
Chapter 84 True and False 1

Xu Hui adjusted his mood and aimed his gun at the mirror.

He saw himself in the mirror and raised his gun, feeling as if two people were aiming at each other.

As soon as this idea came out, he couldn't help shaking Xu Hui's hand with a gun. He subconsciously turned off the flashlight and did not look at himself reflected in the mirror.

After the flashlight went out, the room fell into darkness again. Unexpectedly, there was a green light behind himself in the mirror, reflecting his face in the mirror into a miserable green.

Xu Hui was shocked and couldn't help pulling the trigger.

The mirror did not break in response. On the contrary, the bullets fired * sank into the mirror.

"Damn..." Xu Hui stared at the mirror with wide eyes and fired another shot in disbelief. Similarly, the bullet suddenly penetrated into the mirror.

He turned on the flashlight and circled around the mirror table twice. He looked back and forth, but couldn't find the bullet warhead that shot out.

Xu Hui covered his face and rubbed it hard, put down the flashlight, inserted the gun back into the holster, quickly walked to the chair that was not completely broken, reached out and picked it up, raised the chair and smashed it into the mirror.

The "slam" chair hit the mirror and fell to the ground. There was not even a crack in the mirror.

He gritted his teeth and picked it up and smashed it up continuously, and even smashed the whole mirror platform to its position. Even if the mirror is a steel plate, it may hit a hole, but now it's nothing wrong.

"Do...is this a mirror?" Xu Hui couldn't help shouting, throwing the chair aside, bending down with his hands on his knees and gasping.

For a while, he straightened up, grabbed the flashlight, and quickly walked to the corner of the door. In the depths of his heart, he wanted to stay as far away from the strange mirror platform as possible.

Running all the way to the corner, he leaned against the wall and sat on the ground, finally relieved.

The silence returned to the house, which was unusually quiet.

He didn't pay attention to this. He reached out and took out his mobile phone, but there was still no signal. He glanced at the time on the screen and couldn't help but be stunned. The time turned out to be zero.

This is impossible. Now it hasn't been long since they entered the building. Xu Hui smiled bitterly, but the mobile phone failed.

Just as I was about to put away the mobile phone, suddenly, the mobile phone screen flashed twice, and the screen saver and application icon suddenly disappeared. There was only one number left on the whole screen: 60. In a blink of an eye, 60 became fifty-nine.

Xu Hui's eyes were frightened, and he subconsciously counted silently. When he reached 60, the number on the screen became fifty-eight.

This is the countdown, and there are 58 minutes left.

Xu Hui couldn't help closing his eyes. He was unwilling to analyze what the countdown meant at all. No matter what it was, it was definitely not a good thing.

He wanted to throw his mobile phone out, but after thinking about it, he simply stuffed it back into his pocket.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, stared at the mirror platform hidden in the dark, and thought quickly in his mind: "Am I dreaming? An extremely realistic and clear nightmare?"

"Or, is this just an illusion?" Xu Hui slowly stood up.

Only this explanation is reasonable, otherwise how can the bullet not break a mirror?

Xu Hui looked at the window again. The window could be opened just now, and maybe the problem can be solved through it. If it's a nightmare, can you jump out of the window, even if you are scared, or you can wake up by yourself. Maybe the hallucination can also be removed in this way.

At this time, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The surroundings were too quiet and quite terrible. He tried to open his mouth and shout. Obviously, he felt that he had shouted, but he didn't hear it at all.

He couldn't help but be a little panicked. Is he deaf? He stamped hard on the floor twice, and his feet were shaken with pain, and he didn't hear a sound.

He rushed to the window, and it rained heavily outside the window, but he couldn't hear the rain.

Xu Hui hurriedly pushed open the window and looked out of the window. Unexpectedly, the window that had just opened silently patted him hard.

Fortunately, he noticed the corner of his eyes, hurriedly raised his arm to protect his head, and quickly withdrew, but it was still a step late, and the window hit his arms fiercely.

He couldn't help taking a cold breath. This shot had a lot of power. He couldn't help taking a few steps back and fell to the ground.

Xu Hui got up from the ground, shook his patted arm, and couldn't help inhaling cold air. He suddenly found that he could hear the sound again. The sound of his inhalation and the sound of wind and rain outside the window could be heard clearly.

rubbing his arms with each other, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at the window. When he was photographed just now, he saw that the glass on the window was cracked by him in a trance. Looking back now, the glass is still intact.

After so many strange things, he is no longer surprised, but he inevitably feels palpitated by this window. He has almost been injured twice because of this window.

For a while, his arm finally didn't hurt. He checked and found that it was not broken except for redness and swelling. Xu Hui was so aggrieved that he really wanted to scold the street. Finally, he chose to grab half of the chair and hit the window hard.

Generally, he kept grabbing what he could grab and throwing it into the window. The drawer of the desk was also pulled out by him and threw it out. The table was kicked aside by him. The two chairs and the broken rattan chair were basically smashed into pieces, and the Eight Immortals table was also pushed to the wall by him.

Finally, he had to face the mirror platform again. He did not lose his mind because of this venting impulse. He subconsciously avoided not looking at the mirror. He just pulled out the drawer under the mirror platform and was ready to throw it out.

Unexpectedly, he pulled out the bottom drawer and was about to throw it, only to find a small notebook stuck to the innermost side of the drawer.

This discovery couldn't help but make Xu Hui curious and quickly calm down. He put down the drawer and reached out to remove the small book.

The cover of the small book is plastic, which is likely to be hot and sticky, but I don't know why it fell behind, and it happened to stick to the inside of the drawer.

This small book is not big, about a slap width and a half palm length. Xu Hui threw the drawer aside, ran to the wall where he was sitting, picked up the flashlight on the ground, and looked at the small book carefully.

The original pattern printed on the plastic cover has almost faded. It can barely be seen that two children with red scarves are fling kites. It seems that this little book has been around for some years.

Xu Hui simply sat back on the ground, put the flashlight beside him, and opened the notebook with the electric light.

There is handwriting on the first page of the book, but I don't know why the handwriting has been blurred into a piece of ink marks, and the original handwriting does not seem to be large, so even if Xu Hui is very close, he can't tell what he wrote at the beginning.

Helplessly, he had to continue to turn back. He never thought that the whole book had been turned over, and there was not even a word behind it. Xu Hui was so angry that he raised his hand and was about to throw away the small book.

In an instant, he calmed down again. Anyway, this is actually a clue.

Xu Hui was about to stuff Xiao Ben into his pocket when he heard a sound of something rubbing against the ground, and a dark object sliding on the floor and rushing towards him.