
Chapter 154 Get in the way

Outside the master bedroom, Fengping had found that the bedroom door was closed. He stared at the door with a cold face for a while. At this time, he had minimized the yang pressure emitted from his body. If he acted recklessly, he was likely to be unable to control the amount of yang emanating.

He knew that Feifan was protected by bone rosary beads on his body. Generally speaking, he would be scared at most, and the real injury was unlikely to be encountered. Of course, anything would happen.

As soon as Feng Ping wanted to get up slowly, a cool breeze suddenly blew from somewhere in the hall. He couldn't help but suffocate and stabilized his body to find the direction of the wind blowing.

Gradually, the whimper-like sound came to my ears, as if it was from the window into the house, and it seemed to be in every corner of the house.

And on the sofa in the center of the living room, the layer of gray that was originally evenly spread was gently blown up by the invisible breeze, like waves of water.

The wind slowly sat back on the chair. He didn't want to give up all his previous achievements. He looked at the bedroom door and couldn't help sighing in his heart, hoping that the extraordinary and auspicious people would have their own nature.

At this time, he was looking around with a pale face. He was not sure where the erratic sound came from, but he had to admit that the sentence that had just suddenly sounded was indeed a little shocking.

His eyes returned to the bathtub not far away, and the pupils in his eyes couldn't help shrinking.

Just now he noticed that it was an extremely decomposed corpse, and almost all the muscles of the body had been dispersed by water. The white muscle tissue floated on the only black water surface. Some of them have been separated from the skeleton, and some are still attached to the bones, but it seems that the flesh and bones will be separated at any time.

As for the head of the corpse, he could no longer see it at all. The two eyes fell out of his eyes and fell outside, probably because they had been soaked in water for too long and expanded more than normal. Now, he can see that the two eyes are turning, but no matter how they shake, he still stare at them. Myself.

He has seen many corpses, all kinds of them, but he has never seen such a thing in front of him. He can clearly feel that this is a corpse full of endless hatred.

If this is just a rotten corpse nestled in the bathtub and half soaked in water, it will not make a fuss, but if he sees it moving slowly, he can't help taking a step back.

He saw that the hand on the right side of the body, which was rotten with almost bones, was slowly climbing up the wall of the tank and resting on the edge of the bathtub. Then, the arm on the other side slowly approached the edge of the bathtub, which seemed to be ready to support both sides.

Wang Feifan suddenly realized that this was the appearance and should be the second homeowner.

He retreated step by step, slowly approached the bathroom door, and opened the bathroom door anyway.

The distance from the bathtub was a little farther away. He turned around and rushed to the door and reached out to hold the door handle. Unexpectedly, his hand slipped and he didn't use any strength at all.

After several attempts, he couldn't hold the door handle. Moreover, he was more nervous. Suddenly, he realized that it was very similar to a situation when someone had applied something similar to lubricating oil on the door handle.

Thinking of this, he quickly pulled the towel, wrapped the towel and wiped it, and then twisted it.

"Cock" sound.

The door lock rang softly and pulled slightly, and the door was opened.

And there was a sudden harsh sound behind him, which refers to the sound of the bone scraping the wall of the bathtub. It was as sharp as an invisible hand, grasping his heart and pinching it, and as if scraping the bone with a blade through the skin. The indescribable pain made the extraordinary couldn't help but loosen his grip. The hand of the door handle covered his ears, but it had no effect. The sound still penetrated into his ears, and he couldn't help closing his eyes and shouting.

Inadvertently, the hand covering the ears pressed against the face, and the rosary beads on the wrist touched the skin. A cool feeling poured into the body through the skin, and soon filled the whole body, even the brain.

What's more, he couldn't help shaking his whole body, and his mind immediately woke up, and the sharp and terrible voice seemed to be no longer as harsh.

Only then did he find that he had half knelt on the ground and almost curled up into a ball. The sound turned out to be so horrible that he could not control his behavior.

He found himself in a cold sweat and couldn't help taking a long breath.

But immediately, his body stiffened again. Through the opening of the door, he suddenly saw a pair of plush slippers and a pair of pale blue thighs floating on the ground not far away.

He couldn't help looking up and was frustled again.

Where you can see, a figure stood upright, and a fat red T-shirt covered his body, covering most of his body. If you look closely, you can find that the red on the T-shirt is completely stained with blood.

The figure's hands are behind her back, and it seems that she should be a woman, but in the field of vision, except for the pale and bloodless skin, she can't see her face. To be precise, there is no head on her shoulders.

The extraordinary body subconsciously shrank back and knelt on its calf.

Outside the door, the erratic sound sounded again.

"You...is...looking for...this..."

The headless woman's hand behind her slowly stretched out.

With a long hair in his hand, at the end of his long hair, a blood-stained head hung in the air, shaking slightly and slowly turning around in the air.

There is a little left of broken neck dripping to the ground. Whenever his head rushes to the extraordinary situation, he can see his face covered by blood, and his mouth is grinning to both sides, as if smiling.

The visual impact brought by this sudden scene was quite huge, and it almost screamed out. At this time, a more frightening thing appeared again. There was a "clucky" footsteps behind him. He peeked at it sideways. A pair of feet with only a little skin and flesh were stepping on the bathroom floor, bones and The sound of anti-skid tiles is like knocking on the heart.

Finally, after several extraordinary circumstances, I swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva and forced myself to calm down.

He kept looked at the distance outside the door and estimated that he stood up, regardless of whether his posture was elegant or not, he used his limbs with great face, rolling and crawling out of the bathroom door.

The female corpse with her head seemed to notice the extraordinary move. In the blink of an eye, she floated from the same place to the door of the bathroom. In the extraordinary, she did not rush out. After going out, she climbed along the outer wall of the bathroom to the bedroom door.


A gust of wind swept behind him, and a round football-like object flew behind him, wiped his back and fell on the carpet not far ahead.

That was her head. Whether it was a coincidence or intentional, she fell to the ground and met him face to face.

The long hair is loose, almost covering a bloody face, and big eyes appear between the hair. The cloudy eyeballs seem to be unwilling and fierce, and the extraordinary eyes are full of eyes.

A few wisps of long hair fell into her open mouth, and her black hair was mixed with red blood clots. What made her back numb was that her head was slowly chewing what was in her mouth, and the blood clots squirmed in her mouth and flowing out along the corners of her mouth.

Her face seemed to have a satisfied smile, as if she was eating delicious food.

At this time, he found that the human head was right between him and the bedroom door.