
Chapter 140 Last Words 13

Before we discussed a solution, Uncle Ye had another accident. It had nothing to do with the ghost. He was sick and serious.

It turns out that even if there is a relith, it can't protect a person from getting sick.

Uncle Ye's illness was very serious, and suddenly his heart was severe. I rushed to the hospital, but a month later, he still died.

The only thing he told me before his death was to quickly hand over the relic to his son Ye Wenmo.

When I sent Uncle Ye away, I was extremely frustrated and almost fell to a low point, even despair.

According to the trend of things, after Uncle Ye's death, it is likely that it will be Ye Mowen's turn. Now, I not only don't know where Ye Mowen is, but I can't even know how the monkey is doing.

Now that I think about it, I really hope that mobile phones can be popularized at that time, but unfortunately, that's impossible.

The temple in the mountain was empty. I closed the temple door and looked back. I felt very uncomfortable.

After returning to the town, I couldn't find my future goals at all, and I still didn't find any news from the monkey or Ye Wenmo in the post office. I stayed in town for a while, during which I simply worked at home for small meals. Anyway, it was just right to get food and accommodation.

Finally, one day, I made an extremely selfish decision, and I planned to go home and stay away from all these things.

I know that this decision is not only selfish, but even cruel. I left the monkey and Ye Wenmo alone, or I should try to find a way to go abroad, but I can't change my mind. Deep in my heart, I am eager to forget all this and go home and live a good life.

I'm tired, really physically and mentally exhausted.

I went to the monkey's house, but fortunately I still have the key to his house. The room is empty. It seems that it has been uninhabited for a long time, and the monkey has never come back.

I was worried that if he went to my hometown, he would not find me, but then I thought that he was quite good at finding someone, and his family also knew our address, and my father kept in touch with Uncle Guang. After all, without him, my family had already had something to do.

I keep comforting myself with these words and making excuses for my decision to go home and live my life.

Sometimes self-hypnosis may really work, because I have the relith that Uncle Ye gave me, and my life after that is quite smooth for me. When I got home, my father was also very happy and didn't even ask me about what was outside. I just told him selectively, which had made him feel scared and kept saying to me, "Just come back, just come back..."

I was simply going to find a job, but my education was limited. I had to do some heavy work such as porters on the construction site, until I found a restaurant waiter and settled down.

At first, I went to the monkey's house every now and then, but it was still an empty house. I was afraid that my appearance would attract the attention of his neighbors, and I carefully chose some working hours or in the middle of the night.

Gradually, I became numb. I not only accepted my life, but also almost forgot my original experience. I felt that it was good not to see it with the reli.

But I think God is destined not to let me live my life safely, otherwise I would not have written these things.

When did my father leave? Last year or the year before last, I can't remember the specific time.

When I came home alone after finishing everything, I felt empty in my heart. I didn't cry before, but looking at the empty home, I suddenly couldn't help crying.

After staying at home for a day and a night, I suddenly felt like I really wanted to go out for a walk. I walked out of the house aimlessly, walked slowly on the street, and walked all the way. When I came to my senses, I found that I had arrived downstairs of the monkey's house.

It seems that it was hot and in the evening, I saw several old people sitting by the flower bed downstairs to enjoy the cool.

"...I must ask my boy to find a house for me to move..." The voice of an old man came to my ears.

I didn't care, but stared at his building in a daze, hesitating whether to take a look at it now.

But the words of another old man caught my attention.

"What's the matter, can you still hear a strange sound next door?" The old man subconsciously lowered his voice.

"No, I heard a 'woo' sound in the middle of the night. The more I heard it, the more it looked like someone was crying. I slept lightly and I really couldn't stand it. I went to see it several times during the day, but there was no one in that house. There was no way to call the police for this kind of thing..." Before that, the old man's voice sounded.

"Hasn't it been ringing for a while?" Another old man joined the conversation.

The old man who caused the words also had some doubts: "Yes, it always disappears every once in a while. I remember that I didn't hear it for a few days a month ago. After the sound disappeared, I thought it was okay. Unexpectedly, it would ring again. Who can stand it? Otherwise, I don't want to move. What's more strange is that except me, okay. No one else has heard of it..."

At this time, they seemed to notice that I had been standing on one side without saying anything, so they stopped talking and looked at me curiously.

I felt that there was something wrong with it, but looking at the old man's eyes, he seemed to be very alert to me, a stranger. After thinking about it, I still didn't plan to ask, but turned around and left the monkey's house.

The old man's words made me make some guesses. The first thing that came to my mind was the monkey's house, because I vaguely remembered that when I lived with the monkey, I saw the old man come out of the next door.

Secondly, a month ago, he said that it was the last time I came to check his house. Although I don't know when the old man began to hear a strange sound like crying, I couldn't help but have an idea that the monkey may have come back, or the ghost of the monkey.

All the previous experiences flashed out of my mind, and later I wondered why I directly believed that the ghost of the monkey came back.

I was shocked by this idea. To be honest, I really don't want to think so, because if that's the case, it means that the monkey is dead.

I didn't leave, but paid attention to the downstairs of the monkey's house from afar, and waited until a few old people who were waiting for the cool to disperse one after another. I carefully returned there and saw that no one around me could notice me, so I gently came to the door of the monkey's house.

Opening the door of his house, I walked in and hesitated for a moment, but still didn't turn on the light. The moonlight came in from outside the window and lit up the house. Moreover, after living in his house for a long time, I was familiar with the layout of his house. If I turned on the light, I was afraid it would attract the attention of my neighbors.

I don't know what would happen if I really saw the monkey, whether he would hurt me like those ghosts, or if he would be angry because I didn't go to him, or if he didn't know me at all.

Will the ghost have ideas... A lot of ideas can't help flashing from my mind. I sat down to ** and couldn't help thinking about it.

Time slowly approached midnight, and the complicated ideas were still lingering. Suddenly, I thought of something.

"It's broken..." I couldn't help exclaiming.