmed forward like a worm.

With sharp eyes, Bai Ru suddenly found countless rotten and dry animal corpses at the bottom of the fog. They were like the feet of soft worms, constantly wriggling forward with the fog.

The continuous "rustle" sound of those rotten corpses rubbing against the ground seems to be getting closer and closer to them.

Gu Yi raised his foot, kicked a dog's head, and shouted to Bai Ru, "We must distance ourselves from that guy, otherwise we can't make a bigger move."

Bai Ru didn't have time to answer him, because the group of rotten corpses that rushed to them in front of them began to become dense. I don't know if it was because they went further and further away, the bodies at this distance were not affected by the gathering of the dead air just now.

She waved the magic wand in her hand horizontally and read out at the same time: "Qinglong borrowed the method, vaporized ten thousand swords and killed it!"

The silver light on the magic wand was full, and the gas gathered to form tens of millions of fine needles and shot out like rain. In an instant, almost every rotten corpse in front of them was hit a few times or even a dozen times. The fine needles plunged into their bodies and exploded instantly, and the rotting corpses in the punctured suddenly turned into pieces of meat, and the stinking rotten blood splashed all over the ground like ink.

The rest was also abused by Gu Yi in turn with several five-e elements of spells. Basically, the road ahead was almost cleaned up, but the big guy behind was only about an arm away from them, and the arm of that thing almost hit them twice.

Gu Yi said to Bai Ru while running, "I suddenly thought of something wrong. Did you think of anything?"

In such an environment, Bai Ru reluctantly raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, saying, "We... may have run..."