
Chapter 130 Last Words 3

I was stunned. There was only Wu Qian in the ward, and two figures were reflected on the glass. Am I dazzled?

I turned my almost stiff neck and took a closer look at the ward. The disease** was still just Wu Qian sitting there.

"Did you... see...?" I stammered.

"What?" The monkey and Dr. Wang looked at me strangely and asked.

No way, am I the only one who has seen the situation inside?

I turned my head and looked at the situation reflected on the glass. I was probably psychologically prepared. I was not scared by what I saw, but I was still extremely frightened. After all, I had never seen it before.

I saw that behind Wu Qian, a woman with a shawl hair suddenly lay on his shoulder, leaning out half of her face from behind his head. Between her long black hair, she could see her pale face and blue lips. Her hand passed through Wu Qian's armpit and hopped her chest. At this moment, she was opening her mouth slowly. Slowly biting Wu Qian's shoulder.

At the same time, I saw Wu Qian's face in the ward showing a painful look. He put his arms around his shoulders, and his whole body seemed to shrink into a ball. Did he feel the pain on his shoulders?

That woman is definitely not a human, but a ghost! The nerves of my whole body were almost tight, and I subconsciously stepped back and wanted to remove my eyes from the glass, but somehow, my head couldn't turn around, and I couldn't even stagger my eyes.

As if sensing my existence, on the glass, the female ghost suddenly loosened her mouth and stared at me. Then, she actually opened her mouth to me, as if she was going to swallow me. The size of the grinning mouth had occupied her whole face, with blue-black lips, blood-stained teeth and potholes. With a low tongue, I saw a female ghost with only one mouth...

Monkey and Dr. Wang noticed my strangeness and came over and asked, "What's the matter?"

I cried and was about to explain to them when I saw Wu Qian, who had been silent, suddenly turn his head and look at us. His eyes were equally vicious, as if he had seen his enemies for many years.

Then, he straightened up and jumped up from the edge of the bed. "Suddenly" rushed straight to us and ran all the way to the door without stopping, watching him hit the door.


Because of the huge collision in the door, no one imagined that his already thin body with only a bone shelf could have such a strong explosive power, and the door of the ward was hit and trembled violently.

"What happened? What happened to the patient? Nurse..." Dr. Wang deserved to have a doctor's reaction. The first thought was to call a nurse. He rushed to the door and squeezed me away. Suddenly, he saw Wu Qian constantly hitting the door of the ward with his body. There was a series of "bang... bang..." outside the door, but I could hear that the sound was also mixed with a kind of "squeak" The sound of "squeak" sounded like a friction sound, but I didn't know whether it was the door or the bone joints on Wu Qian's body. The sound was even extremely harsh and made people feel tight.

"Where's the nurse?" Dr. Wang put his body against the door and turned his head and shouted around.

not far away, several male nurses with big arms and round waist rushed over.

"It's useless..." I don't know why such a sentence came out softly. Through the refraction on the glass window, I could see the female ghost's figure bumping into the door of the ward with Wu Qian in her arms, and with each impact, I felt that the expression on the female ghost's face became more and more ferocious, especially one eye exposed in her hair, which became more and more Now blood red, Wu Qian's face also became like a beast smelling blood, grinning and roaring from his throat.

At this time, two nurses had also arrived and prepared to rush in with Dr. Wang to restrain Wu Qian.

I looked at the monkey and saw him looking at the door nervously. It seemed that he was just confused by what was happening in front of him. Didn't he see the ghost on the glass like me?

I grabbed him and motioned him to look at the glass window on the door.

Looking at this, the monkey was also shocked. Only then did she understand my expression just now. This time, we both stood not far from the door as if they had been fixed, staring at Wu Qian in the door stupidly.

Dr. Wang and the two nurses were preparing to push the door, but the lock was opened and the door could not be opened at all. We saw that Wu Qian stopped hitting the door and stood quietly in front of the door, as if his hand was against the door. Through the glass, I saw him and the female ghost behind him, showing a creepy smile almost at the same time.

Then, his left hand suddenly pressed against the glass window and pointed his finger on the glass, pointing directly towards me and the monkey.

"Push it away..." At this time, Dr. Wang suddenly shouted, and the door of the ward was finally pushed open with the strength of him and the two nurses.

I really want to stop him. After all, the situation inside is too terrible, but Dr. Wang has squeezed through the crack of the door with the responsibility of the doctor.

However, just as he squeezed into the small half of his body, Wu Qian in the door of the ward suddenly exerted his strength and squeezed Dr. Wang out of motion.

"Ah..." The physical pain made Dr. Wang couldn't help shouting.

The two male nurses at the door were shocked and at a loss for a moment. They wanted to pull Dr. Wang out as soon as possible, but the door was too tight to pull his body at all.

At this moment, we saw Wu Qian reach out and grab Dr. Wang's left arm through the crack of the door. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and bit his hand hard.

We clearly heard the chewing sound of "crunch...crunch..." Wu Qian was not only biting Dr. Wang's left hand, but eating, as if he was nibbling a pig's trotter. The expression on his face was clearly happy, as if Dr. Wang's hand was the most delicious food, and his mouth kept flowing fresh. Blood, mixed with the blood of Dr. Wang's hands, in the blink of an eye, I saw that Dr. Wang's fingertips had exposed the bloody finger bones, and in his mouth, the bitten skin and flesh kept tearing and chewing between his teeth.

Son of a sudden, there was a heartbreaking scream in the corridor and the sound of grinding and chewing teeth and finger bones.


The sore sound even covered Dr. Wang's scream and sounded directly in my mind.

All this happened too quickly. After several nurses came over, everyone forced the door of the ward. The crack of the door became bigger and bigger, and some people pulled Dr. Wang out, but the two of them were not as strong as Wu Qian, who was alone and grabbed Dr. Wang's hand. While nibbling, he pulled it in. In a short time, he really pulled Dr. Wang in, and the two nurses holding Dr. Wang were also dragged in.

In desperation, everyone simply opened the door and rushed into the ward. Unexpectedly, Wu Qian held Dr. Wang's bloody hand in one hand and suddenly grabbed the face of a male nurse closest to him with the other hand, with an indescribable smile on the corners of his bloody mouth.