
Chapter 162 No Money

Fengtian carefully took out a flat square wooden box from the mezzanine in front of the bag, opened the lid and took out the contents.

Wang Feifan was quite surprised to see that what Fengtian took out was actually a compass. This is the first time I have seen the legendary " magic weapon" of the compass. I couldn't help but be a little curious, but as soon as I saw that the round plate was full of words, I immediately gave up the knowledge of discussing the use of the compass with Fengtian.

It is said that the compass has existed since the era of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor. Since then, it has been passed through the great sages of successive generations. According to the principle of the Book of Changes and Heluo, with reference to the principle of the operation of the sun, moon, five stars and seven states and celestial stars, and then explore the undulating patterns of mountains, rivers and plains on the earth, and revised and improved them to determine the orientation and Surveying the terrain is inseparable from the Cairo.

Generally, local masters and seafarers need a compass, which is also called Luo Geng, but most of the feng shui masters call it Luo Jing, which is said to be inclusive and the meaning of the meridian world.

What's more, Feifan listened to the endless talk about the history of the compass, which was quite showy. He couldn't help interrupting his words and said, "You'd better use it in practice. We won't learn theoretical knowledge."

Feng Tian looked at the extraordinary situation with dissatisfaction. He finally took out a tool, but it was not valued by others, which made him feel very unhappy.

However, he also knew that the business was important. At this time, it was not the time to explain the number of feng shui, so he shrugged his shoulders and began to turn around the room with the compass flat behind him, staring at the pointer on the compass as he walked.

Of course, the pointer on it will never be the same as the function of the compass. While he wandered around the room, he also followed him boredly, while Kou Yue sat in the bedroom**, holding Xiao Hei and staring at them curiously. Whenever Feng Tian stopped slightly and stared at the compass, she Then he couldn't help asking carefully, "How's it going?" Master Feng?"

Obviously, Feng Tian, who took out the compass, has been upgraded to a "master" in her mind.

When Fengtian stared at the compass, he couldn't help but look at it curiously, but because he didn't understand the meaning of the compass, he didn't see anything. Until Fengtian walked to the corner of the computer table in the bedroom with the compass, he noticed that Fengtian's body shook slightly.

"Is there a problem?" This time, the extraordinary situation still asked the questions I had always wanted to ask.

Fengtian motioned him to look at the compass and said, "Look at the upper pointer, is the tip of the needle sinking?"

Wang Feifan looked carefully and nodded.

Hearing Feng Tian's words, Kou Yue also stood up curiously from ** and tilted her head to look at the compass. Unexpectedly, at this time, the little black in her arms twisted like an uncomfortable body, and there was a whining sound in her throat from time to time, as if she didn't like to get close to the corner.

Fengtian turned his head and said to Kou Yue, "Put down Xiaohei."

Sure enough, Xiaohei was put on the ground and ran around the bedroom, but he was not close to the corner where they were standing.

Kou Yue couldn't help asking in surprise, "Why is this?"

Feng Tian looked at the compass and explained: "The finger on the compass is quite sensitive to the change of the aura field in the surrounding environment. According to the most basic 'eight methods of needles', the tip of the needle sinks, indicating that there is yin yin qi intervention. Although it is not evil, it is mild and may cause harm to people. ."


Kou Yue couldn't help but cover her mouth and exclaim.

asked doubtfully, "Do you mean there is something wrong with this house?"

Fengtian hadn't answered, but Kou Yue said first without understanding, "No way. It's been fine since I moved in. This kind of strange thing has only happened recently."

Wang Feifan realized that he had asked a little imperably and couldn't help smiling with some embarrassment.

Fengtian waved his hand: "There is no problem at the beginning, it doesn't mean there is no problem now."

After saying that, he put the compass on the computer table, raised his finger outside the window, and motioned them to look together. Outside the window was the new building under construction behind the building.

"Look, the distance between the newly built buildings is getting smaller and smaller, almost to the point of inserting needles, which is easy to cause the phenomenon of hindering the road." Feng Tian said faintly.

"The dark road?" Kou Yue was shocked by this term.

Moreover, Feifan understood the meaning of the word and hesitated for a moment and felt that there was no need to explain it too clearly to Kou Yue.

Fengtian did not explain, but pointed to a string of wind chimes hanging in front of the window and said, "I see wind bells hanging in front of all the windows in your house, right?"

Kou Yue nodded.

"Take it all off. It's better not to hang this thing in front of the window, and it's better not to hang it at the door and balcony."

"Ah...why?" Kou Yue didn't understand why he said so.

"Although the sound of the wind chime is beautiful, its sound is easy to attract the attention of something hanging in such a place." Fengtian tries to avoid some "**" words.

"Uh..." Moreover, Feifan expressed helplessness for his unclear words.

"So... where can I hang up?" Kou Yue found it a pity.

Fengtian knew that she was reluctant to give up. He thought for a moment and said, "Let's hang it in the middle of the room, and the middle of the living room. Just stay away from the window at the door, but don't hang it these days, okay?"

Kou Yue had to nod and agree.

"Is that all?" What's more, Feifan asked.

Fengtian shook his head: "Of course not, this is just the beginning. Since the dog has barked badly in the past two days, it means that the thing has entered the house, so there is still something to be done.

He pointed to the corner and said, "Go to buy some pots of plants, maybe buy iron trees. The four corners of the house are placed. Your bedroom is sunny in the west and the sun is weak, so it should be changed appropriately."

With that, he came up with several things from his bag. Moreover, Feifan looked at several iron nails wrapped around the red rope.

Fengtian borrowed a hammer from Kou Yue, first nailed a nail in the four corners of the bedroom, and then told Kuo Feifan to nail one in all the four corners of the house.

Moreover, he took the nail and hammer helplessly and said that he was really the one who worked for him.

However, it was obvious that Fengtian had not finished yet. He took out a small round mirror, facing out, hung it on the window, sprinkled a straight line with incense ash on the window sill, and gave Kou Yue a bag of incense ash, saying, "This incense ash line is guaranteed not to break for three days. You can make up for it if you see is missing."

"Is this the only window sill?" Kou Yue asked obviously uneasily.

Fengtian gave a "um" and said, "Other places should use different methods."

Next, together with Fengtian and Fengtian tossed around in Kou Yue's house. First, they moved the position of the bed in the bedroom, and then the angle of the sofa in the living room. They hung a red rope on the balcony and sprinkled water with fragrant ash at the gate.

After the upside down, Fengtian clapped his hands and said to Kou Yue, "It's done. Now you can rest assured that the problem is basically solved. In the future, you will remember to buy flowers and set them together. This doesn't have to be completed today."

"Thank you, thank you." Kou Yue saw that the two were sweating and couldn't help saying gratefully, "What, Master Feng, how much does it cost?"

Moreover, it is estimated that Kou Yue can live in such a big room, which must belong to the category of rich people. Feng Tian may open his mouth. Unexpectedly, Feng Tian just scratched his head: "It's okay. I didn't plan to accept the money."


What's more, I can't help but be shocked. Is it possible that this boy has any bad intentions when he sees that she is a beautiful woman?

When he was slandered, he heard Kou Yue say, "Of course not. How can you not charge money?"

With that, she was going to take out her wallet.

Fengtian hurriedly stopped and said, "I really don't need it, but..."

Wang Feifan smiled in his heart. Sure enough, there was a follow-up, and the wolf's tail was exposed.

He heard Feng Tian say, "However, there is a small thing that really needs to bother you. To be precise, I want to ask you something."

"What?" Kou Yue couldn't help asking strangely.

"I want to ask you for Xiaohei's blood." The wind and sky whispered.

"What?" This time, Kou Yue's voice was obviously improved, and his tone sounded extremely bad.

As soon as Fengtian's words came out, he couldn't help but move, and he immediately understood Fengtian's intention.

Is the little black blood black blood?

Seeing that Kou Yue's face darkened, Feng Tian hurriedly explained, "I just need a little, not too much."

Kou Yue's face was still ugly, and she was very busy whispering in Fengtian's ear, "Little Black's life."

He estimated that Fengtian would not kill dogs to take blood.

Sure enough, after his reminder, Feng Tian suddenly realized and hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Xiaohei will be fine. I just need to prick a needle in its front paw, and then take a small bottle."

As he said, he remembered something again. He quickly brought over the lunch box with ribs at the door and said, "This is for Xiaohei. I promise that it won't even feel pain, and the blood will be taken."

Kou Yue's face eased a little, but her expression still seemed a little embarrassed, mixed with an unbearable look.

Finally, Fengtian was still not busy this afternoon. Finally, after hesitating for a long time, Kou Yue reluctantly agreed to Master Feng's request.

But she still couldn't bear it and ran to the living room alone with red eyes. There was only wind, extraordinary and small darkness left in the bedroom.

Obviously, Fengtian tamped with the box of ribs. Moreover, he saw Xiaohei shaking his head, staggering around the house twice after nibbling two ribs, and then lying on the ground.

Fengtian seemed to have been prepared for a long time. He took out a small bag from the bag and opened it. The bag contained knives, scissors and syringes were all available.

For good, Fengtian did not plan to use a knife, but chose a syringe and easily drew two tubes of blood after disinfection.

"Look, I'm still humane. Blood is anesthetized first." The wind and sky draw blood while asking about the extraordinary situation.

"You made it clear to Kou Yue. After such a long time, you were scared to death." What's more, Feifan curled his lips.

Feng Tian smiled and said, "I won't charge any more. Thank you for scaring her."

"What kind of mentality." Moreover, Feifan made a gesture of contempt.

What's more annoying is that after drawing blood, Feng Tian also took out a roll of gauze and wrapped it around Xiaohei's legs twice. Then he packed up his things with a smile and walked out of the bedroom with Xiaohei and Kuai Feifan.

Before leaving, Kou Yue's eyes were still red.

Fengtian said to her solemnly, "Xiaohei is a very spiritual dog. Treat it well. If it hadn't been for it, you would have been in trouble. It was it that protected you."

"Then you still take its blood." Kou Yue's voice was full of crying.

Feng Tian smiled and said, "In order to help others, I have no choice but to do it. Don't worry, there is no damage to it."

Leaving Kou Yue's house and taking the elevator downstairs, Kuang Fei looked at the whole community, reached out and pulled Fengtian and said, "Are you enough?"