
Chapter 77 Weakness

Gu Yi felt something wrong, but in the face of complaining about the corpse Principal Hao, he spent all his thoughts on the idea of how to smash him down, and inevitably ignored it until Bai Ru shouted, "Be careful!"

At a glance, Gu Yi couldn't help frowning. At this time, he found that the wisp of resentment that had been coming in from the iron fence gate was not dispersed by the gossip array. Many of them had been staying in mid-air. Gradually, by this time, they had gathered into a large mass of fog and floated in the air not far away from them. In the middle, it seems to carefully avoid the maximum range of the shield issued by the gossip array, as if someone is secretly controlling it.

Bai Ru pulled out a few charms and was about to leave the guard array to help Gu Yi. Unexpectedly, Gu Yi turned around and said to her, "Don't come out. We are secretly monitored. If we both appear, it is likely to be caught. No matter what they are, they are waiting for us to leave the guard together."

Bai Ru bit her lips gently, and her face became quite ugly. Gu Yi smiled relaxedly and said, "Don't worry, I can handle it." As he spoke, he dodged the five fingers scratched by Principal Hao, and the strong wind with his sharp nails brushed his cheek, giving people the feeling that his hand had turned into the claws of a beast.

After the blow was not hit, President Hao shook his body and stepped back two steps, and his teeth were grinding with a "cluck" sound. Gu Yi didn't quite understand what he was going to do, so he simply stabbed his throat with a magic stick.

But at this moment, the fog that was originally floating and still in mid-air suddenly moved, and the rolling fog suddenly formed a vortex, making a "woo" sound from top to bottom.

Gu Yi didn't want to have direct contact with the resentment fog, so he had to withdraw the magic wand in his hand and retreated with his toes. Unexpectedly, after the resentment fog fell into the air, he did not seem to plan to let go of Gu Yi. A tangible whirlwind formed on the ground, spinning and blowing away Gu Yi. The speed was quite fast. Even if there was still some distance away from Gu Yi, he You can feel the faint pain on the edge of the whirlwind.

Not only is the whirlwind itself approaching him, but also a wisp of cyan air mass in the wind. At the moment of flying in front of Gu Yi, it suddenly transformed into different animal remnants and limbs, with heads, claws and tails, or biting or scratching or pumping, and several of them have even succeeded in scratching wounds on Gu Yi's face and hands.

Gu Yi used the magic wand to disperse the fog of various shapes. While he was slightly surprised, he was also glad that he did not choose to fight against the big fog outside the iron fence just now.

While constantly transforming the whirlwind of various animal shapes and winding up Gu Yi, Principal Hao was not idle. He did not rush to Gu Yi with the whirlwind, but turned his head and walked to Bai Ru in the gossip array.

In the blink of an eye, Principal Hao had reached the outer edge of the gossip protection array, and even had no time to respond to Gu Yi. Forced by the whirlwind formed by the fog, he could not return to Bai Ru's side in a short time.

Bai Ru, standing in the center of the guard, has no magic wand in her hand, but keeps the guard array continuously launched with the spells in the spell. But after all, the magic power is limited. The protective shield formed by the guard array can only protect the people in the array and cannot change the means of attack. President Hao obviously is full of resentment. He actually thought Resist the role of the shield with resentment, and then directly break the shield with its own power beyond ordinary people.

I have to say that this is the most stupid but the most effective method at present. Although Bai Ru has been trained in physical training, she has not really been exposed to martial arts. It is not a big problem to deal with invisible ghosts, but now it is a resentment and brute force, and it is also in the image of Principal Hao. Now, of course, looking at the resentment corpse, I basically can't find the appearance of Principal Hao.

After leaving the battle, Bai Ru still thought several times and finally chose to watch the change. In addition to use the charm to support the role of the gossip shield array, she occasionally threw a few fire charms at the resentment corpse. Unfortunately, she was either dodged by the resentment corpse or offset by the resentment surrounded by the body.

The resentment wrapped outside the resentment corpse is like a layer of armor, which protects the body of the resentment corpse - Principal Hao. I don't know if it was an illusion or the real resentment in his body. With the help of the electric light and the streamer of the shield, Bai Ru saw that Principal Hao's body had expanded several times before. His face was gray as if it was blocked by a layer of fog, but he could clearly see his two eyes, motionless, as if he could protrude his eyes at any time. The eyes looked gray, wrinkled and dry, and dull. At first glance, they were not the eyes of a living person, but Bai Ru felt that there were flashing resentful eyes.

He stood outside the shield, raised his hands high, like a clumsy bear, and patted the shield with all his strength. Every time he patted it, the shield flashed a spark-like light, which shocked Principal Hao to take a few steps back, and then stepped forward and raised his hand to pat again.

Bai Ru found that although Principal Hao's posture against the shield was like a standing bear, his movements were not slow at all. On the contrary, the interval between them became shorter and shorter. It seemed that soon the shield formed by the gossip shield had to be dismantled by him.

This is a small weakness that the magic power of the protection array is not enough. This shield is extremely effective against the spiritual body. Even if it can withstand the fog of resentment, unexpectedly, the other party will use a walking corpse and the outer armor formed by resentment to deal with the shield so effectively.

In contrast, Gu Yi was also successfully delayed by the whirlwind formed by resentment. Several times he tried to rush through the whirlwind in front of him failed, unless he rushed directly into the whirlwind, but it seemed a little risky.

Suddenly, Gu Yi shouted loudly, "Rain rubber shoes don't conduct electricity, do they?"

Bai Ru was stunned for a moment, and then understood Gu Yi's idea and couldn't help responding, "Do whatever you want. Electricity can cure a cold."

Gu Yi smiled and said, "I want some media."

Bai Ru took a look at the drainage ditch in the center, sighed gently, quickly found another charm, walked to the edge of the shield, tried to avoid the front facing Principal Hao, threw the charm into the drainage ditch outside the shield, and read at the same time, "Five elements of edict, water god borrow the law, get up."

In a moment, the stinky water in the drainage ditch surged, and a wave rose from the ditch and poured directly on the cement pavement on both sides of the sewer. Suddenly, there was a large area of water on the performance. Bai Ru threw out two charms. In a short time, the smelly water was everywhere, all the way to the whirlwind and was involved in the wind. So much so that he began to shoot raindrops from the wind. Soon, Gu Yi's whole body hit a lot of tricks.

At this time, of course, Gu Yi could not take care of his body being attacked by stinky water. The handprints that had just been pinched were pressed on the magic wand. With the stick engraved with a charm as a medium, the enhanced version of the Tianlei rune suddenly came out.

For a while, with Gu Yi as the center, countless blue electric lights suddenly appeared on the surface of the water, and the dazzling blue light snakes flew around, and the unique sound of electric sparks sounded in all directions.

The scene of silver snake dancing covered the whole sewer. The electric light not only lit up the surroundings, but even the strong electric light made Bai Ru unable to close her eyes and look directly.

For a long time, the huge "bang" sound gradually weakened until it disappeared, leaving only occasionally two arcs on the surface of the water, making a "sizzling" electric sound.

Bai Ru opened her eyes and quickly closed them. The bright spot left on the retina just now disappeared for a long time. She opened her eyes again and looked around and found that the surroundings returned to darkness again. Only the shield still emitted a faint yellow light, while Gu Yi stood in the distance in a water stain, with her hair blue. Smoke, holding sunglasses in his hand, his white face was blackened by electricity, as if he had plunged into a coal pile.

"It's so cool." Gu Yi spit and sighed.

The resentful cyclone has disappeared, while Gu Yi breathed his breath and rushed to President Hao with a magic wand. The lightning show just now did not affect President Hao's resentment. He was still smashing the gossip shield, and the shield kept flowing like water ripples. It seemed that it was possible at any time. It will be smashed away.

Gu Yi shook the magic wand in his hand and jumped up when he was approaching Principal Hao. The magic wand in mid-air pierced the back of Hao's neck. Unexpectedly, Principal Hao had been hitting the shield and could still find something different behind him. He turned around and raised his head to protect his head. Gu Yi was piercing his arm and did not plunge into the meat. Instead, Gu Yi felt a rebound, and his physical strength couldn't help but stagnate in the air and had to fall back to the ground.

With no choice, Gu Yi's feet landed on the ground and subconsciously raised his legs between President Hao's legs. In fact, he did this to prevent Principal Hao from taking this opportunity to jump on him, but the result was beyond his expectation. This foot firmly kicked between Principal Hao's lower abdomen and legs.

The resentment corpse is almost the same as that of zombies. Most of the body is as hard as iron, and it is basically useless to cut and smash it, but the resentment corpse is a little different. As long as you find the hidden body part that can cause the corpse to corpse, the possibility of dealing with it will be greatly enhanced, and that place is one of the weaknesses of the corpse resentment. .

However, this resentment can be hidden in any part of the body, and Gu Yi's foot feeling was obviously quite soft, that is to say, he found the location of the resentment that Principal Hao formed the corpse.

It's just that this part made Gu Yi feel a little cold, and his heart trembled instinctively, and he couldn't help grinning.

Principal Hao, who was hit by this foot, was really different. He shook his body twice, and there was a wailing in his mouth, just like the reaction of ordinary people being kicked in that part, and his legs staggered down and fell to the ground.

Gu Yi was surprised and happy. He smiled ferociously and rode directly on Principal Hao's back. He barely stabilized himself under his extremely large left and right shaking, pressing President Hao to prevent him from getting up.

However, his position of riding is not very good. He is a little too close to the upper body and can only suppress the twisted upper body of Principal Hao, but some of them can't reach the position of his weakness.

Gu Yi looked up helplessly and said to Bai Ru, "Come and do me a favor?"

Bai Ru asked uncertainly, "Where?"

Gu Yi raised his hand and threw the magic wand and said depressedly, "In the middle of his legs..."

Bai Ru jumped out of the protective array, reached out to catch the magic wand, and spit out a word in her mouth: "Damn it."